Is this really not offensive??


VIP Member
Sep 2, 2018
When the media breaks down voter by education. When they say Trump gets a bigger percentage of those that didn't go to college than did, insinuates those that did go to college may have a better understanding of politics. Is that a fair break down?
When the media breaks down voter by education. When they say Trump gets a bigger percentage of those that didn't go to college than did, insinuates those that did go to college may have a better understanding of politics. Is that a fair break down?
Education and credentials play a role in politics? My first responses are:
  • What about all the black and brown urban voters who vote Democrat, some who can't speak English?
  • What about the diversity hires the Biden administration has brought on board that are producing no value in politics?
Why do most (IMO) voters know more about sports and pop-culture than they do about the people they vote into office?
When the media breaks down voter by education. When they say Trump gets a bigger percentage of those that didn't go to college than did, insinuates those that did go to college may have a better understanding of politics. Is that a fair break down?
Just one of the many false narratives pushed by our Democrat-corrupted media. Donald Trump knocked the Democratic Party off the rails in 2016 and it's been a non-stop smear campaign on Trump and all who support him ever since.
A new meta-analysis blends the results of 28 studies that all took measures to mitigate this problem. Based on data from more than 600,000 participants, all told, psychologists Stuart Ritchie and Elliot Tucker-Drob have arrived at a rough estimate of how much an added year of education lifted participants’ IQ scores, on average: between 1 and 5 points.

A higher IQ is not linked to a higher political acumen in any study I have read.
When the media breaks down voter by education. When they say Trump gets a bigger percentage of those that didn't go to college than did, insinuates those that did go to college may have a better understanding of politics. Is that a fair break down?
I would think that those who went to college might stop and think for more than a moment that what the Orange Roughy is dishing out is a load of baloney. That they think he might be pandering to the most raw of emotions and grievance...and not buy it.
Your opinion about attending college aside. Even if you've only done it for a short period of time, it will cause your brain to expand itself...if only for a while.
I would think that those who went to college might stop and think for more than a moment that what the Orange Roughy is dishing out is a load of baloney. That they think he might be pandering to the most raw of emotions and grievance...and not buy it.
Your opinion about attending college aside. Even if you've only done it for a short period of time, it will cause your brain to expand itself...if only for a while.

check out all these college graduates that vote Democrat, election after election.
When the media breaks down voter by education. When they say Trump gets a bigger percentage of those that didn't go to college than did, insinuates those that did go to college may have a better understanding of politics. Is that a fair break down?
It implies that people with a broader knowledge of the world are more likely to not see Trump in a positive light. Trump relies a lot on his listeners not being up on the nuances of the issues involved, The more educated you are, the less likely you are to be fooled.
It implies that people with a broader knowledge of the world are more likely to not see Trump in a positive light. Trump relies a lot on his listeners not being up on the nuances of the issues involved, The more educated you are, the less likely you are to be fooled.
That doesn't explain why you oh so educated bunch put a dementia ridden, criminally corrupt, bumbling fool who can't make it up the stairs to AF1 without tripping into the WH....
When the media breaks down voter by education. When they say Trump gets a bigger percentage of those that didn't go to college than did, insinuates those that did go to college may have a better understanding of politics. Is that a fair break down?
Who would have guessed a degree in gender studies or ethnic studies would screw up so many.
That doesn't explain why you oh so educated bunch put a dementia ridden, criminally corrupt, bumbling fool who can't make it up the stairs to AF1 without tripping into the WH....
Because his opponent was a lying, grifting, hot bag of air whose callousness and indifference cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of his fellow citizens.
It was an easy choice. In 2024 assuming the same two will be an even easier choice. People do not want a return to crazy.

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