Judge hears arguments over pro life groups recordings

QUOTE]You give up the right to murder a baby when you decide to take the choice and lay down and have sex KNOWING you can get pregnant. Do you think me and my wife didn't know we could possibly end up with another child when we laid down together? We knew damn well what we were doing so unless everyone in America is a MORON they know damn well what they are doing when they have sex. This is where irresponsibility begins. Letting people just murder a baby because well hell I just don't feel like being a parent.

There's a difference in knowing pregnancy is likely to happen and knowing to take steps to prevent it. Abortion should have NEVER been made legal. It was a financial decision made by man to shirk responsibility, but the emotional tole, in my observation, is damaging for life. And, should a man have zero input in what a woman does with his baby? Absolutely not, it does take two to tango.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.
Its the babies life not the womans not yours. Therefore when its life is threatened we MUST protect it at all costs. In a sane society abortion would equal a murder charge and the death penalty. Its time for some god damn self responsibility again. Don't want a child right now? DON'T HAVE SEX! Or hey USE PROTECTION? GET STERILIZED? OR hell just take responsibility when you DO have sex. Its just like driving YOU take responsibility if you have a wreck or hit someone...YOU take responsibility for paying bills etc same thing here....its amazing we expect people to be responsible for certain things but not about taking care of a child or at least putting it up for adoption when they make a choice to have sex and get pregnant.People need to be LESS promiscuous and MORE responsible.

There is no life if the woman dies or chooses not to allow an alien to rent her womb for nine months.
Till after the first trimester, it is not considered to have a soul or to be a separate life. Even if the woman is attacked and losses the fetus, it is not murder till after the first trimester.
When you get past the first trimester a woman is in control. Even after the first trimester, a woman can choose to engage in risky behavior and harm the fetus or loose it. You have no control of that. There are many natural ways for induce a miscarriage. You have no right to tell her what to do.

It is not your womb. You have no say.
A woman can always adopt but her life cannot be replaced.

More and more women are choosing to adopt or use a surrogate to carry the child for them, when they are ready to be a parent.

Birth control can fail for a number of reason.

Then women should take full responsibility for her body by preventing pregnancy "until she is ready to be a parent". The only one that suffers from a woman not being ready to parent is the child, but women don't even consider that part of the equation.

Today's birth control methods are sure things. Birth control, today, doesn't fail, it is simply failure to plan, nothing less. Do you know nothing?

Adopting is difficult to accomplish and not really a choice of convenience. Unless you've been through the adoption circus STFU, moron!

Having a surrogate should never be considered a drive-in service. It's okay for another woman to go through what you don't want to do yourself. You're thinking is all fucked up and self-centered. You talk about slavery yet what do you think surrogate service is?

Today, women just aren't at risk of losing their life. Stop being so dramatic. Those "woe is me" tactics don't work.

Do the world a huge favor. Never procreate, ever. The world is overran by idiots begetting more idiots and being ineffective at parenting.

You are one insane and stupid bitch! Get a clue. Don't join in discussions whereby you are so intellectually deficient as to remove all doubt about your incapacity to participate.

No birth control is a sure thing. Something like a virus can alter the effectiveness of birth control. Even people who have used birth control for years can get pregnant. It might be a failure of the male using preventive measures. Tell men to take the pill and risk the side effect. Tell them to get a vasectomy.
Tell them not to engage in premarital sex. Tell them to wait till they are ready to have children and not have sex with their wife.

No, 289,000 don't loose their life. Child birth is so safe....................not

Any female that has been raped has a right to terminate. She does not have to be tied to her rapist by raising a child of rape. She should not have to visit her rapist or have him in her life. The rapist should have no power over their victims.

If it is not your body, it is not your concern and you have no right to interfere.

PS. I am nether stupid nor have I even begun to be a bitch. I have experience and help women of rape and abuse during war. I also am very aware of the complications and dangers of pregnancy and childbirth. I am also well aware of the failure of birth control. I have helped deliver children, have helped woman learn natural birth control and given their herbs to induce if they needed. During war you don't have access to hospitals and pharmaceuticals. So yes, I have experience.
QUOTE]You give up the right to murder a baby when you decide to take the choice and lay down and have sex KNOWING you can get pregnant. Do you think me and my wife didn't know we could possibly end up with another child when we laid down together? We knew damn well what we were doing so unless everyone in America is a MORON they know damn well what they are doing when they have sex. This is where irresponsibility begins. Letting people just murder a baby because well hell I just don't feel like being a parent.

