Is Braggs stretching it with a felony?

(1) Paying off people and killing stories during a campaign, supposedly breaking campaign finance law
(2) Falsifying business records and laundering money through Cohen to hide the transactions, which would be a crime regardless

From what I'm seeing, (1) is clearly the weaker charge, and it's at the foundation of this, but who knows what evidence Bragg will bring.

Either way, it should prove to the Trumpers that Trump literally goes around paying for sex while his wives are pregnant, and that ILLEGITIMATE CHILD, oh, when that comes out in more detail... how can a right wing religious nut support that?
Either way, it should prove to the Trumpers that Trump literally goes around paying for sex while his wives are pregnant, and that ILLEGITIMATE CHILD, oh, when that comes out in more detail... how can a right wing religious nut support that?
Well, they've supported him so far. They made their choice, sold their soul.

I really want to believe that more people will wake up, between the coming cases. But I'll believe it when I see it.

And I don't mean waking up to Trump. I mean the whole thing.
Sounds like somebody that doesn't know what they are talking about. Read the indictment. All 34 bogus charges highlight 2017 as the year the supposed infraction took place. In 2017 Trump was barely 2 years into his presidency and not running against anybody on the Democrat side.
One year or less. The election was 2016. He took Office in January of 2017.
Well, they've supported him so far. They made their choice, sold their soul.

I really want to believe that more people will wake up, between the coming cases. But I'll believe it when I see it.

And I don't mean waking up to Trump. I mean the whole thing.

I doubt it, most people are never awake, they do what they're told, follow whoever, they always have.
And that's how we got him, that's how we got here, in the first place.

Yep, and it's not going to get any better.
Look at Kanye "I'm so fucked up I don't even know what a day is" West, oh shit I changed my name to "ye" and want to be president.

All it takes is one bad president and you've got a dictator.... Trump has put a lot of the pieces in place for that next person.
(1) Paying off people and killing stories during a campaign, supposedly breaking campaign finance law
(2) Falsifying business records and laundering money through Cohen to hide the transactions, which would be a crime regardless

From what I'm seeing, (1) is clearly the weaker charge, and it's at the foundation of this, but who knows what evidence Bragg will bring.

He already brought everything he has. He's a loser as is this case. As for campaign finance laws, the FEC already looked into that and found no wrong doing. Cohen's lawyer testified that Cohen told him Trump had no idea he paid Stormy anything, and he said he'd testify again if this case ever made it to trial.
He already brought everything he has. He's a loser as is this case. As for campaign finance laws, the FEC already looked into that and found no wrong doing. Cohen's lawyer testified that Cohen told him Trump had no idea he paid Stormy anything, and he said he'd testify again if this case ever made it to trial.
Well, my crystal ball is in for repair.
"Trump committed misdemeanors"
"How is he charged with felonies"?
"What was the crime Trump was trying to cover up"?

The charges allege that, beginning in mid-2015, Trump orchestrated a scheme with others to influence the 2016 presidential election. They allegedly identified and bought negative claims about him to suppress their publication to boost his electoral prospects. By doing this they allegedly violated election laws and made false entries in the business records of various entities in New York. They also allegedly took steps that mischaracterized, for tax purposes, the true nature of the payments made in the scheme.

"Under New York state law, it is a felony to falsify business records with intent to defraud, intent to conceal another crime," Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg said in a news conference after Trump's arraignment. "That is exactly what this case is about: 34 false statements made to cover up other crimes. These are felony crimes in New York State no matter who you are. We cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct."

"The statute of limitations has run out".

New York law does identify a couple of ways to stop the statute of limitations clock. If the defendant was continuously outside New York state or if the defendant's whereabouts were "continuously unknown and continuously unascertainable by the exercise of reasonable diligence," then the clock is tolled. While Trump's whereabouts were pretty much continuously known since the alleged payment to Stormy Daniels was made, as president, Trump was primarily living in Washington D.C. and spent considerable time in Florida as well.

Bragg and his office will no doubt argue that Trump was outside New York's prosecutorial jurisdiction for years following his alleged crime, and therefore the clock should have been stopped.
He doesn't need a mind-reading machine, he has Cohen and a boatload of documentation to back it up.

Talk to some of your fellow right wingers who are supporting DeSatan or even whining that this indictment makes it harder for him to get the primary.

The ironic thing is sensible Republicans know that Trump is bad for the country, know he's bad for the party... but they are too scared to call him out and end up like Liz Cheney.
No documentation is going to tell us what he was thinking, and Cohen is a convicted liar. :cuckoo:
You are putting all of those things on the Democrats.

That is what is untrue.

No, there is no "obsession" in getting Trump. There is Trump's obsession in getting away with getting away with things other citizens would have been put in prison already.
Bleach-Bit Hammer-Time Hillary proves otherwise.
Bleach-Bit Hammer-Time Hillary proves otherwise.
Braggs didn't have enough for misdemeanors b/c the statute ran out so he's saying it's a felony to commit a crime for covering up another crime. You can't possibly prove that.
Except paying a NDA is not a crime, and putting the expense as “legal expense” makes perfect sense.

The whole thing is ridiculous.

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