Is the Left - Right Paradigm Obsolete?

Is the Left-Right Paradigm Obsolete?

  • Yes

    Votes: 24 57.1%
  • No

    Votes: 15 35.7%
  • It can be, I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 7.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
What is liberty without security? Conversely, what is security without liberty?

Why don't you learn a marketable skill(s)? You will see that it/they will provide you security without having to surrender liberty to the bureaucrats?


My skills have given me an early retirement, with excellent health care for my wife and I, and an income more than twice that of the mean income of Americans in 2013. I own a California rancher in the SF Bay Area free and clear and another home which we rent to one of my sons and his wife less than a mile from our primary residence. So FU and your condescending ad hominem attack.

Of course I understand your inadequate education prevents you form responding intelligently to my comment, it does require a bit of thought, but nothing so radical (to you) as critical thought.

You sound like one of those government employees who retires with a 100% pension when you were 45. No wonder you're always on here trying to justify tax increases and the wonders of government.
My skills have given me an early retirement, with excellent health care for my wife and I, and an income more than twice that of the mean income of Americans in 2013. I own a California rancher in the SF Bay Area free and clear and another home which we rent to one of my sons and his wife less than a mile from our primary residence. So FU and your condescending ad hominem attack.

I see.

If you REALLY have wealth and health care insurance why are you always sucking up to welfare state bureaucrats.

People with wealth and marketable skills are independent. They don't like giving away their hard earned money.



Probably because I was raised Catholic and the values I learned came from the teachings of Jesus. Of course most know I'm an agnostic, but be Jesus a God, a man or a fiction, he or He had it right.

I too was raised as a Catholic (in England and Belgium) and I would say that among the values that I took away ere those of accepting responsibility for one's own actions.

The 'teachings of Jesus' are, I think, pretty effectively buried under 2000 years' worth of doctrinal and dogmatic rubbish.
I think the left-right paradigm has become obsolete. The lines blur as one moves to the extreme edges of political activism. If you believe they remain instructive, please offer examples of the beliefs of those on the far right and far left.

It was obsolete on the day it was invented. By lazy minded Frenchmen who thought that everyone those who sat on the right side of the Chamber agreed with each other about everything - and that this was also true of those who sat on the left.

Supposed "Left/Right" differences have always been mangled and distorted to suit the speaker. The most damaging has been the silly idea that Communism is 'left' and Naziism is 'right'; Whereas both preach total State supremacy and are equally dependent on leftist ideology.

Your last sentence is confusing, I see and agree both "preach State Supremacy", though I consider both as generally totalitarian; but, how do you conclude Fascism and Communism are "equally dependent on leftist ideology"?

How do you define leftist Ideology and how does it comport with the governments of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet and other Fascists?

Lefting is defined as favoring government control over private control, and right-wing is defined as the opposite - favoring private control over government control. Fascism and communism both fall on the left.
It was obsolete on the day it was invented. By lazy minded Frenchmen who thought that everyone those who sat on the right side of the Chamber agreed with each other about everything - and that this was also true of those who sat on the left.

Supposed "Left/Right" differences have always been mangled and distorted to suit the speaker. The most damaging has been the silly idea that Communism is 'left' and Naziism is 'right'; Whereas both preach total State supremacy and are equally dependent on leftist ideology.

Your last sentence is confusing, I see and agree both "preach State Supremacy", though I consider both as generally totalitarian; but, how do you conclude Fascism and Communism are "equally dependent on leftist ideology"?

How do you define leftist Ideology and how does it comport with the governments of Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, Pinochet and other Fascists?

The key - I would say the defining - element in leftism is that priority should be given to the collective, not the individual. This collective may be an abstraction - 'the Broad masses' - or may be defined in class terms.

The idea of an Enemy of the People is a profoundly leftist idea. And so is the concept of sacrificing worthless individuals for the 'greater good'. Even if the tyrants come from what has, quite wrongly, been identified as the 'right'.

Read biographies of, for example, Mussolini. Before founding the Fascists he was the most influential and respected Italian Socialist of his day. And recall that Hitler built his reputation as a public speaker through adrresses to the German Worker's Party.

Remember, the Republican Party claimed to be the party of the big tent and hold to an ideology of Compassionate Conservatism, neither were true. I think I'll let Mussolini's own words allow the reader to decide Mussolini's political leanings:

From the above link: "Socialism is a fraud, a comedy, a phantom, a blackmail."
Benito Mussolini

Hitler, one the other hand, was both a Demagogue and a true believer. "Tyrants" are not always truly evil. Hitler defies the classification of either left or right - he was a tyrant and his actions were wicked and unjustifiable.
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In simple 'plan' geometry we think in terms of a clock face. The top third are the moderate Democrats and the moderate Republicans, the middle third are the liberal Democrats and the conservative Republicans; and the bottom third Radical Democrats and Reactionary Republicans. At Six, the middle of the extreme are the Revolutionaries, those who seek or support the violent overthrow of the establishment. It is where the far left and the far right intersect, and in the opinion of moderates, liberals and conservatives, the Idiot Fringe.