There's a difference in knowing pregnancy is likely to happen and knowing to take steps to prevent it. Abortion should have NEVER been made legal. It was a financial decision made by man to shirk responsibility, but the emotional tole, in my observation, is damaging for life. And, should a man have zero input in what a woman does with his baby? Absolutely not, it does take two to tango.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.

Yep, like I'd take your interpretation on the Bible, much less a single other thing. You can't even focus well enough to make a semi intelligent post. You shouldn't be given control over your body because you don't have control of your thought processes. If a woman wants to wait to have kids or chooses not to have them at all, I'm all for that, but they take complete control of another bodily function, that being their own fertility.
QUOTE]You give up the right to murder a baby when you decide to take the choice and lay down and have sex KNOWING you can get pregnant. Do you think me and my wife didn't know we could possibly end up with another child when we laid down together? We knew damn well what we were doing so unless everyone in America is a MORON they know damn well what they are doing when they have sex. This is where irresponsibility begins. Letting people just murder a baby because well hell I just don't feel like being a parent.

There's a difference in knowing pregnancy is likely to happen and knowing to take steps to prevent it. Abortion should have NEVER been made legal. It was a financial decision made by man to shirk responsibility, but the emotional tole, in my observation, is damaging for life. And, should a man have zero input in what a woman does with his baby? Absolutely not, it does take two to tango.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.

Yep, like I'd take your interpretation on the Bible, much less a single other thing. You can't even focus well enough to make a semi intelligent post. You shouldn't be given control over your body because you don't have control of your thought processes. If a woman wants to wait to have kids or chooses not to have them at all, I'm all for that, but they take complete control of another bodily function, that being their own fertility.

What does the bible have to do with this?
QUOTE]You give up the right to murder a baby when you decide to take the choice and lay down and have sex KNOWING you can get pregnant. Do you think me and my wife didn't know we could possibly end up with another child when we laid down together? We knew damn well what we were doing so unless everyone in America is a MORON they know damn well what they are doing when they have sex. This is where irresponsibility begins. Letting people just murder a baby because well hell I just don't feel like being a parent.

There's a difference in knowing pregnancy is likely to happen and knowing to take steps to prevent it. Abortion should have NEVER been made legal. It was a financial decision made by man to shirk responsibility, but the emotional tole, in my observation, is damaging for life. And, should a man have zero input in what a woman does with his baby? Absolutely not, it does take two to tango.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.

Yep, like I'd take your interpretation on the Bible, much less a single other thing. You can't even focus well enough to make a semi intelligent post. You shouldn't be given control over your body because you don't have control of your thought processes. If a woman wants to wait to have kids or chooses not to have them at all, I'm all for that, but they take complete control of another bodily function, that being their own fertility.

What does the bible have to do with this?
QUOTE]You give up the right to murder a baby when you decide to take the choice and lay down and have sex KNOWING you can get pregnant. Do you think me and my wife didn't know we could possibly end up with another child when we laid down together? We knew damn well what we were doing so unless everyone in America is a MORON they know damn well what they are doing when they have sex. This is where irresponsibility begins. Letting people just murder a baby because well hell I just don't feel like being a parent.

There's a difference in knowing pregnancy is likely to happen and knowing to take steps to prevent it. Abortion should have NEVER been made legal. It was a financial decision made by man to shirk responsibility, but the emotional tole, in my observation, is damaging for life. And, should a man have zero input in what a woman does with his baby? Absolutely not, it does take two to tango.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.

Yep, like I'd take your interpretation on the Bible, much less a single other thing. You can't even focus well enough to make a semi intelligent post. You shouldn't be given control over your body because you don't have control of your thought processes. If a woman wants to wait to have kids or chooses not to have them at all, I'm all for that, but they take complete control of another bodily function, that being their own fertility.

What does the bible have to do with this?

Absolutely nothing. Some idiot posted it did, I guess. Unclear poster.
QUOTE]You give up the right to murder a baby when you decide to take the choice and lay down and have sex KNOWING you can get pregnant. Do you think me and my wife didn't know we could possibly end up with another child when we laid down together? We knew damn well what we were doing so unless everyone in America is a MORON they know damn well what they are doing when they have sex. This is where irresponsibility begins. Letting people just murder a baby because well hell I just don't feel like being a parent.

There's a difference in knowing pregnancy is likely to happen and knowing to take steps to prevent it. Abortion should have NEVER been made legal. It was a financial decision made by man to shirk responsibility, but the emotional tole, in my observation, is damaging for life. And, should a man have zero input in what a woman does with his baby? Absolutely not, it does take two to tango.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.

