It's been exactly 50 years since we lost him, but we haven't lost his dream

Empty platitudes is all you have to offer the black community. Everywhere they live that is controlled by the left is overrun with drugs, poverty & crime.

That is the legacy of the left's contribution
Things were far worse 30 years ago. For decades it’s been getting better. Republicans wage war on cities where black people live, their President posts fake data on twitter to rile conservatives up against them, conservatives support discrimination, etc. I mean fuck, Gramps. I have no idea what ground you’re trying to stand on here.
Look at the cities run by the left. Look at the MASS CASUALTIES every single month in those cities. Tell those families things are better for them...

you mean the states with more money, better educations and higher standareds of living, drunk?:
Yes, we all wish we could live here...

Ah Detroit. A city that would not exist anymore had Trump and the GOP had their way and let the auto industry vanish.

What auto industry was going to vanish? Your comment shows just how easy it is to dupe a leftist loon.
MLK had a dream to beat up as many white women as he could.
Dr. King fought for every race and ethnicity. He fought for the poor. He fought for women. He fought for gays. He fought for cleaner air, cleaner water, and fair housing policies and economic opportunities.

what a tragic loss.
Yeahbut he cheated on his wife!


Whether MLK was a great man, or not, is debatable. What is important is what he accomplished and the method he used to accomplish it. He was instrumental in breaking down the Democrat party fiefdom of the deep South. A fiefdom which had held those states back for almost a hundred years.

The lesson we should learn is that the same shit happens everywhere that the criminal conspiracy called the Democrat party, gains and holds political power for any length of time.
Look at the cities run by the left. Look at the MASS CASUALTIES every single month in those cities. Tell those families things are better for them...

you mean the states with more money, better educations and higher standareds of living, drunk?:
Yes, we all wish we could live here...

Ah Detroit. A city that would not exist anymore had Trump and the GOP had their way and let the auto industry vanish.

This is the result of your leftist policies...

Gramps, violent crimes and homicides by and against black people are dramatically down compared to 20+ years ago. Wages are up compared to 20+ years ago. Don't post a stupid youtube video and expect to convince me that all black people in the U.S. are like that. You’re better than that.

apparently not
With all the fake news finger pointing Swamp Rats and their MSM and their bots on the internet, it is ironic Jewish lawyer Stanley Levison, a communist and "hidden hand" behind Micheal King (aka Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.), had close ties with Russian spy Victor Lessiovsky!
Whether MLK was a great man, or not, is debatable. What is important is what he accomplished and the method he used to accomplish it. He was instrumental in breaking down the Democrat party fiefdom of the deep South. A fiefdom which had held those states back for almost a hundred years.

The lesson we should learn is that the same shit happens everywhere that the criminal conspiracy called the Democrat party, gains and holds political power for any length of time.
Breaking down? :rofl:

No, they just started voting republican because the Democrats failed them on their negro problem
There has been a lot of talk of removing statues lately. I wonder if that is why they made this monstrosity to expensive to remove!

Dr. King fought for every race and ethnicity. He fought for the poor. He fought for women. He fought for gays. He fought for cleaner air, cleaner water, and fair housing policies and economic opportunities.

what a tragic loss.
"Racism" Is a Term Invented by Degenerate Spoiled Brats

He was only for moochers and thugs. In 1964, when a policeman killed a punk who came at him with a knife, King said that the cop ought to be prosecuted for First-Degree Murder.
King sent innocent black girls to be attacked by Bull Connor. He knew what he was doing but he wanted the publicity.
Interesting interview of a patriotic, heroic African American FBI informant who posed as a Commie to infiltrate Rev. Doctor Micheal King's Junior's inner circle!

With all the fake news finger pointing Swamp Rats and their MSM and their bots on the internet, it is ironic Jewish lawyer Stanley Levison, a communist and "hidden hand" behind Micheal King (aka Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.), had close ties with Russian spy Victor Lessiovsky!
^ RW trumpanzee
Interesting interview of another FBI informant in the 60's. The Micheal King Jr, content just relates to the FBI "setting up" the stage for the murder by having security stand down, etc. FF to 1:36:30 for some content on that . But it is amazing how the Swamp Rats have been behind the scenes for decades and amazing how they use the same formula over and over, having security forces stand down, for example, just before something bad happens. Mueller, Rosenstine, and those douchebag FBI agents discussing the "insurance policy" to attack our democracy are obviously just the tip of the iceberg in regards to the corruption of US intelligence agencies and their effort to overturn the will of the Citizens when they feel it needs to be overturned. The FBI was paying this guy over $200K a year in today's money to infiltrate various groups.

Notice he mentions a fake birth certificate he was issued in the 1960's. Is it a surprise they made a fake for Obama? :p Obama was a Swamp FBI Asset as soon as he got into Occidental as a foreign student, and then they moved him to Columbia University! #Releasethetranscripts!
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