Iraq War Vet: Bradley Manning is a hero of mine.

Apr 17, 2011
Army Specialist Ethan McCord, who served in Bravo Company 2-16, the ground troops involved in the "Collateral Murder" video released by Wikileaks in April of last year and allegedly leaked by Manning (McCord can be seen in the video carrying the wounded children from the bullet riddled van). Just consider what Spc. McCord says about Manning ("a hero of mine"), the media coverage of these leaks, and what all of this reveals about American wars and how we're propagandized about them:


If PFC Bradley Manning did what he is accused of doing, then it is clear -- from chat logs that have been attributed to him -- that his decision was motivated by conscience and political agency. These chat logs allegedly describe how PFC Manning hopes these revelations will result in "worldwide discussion, debates, and reforms."


If PFC Bradley Manning did what he is accused of, he is a hero of mine; not because he's perfect or because he never struggled with personal or family relationships -- most of us do -- but because in the midst of it all he had the courage to act on his conscience.

Iraq War veteran on Manning, the media and the military - Glenn Greenwald -
Really? What if the expose on the Banking and Wall Street expose comes out in the open for everyone to see? Then will he be a hero?

I somehow doubt it. He would go from hero to Communist in 2 seconds flat.

BTW... I find it amusing that the expose that Assange promised on those entities never came out. Also funny how he was arrested for sexual assault at approximately the same time as the said expose was supposed to be released. Coincidence? I think not.

It makes me wonder about another high profile arrest recently... the IMF guy... his name escapes me at the moment. You'd think an old rich geezer like him would have been caught in his sexual improprieties a long time ago. What does he know? What may they be trying to stifle?

Not saying it's so... just makes me wonder.

I trust Big Business and Wall Street about as much as a Shiite trust government.
Really? What if the expose on the Banking and Wall Street expose comes out in the open for everyone to see? Then will he be a hero?

I somehow doubt it. He would go from hero to Communist in 2 seconds flat.

I see Point A.
I see Point B.

I don't see a connection.
Please rephrase that so I can explain. What is point A&B?

Point A: Manning blowing the whistle on the absurdities of our wars.

Point B: "What if the expose on the Banking and Wall Street expose comes out in the open for everyone to see? Then will he be a hero?

I somehow doubt it. He would go from hero to Communist in 2 seconds flat."

I don't see the connection. In fact, many people do not view Manning as a hero, but a traitor. They believe that transparency is a violation of patriotism. Only a minority of believe that Manning is hero who acted rightfully on his conscience.
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