Yep, like I'd take your interpretation on the Bible, much less a single other thing. You can't even focus well enough to make a semi intelligent post. You shouldn't be given control over your body because you don't have control of your thought processes. If a woman wants to wait to have kids or chooses not to have them at all, I'm all for that, but they take complete control of another bodily function, that being their own fertility.

What does the bible have to do with this?

bible permits abortions, they call it bitter water. Its an herbal tea of sorts. There are a number of plants around the world that can cause contractions and a miscarriage, roots, leaves and berries with particular properties. Most of the plants that I know of are bitter.
it is the woman's right to choose, the doctors are just providing a legal service for the woman. It is her life and the quality of her life that is being saved. An embryo is not human lie that can be sustained against the will of the woman. If she does not agree to carry the embryo to term, that is her right to decide what she does with her body or chooses not to use her body for nine month to another potential life form. For some women the risks to her life out weigh the embryo. Every doctor will do what is necessary for the woman first and only worry about the embryo/fetus secondary.
A woman can always adopt but her life cannot be replaced.

It is not murder to remove the embryo/fetus during the first four months or when there is a risk to the woman.

The public does not have a right to force a woman to be an incubator for a year and saddled with a child she is ill prepared to care for. It is her choice to decide when she is ready to become a mother and devote minimally the next 18 yrs to raising the child, though it is a life time job being a parent. A woman is not a slave to be forced into labor or to have her body misshaped and all the problems and changes involved with pregnancy. More and more women are choosing to adopt or use a surrogate to carry the child for them, when they are ready to be a parent.

It is her body and she can decide what happens to it. No one should force her to carry a fetus to term.

Slavery has been outlawed and abortions are legal. The crime is interfering with a woman's right to choose when and if she wants to be a mother.
You give up the right to murder a baby when you decide to take the choice and lay down and have sex KNOWING you can get pregnant. Do you think me and my wife didn't know we could possibly end up with another child when we laid down together? We knew damn well what we were doing so unless everyone in America is a MORON they know damn well what they are doing when they have sex. This is where irresponsibility begins. Letting people just murder a baby because well hell I just don't feel like being a parent.

Sex is a normal necessary healthy part of life. Even married couples choose to delay having children till they can afford them and have a decent place to raise them. Birth control can fail for a number of reason.
Abortions are legal and a woman has the right to choose when to become a mother.
In the first 6 weeks a woman can order an abortion pill by mail to end her pregnancy. It is not just the first 72 hours.
It is nobody's business what a woman does in her home. No one is forcing you to take an abortion pill or get an abortion at a clinic during the first four months. You don't have the right to deny another person from getting an abortion. You don't have the right to force a woman to carry a child to term or care for it for the next 18 yrs, or more. You do not have the right to control the life of a woman.

If you don't believe in abortions, don't have one.

Don't tell others they can have a legal abortion and interfere with the law or the woman's right over her own body.
Delaying is NOT aborting. Abortion is stopping a beating heart,people are charged with MURDER for doing so. Same thing should happen here. I don't even bother reading your pro murdering babies rant because its the same old bullshit trying to justify infanticide.Oh and the baby AND the father has rights as well and they must be stood up for.
Judge: No evidence of crimes in recordings of abortion group

Surprise here..the baby murdering group is whining that their "doctors" are facing threats...gee then don't murder babies...get in a line of work where you SAVE lives instead of taking them.

I can't stand it when anti choice people keep lying.

If you have to lie how valid is your point and why should anyone pay any attention to a word that's said?

Abortion isn't murder. Use the word correctly. You're not doing that. You're using what you think is a word that will bring the most emotions from people. Even though you're lying through your teeth.

If you don't believe abortion is for you, then don't have one. Don't cause a woman to have one.

But leave everyone else alone.

Those tapes are manipulated and nothing but lies. Lies that have gotten 3 innocent people MURDERED. I'm using the word correctly.

You aren't.

You people have gone too far. You're murdering innocent people, blowing up buildings and terrorizing innocent people.

You people need to stop and look at yourselves. You call doctors who are performing a legal procedure murderers then turn around and murder innocent people who are just going about their daily lives working.

Stop murdering, bombing, threatening, harassing and abusing innocent people who are not breaking the law, who aren't murdering anyone.

Where as anti choice people are actually murdering and breaking the law.

Look in the mirror, you're what you call an innocent doctor. You are the murderer. Not the doctor.
Murder is not a choice its a crime. Get over it. YOU won't win in the end. Its amazing how the left loves trying to save a convicted murderer from death row but has no problem murdering babies in the womb because they are inconvenient.

