Joe Biden has redeemed himself and is no longer a racist! Yes or no?

Joe Biden has purged his old racist ways

  • Yes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 20 80.0%
  • I neither know nor care.

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No flacaltenn, you are wrong. Now stop being white thinking you can tell me what I see isn't what it is. Trump is a racist and look at the bullshit you post.

On one hand you tell me I was never a slave but the demcratic party is now the slave owning party. If you voted for a 75 year old man because you thought a 77 year old man was senile then you're an idiot. If Biden is senile, so is trump. And you voted for a man who was too busy trying to plan an insurrection than implementing a national vaccine distribution plan. A man who was told 2-3 months before COVID got here that it was coming.

Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources

Joe Biden predicted that trump would fail in managing the pandenic and he was right.

But today those like you are dishonestly blaming him for not ending COVID while your fellow rght wingers are refusing to get vaccinated. You guys are a shame and a disgrace to this country.
So why hasn’t Joe Biden stopped the pandemic like he promised?

Atlanta, GA) — The CDC says COVID-19 has killed more Americans this year than last year. Numbers from Johns Hopkins show more than 392-thousand-people have died of COVID so far this year, compared to more than 377-thousand in 2020, and there’s still a month to go. Altogether, more than 770-thousand Americans have reportedly died from the coronavirus with new infections rising in 38 states. Some of the biggest surges are being seen in Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, Idaho and New Mexico.

You are busy blaming republicans for not getting vaccinated. That ignores the fact that blacks who are mostly democrat are refusing to get vaccinated.


Despite President Joe Biden’s crackdown on the unvaccinated, people of color still remain the least likely to get vaccinated. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, “Black and Hispanic people remain less likely than their white counterparts to have received a vaccine, leaving them at increased risk, particularly as the variant spreads.” In a Pew Research Center poll that surveyed people regarding their intentions to get vaccinated, only 42 percent of Black participants said they were willing to get the vaccine.

Breakthrough cases are also causing folks to double down on their resistance to get vaccinated. Why get vaccinated if you can still contract the vaccine?

Brandon is not the president and everything I said is correct. Trump wasn't bringing this country back from jack shit. You racists just refused to give Obama credit for his work and so when trump starting reciting percentages every month yoiu guys gave him credit for what he had nothing to do with. Trump was not getting attacked. His ass violated the law.

Trump is 75. When he runs again, hell be 78. If Biden is senile, so is trump. Trump fucked things up. We are suffering due to the pandemic. The world shut down. Demand for things right now outpace the ability to produce goods. This would be the case if trump had won. But trump woukld not have had a plan. So be very glad trump is not preident.
If you are real and type statements for your cause I can understand that. But if you are someone who baits people for information then you are the problem. We live in an environment that is becoming authoritarian. All the rules and laws are in place for it. It is just enforcing their dictums that need to be done. The government can go into riots and slaughter them all if it had to. Trump was President of over three hundred million people. Biden is a stooge potentate to 6 billion people.
No flacaltenn, you are wrong. Now stop being white thinking you can tell me what I see isn't what it is. Trump is a racist and look at the bullshit you post.

On one hand you tell me I was never a slave but the demcratic party is now the slave owning party. If you voted for a 75 year old man because you thought a 77 year old man was senile then you're an idiot. If Biden is senile, so is trump. And you voted for a man who was too busy trying to plan an insurrection than implementing a national vaccine distribution plan. A man who was told 2-3 months before COVID got here that it was coming.

Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources

Joe Biden predicted that trump would fail in managing the pandenic and he was right.

But today those like you are dishonestly blaming him for not ending COVID while your fellow rght wingers are refusing to get vaccinated. You guys are a shame and a disgrace to this country.
You're not black, you're blue.

Submitted: Joe Biden has a long history of being a racist, but has fully purged himself of that history and deserves to be considered an icon of racial justice for one and all.​

Yes. No. I don’t know and I don’t care.

