"It’s either Trump or the Republican Party. Not both."

1. No is suggesting a Muslim should not be investigated and vetted.

2. The discussion is about immigration not citizenship.

3. a. It was all Muslims in question not some.
b. We don't vet on religion.

4. And again we don't vet on religion.

Trump's suggestions are wild, reckless, and unAmerican.
1. No is suggesting a Muslim should not be investigated and vetted.

2. The discussion is about immigration not citizenship.

3. a. It was all Muslims in question not some.
b. We don't vet on religion.

4. And again we don't vet on religion.

Trump's suggestions are wild, reckless, and unAmerican.

Is this supposed to be a response to me?
It is literally insane to not be able to distinguish rounding up and interring in camps loyal American Citizens, and NOT letting in to the country the citizens of other nations.

You're absolutely right. Trump's plan would deny entry to American citizens, based on their religion.
Many of his supporters are comparing his plan to Jimmy Carter's denial of entry to non-American Iranian citizens. As you state here, such people are literally insane.

He says otherwise, perhaps you misunderstood him?


"On ABC, Mr. Trump clarified that his proposal would not apply to United States citizens. “If a person is a Muslim, goes overseas and comes back, they can come back,” he said. “They’re a citizen. That’s different."

SO, we can see the Trump is aware of the difference between American citizens and the citizens of other nations.

It is only the author of the OP, Jake, and our political class that cannot.

Which are you?

BTW, as an aside, does this confusion go both ways? DO you believe for example that you have the right to move to, say Bermuda to live, whether the Citizens of that island want you to or not?

Trump originally said all Muslims, including Americans. He then backtracked a few days later and said citizens could be allowed back into the country.

But that's sort of the problem with Trump. He doesn't think about these things. He just blurts them out. That's one reason why he doesn't have the temperament to be President.

Do you believe you have the right to move to Bermuda to live there regardless of the wishes of the local citizens?

No, of course not. I'm a naturalized American citizen, so I know more about the US immigration system than most people here.

But Trump did originally say that American citizens should be denied entry into the country based on their religion.
I think people who make such declarations are hilarious. It's like the people on Facebook that post 'If you do not like/share this post you ARE heartless / cruel / evil / racist / blah ,blah, blah...'. WHATEVER!

Trump has tapped into some deep American feelings and concerns. While I think that if the current GOP (self-appointed) 'Leaders' don't recognize and learn from this they are stupid, I also far from believe that GOP is the end of the GOP as we know it or the 2 can not somehow co-exist...for now.

There is just under a YEAR before the election...and the nomination has not been won yet. We have not yet seen nearly all of the under-handed, disgusting, deceitful personal attacks and 'politics of personal destruction'...or Trump's own best-of-the-best personal 'foot-in-mouth moments.

As my granddaddy said, 'There's many a slip between a cup and a lip'.

I also find it funny, in a lot of ways, Trump is like Obama.

Conservatives hated / hate the pompous, arrogant, self-inflated, narcissistic politician who doesn't care what you think but instead says whatever he wants or DOES whatever he wants...yet that is in many ways exactly what they have in Trump....and Liberals can't stand the White, 'Conservative' version of Obama .. which is hilarious!

IMO, Trump will not win the nomination, by either being taken out / self-destructing OR the Washington Establishment GOP will find a way to prevent him from winning / deny him the nomination....but that's just me.
It is literally insane to not be able to distinguish rounding up and interring in camps loyal American Citizens, and NOT letting in to the country the citizens of other nations.

You're absolutely right. Trump's plan would deny entry to American citizens, based on their religion.
Many of his supporters are comparing his plan to Jimmy Carter's denial of entry to non-American Iranian citizens. As you state here, such people are literally insane.

He says otherwise, perhaps you misunderstood him?


"On ABC, Mr. Trump clarified that his proposal would not apply to United States citizens. “If a person is a Muslim, goes overseas and comes back, they can come back,” he said. “They’re a citizen. That’s different."

SO, we can see the Trump is aware of the difference between American citizens and the citizens of other nations.