Women can have an abortion at home in the first 6 weeks. They don't need your permission.
Women have a right to have an abortion in a clinic in the first four months. They don't need your permission.
For health reason, a woman can have an abortion at any time. They don't need your permission.

Worry about the 153 million children that need homes and loving parents. Stay out of a woman's control of her womb.
In time the baby murderers will get their just due. Its only a matter of time. Oh and my wife knows abortion is NOT an option. Not like I need to worry about it. She is pro life as well no murdering babies because its an inconvenience to us. We know if we don't want more kids to get snipped or tied.
QUOTE]You give up the right to murder a baby when you decide to take the choice and lay down and have sex KNOWING you can get pregnant. Do you think me and my wife didn't know we could possibly end up with another child when we laid down together? We knew damn well what we were doing so unless everyone in America is a MORON they know damn well what they are doing when they have sex. This is where irresponsibility begins. Letting people just murder a baby because well hell I just don't feel like being a parent.

There's a difference in knowing pregnancy is likely to happen and knowing to take steps to prevent it. Abortion should have NEVER been made legal. It was a financial decision made by man to shirk responsibility, but the emotional tole, in my observation, is damaging for life. And, should a man have zero input in what a woman does with his baby? Absolutely not, it does take two to tango.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.
Its the babies life not the womans not yours. Therefore when its life is threatened we MUST protect it at all costs. In a sane society abortion would equal a murder charge and the death penalty. Its time for some god damn self responsibility again. Don't want a child right now? DON'T HAVE SEX! Or hey USE PROTECTION? GET STERILIZED? OR hell just take responsibility when you DO have sex. Its just like driving YOU take responsibility if you have a wreck or hit someone...YOU take responsibility for paying bills etc same thing here....its amazing we expect people to be responsible for certain things but not about taking care of a child or at least putting it up for adoption when they make a choice to have sex and get pregnant.People need to be LESS promiscuous and MORE responsible.

There is no life if the woman dies or chooses not to allow an alien to rent her womb for nine months.
Till after the first trimester, it is not considered to have a soul or to be a separate life. Even if the woman is attacked and losses the fetus, it is not murder till after the first trimester.
When you get past the first trimester a woman is in control. Even after the first trimester, a woman can choose to engage in risky behavior and harm the fetus or loose it. You have no control of that. There are many natural ways for induce a miscarriage. You have no right to tell her what to do.

It is not your womb. You have no say.
Like I said baby murderers dehumanize a baby by calling it an alien etc. No surprise here. Defense of the defenseless is everyone's job.
There's a difference in knowing pregnancy is likely to happen and knowing to take steps to prevent it. Abortion should have NEVER been made legal. It was a financial decision made by man to shirk responsibility, but the emotional tole, in my observation, is damaging for life. And, should a man have zero input in what a woman does with his baby? Absolutely not, it does take two to tango.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.

Yep, like I'd take your interpretation on the Bible, much less a single other thing. You can't even focus well enough to make a semi intelligent post. You shouldn't be given control over your body because you don't have control of your thought processes. If a woman wants to wait to have kids or chooses not to have them at all, I'm all for that, but they take complete control of another bodily function, that being their own fertility.

What does the bible have to do with this?

bible permits abortions, they call it bitter water. Its an herbal tea of sorts. There are a number of plants around the world that can cause contractions and a miscarriage, roots, leaves and berries with particular properties. Most of the plants that I know of are bitter.

Then you know zilch about plants. Carrots, potatoes, yams, squash, beets are just a few examples of not bitter, but actually sweet plants. Not impressed by your creditials in regard to childbirth, either. Sure glad you weren't involved in my care as you have great difficulty holding a simple cognitive thought.
QUOTE]You give up the right to murder a baby when you decide to take the choice and lay down and have sex KNOWING you can get pregnant. Do you think me and my wife didn't know we could possibly end up with another child when we laid down together? We knew damn well what we were doing so unless everyone in America is a MORON they know damn well what they are doing when they have sex. This is where irresponsibility begins. Letting people just murder a baby because well hell I just don't feel like being a parent.

There's a difference in knowing pregnancy is likely to happen and knowing to take steps to prevent it. Abortion should have NEVER been made legal. It was a financial decision made by man to shirk responsibility, but the emotional tole, in my observation, is damaging for life. And, should a man have zero input in what a woman does with his baby? Absolutely not, it does take two to tango.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.
Its the babies life not the womans not yours. Therefore when its life is threatened we MUST protect it at all costs. In a sane society abortion would equal a murder charge and the death penalty. Its time for some god damn self responsibility again. Don't want a child right now? DON'T HAVE SEX! Or hey USE PROTECTION? GET STERILIZED? OR hell just take responsibility when you DO have sex. Its just like driving YOU take responsibility if you have a wreck or hit someone...YOU take responsibility for paying bills etc same thing here....its amazing we expect people to be responsible for certain things but not about taking care of a child or at least putting it up for adoption when they make a choice to have sex and get pregnant.People need to be LESS promiscuous and MORE responsible.

