Jesus was right, of course.

So you want someone else to pick up your collaterals. Typical ...

Which also does not make any sense....
But it does make sense. From the moment of your birth if not before, you cost collaterals till the day you die if not beyond. Minimizing those collaterals is the key to success, globally. Jesus Christ showed the most effective way to do that, by far.

Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?

No because you are not the way that God wanted you to be when you were born or any other time.

Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.

Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.
Jesus, the Christ, is a descendant of the Jewish King, David. He is coming back to defend Israel, not Palestine. He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, not Palestine. And there will be blood.
His throne will be set in the same city as David's throne. Not Palestine. Israel is Christ's inheritance, not Palestine. He will reside in the new Jewish Temple, not Palestine.
Leave Netanyahu's people alone. Stop lobbing rockets, digging tunnels and targeting Jewish schools, and you'd be amazed at how peaceful Israel is..
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Which also does not make any sense....
But it does make sense. From the moment of your birth if not before, you cost collaterals till the day you die if not beyond. Minimizing those collaterals is the key to success, globally. Jesus Christ showed the most effective way to do that, by far.

Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?

No because you are not the way that God wanted you to be when you were born or any other time.

Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.

Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Jesus said "You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved."

There is no shortage of soulless atheists here and elsewhere that hate Jesus and those that believe in him. Another prophecy fulfilled.
If you claim to be a Christian and the world doesn't hate you, you might want to do a little soul searching.
But it does make sense. From the moment of your birth if not before, you cost collaterals till the day you die if not beyond. Minimizing those collaterals is the key to success, globally. Jesus Christ showed the most effective way to do that, by far.

Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?

No because you are not the way that God wanted you to be when you were born or any other time.

Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.

Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.
Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?

No because you are not the way that God wanted you to be when you were born or any other time.

Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.

Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

All very fascinating. now, all I need from you is the scripture that you rely on that backs up your belief that innocent children who die go straight to heaven.
But it does make sense. From the moment of your birth if not before, you cost collaterals till the day you die if not beyond. Minimizing those collaterals is the key to success, globally. Jesus Christ showed the most effective way to do that, by far.

Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?

No because you are not the way that God wanted you to be when you were born or any other time.

Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.

Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.

What makes you think that a child is innocent? Who wrote that and where? At best it is an assumption. And a very weak one at that, as soon as you look what children usually do to each other. Nobody is innocent. You are only innocent if Christ says so. Assumption debunked.
Ok, I understand. I incurred debt to god from the day I am born due to god's failure to make me the way he wanted me, and will therefore spend eternity in agony to make up his his errors. Wow! that makes sense! However, it seems kind of harsh for god to be pissed off at something I did on my first birthday. He is going to kill me anyway. isn't that enough for him?

No because you are not the way that God wanted you to be when you were born or any other time.

Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.

Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

So, are you saying that nothing innocent can be dragged into hell by error or another? Just curious.
No because you are not the way that God wanted you to be when you were born or any other time.

Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.

Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

All very fascinating. now, all I need from you is the scripture that you rely on that backs up your belief that innocent children who die go straight to heaven.
First, why don't you show me Scripture that says they do? Scripture says that God is the perfect Judge who judges the heart. God would not send someone to hell if they are not old enough to comprehend the Gospel message of sin and redemption through Jesus Christ.
No because you are not the way that God wanted you to be when you were born or any other time.

Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.

Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

So, are you saying that nothing innocent can be dragged into hell by error or another? Just curious.
I'm saying that someone has to be old enough to be held accountable to God before thay can be judged. Old enough to know right from wrong and to understand what Gods word says about sin and redemption. That age varies from individual to individual.
Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.

Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

So, are you saying that nothing innocent can be dragged into hell by error or another? Just curious.
I'm saying that someone has to be old enough to be held accountable to God before thay can be judged. Old enough to know right from wrong and to understand what Gods word says about sin and redemption. That age varies from individual to individual.
Additionally, I believe it all boils down to whether or not one is mentally mature enough to recognize the fact that they are sinners and need to repent and ask God to forgive them.
Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.

Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

All very fascinating. now, all I need from you is the scripture that you rely on that backs up your belief that innocent children who die go straight to heaven.
First, why don't you show me Scripture that says they do? Scripture says that God is the perfect Judge who judges the heart. God would not send someone to hell if they are not old enough to comprehend the Gospel message of sin and redemption through Jesus Christ.
God does not send people to hell, people subject themselves to hell. Hell is being separated from that piece of God's spirit into human that gives it life. Separated from the spirit, people live with no guidance from the spirit that gives them eternal life. They wander about aimlessly or live to their own pleasures totally unaware that destruction is but a moment away from them. If most were ever allowed to see a variety of the spirits that can dwell in humans and what they look like it would shake them up so badly that they would go into total denial of what they actually saw in the spirit.
Sounds like god screwed up, then. Then again, that isn't very surprising. Every living thing he ever created ends up dead.

Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

So, are you saying that nothing innocent can be dragged into hell by error or another? Just curious.
I'm saying that someone has to be old enough to be held accountable to God before thay can be judged. Old enough to know right from wrong and to understand what Gods word says about sin and redemption. That age varies from individual to individual.

Unfortunately, this cannot be true. The problem is, that even a toddler can do great harm albeit not by the same will mechanism as adults do. For example, toddlers were observed in hurting their baby siblings as a part of usual sibling competition. Whilst counting as innocent accident in a human court of law, universal logic dictates that it remains a collateral in God's world forever or until ... God decides to hear and act on prayers about it.
Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

So, are you saying that nothing innocent can be dragged into hell by error or another? Just curious.
I'm saying that someone has to be old enough to be held accountable to God before thay can be judged. Old enough to know right from wrong and to understand what Gods word says about sin and redemption. That age varies from individual to individual.

Unfortunately, this cannot be true. The problem is, that even a toddler can do great harm albeit not by the same will mechanism as adults do. For example, toddlers were observed in hurting their baby siblings as a part of usual sibling competition. Whilst counting as innocent accident in a human court of law, universal logic dictates that it remains a collateral in God's world forever or until ... God decides to hear and act on prayers about it.
Children even are subjected to what transpires around them. A child can be subjected to the same evil spirits that a parent or someone they have been subjected to may possess.
Blaming God based on your own ideas can carry no objectivity, hence it is warned against in the Bible as well as in scientific reasoning. It is like blaming your car for the crash that you cause.

Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

So, are you saying that nothing innocent can be dragged into hell by error or another? Just curious.
I'm saying that someone has to be old enough to be held accountable to God before thay can be judged. Old enough to know right from wrong and to understand what Gods word says about sin and redemption. That age varies from individual to individual.

Unfortunately, this cannot be true. The problem is, that even a toddler can do great harm albeit not by the same will mechanism as adults do. For example, toddlers were observed in hurting their baby siblings as a part of usual sibling competition. Whilst counting as innocent accident in a human court of law, universal logic dictates that it remains a collateral in God's world forever or until ... God decides to hear and act on prayers about it.
Like I said. A child cannot be held accountable until they are old enough to understand what they are doing. A childish temper tantrum might be a sin. But the child may not be old enough to understand what sin is or why it matters. until they are, they go to Heaven when they die, because they cannot be held accountable for their actions. Until they are old enough to understand the concepts of sin and redemption, they get a free pass.
Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

So, are you saying that nothing innocent can be dragged into hell by error or another? Just curious.
I'm saying that someone has to be old enough to be held accountable to God before thay can be judged. Old enough to know right from wrong and to understand what Gods word says about sin and redemption. That age varies from individual to individual.