It is only the author of the OP, Jake, and our political class that cannot.

Which are you?

BTW, as an aside, does this confusion go both ways? DO you believe for example that you have the right to move to, say Bermuda to live, whether the Citizens of that island want you to or not?

Trump originally said all Muslims, including Americans. He then backtracked a few days later and said citizens could be allowed back into the country.

But that's sort of the problem with Trump. He doesn't think about these things. He just blurts them out. That's one reason why he doesn't have the temperament to be President.

Do you believe you have the right to move to Bermuda to live there regardless of the wishes of the local citizens?

No, of course not. I'm a naturalized American citizen, so I know more about the US immigration system than most people here.

But Trump did originally say that American citizens should be denied entry into the country based on their religion.

Then the confusion of the OP, Jake and the entire Political Class on this issue should be fairly obvious to you.

DO you agree that comparing the Interment of Japanese Americans and the barring of entry of Alien Muslims is an Act of Madness on their part?
The confusion is that of Trump orginally and then those who double down and say either he did not say it or he cleared it up.

One, he did say it.

Two, he backed up, which was smart.

Three, we can't vet on religion.
His supporters do not care about reality, and it will be really harsh come next December.

I would say his supporters do not care about a phony republican establishment who have had the senate and house for more than a year and have done nothing to challenge Barack and his B.S. I would say his supporters are tired of being played the fool. I would say his supporters have more courage and wisdom than the republican party and do not give a damn if they lose another election, if winning means more of the same lip service bullshit. Wouldn't you?
turzovka has hit the real reason for Trump's supporters.

The sane ones know he can't win the presidency.

They want the GOP power as it is right now destroyed and then remade in there image.

Trump won't win. The far right will not remake the party. It will have to create its own party.
The confusion is that of Trump orginally and then those who double down and say either he did not say it or he cleared it up.

One, he did say it.

Two, he backed up, which was smart.

Three, we can't vet on religion.

Whatever, that's done.

But the rest of you still have not addressed the my four bullet points on the difference between the two situations, and how cray-cray the OP, Jake and the entire political class is.
Oh, and Jake, there is nothing funny about my Bermuda question.

If it is completely horrifically wrong for Trump to want to bar Muslims from immigrating to the US, is it also completely horrifically wrong for the Bermudians to bar you from immigrating there?

Do you feel you have a Right to move to Bermuda and live there?
Even if Trump wins the Presidency sane intelligent people know that - UNLESS HE PULLS AN 'OBAMA', GOES 'ROGUE' BY VIOLATING CONSTITUTION AND LAW / USING HIS 'PEN AND PHONE' - He will NEVER get anything he says he wants to do accomplished. Harry Reid by himself stalled approx. 100 pieces of Legislation from the House from ever reaching the Senate floor for discussion let alone a vote, and that was with disputes legislation. The vast majority of GOP AND DNC politicians think some of his stuff is insane and neither will let it pass.

But it sure is 'fun' to run around like chicken Little talking about how Trump (and Trump alone) is gong to bar Muslims from entering the US, how he is going to fingerprint/retinal scan/and shock collar all Muslims in the US, and / or put them in internment camps to gin up fear, distrust, and hatred, I guess. Makes for 'interesting' conversation...

It's time for a breakup...the Tea Party needs to finally make the break from the GOP and form their own party. Yes, it will hurt the GOP for a while, but they will recover and be better and stronger for it later.

I'm sure you would love that, but it's not going to happen TEA Party types and libertarians are taking over the Republican party. The establishment types will soon be reduced to an impotent fringe. They pretty much already are.
You're absolutely right. Trump's plan would deny entry to American citizens, based on their religion.
Many of his supporters are comparing his plan to Jimmy Carter's denial of entry to non-American Iranian citizens. As you state here, such people are literally insane.

He says otherwise, perhaps you misunderstood him?


"On ABC, Mr. Trump clarified that his proposal would not apply to United States citizens. “If a person is a Muslim, goes overseas and comes back, they can come back,” he said. “They’re a citizen. That’s different."

