Jesus was right, of course.

Jesus said "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

There is no shortage of soulless atheists here and elsewhere that hate Jesus and those that believe in him. Another prophecy fulfilled.

Another nonsensical thread.

If one is an atheist, why would they "hate Jesus"?

I knew one atheist that complained about every church it drove by, every church goer in it's neighborhood, and every Bible, or image thereof, it encountered. Yes, it once stated "I am sick of those ____________ religious nuts and God, God, God, Christ, Christ, Jesus, Jesus, I hate all of it". That was close as it came, I got away from it, and never regretted it's grating voice fading away.


Are you confusing atheist with asexual? :dunno:

What's the point anyway?

Not show the gender to avoid stating one or the other is more likely to be an atheist, Church hater.

That's not even a sentence in English. But I posted nothing about hate (or a church) --- only the OP did that.
And now you've joined him in this noble fingerpointing at entities not present.

When we need a conditional gender-nonspecific pronoun in English we generally fall back on the plural, e.g. "I knew one atheist that complained about every church they drove by". When you change a subject who is obviously a human and not an infant into the neuter gender it's like a giant billboard distracting away from whatever the point is.

-- A point that has still not been revealed, unless you want to change that to "I knew all atheists". Without that, all you have here is a Composition Fallacy.

Ok. Thank you and Fort Fun. This topic has more anger than NK at this time. Why, I cannot fathom. I noted ONE atheist, did not imply all were like that individual. Nor do I need extended lessons on typos.
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That is NOT a Christian statement, iin MY belief. Love the sinner, hate the sin; pray for all atheists. Personally, I can take a right wing nut before an atheist, I cannot stand them, but I pray for them and recognize my failing as a human to accept stupid, egotistical, arrogant, idiotic, bast*rd atheists.
Let's unpack some of your 50 cent words:

"Stupid": like, believing the ark story, or believing in a zombie king?

"Egotistical": like thinking you are so important, that all of this was made special just for you, and you are going to live forever?

"Arrogant": like, demanding the truth of a magical myth, based on nothing more than "because I say so", and deeming to be able to threaten people's eternal existence if they do not accept your magical beliefs?

"Bastard": like, being an admittedly intolerant jerk who thinks he must feel sorry for anyone who doesn't agree with his magical, authoritative declarations?

Ignorant, arrogant, and ego driven to think humans are the ultimate, with no creater & to think all the universe just came out of nowhere, and what was there before the Big Bang, by the way? There are things beyond our limited understanding, as Einstein wrote it is difficult to believe this complexity, this beauty, is just an accident. I see God in human beings, other animals, the sublime beauty of life. I am sorry you do not.

I would apologize for losing my temper and insulting atheists but it would not be sincere. Again, I will not judge, we are all equal in the heart of God.

Don't apologize. Atheists don't believe in such concepts. You certainly won't see those Godless, soulless k*nts apologize for anything.

That is no excuse for my unkindness, atheists have nothing in the end, just a void inside them now, and possibly after.
"atheists have nothing in the end, just a void inside them now"

How would you presume to know that? Only by lying. I think you mean to say that's how you might feel, should you lose your faith.

Could be, perhaps many atheists do not question existance. Why don't you explain.
Another nonsensical thread.

If one is an atheist, why would they "hate Jesus"?

I knew one atheist that complained about every church it drove by, every church goer in it's neighborhood, and every Bible, or image thereof, it encountered. Yes, it once stated "I am sick of those ____________ religious nuts and God, God, God, Christ, Christ, Jesus, Jesus, I hate all of it". That was close as it came, I got away from it, and never regretted it's grating voice fading away.


Are you confusing atheist with asexual? :dunno:

What's the point anyway?

Not show the gender to avoid stating one or the other is more likely to be an atheist, Church hater.

That's not even a sentence in English. But I posted nothing about hate (or a church) --- only the OP did that.
And now you've joined him in this noble fingerpointing at entities not present.

When we need a conditional gender-nonspecific pronoun in English we generally fall back on the plural, e.g. "I knew one atheist that complained about every church they drove by". When you change a subject who is obviously a human and not an infant into the neuter gender it's like a giant billboard distracting away from whatever the point is.

-- A point that has still not been revealed, unless you want to change that to "I knew all atheists". Without that, all you have here is a Composition Fallacy.

Ok. Thank you and Fort Fun. This topic has more anger than NK at this time. Why, I cannot fathom.

Unlikely, since you're one of the two that expressed it. As I just noted.

I noted ONE atheist, did not imply all were like that individual. Nor do I need extended lessons on typos.

You absolutely did imply the blanket statement, and flat-out made others. And that's Composition Fallacy. As for whatever the "typos" were --- I guess we'll never know. Oh well. :dunno:
At the root of Christianity, the concept that man was born in sin, and can only be saved through grace, is central. That would imply, and some churches accept it as dogma, that man is guilty of original sin, dating back to the Garden of Eden. This is so ridiculous, that I see no point in pursuing the faith any deeper. Of course, the idea that god felt it necessary for his son to bear an agonizing death, just to get our attention, is also absurd, but I won't even go there.
So you want someone else to pick up your collaterals. Typical ...
At the root of Christianity, the concept that man was born in sin, and can only be saved through grace, is central. That would imply, and some churches accept it as dogma, that man is guilty of original sin, dating back to the Garden of Eden. This is so ridiculous, that I see no point in pursuing the faith any deeper. Of course, the idea that god felt it necessary for his son to bear an agonizing death, just to get our attention, is also absurd, but I won't even go there.
So you want someone else to pick up your collaterals. Typical ...

