January 6th committee ignorance

Trump could have told his mob that he wanted them to March to the Capitol and let Congress know that they did not want them to certify the election

Instead, he told them it was up to them to stop the certification. Fight like hell
So, where was the adversarial component to this witch hunt of yours?

It was literally nothing more than an infomercial.
All the actors are pushing whatever the product is-
There is no counterargument in an informercial.
No one cross-examined Billy Mays on whatever product he was selling.
No one cross-examined K-Tell on the merits of their products.

Anyone who thinks that this was anything more than that - is simply a partisan hack whose remnants of whatever brain cells they may have once had are completely relegated to the Democrat Cult or are too simply stupid to have a meaningful conversation with.
It was literally nothing more than an infomercial.
All the actors are pushing whatever the product is-
There is no counterargument in an informercial.
No one cross-examined Billy Mays on whatever product he was selling.
No one cross-examined K-Tell on the merits of their products.

Anyone who thinks that this was anything more than that - is simply a partisan hack whose remnants of whatever brain cells they may have once had are completely relegated to the Democrat Cult or are too simply stupid to have a meaningful conversation with.
Absolutely my point....

I think most rational people would have accepted the facts if that was the goal of the committee, however, they shot their credibility from the start when they only put people on the committee that were of singular purpose...
Absolutely my point....

I think most rational people would have accepted the facts if that was the goal of the committee, however, they shot their credibility from the start when they only put people on the committee that were of singular purpose...
Republicans declined to participate

They have no right to complain about those who did
That's not altogether true and you know it....

This was a clown show from the start, and just how Pelosi wanted it....

Republicans were invited to participate in a bipartisan commission of Senators and Congressmen with equal leadership….they blocked it

They were invited to participate in the Jan 6 Commission and offered two members who were involved and had a conflict of interest. When Pelosi rejected those two, McCarthy had a tantrum and blocked any Republican participation

They have no right to complain about the resulting investigation
Republicans were invited to participate in a bipartisan commission of Senators and Congressmen with equal leadership….they blocked it

They were invited to participate in the Jan 6 Commission and offered two members who were involved and had a conflict of interest. When Pelosi rejected those two, McCarthy had a tantrum and blocked any Republican participation

They have no right to complain about the resulting investigation
Just as I said...Pelosi doesn't have the right to tell the Republican's who they can, or can't have on that committee....She wanted a one sided, kangaroo panel from the start...Banks and Jordan were going to be the adversarial component to this and Pelosi couldn't have that so she broke with long standing precedent to compile the shit fest we see today....
So, where was the adversarial component to this witch hunt of yours?
That is just stupid. First, there was an attempt to create a bipartisan committee, it was Republicans that refused because they couldn't put some of the very people being investigated on that committee. And then, countless individuals, including Trump himself, refused to testify, refused to take advantage of the opportunity to explain themselves.
Absolutely my point....

I think most rational people would have accepted the facts if that was the goal of the committee, however, they shot their credibility from the start when they only put people on the committee that were of singular purpose...

I know
I'm just amplifing your points.
Blaming the entire scenario on ONE MAN is the height of ignorance.
Yes, like “Bidenflation”.

Personally, I don’t blame Trump for much of anything. I blame the craven politicians and dishonest, opportunistic MAGA media pundits, all of whom have ENABLED this madness.

One guy can’t cause this. It’s never been about him. He was merely shameless enough to take advantage of it.
It was literally nothing more than an infomercial.
All the actors are pushing whatever the product is-
There is no counterargument in an informercial.
No one cross-examined Billy Mays on whatever product he was selling.
No one cross-examined K-Tell on the merits of their products.

Anyone who thinks that this was anything more than that - is simply a partisan hack whose remnants of whatever brain cells they may have once had are completely relegated to the Democrat Cult or are too simply stupid to have a meaningful conversation with.
You are probably so naive that you believe the adversarial justice system in the United States is prevalent around the world. Got news for you, it is not. And there is no study that has shown that the adversarial system is more effective, and correct, than the standard inquisitorial system used in most of the world. In fact, our system is unquestionably broken.

But perhaps what you don't understand is that this was not a "trial", it was an investigation, and was conducted as such. It has no "teeth", while the committee can refer to the justice department those referrals have no legal standing. The purpose was to ascertain just exactly what happened so that we can put in place policies that can prevent it from happening again.
You can blame entire scenarios on one man quite often. That isnt the problem. The problem is that he never told anyone to riot. He told them to do the opposite of riot. He told them to be peaceful, so democrats want to charge him with inciting a riot. Make sense? No? Of course it doesnt. Its fucking dumb. This 2022 weird political game shit is fucking lame. I hope both sides start killing each other. I want to see bodies piled up. If this is how its going to be, lets just have a civil war and end this shit once and for all.
Aren't you tired of losing yet snowflake?

The last Civil War didn't go too well for the traitorous rebel insurgents.

Don't you remembwr that from school?
Yes, like “Bidenflation”.

Personally, I don’t blame Trump for much of anything. I blame the craven politicians and dishonest, opportunistic MAGA media pundits, all of whom have ENABLED this madness.

One guy can’t cause this. It’s never been about him. He was merely shameless enough to take advantage of it.
Bidenflation is the policies as a whole. Both his and the Democrat controlled house who spent us into oblivion. And now the GOP is set to follow in their footsteps.

Fuckem all
That is just stupid. First, there was an attempt to create a bipartisan committee...
Um no....The attempt that was successful by Pelosi was to destroy any dissent from the narrative that Democrats wanted put forth...And Pelosi made sure that was the case...

It was Republicans that refused because they couldn't put some of the very people being investigated on that committee.
It was clear that Pelosi didn't want any dissent on the sham of a committee, and in the process she ensured that the findings of this committee would be partisan in nature, and rejected by rational people.

And then, countless individuals, including Trump himself, refused to testify, refused to take advantage of the opportunity to explain themselves.

Why would anyone appear in front of a kangaroo proceeding like this? This committee was doomed from the start, and Democrats wanted it that way.
Yes, like “Bidenflation”.

Personally, I don’t blame Trump for much of anything. I blame the craven politicians and dishonest, opportunistic MAGA media pundits, all of whom have ENABLED this madness.

One guy can’t cause this. It’s never been about him. He was merely shameless enough to take advantage of it.
LOL....Priceless....You just can't make this kind of cognitive dissonance up...
Bidenflation is the policies as a whole. Both his and the Democrat controlled house who spent us into oblivion. And now the GOP is set to follow in their footsteps.

Fuckem all
The buildup to this inflation started years before Biden, years before Trump, and even years before Obama. And they all had a hand in it, including Trump.

Blaming one guy or one party truly would be ignorant.
Um no....The attempt that was successful by Pelosi was to destroy any dissent from the narrative that Democrats wanted put forth...And Pelosi made sure that was the case...

It was clear that Pelosi didn't want any dissent on the sham of a committee, and in the process she ensured that the findings of this committee would be partisan in nature, and rejected by rational people.

Why would anyone appear in front of a kangaroo proceeding like this? This committee was doomed from the start, and Democrats wanted it that way.
Then what do you call this?


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