Jodi Arias Penalty

Did some of you people know, Travis? I just wonder because I've noticed how some people talk about him as if he was their best buddy. Travis this and Travis that.

I'm not attached to him at all, in fact he's the good-looking, charismatic kind of guy I can imagine doing all kinds of abusive crap to women. Not that being good-looking automatically makes you a bad guy, but I don't know...just the fact that he got so involved with her, helping her convert to Mormonism so they could live happily ever after and then dumping he like yesterday's news.

Do, did y'all know him, is that why you like him so much? Just what makes you think he's such a saint? I'm curious. I very likely missed something because I haven't followed this trial all that closely.

I can certainly see why he would be immensely charming, being so good-looking and a motivational speaker and all. Probably capable of turning the ladies' hearts to mush, I would imagine.
Not all of them have been on TV but they did get reprimanded by the judge for stuff on the net.

I heard about that. Again, I feel like I will cut them more slack. They lost a family member and in a horrific way. In their shoes, I don't know if I would be able to stop myself from knocking her clear out. Especially with the game playing, lack of remorse, or even compassion for them.

I cut the Arias family slack as well with the reported strange behavior in court. The entire experience must be surreal for all of them.

Jodi is a murderer, and a convicted felon. She should shut the F up.
I just hate it when being a christian is brought into an argument.
One of the commandment Though shall not kill. Way back in the time the bible was originally written if this commandment was broken you were stoned to death. You know an eye for an eye.
Did some of you people know, Travis? I just wonder because I've noticed how some people talk about him as if he was their best buddy. Travis this and Travis that.

I'm not attached to him at all, in fact he's the good-looking, charismatic kind of guy I can imagine doing all kinds of abusive crap to women. Not that being good-looking automatically makes you a bad guy, but I don't know...just the fact that he got so involved with her, helping her convert to Mormonism so they could live happily ever after and then dumping he like yesterday's news.

Do, did y'all know him, is that why you like him so much? Just what makes you think he's such a saint? I'm curious. I very likely missed something because I haven't followed this trial all that closely.

I can certainly see why he would be immensely charming, being so good-looking and a motivational speaker and all. Probably capable of turning the ladies' hearts to mush, I would imagine.

Oh Jodi.
Not all of them have been on TV but they did get reprimanded by the judge for stuff on the net.

And stuff in the court room...both on the record and in chambers. One of the WAT lawyers wrote about it at one time
Who called him a saint? Do you have to be a saint to have justice?
I just hate it when being a christian is brought into an argument.
One of the commandment Though shall not kill. Way back in the time the bible was originally written if this commandment was broken you were stoned to death. You know an eye for an eye.

Genesis 9:6 “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed. For in the image of God He made man."
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Did some of you people know, Travis? I just wonder because I've noticed how some people talk about him as if he was their best buddy. Travis this and Travis that.

I'm not attached to him at all, in fact he's the good-looking, charismatic kind of guy I can imagine doing all kinds of abusive crap to women. Not that being good-looking automatically makes you a bad guy, but I don't know...just the fact that he got so involved with her, helping her convert to Mormonism so they could live happily ever after and then dumping he like yesterday's news.

Do, did y'all know him, is that why you like him so much? Just what makes you think he's such a saint? I'm curious. I very likely missed something because I haven't followed this trial all that closely.

I can certainly see why he would be immensely charming, being so good-looking and a motivational speaker and all. Probably capable of turning the ladies' hearts to mush, I would imagine.
I don't get were you are saying that we love Travis and we think he is a saint. No one from this group has ever said such a thing. If you would like to know what people think just ask. It is quite offensive to be accused of something because of a persons assumptions.
I am not disparaging them....just keeping it real. They'v suffered a horrible loss and have right to seek justice for their brother. I'm just not one to fawn over ordinary people and anoint them for sainthood like I've seen some do!

Who is fawning? I am considering how I would feel in their position. And I'm pretty certain that I would hate her for what she did to my brother in killing him, in destroying his memory, and then treating the family with disregard.
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Life is all about choices. We all decide the path we want to take in life. It does not matter what or who you are christian non christian black white yellow pink brown tan blue green purple. Every has their beliefs. I don't think it matters at all. Who has the right to judge anyone for who and what they are?

If you are a Christian, there are certain teachings you're supposed to live by. That's pretty common knowledge, is it not? When you tout yourself as a Christian and then just toss those teachings aside, you're a hypocrite. And while it is your "right" to do that, other people also have the right to notice it, point it out, and criticize you for it.

