It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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This is why Christians get so much hate in this country. They claim to beleive in liberty and democracy, but always want to take away everyone else's liberties.

Yeah, it's terrible, us wanting to protect little babies in the womb like that. How dare us take away women's license to destroy their offspring?
I'll give you one more chance, friend. If you want to converse nicely, I'll converse.
Curse or insult me again, and you're gone. Is that in any way unclear?
Yeah, it's terrible, us wanting to protect little babies in the womb like that. How dare us take away women's license to destroy their offspring?
I'll give you one more chance, friend. If you want to converse nicely, I'll converse.
Curse or insult me again, and you're gone. Is that in any way unclear?

1; There are ways to prevent abortions without outright banning them. Banning abortions leads to MORE abortions, only these are usually done in backrooms, and lead to alot of deaths, both the mothers and the babies. This is why the SCOTUS ruled it a right to begin with, in order to allow it to be done in a more professional environment.
You wanna see what happens when all abortions are banned like the right want to do? Look at Ireland. They do exactly what most Republicans want, a full and total ban on all abortions, regardless of circumstances, and you know what it led to?
Thousands of illegal backroom abortions every year......Doctors intentionally letting woman die because the only way to save them would be to terminate their pregnancy, which would be a crime.....and a huge popular of single mothers who can't afford to care for their children, forcing them to use government assistance.

2; Most christians don't want to stop at abortions. Look at how many in the GOP have publically called for homosexuality to be punishable by death. or for atheism or all other religions except christianity to be banned.

They want to dictate every single thing people are allowed t say, think, and do. ]
Al Qaeda was based in 40 different countries including Saudi Arabia. In fact multiple 9-11 hijackers were from there. There was a much better case that Saudi Arabia was more culpable for the attacks than Afghanistan. The country of Afghanistan did not attack us, nor were any of the hijackers from there, and the pope did NOT lend his blessing to attack that country. You are inconsistent in picking and choosing which war you favor. I am not.
Saudi Arabia revoked bin Laden's citizenship in 1994 so he wanted 9/11 to be blamed on the Saudis.
UN inspectors in 1999 reported Iraq did have WMD. Do you really think Saddam turned boy scout in the next two years and got rid of them with zero impetus to do so? Only gullible people buy that story. You opposed the war because you hated Bush as evidenced by your screen name here. You didn't give a crap about 'civilian casualties' or you would have opposed the Afghan war as well, the one that carried on for 20 years, mostly under your incompetent boy 0bama. I've explained my position already about the war and why I changed my mind. Now you're throwing it up to me. I am getting really tired of your trolling crap. You blab all day long, change your story, contradict yourself, and generally say nothing. I'm not going to respond further to you. Take my earlier advice. Get off the forum, and get a life. You're wasting it in here. Make something of the remaining time you have. Go to church. Get right with God.

Now let's see if you'll have the decency to not respond, or will you launch some final snarky salvo. Should we take bets? Let's see if you can be a man.
Operation Mass appeal was implemented in 1998 to sell the war.
United States is a secular Nation because Christian laws are unjust. And if any religion got that kind of power to take control of the government they wouldn't stop at being nice look what happened in Iran people are murdered because they aren't Muslim. People are always marginalized in a theocracy. And women are always second class citizens in a theocracy.

Mashmont wrote: “People would still have freedom of belie]f] or act as they choose, so long as they don't violate the law which would be based on Christian principles.”

NFBW wrote: The above statement is absurd in itself. It is a contradiction in itself .it is impossible to be true.

The statement below and most of the civil statements opposing the white Christian nationalism that Mashmont is fanatical about are true such as the next paragraph.

They want to dictate every single thing people are allowed t say, think, and do. ]

So Leviticus I see you have made an attempt to hold a civil conversation, hard as it is, so I’ll be watching to see if he cuts you off when you make a valid point etc re: the vulnerability of his arguments promoting white Christian nationalism from a Catholic’s point of life view. He didn’t like being shown that half of all Catholics voted for Biden while the other half voted for an irreligious man who said this much if his adult life.