Discuss. Or not. its not compulsory.
The Democrat platform requires racism, so does it matter if anyone thinks a particular Democrat is personally racist? Anyway, the answer is of course he is. You can fill a couple of pages with public quotes from Biden that illustrate it.
Brandon is not the president and everything I said is correct. Trump wasn't bringing this country back from jack shit. You racists just refused to give Obama credit for his work and so when trump starting reciting percentages every month yoiu guys gave him credit for what he had nothing to do with. Trump was not getting attacked. His ass violated the law.

Trump is 75. When he runs again, hell be 78. If Biden is senile, so is trump. Trump fucked things up. We are suffering due to the pandemic. The world shut down. Demand for things right now outpace the ability to produce goods. This would be the case if trump had won. But trump woukld not have had a plan. So be very glad trump is not preident.
Sadly, Brandon IS the President. And everything else you’ve said is babbling bullshit.
In today's America, if you're not openly attacking minorities and demanding the right to be racist, then you're already part of the less racist half of Americans. Joe Biden may be useless and barely functioning, but compared to some conservative movements in this country he might as well be MLK Jr.

Especially when he gave the eulogy at the funeral of an exhaulted cyclops of the KKK, referring to him as a “friend, mentor, and guide”.

JUST LIKE MLK. :hyper:

Submitted: Joe Biden has a long history of being a racist, but has fully purged himself of that history and deserves to be considered an icon of racial justice for one and all.​

Yes. No. I don’t know and I don’t care.

Discuss. Or not. its not compulsory.

I certainly think it's possible for a racist to be reformed...and given Xiden's long long history of racism, you would hope he would....but no, given his recent comments, calling an African-American a "negro" - telling African-Americans "they ain't black" if they don't support him etc.

Nope, he's a racist still, and it's apparently just too deep rooted to ever get out.
So when White Boy Joe said that ‘if you don’t vote for him, you ain’t black,’ he was demonstrating his non racism?

So this tripe is still sitting in the politics section?

Oh yeah, I forgot who the mods were on this board.

Never mind.

Well he did name Kamel-Toe as his VP. Not a bright move, but I guess it proves he's not racist.
So when White Boy Joe said that ‘if you don’t vote for him, you ain’t black,’ he was demonstrating his non racism?
Don't forget Joe claiming "they want to put y'all back in chains".

Joe's use of idiomatic Black English doesn't make him any less a lifetime racist.
He's a life long demagogue and at 78 really has no hope of changing his stripes.

Submitted: Joe Biden has a long history of being a racist, but has fully purged himself of that history and deserves to be considered an icon of racial justice for one and all.​

Yes. No. I don’t know and I don’t care.

Discuss. Or not. its not compulsory.

democrats cannot be racist, it is written
He's better than trump.

Chump says what?

"The Party that you backed (democrat), controls two-thirds of the House of Representatives and the Senate and still they can’t keep their promise to you, ’cause you’re a chump. Anytime you throw your political weight behind a political Party that controls two-thirds of the government and that Party can’t keep the promises it made to you during election time, and you are dumb enough to walk around and identify yourself with that Party, you are not only a chump but you are a traitor to your race." -- Malcolm X, 1965
So why hasn’t Joe Biden stopped the pandemic like he promised?
For the same reason why he hasn't gotten all the Americans out of Afghanistan like he promised
(according to his own State Department).

Because he knows the public has a short memory and attention span and he'll say anything he needs
to say to change his political fortunes, like claiming Jesus will show up tomorrow on the White House
lawn at a Joe Biden press conference in his support.

He doesn't give a F--!

Now he pushes white supremacists, he wants to give blacks special treatment, never ever speaks out against antifa and BLM and the way they ruin our cities, he never speaks out against black racists, he and his administration always talk about systemic racism and have even said racism is why a white Virginia democrat lost to a white republican and said underpasses are racist and a white kid killing white people in self defense is racist.

Joe Biden is a racist fuck and so is his entire party because they won't stop talking about it.

Biden and his administration are the single most racist group ever seen in America.
In today's America, if you're not openly attacking minorities and demanding the right to be racist, then you're already part of the less racist half of Americans. Joe Biden may be useless and barely functioning, but compared to some conservative movements in this country he might as well be MLK Jr.
/——/ MLK was a registered Republican, BTW

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