There is no life if the woman dies or chooses not to allow an alien to rent her womb for nine months.
Till after the first trimester, it is not considered to have a soul or to be a separate life. Even if the woman is attacked and losses the fetus, it is not murder till after the first trimester.
When you get past the first trimester a woman is in control. Even after the first trimester, a woman can choose to engage in risky behavior and harm the fetus or loose it. You have no control of that. There are many natural ways for induce a miscarriage. You have no right to tell her what to do.

It is not your womb. You have no say.

According to you, anyway, you who know nothing especially in regard to procreation, that's clear. Let me see, you got knocked up with a pregnancy you engineered in order to latch onto some dude who was ignorant enough to bone you, correct? Now you know absolutely everything about making the right choices about reproduction because you did what was correct and ethical while ruining some poor slob's life. You're a shining example of what's wrong with this world and a disgrace to women in general. Does the term "airhead" mean anything to you. You must have been blonde once upon a time. Case closed, idiot!!

it is the woman's right to choose, the doctors are just providing a legal service for the woman. It is her life and the quality of her life that is being saved. An embryo is not human lie that can be sustained against the will of the woman. If she does not agree to carry the embryo to term, that is her right to decide what she does with her body or chooses not to use her body for nine month to another potential life form. For some women the risks to her life out weigh the embryo. Every doctor will do what is necessary for the woman first and only worry about the embryo/fetus secondary.
A woman can always adopt but her life cannot be replaced.

It is not murder to remove the embryo/fetus during the first four months or when there is a risk to the woman.

The public does not have a right to force a woman to be an incubator for a year and saddled with a child she is ill prepared to care for. It is her choice to decide when she is ready to become a mother and devote minimally the next 18 yrs to raising the child, though it is a life time job being a parent. A woman is not a slave to be forced into labor or to have her body misshaped and all the problems and changes involved with pregnancy. More and more women are choosing to adopt or use a surrogate to carry the child for them, when they are ready to be a parent.

It is her body and she can decide what happens to it. No one should force her to carry a fetus to term.

Slavery has been outlawed and abortions are legal. The crime is interfering with a woman's right to choose when and if she wants to be a mother.
You give up the right to murder a baby when you decide to take the choice and lay down and have sex KNOWING you can get pregnant. Do you think me and my wife didn't know we could possibly end up with another child when we laid down together? We knew damn well what we were doing so unless everyone in America is a MORON they know damn well what they are doing when they have sex. This is where irresponsibility begins. Letting people just murder a baby because well hell I just don't feel like being a parent.

Sex is a normal necessary healthy part of life. Even married couples choose to delay having children till they can afford them and have a decent place to raise them. Birth control can fail for a number of reason.
Abortions are legal and a woman has the right to choose when to become a mother.
In the first 6 weeks a woman can order an abortion pill by mail to end her pregnancy. It is not just the first 72 hours.
It is nobody's business what a woman does in her home. No one is forcing you to take an abortion pill or get an abortion at a clinic during the first four months. You don't have the right to deny another person from getting an abortion. You don't have the right to force a woman to carry a child to term or care for it for the next 18 yrs, or more. You do not have the right to control the life of a woman.

If you don't believe in abortions, don't have one.

Don't tell others they can have a legal abortion and interfere with the law or the woman's right over her own body.
Delaying is NOT aborting. Abortion is stopping a beating heart,people are charged with MURDER for doing so. Same thing should happen here. I don't even bother reading your pro murdering babies rant because its the same old bullshit trying to justify infanticide.Oh and the baby AND the father has rights as well and they must be stood up for.
Judge: No evidence of crimes in recordings of abortion group

Surprise here..the baby murdering group is whining that their "doctors" are facing threats...gee then don't murder babies...get in a line of work where you SAVE lives instead of taking them.

I can't stand it when anti choice people keep lying.

If you have to lie how valid is your point and why should anyone pay any attention to a word that's said?

Abortion isn't murder. Use the word correctly. You're not doing that. You're using what you think is a word that will bring the most emotions from people. Even though you're lying through your teeth.

If you don't believe abortion is for you, then don't have one. Don't cause a woman to have one.

But leave everyone else alone.

