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CDZ It's A Personal Choice

Two-pronged answer. One, those who get the COVID vaccines fail the most important intelligence test of their lives; such an epic failure of decision making cannot be trusted, nor can the person behind it. Two, to get vaccinated against COVID-19 is to accept the Mark of the Beast and to thus join Satan's army—to willingly become his property, his chattel. Whether or not one is religious and/or believes in such mythology, the concept of beast worship, as in the extreme veneration of evil men, is just as bad.

Bonus third prong incoming.

No one who gets the COVID jab(s) can call themselves a (good) Christian, or really a Christian of any kind. Regardless of what the Mainstream Media and "fact" checking websites tell you, all of the COVID vaccines were created from cell line(s) farmed from aborted children. To take the genetic matter of a murdered child into one's own body must be among the gravest of sins. Myself, I would call it cannibalism. Either way . . . it is wholly Satanic.

But hey . . . why listen to the millions of us who feel this way?

I know, I know—but it's the oldest excuse in any book: "Everyone else is/was doing it."

This is a big fat no. I'm no fan of the vaccines at ALL, but the Mark of the Beast? nope, no proof of this. You're spouting some very strange beliefs here these days. Like this post I remember where you said God hates us all. Christians REALLY don't believe that, so maybe, respectfully, you shouldn't be telling Christians that if they go the vaccine they have taken the Mark of the Beast.

If I am so willing to defend those who do not wish to get the vaccine or the booster, then why does it seem like rarely anybody is willing to defend people like me who choose to get it? I only ask that because I'm probably going to get a vaccine shortly after Christmas. JohnDB since you are somebody who has been vaccinated, I hope you don't mind if I get your view on this. (Btw for the record I think whatever vaccine we got before is the same one we'll get for our booster.)
You can get a booster of either Moderna or Phizer...but NOT J&J. J&J doesn't seem to work very well and has the side effects that have been noted for vaccines against corona type viruses.

I think that people should get vaccinated...but I'm definitely against mandates. Forcing medical treatment on people is a human rights violation.
Vaccines are like tattoos or piercings...

Some people choose to have them and some people don't...big deal.
Vaccines are like tattoos or piercings...

Some people choose to have them and some people don't...big deal.
Except for the fact that the pro-vaxxers want to harm those who refuse the vax. It’s tyranny common to tyrannical regimes.

They’ve made the vax political. The elites have duped many into thinking Trumpers and conservatives are refusing the vax. Just more divisive tactics, which many Americans easily fall for.
Except for the fact that the pro-vaxxers want to harm those who refuse the vax. It’s tyranny common to tyrannical regimes.

They’ve made the vax political. The elites have duped many into thinking Trumpers and conservatives are refusing the vax. Just more divisive tactics, which many Americans easily fall for.
Pro-vaxxers "Wanting to harm others" is a huge leap of logic that is not warranted. It's a false accusation. Sure there may be a few that do but the vast majority simply want the best for everyone.

I like the mRNA vaccines...but I think that vaccine mandates are a human rights violation.
Pro-vaxxers "Wanting to harm others" is a huge leap of logic that is not warranted. It's a false accusation. Sure there may be a few that do but the vast majority simply want the best for everyone.

I like the mRNA vaccines...but I think that vaccine mandates are a human rights violation.
Really? Have you missed all the reports of non-vaxxers being targeted?
Really? Have you missed all the reports of non-vaxxers being targeted?
Yes... likely so. I ignore most news outlets because I want a healthy mental health lifestyle. And their reports are usually slanted towards an unhealthy Outlook on life.

I pay attention mostly to stock reports and earnings releases and the understanding of economics...it tells me more about what the politicians are interested in than anything else. (Always lining their pockets).
Am just tired of this plague, cant help wondering if we all had just used the guide lines put out by the majority of the medical community. Even if we couldn't or wouldn't get the shots. Would we now be dealing with a new strain ? Think that causes the frustration for those who gave up a lot of personal freedom in the name of being part of the greater good.
Am just tired of this plague, cant help wondering if we all had just used the guide lines put out by the majority of the medical community. Even if we couldn't or wouldn't get the shots. Would we now be dealing with a new strain ? Think that causes the frustration for those who gave up a lot of personal freedom in the name of being part of the greater good.
There’s no greater good here. Though there is greater wealth for a select few.
This is a big fat no. I'm no fan of the vaccines at ALL, but the Mark of the Beast? nope, no proof of this. You're spouting some very strange beliefs here these days. Like this post I remember where you said God hates us all. Christians REALLY don't believe that, so maybe, respectfully, you shouldn't be telling Christians that if they go the vaccine they have taken the Mark of the Beast.