Especially on a forum like this. And from what I've noticed just recently, some members of your gang have no compunction about getting "judgmental" if someone contradicts them or calls them out.

A good Christian would be praying for this woman's everlasting soul, not screaming for her death.

I guess it's a case of you can't have your cake and eat it too.

I just take issue with people who claim to be Christians and in no way resemble what a Christian should be like according to the teachings of Christ.
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So my daughter sends me a text the other day from school. She says hey dad, Im getting a kitten...she says its one of those kittens that stays a kitten. Im like really? It stays a kitten? Yeah right!!

Problem is we have a little bichon I told her no...:confused:
Dog's and cats are often the best of friends, especially if the cat introduced is a kitten. That being said I have no idea about any cat that stays a kitten lol

That's true! They don't have to be kittens to bond with dogs though. I had a Persian for 2 years before I got my teacup poodle, then 2 years later, I got my beagle. Believe it or not, the beagle is more attached to Sunny (kitty) than my poodle is. My poodle is jealous of him - she thinks he's going to steal her food, take her spot on the couch, etc. Polly, my beagle, "protects" him from my poodle.

Were your dogs marking their territory in the house?...thats what Im afraid of.
I don't know what the hullabaloo is all about. The Alexander siblings have not been on TV recently but their friends certainly have been out in force. So what? That is far different than the defendant, now convicted murderer, being out on the airwaves spouting her piehole off to anyone who will film her. Arias is the one who committed this senseless vicious murder and her choice to continue to disparage Travis after the jury has made its decision is just plain vindictive. Done for no other reason but to taunt the victims who have already asked to never have to see their Travis' killer again. She has no remorse, she has no conscience, she has no empathy, regret, or feelings. She feels justified, she will warp whatever happens to her into some sick vindication of what she supposedly wanted all along.

As I've repeatedly said. She won when she killed Travis. From that moment forward they will be forever linked. That's what she wanted and would not let him live without. She won. All the rest is just playtime.
Did some of you people know, Travis? I just wonder because I've noticed how some people talk about him as if he was their best buddy. Travis this and Travis that.

I'm not attached to him at all, in fact he's the good-looking, charismatic kind of guy I can imagine doing all kinds of abusive crap to women. Not that being good-looking automatically makes you a bad guy, but I don't know...just the fact that he got so involved with her, helping her convert to Mormonism so they could live happily ever after and then dumping he like yesterday's news.

Do, did y'all know him, is that why you like him so much? Just what makes you think he's such a saint? I'm curious. I very likely missed something because I haven't followed this trial all that closely.

I can certainly see why he would be immensely charming, being so good-looking and a motivational speaker and all. Probably capable of turning the ladies' hearts to mush, I would imagine.

I did not know Travis personally. I wish I could have known him. But I wanted to address the Mormon statement. Travis did not convert Jodi, Jodi converted to Travis and his religion. Remember she joined the church BEFORE they dated, she was trying to be what she thought he wanted or needed. Travis did not toss her out, he was ducking for cover from a stalking liar. His ONLY mistake was continuing the sexual relationship. But he was a guy, as Jodi was a non abused woman going back for more time and time again.
Not one person could confirm any of Jodi's claims, not even his most recent girl friends. His character weighs so much more than hers, she was a fake, a liar, thief, and murderer. But this was just my opinion based on the facts of this case.:eusa_angel:
Life is all about choices. We all decide the path we want to take in life. It does not matter what or who you are christian non christian black white yellow pink brown tan blue green purple. Every has their beliefs. I don't think it matters at all. Who has the right to judge anyone for who and what they are?

If you are a Christian, there are certain teachings you're supposed to live by. That's pretty common knowledge, is it not? When you tout yourself as a Christian and then just toss those teachings aside, you're a hypocrite. And while it is your "right" to do that, other people also have the right to notice it, point it out, and criticize you for it.

Especially on a forum like this. And from what I've noticed just recently, some members of your gang have no compunction about getting "judgmental" if someone contradicts them or calls them out.

A good Christian would be praying for this woman's everlasting soul, not screaming for her death.

I guess it's a case of you can't have your cake and eat it too.

I just take issue with people who claim to be Christians and in no way resemble what a Christian should be like according to the teachings of Christ.

There are different religions which are you referring to?
" I very likely missed something because I haven't followed this trial all that closely. "

Yes, you did.

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