Those tapes are manipulated and nothing but lies. Lies that have gotten 3 innocent people MURDERED. I'm using the word correctly.

You aren't.

You people have gone too far. You're murdering innocent people, blowing up buildings and terrorizing innocent people.

You people need to stop and look at yourselves. You call doctors who are performing a legal procedure murderers then turn around and murder innocent people who are just going about their daily lives working.

Stop murdering, bombing, threatening, harassing and abusing innocent people who are not breaking the law, who aren't murdering anyone.

Where as anti choice people are actually murdering and breaking the law.

Look in the mirror, you're what you call an innocent doctor. You are the murderer. Not the doctor.
Murder is not a choice its a crime. Get over it. YOU won't win in the end. Its amazing how the left loves trying to save a convicted murderer from death row but has no problem murdering babies in the womb because they are inconvenient.

Women can have an abortion at home in the first 6 weeks. They don't need your permission.
Women have a right to have an abortion in a clinic in the first four months. They don't need your permission.
For health reason, a woman can have an abortion at any time. They don't need your permission.

Worry about the 153 million children that need homes and loving parents. Stay out of a woman's control of her womb.
In time the baby murderers will get their just due. Its only a matter of time. Oh and my wife knows abortion is NOT an option. Not like I need to worry about it. She is pro life as well no murdering babies because its an inconvenience to us. We know if we don't want more kids to get snipped or tied.
There's a difference in knowing pregnancy is likely to happen and knowing to take steps to prevent it. Abortion should have NEVER been made legal. It was a financial decision made by man to shirk responsibility, but the emotional tole, in my observation, is damaging for life. And, should a man have zero input in what a woman does with his baby? Absolutely not, it does take two to tango.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.
Its the babies life not the womans not yours. Therefore when its life is threatened we MUST protect it at all costs. In a sane society abortion would equal a murder charge and the death penalty. Its time for some god damn self responsibility again. Don't want a child right now? DON'T HAVE SEX! Or hey USE PROTECTION? GET STERILIZED? OR hell just take responsibility when you DO have sex. Its just like driving YOU take responsibility if you have a wreck or hit someone...YOU take responsibility for paying bills etc same thing here....its amazing we expect people to be responsible for certain things but not about taking care of a child or at least putting it up for adoption when they make a choice to have sex and get pregnant.People need to be LESS promiscuous and MORE responsible.

There is no life if the woman dies or chooses not to allow an alien to rent her womb for nine months.
Till after the first trimester, it is not considered to have a soul or to be a separate life. Even if the woman is attacked and losses the fetus, it is not murder till after the first trimester.
When you get past the first trimester a woman is in control. Even after the first trimester, a woman can choose to engage in risky behavior and harm the fetus or loose it. You have no control of that. There are many natural ways for induce a miscarriage. You have no right to tell her what to do.

It is not your womb. You have no say.
Like I said baby murderers dehumanize a baby by calling it an alien etc. No surprise here. Defense of the defenseless is everyone's job.

Under the law it is not murder. Even christianity, infant does not have a human value till after the first month after birth.
Even the pope now forgives women that have had abortions.

The ones that are murders are those killing women and clinic workers at PP clinics.

It is not murder, just a woman exercising her legal right to decide when she wants to have a child.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.

Yep, like I'd take your interpretation on the Bible, much less a single other thing. You can't even focus well enough to make a semi intelligent post. You shouldn't be given control over your body because you don't have control of your thought processes. If a woman wants to wait to have kids or chooses not to have them at all, I'm all for that, but they take complete control of another bodily function, that being their own fertility.

What does the bible have to do with this?

bible permits abortions, they call it bitter water. Its an herbal tea of sorts. There are a number of plants around the world that can cause contractions and a miscarriage, roots, leaves and berries with particular properties. Most of the plants that I know of are bitter.

Then you know zilch about plants. Carrots, potatoes, yams, squash, beets are just a few examples of not bitter, but actually sweet plants. Not impressed by your creditials in regard to childbirth, either. Sure glad you weren't involved in my care as you have great difficulty holding a simple cognitive thought.

Those are not plants that induce a miscarriage. Wild carrots are used in birth control though.