Unfortunately, this cannot be true. The problem is, that even a toddler can do great harm albeit not by the same will mechanism as adults do. For example, toddlers were observed in hurting their baby siblings as a part of usual sibling competition. Whilst counting as innocent accident in a human court of law, universal logic dictates that it remains a collateral in God's world forever or until ... God decides to hear and act on prayers about it.
Like I said. A child cannot be held accountable until they are old enough to understand what they are doing. A childish temper tantrum might be a sin. But the child may not be old enough to understand what sin is or why it matters. until they are, they go to Heaven when they die, because they cannot be held accountable for their actions. Until they are old enough to understand the concepts of sin and redemption, they get a free pass.
Should people heed the advice given by Paul or just ignore it? Romans 10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above: ) Romans 10:7 Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)

Jesus told his disciples that they would even be as the angels. Angels come and go.
Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

So, are you saying that nothing innocent can be dragged into hell by error or another? Just curious.
I'm saying that someone has to be old enough to be held accountable to God before thay can be judged. Old enough to know right from wrong and to understand what Gods word says about sin and redemption. That age varies from individual to individual.

Unfortunately, this cannot be true. The problem is, that even a toddler can do great harm albeit not by the same will mechanism as adults do. For example, toddlers were observed in hurting their baby siblings as a part of usual sibling competition. Whilst counting as innocent accident in a human court of law, universal logic dictates that it remains a collateral in God's world forever or until ... God decides to hear and act on prayers about it.
Children even are subjected to what transpires around them. A child can be subjected to the same evil spirits that a parent or someone they have been subjected to may possess.

This is true. And like the evil spirit itself, the child has thereby made himself an aspirant to hell. Although unlike evil spirits, the child can learn to pray and get a chance that his prayer gets heard by God. Maybe. But there is no such opportunity to anyone who rejects Christ.
Yet, I am still completely amazed that you believe that an innocent child is already in need of redemption for sin. That makes no sense at all.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

So, are you saying that nothing innocent can be dragged into hell by error or another? Just curious.
I'm saying that someone has to be old enough to be held accountable to God before thay can be judged. Old enough to know right from wrong and to understand what Gods word says about sin and redemption. That age varies from individual to individual.

Unfortunately, this cannot be true. The problem is, that even a toddler can do great harm albeit not by the same will mechanism as adults do. For example, toddlers were observed in hurting their baby siblings as a part of usual sibling competition. Whilst counting as innocent accident in a human court of law, universal logic dictates that it remains a collateral in God's world forever or until ... God decides to hear and act on prayers about it.
Like I said. A child cannot be held accountable until they are old enough to understand what they are doing. A childish temper tantrum might be a sin. But the child may not be old enough to understand what sin is or why it matters. until they are, they go to Heaven when they die, because they cannot be held accountable for their actions. Until they are old enough to understand the concepts of sin and redemption, they get a free pass.

This seems like a human only logic. So what happens to the collaterals? They don't just disappear. And humans certainly can't make things never happened. So your logic error is a gap that begs for an answer.
Ever hear of a little something called the age of accountability? If a young child dies, they go to Heaven, because they are not old enough to know better. In a sense, they are still innocent. Things change when they are old enough to be held accountable for themselve and are able to understand the concepts in the Bible. Everyone who goes to Hell deserves to be there. God is the perfect Judge.

So, are you saying that nothing innocent can be dragged into hell by error or another? Just curious.
I'm saying that someone has to be old enough to be held accountable to God before thay can be judged. Old enough to know right from wrong and to understand what Gods word says about sin and redemption. That age varies from individual to individual.

Unfortunately, this cannot be true. The problem is, that even a toddler can do great harm albeit not by the same will mechanism as adults do. For example, toddlers were observed in hurting their baby siblings as a part of usual sibling competition. Whilst counting as innocent accident in a human court of law, universal logic dictates that it remains a collateral in God's world forever or until ... God decides to hear and act on prayers about it.
Children even are subjected to what transpires around them. A child can be subjected to the same evil spirits that a parent or someone they have been subjected to may possess.

This is true. And like the evil spirit itself, the child has thereby made himself an aspirant to hell. Although unlike evil spirits, the child can learn to pray and get a chance that his prayer gets heard by God. Maybe. But there is no such opportunity to anyone who rejects Christ.
You just made my point for me. One must be able to understand and make a choice to accept or reject God before they can be held accountable.

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