We who?
In simple 'plan' geometry some people think in terms of a clock face. The top third are the moderate Democrats and the moderate Republicans, the middle third are the liberal Democrats and the conservative Republicans; and the bottom third Radical Democrats and Reactionary Republicans. At Six, are the extremists, the Revolutionaries, those who seek or support the violent overthrow of the establishment. It is where the far left and the far right intersect, and in the opinion of moderates, liberals and conservatives, the Idiot Fringe.

We who?

"We", the educated.

How about I change the "we" to "some", kinda like the talking heads on Fox who usually being the talking point of the day in this way, "Some people are saying ...". And, of course the some people are other talking heads on Fox or one of their paid commentators such as Palin.

Happy now?
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I picture Wry at his keyboard, smoking a pipe, sipping some Washington state chardonnay and wanting to start every sentence with the phrase "as an intellectual.."
Why don't you learn a marketable skill(s)? You will see that it/they will provide you security without having to surrender liberty to the bureaucrats?


My skills have given me an early retirement, with excellent health care for my wife and I, and an income more than twice that of the mean income of Americans in 2013. I own a California rancher in the SF Bay Area free and clear and another home which we rent to one of my sons and his wife less than a mile from our primary residence. So FU and your condescending ad hominem attack.

Of course I understand your inadequate education prevents you form responding intelligently to my comment, it does require a bit of thought, but nothing so radical (to you) as critical thought.

You sound like one of those government employees who retires with a 100% pension when you were 45. No wonder you're always on here trying to justify tax increases and the wonders of government.

Actually I retired at 57 and at a bit more than 100% (See the Ventura Decision) + management benefits.

Ventura Decision

It's called planning ahead, and keep in mind there is some danger associated with a career in law enforcement. Some never collect 'cause they never return alive from their final shift.
In simple 'plan' geometry some people think in terms of a clock face. The top third are the moderate Democrats and the moderate Republicans, the middle third are the liberal Democrats and the conservative Republicans; and the bottom third Radical Democrats and Reactionary Republicans. At Six, are the extremists, the Revolutionaries, those who seek or support the violent overthrow of the establishment. It is where the far left and the far right intersect, and in the opinion of moderates, liberals and conservatives, the Idiot Fringe.

We who?

"We", the educated.

How about I change the "we" to "some", kinda like the talking heads on Fox who usually being the talking point of the day in this way, "Some people are saying ...". And, of course the some people are other talking heads on Fox or one of their paid commentators such as Palin.

Happy now?

The educated should know that it takes more than 2 dimensions to describe political beliefs, which probably explains why you are so confused.

You should change the "some" to "everyone who is smarter than Wry.
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"We", the educated.

How about I change the "we" to "some", kinda like the talking heads on Fox who usually being the talking point of the day in this way, "Some people are saying ...". And, of course the some people are other talking heads on Fox or one of their paid commentators such as Palin.

Happy now?

The educated should know that it takes more than 2 dimensions to describe political beliefs, which probably explains why you are so confused.

You should change the "some" to "everyone who is smarter than Wry.

I would, just to make you happy. But ( U knew that was coming) you're a jerk, and don't do happy. Since you feel my post was inadequate, please post one which is substantive and comprehensive. Being you're so judgmental, I'm sure you have a model already framed and ready for posting.
I picture Wry at his keyboard, smoking a pipe, sipping some Washington state chardonnay and wanting to start every sentence with the phrase "as an intellectual.."

Washington State may make fine apple wine, but I'm more inclined to stay with local Zins, Pinot Noirs and Merlots from two counties just North of my home - Napa and Sonoma (ever heard of them?) I don't smoke and I don't consider myself an intellectual, I'm simply smarter than average, and much smarter and better informed than most of those Echo Chamber members who parrot the latest 'news' broadcast by Limbaugh or a Fox talking head.
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Ultimately we live in an oligarchic duopoly figureheaded by two puppet parties with little more difference between them than their color theme. We don't elect representatives; we elect puppets. "Left" and "right" may be legitimate political analysis terms, but to apply them to what we have to work with in the real world is largely illusory.

yet when attempting to discuss the 'puppeteers' you wind up thrown out into the conspiracy appears America is not ready for that discussion.....guess 'illusion' remains the word of the day....
Ultimately we live in an oligarchic duopoly figureheaded by two puppet parties with little more difference between them than their color theme. We don't elect representatives; we elect puppets. "Left" and "right" may be legitimate political analysis terms, but to apply them to what we have to work with in the real world is largely illusory.

yet when attempting to discuss the 'puppeteers' you wind up thrown out into the conspiracy appears America is not ready for that discussion.....guess 'illusion' remains the word of the day....

We're still in "Politics".