“2013, Somebody asks me, and I say pro-life” Trump said that abortion isn't exactly at the top of his worry list. "I mean, I feel certain ways about things, and is it a priority for me? Because my priority has always been China and jobs," he said, according to BuzzFeed News. "You know, I've never really been exposed to that. And that's always been my view, to be anti. But, you know, with obviously, with passes, rape and this." - - - Trump also said on the show that abortion has never been his "big issue." He added, "Somebody asks me, and I say pro-life, but it's never been an issue that really has been discussed with me in great detail."

1999 October Trump “I’m very pro-choice,” “I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. I cringe when I listen to people debating the subject. But you still — I just believe in choice.” - - - Later, when asked if abortion should be limited in the third trimester, Trump firmly replied, "No."

Speaking to Fox News that same month, he said he wanted the abortion issue"removed from politics," adding, "I believe it is a personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors." 22FEB12-POST#1177

If you want to converse nicely, I'll converse.

If you can stick to the topic and remain civil, I will converse with you. If you move into insults or namecalling or mocking of God, I'll put you on iggy like I did the other guy.

In my case I was fully committed to legitimate political discourse (The DNC kind not RNC kind,) and he has cut me off. Apparently being correct about anything is an insult to a proper Christian such as Mashmont and therefore he has reserved the right to banish such posts from his perfect all knowing Christian mind.
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And for about the 30th time, when you preclude religion from a nation's laws, you get atheistic laws by default.
NFBW wrote: And for the 31st time you are wrong and have blocked anyone who can tell you why. Let’s discuss Humanae Vitae. 22FEB13-POST#1186
the pope did NOT lend his blessing to attack that country.

NFBW wrote: The Pope did not say no prior to Bush in September 2001 sending the military into Afghanistan. The Pope did say absolutely ‘no’ to Bush invading IRAQ when the peaceful means of inspections was resolving the WMD potential threat. Huge difference Mashmont and a huge void in your argument trying to deflect responsibility for your fear and or hate driven religious aggression and support for a Christian started and Christian launched military invasion onto Iraqi Muslim soil in 2003, that resulted in the deaths of half a million viable souls snd misery for decades to come in that part of the world - you sent atheists, agnostics, alongside Christians and other beliefs into combat on the taxpayers dime to kill people in Iraq from the comfortable safety back here at home.

You sent atheists to kill and be killed for you into Iraq in defiance of the Holy Father of your religion / then Trump comes along convincing you were wrong because Bush lied about the justification for war and you ‘ooops my bad’ I shoulda listened to Pope John Paul Ii. With absolutely no remorse you blame atheists for starting wars after you and Christians GWB and Dick Cheney started a fifteen year war when UN inspectors were there trying to stop Christians like you from doing it. 22FEB13-POST#1187
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I've explained my position already about the war and why I changed my mind. Now you're throwing it up to me.
Well duhhhhhh! You run around blaming atheists for wars after how many viable Iraqis you killed in the name of JESUS NATION or VATICAN CORPORATION/ North America Operation or whatever it is you want us to do for your God.
I don't know how many times I have to explain this. I said Christian country, and that precludes Islam. And for about the 30th time, when you preclude religion from a nation's laws, you get atheistic laws by default. A country either allows abortion or it doesn't. It either allows gay marriage, or it doesn't. It either forces Christians to pay for other people's birth control or it doesn't. It's either pro-God or anti-God. There is no such thing as a neutral position on many issues. If you want to see marginalization and murder and torture and stealing of all human rights, look no further than atheist regimes. No religion has ever compared to atheist regimes in terms of horror.

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters" - Jesus
That is not something that God would say, that's something a human being would say.
That is not something that God would say, that's something a human being would say.

Its something a radical white Christian Trumpism nationalist subversive lurking under the halo of Jesus’ Christ’s crown of thorns wouid say.

