Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

Cohen did not contribute to the Trump campaign, he paid hush money with his own money, and then paid himself back with Trump's own money.
Not campaign related, no campaign funds used.

Sure he did, he was even convicted of the crime.

Bottom line:

Bragg has no case. He can’t even cite the statute Trump violated in order to resurrect dead misdemeanors and turn them into felonies.

Fascist board Dimwingers have concocted a theory:

Bragg is using a federal statute he has no jurisdiction over, that Trump has never been convicted of, and that Trump has never been charged with.

And these clowns wonder why thinking people mock them. :auiqs.jpg:
Two democrats said it was a violation, 4 non-democrats said it wasn't.
I have not seen ANY democrats from the FEC explain why they think campaign finance law was broken.
Untrue. The independent commissioner didn’t vote and one Republican commissioner didn’t vote.

Two Trump appointees said that they didn’t have time to pursue it any further and that Cohen pleading gulley was good enough.

No one of them comes around years later claiming something different.

The nonpartisan FEC lawyers recommended going after Trump on the issue, in an extensive report I already linked. The Democrats agreed with them.

This is their statement which criticizes the Republican commissioners for failing to actually give a rationale for voting against it.

No it is NOT. The FEC commissioners already explained that.

And Cohen was convicted of it in Federal Court. The FEC does not determine criminal guilt or innocense. When a campaign violation is reported to them, they investigate and can apply a civil penalty. OR They refer the case to the DOJ for criminal prosecution.

The FEC not referring a case does not preclude DOJ action in criminal cases.

But what is the crime?

For Cohen? Violation of campaign finance laws.

For Trump? He's charged with allegedly violating New York State Penal Code Section 175.10 Falsification of Business Records in the First Degree.

So it’s all a matter of taking money from the company he owns (profits are still his) to pay a legal debt instead of from a personal account. Big whoop. You people are really stretching to suppress the vote of tens of millions of people.

Trump as a person is a separate legal entity from the Trump Organization the business entity. If he'd paid the hush money out of personal accounts, there would be not legal jeopardy. Since he falsified accounts (allegedly), then that is a crime.

For Cohen? Violation of campaign finance laws.

For Trump? He's charged with allegedly violating New York State Penal Code Section 175.10 Falsification of Business Records in the First Degree.
yeah…so you keep saying….some convoluted indictment based on a felony theory that has NEVER been attempted before. Boy, is he determined to ”get” Trump or what?!
Trump as a person is a separate legal entity from the Trump Organization the business entity. If he'd paid the hush money out of personal accounts, there would be not legal jeopardy. Since he falsified accounts (allegedly), then that is a crime.
Mountain over a molehill. It’s not like he sexually assaulted women, like Democrat Clinton did, and paid off with $1 million.

This “case” can have the opposite effect: that after years of trying to disqualify Trump, this shows how clean he is.
yeah…so you keep saying….some convoluted indictment based on a felony theory that has NEVER been attempted before. Boy, is he determined to ”get” Trump or what?!

Mountain over a molehill. It’s not like he sexually assaulted women, like Democrat Clinton did, and paid off with $1 million.

This “case” can have the opposite effect: that after years of trying to disqualify Trump, this shows how clean he is.

Bill Clinton should have gone to jail - IMHO. However my opinion in the matter doesn't matter.

The difference is that Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones as part of an open and public court process. Also the settlement was made in 1998, Clinton was in his 2nd Term and therefore wasn't running for any office.

Damn, these Stalinist pretzels are going to be twisting till December.

It's kinda fun watching all the cultist twist in the wind trying to justify illegal (alledgedly) activity by their leader.

If the motion to dismiss is rejected and this heads to trial, cultist heads will explode.


Bill Clinton should have gone to jail - IMHO. However my opinion in the matter doesn't matter.

The difference is that Bill Clinton paid Paula Jones as part of an open and public court process. Also the settlement was made in 1998, Clinton was in his 2nd Term and therefore wasn't running for any office.

OK, then….why wasn’t Hillary Clinton charged with a felony with election interference when she deleted 33,000 emails that would reveal the extent of her corruption, in advance of the election?

Why Instead did the Sec of the DOJ meet secretly on the tarmac with the target’s husband to craft a deal?

That Democrats are so lopsided and hypocritical that they accept ACTUAL crimes, as long as committed by a Democrat, and then relentlessly go after their political opponent with a convoluted misdemeanor-turned-felony legal strategy never attempted?

Sorry, but much ado about nothing.
Correct. Trump isn't charged with a federal crime.

But you clowns claim Bragg is using a federal crime Trump has never been charged with to elevate dead misdemeanors to felonies.

And you are too stupid to see how ludicrous your theory is. :auiqs.jpg:
It's kinda fun watching all the cultist twist in the wind trying to justify illegal (alledgedly) activity by their leader.

If the motion to dismiss is rejected and this heads to trial, cultist heads will explode.


Whatever you say Stalinist POS.

It's kinda fun watching all the cultist twist in the wind trying to justify illegal (alledgedly) activity by their leader.

If the motion to dismiss is rejected and this heads to trial, cultist heads will explode.


I doubt it will be dismissed because the judge is a hack. If it goes to trial I think Trump will be convicted since the area voted 87% for Veggie Joe.

Then it will be thrown out once it reaches a real court.
OK, then….why wasn’t Hillary Clinton charged with a felony with election interference when she deleted 33,000 emails that would reveal the extent of her corruption, in advance of the election?

Why Instead did the Sec of the DOJ meet secretly on the tarmac with the target’s husband to craft a deal?

That Democrats are so lopsided and hypocritical that they accept ACTUAL crimes, as long as committed by a Democrat, and then relentlessly go after their political opponent with a convoluted misdemeanor-turned-felony legal strategy never attempted?

Sorry, but much ado about nothing.

I don't know. She should have been.

Would have been quite happy to see the carpetbagging bitch up on charges.


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