Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

it survives more than 100 years?

Wood decomposes in 100 years and becomes SOIL. Dinosaurs decomposed and became soil....

SOIL can get buried quickly in a forest or swamp etc.

Bury soil for millions of years under extreme pressure and you get hydrocarbons like oil, natural gas, shale, and coal.
Science has laws. All land on Earth within 600 miles of a pole is in ice age. You cannot refute that.

North America was in that range for 30-50 million years.

Chicago wasn't within 600 miles of the pole for 30-50 million years.
It didn't suddenly move away 20,000 years ago to melt 30 million years of ice.
You sound like an idiot. Are you an idiot or is it just the Jews making you look like an idiot?
Chicago wasn't within 600 miles of the pole for 30-50 million years.

Ice Ages push glaciers out of a polar circle, as they do today on Greenland and Antarctica. The ice age you and McBullshit claim was 75k years in duration originated in Northern Canada, which was within 600 miles of the pole, and Ellesmere "Island," which was not an island 50 million years ago, still is...

It didn't suddenly move away 20,000 years ago to melt 30 million years of ice.

It sure didn't. The ice on Chicago was there for 30-50 million years, which is why you cannot document any life on Chicago for that time period...

And the 5+ million cubic miles of ice from North American Ice Age took more than a million years to melt...

The North American Ice Age is actually still alive on Ellesmere. What shut off the ice age glacier flow down to Chicago and beyond was when the ice surrounding Ellesmere became water. That was between 1 and 5 million years ago, likely caused by Arctic Ocean undersea volcanoes.
Ice Ages push glaciers out of a polar circle, as they do today on Greenland and Antarctica. The ice age you and McBullshit claim was 75k years in duration originated in Northern Canada, which was within 600 miles of the pole, and Ellesmere "Island," which was not an island 50 million years ago, still is...

Cool story, bro.
Did it suddenly become an island 20,000 years ago?
Ice Ages push glaciers out of a polar circle, as they do today on Greenland and Antarctica. The ice age you and McBullshit claim was 75k years in duration originated in Northern Canada, which was within 600 miles of the pole, and Ellesmere "Island," which was not an island 50 million years ago, still is...

It sure didn't. The ice on Chicago was there for 30-50 million years, which is why you cannot document any life on Chicago for that time period...

And the 5+ million cubic miles of ice from North American Ice Age took more than a million years to melt...

The North American Ice Age is actually still alive on Ellesmere. What shut off the ice age glacier flow down to Chicago and beyond was when the ice surrounding Ellesmere became water. That was between 1 and 5 million years ago, likely caused by Arctic Ocean undersea volcanoes.

It sure didn't. The ice on Chicago was there for 30-50 million years, which is why you cannot document any life on Chicago for that time period...

Can you document 30-50 million years of ice?

And the 5+ million cubic miles of ice from North American Ice Age took more than a million years to melt...

It became an island 1 million years ago? Link?

What shut off the ice age glacier flow down to Chicago and beyond was when the ice surrounding Ellesmere became water.

Ice didn't travel across any water 30-50 million years ago? Link?
Cool story, bro.
Did it suddenly become an island 20,000 years ago?

Ice ages actually dig out the land they occupy....

Antarctica is mostly under sea level now, it wasn't 80 million years ago...

Here’s What Antarctica Looks Like Under All The Ice | Smart News ...

Greenland is new but is hard at it already...

2011 Nares Strait Animation - Arctic Sea Ice

One artist's guess on North America before North American Ice Age, obviously had not seen data on Greenland...


And what Northern Canada looks like after North American Ice Age...


The Politics eZine

Can you document 30-50 million years of ice?

You cannot cite one single example of LIFE in the area of North American Ice Age from 1 to 30 million years ago... why?

Your explanation = McBullshit = easily discredited Dennis Quaid fiction

The movement of the tectonic plate puts NA in ice age for the 30-50 million year period, and you have ZERO EVIDENCE to refute that...
You initially tried to claim coal IS wood.

Not even once, nitwit.

To argue the "wood" in coal is not decomposed is typical of where this has been going all along,

When wood decomposes, it's converted into carbon dioxide and water.
Kind of hard to claim that it then can become coal. But you're a moron, so........