Which also does not make any sense....
This thread hurt the vaginas of the atheists here. They now need...

At the root of Christianity, the concept that man was born in sin, and can only be saved through grace, is central. That would imply, and some churches accept it as dogma, that man is guilty of original sin, dating back to the Garden of Eden. This is so ridiculous, that I see no point in pursuing the faith any deeper. Of course, the idea that god felt it necessary for his son to bear an agonizing death, just to get our attention, is also absurd, but I won't even go there.
So you want someone else to pick up your collaterals. Typical ...

Which also does not make any sense....
But it does make sense. From the moment of your birth if not before, you cost collaterals till the day you die if not beyond. Minimizing those collaterals is the key to success, globally. Jesus Christ showed the most effective way to do that, by far.
At the root of Christianity, the concept that man was born in sin, and can only be saved through grace, is central. That would imply, and some churches accept it as dogma, that man is guilty of original sin, dating back to the Garden of Eden. This is so ridiculous, that I see no point in pursuing the faith any deeper. Of course, the idea that god felt it necessary for his son to bear an agonizing death, just to get our attention, is also absurd, but I won't even go there.
So you want someone else to pick up your collaterals. Typical ...

Which also does not make any sense....
But it does make sense. From the moment of your birth if not before, you cost collaterals till the day you die if not beyond. Minimizing those collaterals is the key to success, globally. Jesus Christ showed the most effective way to do that, by far.

Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?
After you realize Trinitarians are not Christians, and realize the Vatican is the Great Whore of the Revelation, a lot falls into place.
At the root of Christianity, the concept that man was born in sin, and can only be saved through grace, is central. That would imply, and some churches accept it as dogma, that man is guilty of original sin, dating back to the Garden of Eden. This is so ridiculous, that I see no point in pursuing the faith any deeper. Of course, the idea that god felt it necessary for his son to bear an agonizing death, just to get our attention, is also absurd, but I won't even go there.
So you want someone else to pick up your collaterals. Typical ...

Which also does not make any sense....
But it does make sense. From the moment of your birth if not before, you cost collaterals till the day you die if not beyond. Minimizing those collaterals is the key to success, globally. Jesus Christ showed the most effective way to do that, by far.

Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?
Unfortunately, your mind is already made up. I hope you find enlightenment eventually though.
At the root of Christianity, the concept that man was born in sin, and can only be saved through grace, is central. That would imply, and some churches accept it as dogma, that man is guilty of original sin, dating back to the Garden of Eden. This is so ridiculous, that I see no point in pursuing the faith any deeper. Of course, the idea that god felt it necessary for his son to bear an agonizing death, just to get our attention, is also absurd, but I won't even go there.
So you want someone else to pick up your collaterals. Typical ...

Which also does not make any sense....
But it does make sense. From the moment of your birth if not before, you cost collaterals till the day you die if not beyond. Minimizing those collaterals is the key to success, globally. Jesus Christ showed the most effective way to do that, by far.

Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?

No because you are not the way that God wanted you to be when you were born or any other time.
At the root of Christianity, the concept that man was born in sin, and can only be saved through grace, is central. That would imply, and some churches accept it as dogma, that man is guilty of original sin, dating back to the Garden of Eden. This is so ridiculous, that I see no point in pursuing the faith any deeper. Of course, the idea that god felt it necessary for his son to bear an agonizing death, just to get our attention, is also absurd, but I won't even go there.
So you want someone else to pick up your collaterals. Typical ...

Which also does not make any sense....
But it does make sense. From the moment of your birth if not before, you cost collaterals till the day you die if not beyond. Minimizing those collaterals is the key to success, globally. Jesus Christ showed the most effective way to do that, by far.

Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?
Unfortunately, your mind is already made up. I hope you find enlightenment eventually though.
This debate is winnable though, for the Christian logic.
At the root of Christianity, the concept that man was born in sin, and can only be saved through grace, is central. That would imply, and some churches accept it as dogma, that man is guilty of original sin, dating back to the Garden of Eden. This is so ridiculous, that I see no point in pursuing the faith any deeper. Of course, the idea that god felt it necessary for his son to bear an agonizing death, just to get our attention, is also absurd, but I won't even go there.
So you want someone else to pick up your collaterals. Typical ...

Which also does not make any sense....
But it does make sense. From the moment of your birth if not before, you cost collaterals till the day you die if not beyond. Minimizing those collaterals is the key to success, globally. Jesus Christ showed the most effective way to do that, by far.

Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?

No because you are not the way that God wanted you to be when you were born or any other time.

Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.
Jesus said "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

There is no shortage of soulless atheists here and elsewhere that hate Jesus and those that believe in him. Another prophecy fulfilled.
He was talking about his people. Black people.

Is Netanyahu black? Neither was Christ.
Jesus said "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

There is no shortage of soulless atheists here and elsewhere that hate Jesus and those that believe in him. Another prophecy fulfilled.
He was talking about his people. Black people.

Is Netanyahu black? Neither was Christ.

Everyone knows that he was an red haired Anglo. Probably Irish.

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