Lets hope you will always have access to doctors and pharmaceutical medicine.
There's a difference in knowing pregnancy is likely to happen and knowing to take steps to prevent it. Abortion should have NEVER been made legal. It was a financial decision made by man to shirk responsibility, but the emotional tole, in my observation, is damaging for life. And, should a man have zero input in what a woman does with his baby? Absolutely not, it does take two to tango.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.
Its the babies life not the womans not yours. Therefore when its life is threatened we MUST protect it at all costs. In a sane society abortion would equal a murder charge and the death penalty. Its time for some god damn self responsibility again. Don't want a child right now? DON'T HAVE SEX! Or hey USE PROTECTION? GET STERILIZED? OR hell just take responsibility when you DO have sex. Its just like driving YOU take responsibility if you have a wreck or hit someone...YOU take responsibility for paying bills etc same thing here....its amazing we expect people to be responsible for certain things but not about taking care of a child or at least putting it up for adoption when they make a choice to have sex and get pregnant.People need to be LESS promiscuous and MORE responsible.

There is no life if the woman dies or chooses not to allow an alien to rent her womb for nine months.
Till after the first trimester, it is not considered to have a soul or to be a separate life. Even if the woman is attacked and losses the fetus, it is not murder till after the first trimester.
When you get past the first trimester a woman is in control. Even after the first trimester, a woman can choose to engage in risky behavior and harm the fetus or loose it. You have no control of that. There are many natural ways for induce a miscarriage. You have no right to tell her what to do.

It is not your womb. You have no say.

According to you, anyway, you who know nothing especially in regard to procreation, that's clear. Let me see, you got knocked up with a pregnancy you engineered in order to latch onto some dude who was ignorant enough to bone you, correct? Now you know absolutely everything about making the right choices about reproduction because you did what was correct and ethical while ruining some poor slob's life. You're a shining example of what's wrong with this world and a disgrace to women in general. Does the term "airhead" mean anything to you. You must have been blonde once upon a time. Case closed, idiot!!

You trying to write fiction as a hobby?
Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.

Yep, like I'd take your interpretation on the Bible, much less a single other thing. You can't even focus well enough to make a semi intelligent post. You shouldn't be given control over your body because you don't have control of your thought processes. If a woman wants to wait to have kids or chooses not to have them at all, I'm all for that, but they take complete control of another bodily function, that being their own fertility.

What does the bible have to do with this?

bible permits abortions, they call it bitter water. Its an herbal tea of sorts. There are a number of plants around the world that can cause contractions and a miscarriage, roots, leaves and berries with particular properties. Most of the plants that I know of are bitter.

Then you know zilch about plants. Carrots, potatoes, yams, squash, beets are just a few examples of not bitter, but actually sweet plants. Not impressed by your creditials in regard to childbirth, either. Sure glad you weren't involved in my care as you have great difficulty holding a simple cognitive thought.

Those are not plants that induce a miscarriage. Wild carrots are used in birth control though.

Lets hope you will always have access to doctors and pharmaceutical medicine.

You stated "all plants are bitter". See your post. I responded that not ALL plants are bitter, and listed a few that are actually sweet. Nothing in your relative statement was about causing miscarriage. If you can't read and comprehend, don't waste people's time with your trolling. The point, moreover, is you are completely out of touch with reality. Either get a brain or get TF out!

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.
Its the babies life not the womans not yours. Therefore when its life is threatened we MUST protect it at all costs. In a sane society abortion would equal a murder charge and the death penalty. Its time for some god damn self responsibility again. Don't want a child right now? DON'T HAVE SEX! Or hey USE PROTECTION? GET STERILIZED? OR hell just take responsibility when you DO have sex. Its just like driving YOU take responsibility if you have a wreck or hit someone...YOU take responsibility for paying bills etc same thing here....its amazing we expect people to be responsible for certain things but not about taking care of a child or at least putting it up for adoption when they make a choice to have sex and get pregnant.People need to be LESS promiscuous and MORE responsible.

There is no life if the woman dies or chooses not to allow an alien to rent her womb for nine months.
Till after the first trimester, it is not considered to have a soul or to be a separate life. Even if the woman is attacked and losses the fetus, it is not murder till after the first trimester.
When you get past the first trimester a woman is in control. Even after the first trimester, a woman can choose to engage in risky behavior and harm the fetus or loose it. You have no control of that. There are many natural ways for induce a miscarriage. You have no right to tell her what to do.

It is not your womb. You have no say.

According to you, anyway, you who know nothing especially in regard to procreation, that's clear. Let me see, you got knocked up with a pregnancy you engineered in order to latch onto some dude who was ignorant enough to bone you, correct? Now you know absolutely everything about making the right choices about reproduction because you did what was correct and ethical while ruining some poor slob's life. You're a shining example of what's wrong with this world and a disgrace to women in general. Does the term "airhead" mean anything to you. You must have been blonde once upon a time. Case closed, idiot!!

You trying to write fiction as a hobby?