Trouble is @Mashmont’s vision converting America into a white Christian nationalistic religious aristocracy of the Christian by the Christian and for the Christian is no longer a joke. The following headline says why Mashmont must be intelligently snacked down as the radical subversive religious radical that he is

The Seeds of Political Violence Are Being Sown in Church​

The new insurrection is being organized, in a sanctuary near you​

It is always difficult to know when and how to cover extremism. Does highlighting a fringe provide an artificial sense of their danger and strength, in much the same way that “nutpicking” works in online spaces to exaggerate the extremism of your opponents? Or does ignoring a fringe allow it to flourish outside the spotlight and shock the nation when it finally emerges?

When it comes to Christian nationalism, the bar for concern has been passed by any conceivable measure. When a movement is strong enough to storm the Capitol, then it is worth continued monitoring and continued concern. Moreover, it’s important to understand why it continues to flourish, and why it is so difficult to understand, much less combat.
1; There are ways to prevent abortions without outright banning them. Banning abortions leads to MORE abortions, only these are usually done in backrooms, and lead to alot of deaths, both the mothers and the babies. This is why the SCOTUS ruled it a right to begin with, in order to allow it to be done in a more professional environment.
You wanna see what happens when all abortions are banned like the right want to do? Look at Ireland. They do exactly what most Republicans want, a full and total ban on all abortions, regardless of circumstances, and you know what it led to?
We've already proven making something illegal reduces its occurrence. It's not only illogical making something illegal would increase its practice, it's also illogical. Abortions SHOULD be relegated to the shadows and back alleys because it is a filthy nasty hideous business, massacring little babies. It doesn't deserve to be done in a well-lit office with government blessing.
Thousands of illegal backroom abortions every year......Doctors intentionally letting woman die because the only way to save them would be to terminate their pregnancy, which would be a crime.....and a huge popular of single mothers who can't afford to care for their children, forcing them to use government assistance.
84% of abortions are done by unwed mothers. They shouldn't be having sex anyway.

2; Most christians don't want to stop at abortions. Look at how many in the GOP have publically called for homosexuality to be punishable by death. or for atheism or all other religions except christianity to be banned.
Another absurd statement. All practicing Christians want abortion illegal, or they wouldn't be practicing Christians.
They want to dictate every single thing people are allowed t say, think, and do.
Sorry, you aren't allowed to take the rights of others to live just for your own 'right' to convenience.
Abortions SHOULD be relegated to the shadows and back alleys because it is a filthy nasty hideous business, massacring little babies. It doesn't deserve to be done in a well-lit office with government blessing.

NFBW wrote: It is not the government “blessing” safe abortions. Mashmont is lying in writing. The government has no authority to intervene in the pregnancy of an individual law abiding citizen who decides to terminate her pregnancy according to the US Constitution and the Supreme Court. 22FEB14-POST#1193
Cheney went to the pentagon every day. They were cherry picking the intel..

The fact that other people supported war as a policy, does not mean anything.

I wrote dozens of letters to government people before the invasion and resigned the Republican party after 35 years. Didn't you know it would be an unmitigated disaster?

It's comical when the irreligious left complains that Trump isn't a good Christian. That must mean he is an excellent Christian, and Trump apparently is. First, even though Trump isn't Catholic, he's a far better Catholic than Joe Biden.

NFBW ¥¥ wrote: Biden opposes Putin invading Ukraine. Here goes Mashmont sgain - loving military invasions - in
2003 it was Cheney’s invasion of Iraq. In 2022 it’s Mashmont living Trump & Putin’s genius invasion of Ukraine.

Military invasions mean people will die.

DJT praised Putin invasion of Ukraine: "I went in yesterday, and there was a television screen, and I said, 'This is genius.' Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that's wonderful," "I said, 'How smart is that?' And he's going to go in and be a peacekeeper."

When does Mashmont begin to oppose aborting viable human lives in unnecessary military invasions of weak nations by powerful nations ?

