Jesus was right, of course.

I know a troll when I see one and you're a troll.
Like you invent a god to fill the gaps in your knowledge you accuse 'troll' to hide the deficiency in your logic. Oh well, at least that means you don't have to think.

How did the universe come into existence? Regal us with your intelligence and logic.
I think it's possible that, upon their physical death, they may finally accept Jesus. Of course, in the bible Jesus spoke of such people trying to save themselves at the last moment and Jesus telling them "I never knew you" and rejecting them. They have been deceived by Satan.

Jesus was still half human, given to anger, God is love, and only love. Some on earth have never heard of Jesus or God, are they condemned to hell? I cannot accept that. The soul is wiser than the brain. You noted those that tried to be saved, I write of those whose lives reflect the principles and love of Jesus without the names.

I never said, nor do I believe, that those who have never heard of Jesus, are going to Hell. Clearly, atheists have and have rejected him.

But the Gospel of John says that everybody and everything received the Word, all the qualities of God. So you may not know Jesus by that name and by the specific Biblical teachings, you know His values the same way as everything does. That is why no one has an excuse.

I don't pretend to have all of the answers. I presume Jesus will make himself known to everyone, perhaps even as late as their physical deaths, to give them an opportunity to accept him and his kingdom or to reject it.

This has already happened.

I don't know this but, if you know that to be true, it's ok with me.
That is NOT a Christian statement, iin MY belief. Love the sinner, hate the sin; pray for all atheists. Personally, I can take a right wing nut before an atheist, I cannot stand them, but I pray for them and recognize my failing as a human to accept stupid, egotistical, arrogant, idiotic, bast*rd atheists.

They hate you and they hate Jesus or, at least, the idea of Jesus.

Once again --- Link?

Still nothing.

A link to what, k*nt? A link to show all of the hatred on display daily throughout the world for Jesus and Christianity?

Why, a link to your absolute statement of course. You know --- the thing that would make your strawman not-a-strawman. That thing.

Just one for this ass-ertion for now. We'll do all those other strawmen separately.

And if someone says they like ice cream, you probably want a link for that too. LOL.

Nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnope. That would be simply somebody expressing their personal tastes.

In the case above you purported to speak for somebody else. In fact an entire set of people who fall under the description of an adjective you don't even understand in the first place.

So yeah as long as you're going to purport to speak for other people, god damn right I want the quote you're quoting.
Jesus said "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

There is no shortage of soulless atheists here and elsewhere that hate Jesus and those that believe in him. Another prophecy fulfilled.

Another nonsensical thread.

If one is an atheist, why would they "hate Jesus"?

I knew one atheist that complained about every church it drove by, every church goer in it's neighborhood, and every Bible, or image thereof, it encountered. Yes, it once stated "I am sick of those ____________ religious nuts and God, God, God, Christ, Christ, Jesus, Jesus, I hate all of it". That was close as it came, I got away from it, and never regretted it's grating voice fading away.


Are you confusing atheist with asexual? :dunno:

What's the point anyway?

Not show the gender to avoid stating one or the other is more likely to be an atheist, Church hater.

That's not even a sentence in English. But I posted nothing about hate (or a church) --- only the OP did that.
And now you've joined him in this noble fingerpointing at entities not present.

When we need a conditional gender-nonspecific pronoun in English we generally fall back on the plural, e.g. "I knew one atheist that complained about every church they drove by". When you change a subject who is obviously a human and not an infant into the neuter gender it's like a giant billboard distracting away from whatever the point is.

-- A point that has still not been revealed, unless you want to change that to "I knew all atheists". Without that, all you have here is a Composition Fallacy.
I think it's possible that, upon their physical death, they may finally accept Jesus. Of course, in the bible Jesus spoke of such people trying to save themselves at the last moment and Jesus telling them "I never knew you" and rejecting them. They have been deceived by Satan.
Interesting. What's the time limit?
At the root of Christianity, the concept that man was born in sin, and can only be saved through grace, is central. That would imply, and some churches accept it as dogma, that man is guilty of original sin, dating back to the Garden of Eden. This is so ridiculous, that I see no point in pursuing the faith any deeper. Of course, the idea that god felt it necessary for his son to bear an agonizing death, just to get our attention, is also absurd, but I won't even go there.
For example, even the most isolated pacific island cannibal knows that he would not like to be his naighbor when he puts his neighbors head on a stick to roast for dinner.
Which is a long way from believing some ME carpenter died for that cannibal's sins.
Jesus said "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

There is no shortage of soulless atheists here and elsewhere that hate Jesus and those that believe in him. Another prophecy fulfilled.

Wrong again Bozo, Jesus was Left; he supported the common people and tossed the money changers out of the temple.
Yep. He healed the sick and fed the hungry too. The right would just let them die or starve.
Jesus said "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

There is no shortage of soulless atheists here and elsewhere that hate Jesus and those that believe in him. Another prophecy fulfilled.