SO, we can see the Trump is aware of the difference between American citizens and the citizens of other nations.

It is only the author of the OP, Jake, and our political class that cannot.

Which are you?

BTW, as an aside, does this confusion go both ways? DO you believe for example that you have the right to move to, say Bermuda to live, whether the Citizens of that island want you to or not?

Trump originally said all Muslims, including Americans. He then backtracked a few days later and said citizens could be allowed back into the country.

But that's sort of the problem with Trump. He doesn't think about these things. He just blurts them out. That's one reason why he doesn't have the temperament to be President.

Do you believe you have the right to move to Bermuda to live there regardless of the wishes of the local citizens?

No, of course not. I'm a naturalized American citizen, so I know more about the US immigration system than most people here.

But Trump did originally say that American citizens should be denied entry into the country based on their religion.

Then the confusion of the OP, Jake and the entire Political Class on this issue should be fairly obvious to you.

DO you agree that comparing the Interment of Japanese Americans and the barring of entry of Alien Muslims is an Act of Madness on their part?

The internment of Japanese Americans was way worse than barring Muslims. But barring Muslims simply based on religion is still bad and makes us look small, intolerant and xenophobic.
He says otherwise, perhaps you misunderstood him?


"On ABC, Mr. Trump clarified that his proposal would not apply to United States citizens. “If a person is a Muslim, goes overseas and comes back, they can come back,” he said. “They’re a citizen. That’s different."

SO, we can see the Trump is aware of the difference between American citizens and the citizens of other nations.

It is only the author of the OP, Jake, and our political class that cannot.

Which are you?

BTW, as an aside, does this confusion go both ways? DO you believe for example that you have the right to move to, say Bermuda to live, whether the Citizens of that island want you to or not?

Trump originally said all Muslims, including Americans. He then backtracked a few days later and said citizens could be allowed back into the country.

But that's sort of the problem with Trump. He doesn't think about these things. He just blurts them out. That's one reason why he doesn't have the temperament to be President.

Do you believe you have the right to move to Bermuda to live there regardless of the wishes of the local citizens?

No, of course not. I'm a naturalized American citizen, so I know more about the US immigration system than most people here.

But Trump did originally say that American citizens should be denied entry into the country based on their religion.

Then the confusion of the OP, Jake and the entire Political Class on this issue should be fairly obvious to you.

DO you agree that comparing the Interment of Japanese Americans and the barring of entry of Alien Muslims is an Act of Madness on their part?

The internment of Japanese Americans was way worse than barring Muslims. But barring Muslims simply based on religion is still bad and makes us look small, intolerant and xenophobic.


a. YOu agree, the OP, Jake and the Political Class are insane to equate the two.


B. What about the certainty that deadly enemies will be included in the immigrants?
He says otherwise, perhaps you misunderstood him?


"On ABC, Mr. Trump clarified that his proposal would not apply to United States citizens. “If a person is a Muslim, goes overseas and comes back, they can come back,” he said. “They’re a citizen. That’s different."

SO, we can see the Trump is aware of the difference between American citizens and the citizens of other nations.

It is only the author of the OP, Jake, and our political class that cannot.

Which are you?

BTW, as an aside, does this confusion go both ways? DO you believe for example that you have the right to move to, say Bermuda to live, whether the Citizens of that island want you to or not?

Trump originally said all Muslims, including Americans. He then backtracked a few days later and said citizens could be allowed back into the country.

But that's sort of the problem with Trump. He doesn't think about these things. He just blurts them out. That's one reason why he doesn't have the temperament to be President.

Do you believe you have the right to move to Bermuda to live there regardless of the wishes of the local citizens?

No, of course not. I'm a naturalized American citizen, so I know more about the US immigration system than most people here.

But Trump did originally say that American citizens should be denied entry into the country based on their religion.

Then the confusion of the OP, Jake and the entire Political Class on this issue should be fairly obvious to you.

DO you agree that comparing the Interment of Japanese Americans and the barring of entry of Alien Muslims is an Act of Madness on their part?