And that's why I'm no longer following them. It's downright insulting making me feel like if I don't share their same beliefs that I'm not a real or a good Christian. It's all a bunch of lies and if they keep it up next I'm putting them on ignore. I'm not shoving my beliefs down their throat, so why are they trying to do it to me? That is a perfect example of what I was talking about in the OP and I wasn't even talking about being directly attacked in there. As for saying that God hates all Christians maybe they were recently hurt by something or somebody I don't know, but they shouldn't be taking it out on God or innocent people when we haven't done anything to them and neither did He.
If I am so willing to defend those who do not wish to get the vaccine or the booster, then why does it seem like rarely anybody is willing to defend people like me who choose to get it? I only ask that because I'm probably going to get a vaccine shortly after Christmas. JohnDB since you are somebody who has been vaccinated, I hope you don't mind if I get your view on this. (Btw for the record I think whatever vaccine we got before is the same one we'll get for our booster.)
I was vaccinated in May. I think it is a wise decision, but I "allow" people to make this personal choice.
I was vaccinated in May. I think it is a wise decision, but I "allow" people to make this personal choice.

Well that's good considering you don't allow people to live their own lives with almost everything else even if they're just random people over the internet and you have no room to judge them. (Not like they're going to listen to you anyways, just saying.)
God does hate us all, save for the infantry. That's more of a personal loathing, I'd wager. I am a Christian, and that is my own belief, based on certain life experiences. I am no missionary; thus, this belief is my own and I am free to explore it. Further, it's been that kind of year—two of them, really. What I refer to, vigorously, is the very recent tendency (within the past twenty to forty years) of Christians proudly announcing to the world around them how they can do whatever evil bullshit act they desire, and still call themselves Christians. From so-called Christians supporting abortion, to touting the COVID vaccines as morally "safe", to their addictions to porn, divorce, support of homosexuality and transgender ideology, the fluidity of what Christian Americans in particular claim acceptable is sickening.

Seems like my above post, the one you quoted, might have terrified you—just a little bit. While that's understandable the truth of it does not change due to yours or anyone else's fear. The HEK 293 series of cell lines was derived or "farmed" from an aborted human fetus and immortalized, according to several sources, including Wikipedia, for easy reference. Now I ask you, do Christians believe anyone or anything can be or become immortal, save for Jesus Christ himself and those souls saved by him? As a Christian yourself, do you accept that mankind can make any living thing immortal, independent of Christ? If so, perhaps you are the one who ought to do some soul searching.

The COVID vaccines, all of them, could not exist without HEK 293; nor could several other modern vaccines, but I must digress as I don't have all bloody day to write out this response. Therefore, any Christian who accepts one or more or all of the COVID vaccines into their veins is in effect not only condoning the sacrifice of a child for their own supposed well-being but is also cannibalizing the child from which this immortalized cell line was farmed.

Can't you see it? The sick Satanic bastards are, in front of everyone's very eyes, propping up the aborted child from which HEK 293 was derived as a NEW CHRIST or new, human made immortal savior of the masses; a savior of those afflicted with COVID. What else could one possibly define this ritual as other than being branded with The Mark? Many governments around the world already require their citizens to take the COVID jabs in order to buy or sell. Either one believes or does not. What's it matter to me?

Of course, you and everyone else in the bloody world entire are entitled to your own opinions. Everyone else is getting the jabs, right? So why not give in and get them as well, right? Or is it all about saving one's career—getting the jabs? What could be more important and noble a reason than that? Certainly not the ability to self-identify as Christian and mean it, guilt free.

Who in the world hacked your account? You never used to be like this and for the record God LOVES us!! He might not always love the way we behave, but He loves us personally.
If I am so willing to defend those who do not wish to get the vaccine or the booster, then why does it seem like rarely anybody is willing to defend people like me who choose to get it? I only ask that because I'm probably going to get a vaccine shortly after Christmas. JohnDB since you are somebody who has been vaccinated, I hope you don't mind if I get your view on this. (Btw for the record I think whatever vaccine we got before is the same one we'll get for our booster.)
Well, this is what I think. Vaccines are usually designed to allow your immune system to have the right antibodies to fight a virus. There are many vaccines, there are many viruses. I remember going to the Dominican Republic some 20 years ago, I needed various vaccines. Also, Tetanus should be topped up every 10 year. Do people make sure? I don't.

I believe it's down to choice. Frankly, I do not give two hoots if someone does or doesn't get vaxxed. I am vaccinated, but, I'm not bothering with any boosters. The vaccine protects the person from the virus, not from other people. The person you catch COVID off may or may not be vaccinated, the virus is not bothered on the person's vaxxed status. So the vaccine was there to hopefully allow you to ride out the virus for a few days. And it's simply down to your make up if you don't catch it, you get no symptoms, if you get some symptoms, if you have a rough time or if you die.

There's far too much ignorance being spread about COVID and our governments are the ring leaders in this.

And those that attack someone over a vaccine, need to seek psychiatric help, imo.

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