Wrong again Bozo, Jesus was Left; he supported the common people and tossed the money changers out of the temple.
Yep. He healed the sick and fed the hungry too. The right would just let them die or starve.

The left is responsible for more murder, destruction and misery in the world BY FAR.
I think it's possible that, upon their physical death, they may finally accept Jesus. Of course, in the bible Jesus spoke of such people trying to save themselves at the last moment and Jesus telling them "I never knew you" and rejecting them. They have been deceived by Satan.
Interesting. What's the time limit?
Classic troll.
Ah, you've invented stuff to believe to fill gaps in your knowledge. Sad.

Yea? Like what? Cue the k*nt act.
There's a lot of atheists in this thread that will die into non-existence because they reject Jesus and his teachings. Fuck em' all and good riddance.

That is NOT a Christian statement, iin MY belief. Love the sinner, hate the sin; pray for all atheists. Personally, I can take a right wing nut before an atheist, I cannot stand them, but I pray for them and recognize my failing as a human to accept stupid, egotistical, arrogant, idiotic, bast*rd atheists.
Let's unpack some of your 50 cent words:

"Stupid": like, believing the ark story, or believing in a zombie king?

"Egotistical": like thinking you are so important, that all of this was made special just for you, and you are going to live forever?

"Arrogant": like, demanding the truth of a magical myth, based on nothing more than "because I say so", and deeming to be able to threaten people's eternal existence if they do not accept your magical beliefs?

"Bastard": like, being an admittedly intolerant jerk who thinks he must feel sorry for anyone who doesn't agree with his magical, authoritative declarations?

Ignorant, arrogant, and ego driven to think humans are the ultimate, with no creater & to think all the universe just came out of nowhere, and what was there before the Big Bang, by the way? There are things beyond our limited understanding, as Einstein wrote it is difficult to believe this complexity, this beauty, is just an accident. I see God in human beings, other animals, the sublime beauty of life. I am sorry you do not.

I would apologize for losing my temper and insulting atheists but it would not be sincere. Again, I will not judge, we are all equal in the heart of God.
For hundreds of years we have been coming to understand tho vs that your religious nutballs were tellling us were "beyond the scope of human understanding". This has always just been code for, " I attribute those things to god, and so there is no way my god can be displaced from them". And over and over and over you have been wrong. I will take a lesson from history and assume for now that this time is no different.

And you k*nts have been telling us that the universe created itself, life came from nothing, it's established science and anyone who doesn't agree with this moronic narrative believes in fairy tales. LOL. Stupid k*nt.
"the universe created itself, life came from nothing, it's established science"

I never said any of that, and i don't assert it.. Maybe the thought of "k*nts" is taking up too much space in your memory banks. Rub one off and get back to me. ;)
There's a lot of atheists in this thread that will die into non-existence because they reject Jesus and his teachings. Fuck em' all and good riddance.

That is NOT a Christian statement, iin MY belief. Love the sinner, hate the sin; pray for all atheists. Personally, I can take a right wing nut before an atheist, I cannot stand them, but I pray for them and recognize my failing as a human to accept stupid, egotistical, arrogant, idiotic, bast*rd atheists.
Let's unpack some of your 50 cent words:

"Stupid": like, believing the ark story, or believing in a zombie king?

"Egotistical": like thinking you are so important, that all of this was made special just for you, and you are going to live forever?

"Arrogant": like, demanding the truth of a magical myth, based on nothing more than "because I say so", and deeming to be able to threaten people's eternal existence if they do not accept your magical beliefs?

"Bastard": like, being an admittedly intolerant jerk who thinks he must feel sorry for anyone who doesn't agree with his magical, authoritative declarations?

Ignorant, arrogant, and ego driven to think humans are the ultimate, with no creater & to think all the universe just came out of nowhere, and what was there before the Big Bang, by the way? There are things beyond our limited understanding, as Einstein wrote it is difficult to believe this complexity, this beauty, is just an accident. I see God in human beings, other animals, the sublime beauty of life. I am sorry you do not.

I would apologize for losing my temper and insulting atheists but it would not be sincere. Again, I will not judge, we are all equal in the heart of God.

Don't apologize. Atheists don't believe in such concepts. You certainly won't see those Godless, soulless k*nts apologize for anything.

That is no excuse for my unkindness, atheists have nothing in the end, just a void inside them now, and possibly after.
"atheists have nothing in the end, just a void inside them now"

How would you presume to know that? Only by lying. I think you mean to say that's how you might feel, should you lose your faith.
I know a troll when I see one and you're a troll.
Like you invent a god to fill the gaps in your knowledge you accuse 'troll' to hide the deficiency in your logic. Oh well, at least that means you don't have to think.

How did the universe come into existence? Regal us with your intelligence and logic.
"How did the universe come into existence? Regal us with your intelligence and logic."

Is "I don't know!" okay? See, this is what is odd about your very aggressive interrogation: you are one of the ones professing to know how it came into existence.

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