He's illiterate. You're wasting your time.
Bury soil for millions of years under extreme pressure and you get hydrocarbons like oil, natural gas,
There is some debate about the origin of natural gas and oil.

Some now believe that the origins of this, are abiotic, and the result of very large celestial bodies.

This is why some believe, there are seas of methane on Titan. Surely Titan never had organic life, yes?

Titan’s surface organics surpass oil reserves on Earth​

Synthesis of hydrocarbons under upper mantle
conditions: Evidence for the theory of abiotic deep
petroleum origin

Deep-seated abiogenic origin of petroleum: From geological assessment to physical theory

The abiotic theory, has traditionally, come out of Ukraine, Russia, and China. There is a reason, that for the past century and an half, the west has purposely marketed the term, "fossil fuels."
You cannot cite one single example of LIFE in the area of North American Ice Age from 1 to 30 million years ago... why?

Your explanation = McBullshit = easily discredited Dennis Quaid fiction

The movement of the tectonic plate puts NA in ice age for the 30-50 million year period, and you have ZERO EVIDENCE to refute that...

You cannot cite one single example of LIFE in the area of North American Ice Age from 1 to 30 million years ago... why?

Because more than a mile of ice scraped it off starting 75,000 years ago. DUH
Still no evidence you can provide for your claims? Weird.
You cannot cite one single example of LIFE in the area of North American Ice Age from 1 to 30 million years ago... why?

Because more than a mile of ice scraped it off starting 75,000 years ago. DUH
Still no evidence you can provide for your claims? Weird.


Greenland has signs of life in its past...

And that helps us to DATE the Greenland ice age.

And it helps us DATE the North American Ice Age too...

So let the record be straight. You believe the North American Ice Age started 75k years ago and that put 2.5 mile thick glacier on Chicago almost 1,000 miles south of where it started...

How fast do ice age glaciers move??


Greenland's ice age took a million years to cover Greenland. Its glaciers are not 2 miles thick. And we have 130k years of ice core data from them....

So the North American Ice Age was "The Flash" and Greenland's was "Ant Man". = got it McBullshit...

He's insane. His brain is like a jar of hornets, it's mildly amusing to shake it occasionally.

Amazing you cannot refute anything someone "insane" posts...

Any land not in ice age within 600 miles of a pole on Earth?

Why not?


Can you explain a map of the Arctic yet?

Jeopardy! music still playing...
Science has laws. All land on Earth within 600 miles of a pole is in ice age. You cannot refute that.

North America was in that range for 30-50 million years.

Science has laws. All land on Earth within 600 miles of a pole is in ice age. You cannot refute that.

North America was in that range for 30-50 million years.
Yes illiterate we can dispute that.
Ice age refers to what an entire planet us going through. Just because a certain part if a planet is perpetually covered with ice does not mean WE are experiencing an ice age. Ours ended 10k years ago. geesus, why don‘t you just say the insides of your freezer is going through an ice age. Ice age is a planetary descriptor, not a continental description.

Geesus, get a freakin science text and read a glossary. Do something other than making foolish statements.
No, just a mountain of taxpayer funded FUDGE

I've said this before and I will say it again, arguing against climate change, is as stupid as arguing gravity plays no role in plane crashes. That's how dumb your argument is. This is not a debatable issue.

Greenland has signs of life in its past...

And that helps us to DATE the Greenland ice age.

And it helps us DATE the North American Ice Age too...

So let the record be straight. You believe the North American Ice Age started 75k years ago and that put 2.5 mile thick glacier on Chicago almost 1,000 miles south of where it started...

How fast do ice age glaciers move??


Greenland's ice age took a million years to cover Greenland. Its glaciers are not 2 miles thick. And we have 130k years of ice core data from them....

So the North American Ice Age was "The Flash" and Greenland's was "Ant Man". = got it McBullshit...


Greenland has signs of life in its past...

Did Greenland have two miles of ice bulldozing across the landscape 5 times recently?

You believe the North American Ice Age started 75k years ago

Still waiting for your evidence otherwise.

How fast do ice age glaciers move??

Faster than your evidence.

Greenland's ice age took a million years to cover Greenland.


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