I don't know how many times I have to explain this. I said Christian country, and that precludes Islam. And for about the 30th time, when you preclude religion from a nation's laws, you get atheistic laws by default. A country either allows abortion or it doesn't. It either allows gay marriage, or it doesn't. It either forces Christians to pay for other people's birth control or it doesn't. It's either pro-God or anti-God. There is no such thing as a neutral position on many issues. If you want to see marginalization and murder and torture and stealing of all human rights, look no further than atheist regimes. No religion has ever compared to atheist regimes in terms of horror.

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters" - Jesus
Actually the atheists are a better caliber of people, ask any sociologists. Theists have all kinds of horrible hangups.
I don't know how many times I have to explain this. I said Christian country, and that precludes Islam. And for about the 30th time, when you preclude religion from a nation's laws, you get atheistic laws by default. A country either allows abortion or it doesn't. It either allows gay marriage, or it doesn't. It either forces Christians to pay for other people's birth control or it doesn't. It's either pro-God or anti-God. There is no such thing as a neutral position on many issues. If you want to see marginalization and murder and torture and stealing of all human rights, look no further than atheist regimes. No religion has ever compared to atheist regimes in terms of horror.

“Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters" - Jesus
There can't be any "Christian country". Christians were never instructed to seize earthly political power. Christians are to "seek ye first the kingdom of God" and "My kingdom is not of this world". Seeking His Kingdom be gaining worldly political power so you can lord over and dominate everyone else just doesn't fly.
I think what we have learned on my thread is that the atheist minority feels VERY threatened of the thought of someone who is onto their little arrangement with the Marxist power structure and their media. "Shout 'separation of church and state!!' ", they instruct their media, and that opens the door for all the atheist laws to flood in without opposition. Because, ladies and gentlemen, opposition is what the atheist left abhors and attempts to silence and/or wipe out.

Because let me tell you, the ultimate goal of the atheist left is FORCED abortion. Don't believe it? Take a look at China for the past 40 years. One child law. Forced abortion. You violate it, you're imprisoned. To the libertarian fools, which appear to be numerous in here, you are purchasing the very loss of liberty you cling to so tightly. You think the Communists are going to respect your "live and let live" philosophy? Hell, no. They will laugh in your faces. Your days of getting high will be all over.

Join me in lobbying for a Constitutional Change to the religion clause to make Christianity the state religion. You'll find that a lot more agreeable than Communism. 100 million in the last century could vouch for that, if only they hadn't been exterminated.

Atheist Minority? That is hilarious!

The overwhelming majority of people in this thread think your idea is terrible. Blame leftists and atheists if you want, but even Christian conservatives think a theocracy is a bad idea.
Atheist Minority? That is hilarious!

The overwhelming majority of people in this thread think your idea is terrible. Blame leftists and atheists if you want, but even Christian conservatives think a theocracy is a bad idea.
Most people responding to this thread are atheists or irreligious, so they obviously don't want to surrender their control.
Most people responding to this thread are atheists or irreligious, so they obviously don't want to surrender their control.
What makes you think that Jesus wants His followers in control?
Think Mashmont added me to his iggy list, AKA The Hall of Fame
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NFBW =£ wrote: @Mashmont’s Catholic God is a white racist God if Humanae Vitae is scientifically acceptable as fact that a human life begins prior to conception as @Mashmont implores us to take his phony word for it and believe. Life begins when @Mashmont’s vision of a God “has a personal PLAN” for it. Even if it is HIS PLAN to naturally kill it in the womb and or kill the mother naturally during pregnancy, and that brutal anti-human Humanae Vitae GOD awful plan happens more often to black women than white in America.

NFBW ¥¥ wrote: Is Humanae Vitae a scientifically proven fact that all Human Lives begin prior to conception when God makes a plan to create a new human life? So that would mean American Law must enforce Humanae Vitae which would ban premarital sex outside of an HRCC sanctioned holy marriage.

If you want us to make America a Christian Nation Mashmont don’t you think you need to answer all questions that posters here ask you to explain.,

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