Japan gov't says NK missile

Headed their way ,,,,Just breaking ,,,,,,,What will Trump do?
If I were him I'd go play golf, and make fun of the Mayor of Houston because he's black and soggy.
That's all the moron is good for That and putting his name on buildings

President Trump isn't really interested in your opinion of him. I doubt he knows you even exist so venting your Trump anger daily what are you really accomplishing?
So blues you'd feel better if all here gave praise to the moron?? That ain't happening
Headed their way ,,,,Just breaking ,,,,,,,What will Trump do?
why would he do anything? Can't Japan do something?

True Japan can fight and protect herself. But last time Trump tough talk threatened Kim Jung On with massive armada on the way and nuclear strikes. Then lots of your friends celebrated how tough is Trump. A week later Kim tested more missiles and threatened to annihilate SK.
So what happened to those threats? Not a damn thing NOTHING.
That is one good example how he demonstrated his weakness and dumbness to the whole world.
Now your president is so quiet and finally learn to just STFU. Those tough talk doesn't mean a diddly squat.
Only a fool would pretend to have intimate detailed knowledge of what our President and military leaders are really doing. You keep right on though.
Headed their way ,,,,Just breaking ,,,,,,,What will Trump do?
If I were him I'd go play golf, and make fun of the Mayor of Houston because he's black and soggy.
That's all the moron is good for That and putting his name on buildings

President Trump isn't really interested in your opinion of him. I doubt he knows you even exist so venting your Trump anger daily what are you really accomplishing?
So blues you'd feel better if all here gave praise to the moron?? That ain't happening

No I'm just amazed how much time Trump haters waste each day venting while accomplishing nothing. Another lib just started a strange thread probably took her 2 hours to draft it. lol
Headed their way ,,,,Just breaking ,,,,,,,What will Trump do?
why would he do anything? Can't Japan do something?

True Japan can fight and protect herself. But last time Trump tough talk threatened Kim Jung On with massive armada on the way and nuclear strikes. Then lots of your friends celebrated how tough is Trump. A week later Kim tested more missiles and threatened to annihilate SK.
So what happened to those threats? Not a damn thing NOTHING.
That is one good example how he demonstrated his weakness and dumbness to the whole world.
Now your president is so quiet and finally learn to just STFU. Those tough talk doesn't mean a diddly squat.
Only a fool would pretend to have intimate detailed knowledge of what our President and military leaders are really doing. You keep right on though.
True we only know of what trump says Seems it NEVER equals what he does
Headed their way ,,,,Just breaking ,,,,,,,What will Trump do?

BTW. Where did you hear that?
On all stations First was CNBC and futures are all down

My apologies I missed it. It's all over.

North Korea missile passes over northern Japan - Japan government
Thanks. I was getting a little worried there for a minute.
We all were All except a fool called sassy....Many stocks down in after hours and she doesn't know her butt from her elbow
Silly US war propaganda. NK missiles are exploding on launch. We should actually leave South Korea. We don't belong there. But the Warmonger powers-that-be want war. So that's likely what we'll get. Americans need to wake up and start opposing this Perpetual War agenda.
Nothing the Japanese can't handle, they'll just send a couple of squadrons of convertible fighters piloted by hot J-babes to take care of Lil' Kim and his crappy missiles:

The Japs know just who to call in such an emergency


I guess they better call someone else to save their ass from a NK missile...
If Trump did anything, he would be yelled at because he should be concentrating on Harvey. If he does nothing, he will be yelled at because of Harvey. Doesn't matter what he does or doesn't do..someone will find fault with it.
Trump should focus on rebuilding Texas and Louisiana until we have more data in the missile test and he has time to discuss matters with the generals
What did Hussein and Hillary do when the Benghazi terrorists were storming the Embassy? Hillary called in sick and Hussein ate pizza.
why would he do anything? Can't Japan do something?
Your big mouth already stated any attack on our allies will be met with a very very very bad result for NK
yep the president said so? not sure your point.
Point is he has some thinking to do Can he let NK make a bigger ass out of him as they say "in your face trump?" just like Mexico did with their paying for a wall?
yep, he has contact with our allies, and I'm sure he will back whatever they think is the correct response. It's what I'd do and I'd give Japan the lead.
You repubs lost your sheet when Obama had a line not to cross Now lets see how FOS you all are when dump comes up empty
Who says Trump isn't going to do anything about It?

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