The internment of Japanese Americans was way worse than barring Muslims. But barring Muslims simply based on religion is still bad and makes us look small, intolerant and xenophobic.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Trump in a nut shell.
He says otherwise, perhaps you misunderstood him?


"On ABC, Mr. Trump clarified that his proposal would not apply to United States citizens. “If a person is a Muslim, goes overseas and comes back, they can come back,” he said. “They’re a citizen. That’s different."

SO, we can see the Trump is aware of the difference between American citizens and the citizens of other nations.

It is only the author of the OP, Jake, and our political class that cannot.

Which are you?

BTW, as an aside, does this confusion go both ways? DO you believe for example that you have the right to move to, say Bermuda to live, whether the Citizens of that island want you to or not?

Trump originally said all Muslims, including Americans. He then backtracked a few days later and said citizens could be allowed back into the country.

But that's sort of the problem with Trump. He doesn't think about these things. He just blurts them out. That's one reason why he doesn't have the temperament to be President.

Do you believe you have the right to move to Bermuda to live there regardless of the wishes of the local citizens?

No, of course not. I'm a naturalized American citizen, so I know more about the US immigration system than most people here.

But Trump did originally say that American citizens should be denied entry into the country based on their religion.

Then the confusion of the OP, Jake and the entire Political Class on this issue should be fairly obvious to you.

DO you agree that comparing the Interment of Japanese Americans and the barring of entry of Alien Muslims is an Act of Madness on their part?

The internment of Japanese Americans was way worse than barring Muslims. But barring Muslims simply based on religion is still bad and makes us look small, intolerant and xenophobic.
It's not only bad, it is unconstitutional.

Trump backed up. He had to. He also ruptured any rapport he had with the Party. He has guaranteed a President Clinton, which is what he wanted in the first place, I think.

The far right gave him what he wanted: a Clinton victory.
Trump originally said all Muslims, including Americans. He then backtracked a few days later and said citizens could be allowed back into the country.

But that's sort of the problem with Trump. He doesn't think about these things. He just blurts them out. That's one reason why he doesn't have the temperament to be President.

Do you believe you have the right to move to Bermuda to live there regardless of the wishes of the local citizens?

No, of course not. I'm a naturalized American citizen, so I know more about the US immigration system than most people here.

But Trump did originally say that American citizens should be denied entry into the country based on their religion.

Then the confusion of the OP, Jake and the entire Political Class on this issue should be fairly obvious to you.

DO you agree that comparing the Interment of Japanese Americans and the barring of entry of Alien Muslims is an Act of Madness on their part?

The internment of Japanese Americans was way worse than barring Muslims. But barring Muslims simply based on religion is still bad and makes us look small, intolerant and xenophobic.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Trump in a nut shell.

A phobia is an irrational fear.

Fear of certain deadly violence is not irrational.
Trump originally said all Muslims, including Americans. He then backtracked a few days later and said citizens could be allowed back into the country.

But that's sort of the problem with Trump. He doesn't think about these things. He just blurts them out. That's one reason why he doesn't have the temperament to be President.

Do you believe you have the right to move to Bermuda to live there regardless of the wishes of the local citizens?

No, of course not. I'm a naturalized American citizen, so I know more about the US immigration system than most people here.

But Trump did originally say that American citizens should be denied entry into the country based on their religion.

Then the confusion of the OP, Jake and the entire Political Class on this issue should be fairly obvious to you.

DO you agree that comparing the Interment of Japanese Americans and the barring of entry of Alien Muslims is an Act of Madness on their part?

The internment of Japanese Americans was way worse than barring Muslims. But barring Muslims simply based on religion is still bad and makes us look small, intolerant and xenophobic.
It's not only bad, it is unconstitutional.

Trump backed up. He had to. He also ruptured any rapport he had with the Party. He has guaranteed a President Clinton, which is what he wanted in the first place, I think.

The far right gave him what he wanted: a Clinton victory.

It is not unconstitutional because citizens of other nations do NOT have any right to come live here.

Just like you have no right to go live in Bermuda.

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