Ultimately we live in an oligarchic duopoly figureheaded by two puppet parties with little more difference between them than their color theme. We don't elect representatives; we elect puppets. "Left" and "right" may be legitimate political analysis terms, but to apply them to what we have to work with in the real world is largely illusory.

yet when attempting to discuss the 'puppeteers' you wind up thrown out into the conspiracy appears America is not ready for that discussion.....guess 'illusion' remains the word of the day....

We're still in "Politics".


ok.....i'll bite....who do you think really pulls the strings of Obama & crew.....?
yet when attempting to discuss the 'puppeteers' you wind up thrown out into the conspiracy appears America is not ready for that discussion.....guess 'illusion' remains the word of the day....

We're still in "Politics".


ok.....i'll bite....who do you think really pulls the strings of Obama & crew.....?

OK. So who do you think pulls the strings of the people who pull the strings of the Obamaistas? If you answer is Putin - and why should it not be? - who pulls his strings?

(I disapprove of your use of the word 'crew'. A crew is often a disciplined body working effectively together towards a common end. Would not some other word, such as 'rabble', better describe Mr Obama and his associates?)
"We", the educated.

How about I change the "we" to "some", kinda like the talking heads on Fox who usually being the talking point of the day in this way, "Some people are saying ...". And, of course the some people are other talking heads on Fox or one of their paid commentators such as Palin.

Happy now?

The educated should know that it takes more than 2 dimensions to describe political beliefs, which probably explains why you are so confused.

You should change the "some" to "everyone who is smarter than Wry.

I would, just to make you happy. But ( U knew that was coming) you're a jerk, and don't do happy. Since you feel my post was inadequate, please post one which is substantive and comprehensive. Being you're so judgmental, I'm sure you have a model already framed and ready for posting.

Jerk? I was going for asshole.

There are hundreds of different issues people can polarize on, there is no way to represent that in a two dimensional graph. The fact that I recognize this,, and understand my limitations, only makes you smart if you think that an elastic sheet is an accurate description of gravity in the universe.
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Do we really need another brain-dead poster spouting crap about "there's no difference between Republicans and Democrats" and "they are all controlled by the (Zionist) banksters"?
We have our quota of crazy here. Go somewhere else.

At which point did I claim they were consumed by Jews? They aren't, they are consumed by greed. Money is power, and power is domination. Yourself and sallow alike would do well to consider what you could do with the power of wealth, it has nothing to do with a Zionist movement.

Yawn. More OWS crap.
Is there anyone NOT "consumed with greed"? What does that even mean??

There are plenty of people whom are not consumed with greed, and should you see me around later you will find I identify myself with ideals and not ideologies. I'm not a tea partier, and I don't want to occupy Wall Street either. I don't deal in labels, although judging by the libelous nature of your posts I think it's safe to assume you do. You can deflect my point all you want, but this country is ran by the lobbyists who pay for campaigns and not the voters who elect politicians.
yet when attempting to discuss the 'puppeteers' you wind up thrown out into the conspiracy appears America is not ready for that discussion.....guess 'illusion' remains the word of the day....

We're still in "Politics".


ok.....i'll bite....who do you think really pulls the strings of Obama & crew.....?

The same oligarchy that's been pulling the same strings since at least Eisenhower, who courageously called them out in his farewell address in 1961. The MIC.

Or as Ike wanted to originally call it, the MICC - Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex. See also DC Revolving Door. (Tim Geithner? Michael Taylor? Really?)
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We're still in "Politics".


ok.....i'll bite....who do you think really pulls the strings of Obama & crew.....?

The same oligarchy that's been pulling the same strings since at least Eisenhower, who courageously called them out in his farewell address in 1961. The MIC.

Or as Ike wanted to originally call it, the MICC - Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex. See also DC Revolving Door. (Tim Geithner? Michael Taylor? Really?)

You are one of those conspiracy whackadoodlea that thinks the Masons and the Illuminati secretly control the entire world. All your post make sense now.
ok.....i'll bite....who do you think really pulls the strings of Obama & crew.....?

The same oligarchy that's been pulling the same strings since at least Eisenhower, who courageously called them out in his farewell address in 1961. The MIC.

Or as Ike wanted to originally call it, the MICC - Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex. See also DC Revolving Door. (Tim Geithner? Michael Taylor? Really?)

You are one of those conspiracy whackadoodlea that thinks the Masons and the Illuminati secretly control the entire world. All your post make sense now.

The military industrial complex is a real thing, and it consists of weapons dealers and investors. Why do you think we've been at a constant state of war since WWII? It's not because there are people trying to invade us, it just makes money.

Fortunately, they aren't the only ones pulling the strings of Obama nor his predecessors, nor his eventual successors. Those with the most pull over the strings of a politician are the ones who donate most generously to their campaigns. Obama's strings are not even the ones to worry about, it's the Congressmen who do the legislating and have no term limits we should be worried about. This isn't a conspiracy theory, either, it's just how Congress works.

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