Nope, not in the least, only nonfiction. I am trying, however, to get you to answer one simple question which you've repeatedly avoided. I'll try yet again. Here goes: did you get knocked up by engineering a (or more) pregnancy(ies) to snare some dude you couldn't have gotten/kept otherwise? Your avoidance is answer enough. Hit a little too close to home, huh?
There's a difference in knowing pregnancy is likely to happen and knowing to take steps to prevent it. Abortion should have NEVER been made legal. It was a financial decision made by man to shirk responsibility, but the emotional tole, in my observation, is damaging for life. And, should a man have zero input in what a woman does with his baby? Absolutely not, it does take two to tango.

Even the bible permits abortions, bitter water.

Women have the right to control their body and lives. When they are ready to raise a family, that will be their choice. Not you body, not your right to dictate.
Abortions and birth control have been around since the dawn of civilization. Some women are too young, too small, no time, health issues, there are any number of reason for a woman to choose to wait.

Abortions are legal and should stay legal. Home abortions are none of your business. Meds can be ordered online and delivered to the home by the next day.
You have no control to stop a woman's choice.

Yep, like I'd take your interpretation on the Bible, much less a single other thing. You can't even focus well enough to make a semi intelligent post. You shouldn't be given control over your body because you don't have control of your thought processes. If a woman wants to wait to have kids or chooses not to have them at all, I'm all for that, but they take complete control of another bodily function, that being their own fertility.

What does the bible have to do with this?

bible permits abortions, they call it bitter water. Its an herbal tea of sorts. There are a number of plants around the world that can cause contractions and a miscarriage, roots, leaves and berries with particular properties. Most of the plants that I know of are bitter.

Yes I know. It's in the book of Numbers.

I've posted it several times. The anti choice people went nuts.
What isn't a surprise is this sort of hate and stupidity from the right

There is nothing more hateful than the cold-blooded slaughter of the most innocent and defenseless of all human beings. To defend this savagery leaves you in no position to accuse anyone else of “hate”.
so...don't have an abortion.
Yep, like I'd take your interpretation on the Bible, much less a single other thing. You can't even focus well enough to make a semi intelligent post. You shouldn't be given control over your body because you don't have control of your thought processes. If a woman wants to wait to have kids or chooses not to have them at all, I'm all for that, but they take complete control of another bodily function, that being their own fertility.

What does the bible have to do with this?

bible permits abortions, they call it bitter water. Its an herbal tea of sorts. There are a number of plants around the world that can cause contractions and a miscarriage, roots, leaves and berries with particular properties. Most of the plants that I know of are bitter.

Then you know zilch about plants. Carrots, potatoes, yams, squash, beets are just a few examples of not bitter, but actually sweet plants. Not impressed by your creditials in regard to childbirth, either. Sure glad you weren't involved in my care as you have great difficulty holding a simple cognitive thought.

Those are not plants that induce a miscarriage. Wild carrots are used in birth control though.

Lets hope you will always have access to doctors and pharmaceutical medicine.

You stated "all plants are bitter". See your post. I responded that not ALL plants are bitter, and listed a few that are actually sweet. Nothing in your relative statement was about causing miscarriage. If you can't read and comprehend, don't waste people's time with your trolling. The point, moreover, is you are completely out of touch with reality. Either get a brain or get TF out!

No, most of the plants that I know of are bitter, plants with particular properties to induce contractions and a miscarriage.

Your plants would make a start of a good soup though.
What does the bible have to do with this?

bible permits abortions, they call it bitter water. Its an herbal tea of sorts. There are a number of plants around the world that can cause contractions and a miscarriage, roots, leaves and berries with particular properties. Most of the plants that I know of are bitter.

Then you know zilch about plants. Carrots, potatoes, yams, squash, beets are just a few examples of not bitter, but actually sweet plants. Not impressed by your creditials in regard to childbirth, either. Sure glad you weren't involved in my care as you have great difficulty holding a simple cognitive thought.

Those are not plants that induce a miscarriage. Wild carrots are used in birth control though.

Lets hope you will always have access to doctors and pharmaceutical medicine.

You stated "all plants are bitter". See your post. I responded that not ALL plants are bitter, and listed a few that are actually sweet. Nothing in your relative statement was about causing miscarriage. If you can't read and comprehend, don't waste people's time with your trolling. The point, moreover, is you are completely out of touch with reality. Either get a brain or get TF out!

No, most of the plants that I know of are bitter, plants with particular properties to induce contractions and a miscarriage.

Your plants would make a start of a good soup though.

You're just a bitter bitch, so you gravitate to bitterness in plants, I guess. Who the fuck cares what you have to say about anything. You're an idiot!!!

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