Judge Sullivan Scrambles For A Lifeline To Bail HIMSELF Out Of Dropped Flynn Case

Derp....Nothing is dropped until he rules so. Hence the petition for him to do so.


Educate yourself. The case has been dropped. Sullivan can not change that. He is attempting to still punish Sullivan through a contempt of court order - or more if he can (which he can't). He can NOT force the DOJ to UN-DROP the case.


Educate yourself. The case has been dropped. Sullivan can not change that. He is attempting to still punish Sullivan through a contempt of court order - or more if he can (which he can't). He can NOT force the DOJ to UN-DROP the case.

They have petioned the judge to drop the charges, dope.
Sullivan is under no obligation to accept their rationale for doing so.
By all appearances my guess is Sullivan is going to unload on Powell, Flynn, and the DoJ. If justice is to be served Flynn will get the maximum amount of time allowable, Powell will get a reprimand from the ABA for willful misconduct, and Barr will be excoriated (clearly he should be impeached or fired) for disgracing the DoJ.

By all appearances you're engaging in your own ignorant bias. The judiciary can't prosecute, nor can they tell the prosecutors who and when to prosecute. The DOJ dropped the case. That's it. It's over. The judge is in no legal position to say otherwise. It doesn't matter if he thinks Flynn is guilty. That is the reason why he is being ordered by the Appeals Court to explain his lack of action.
By all appearances you're engaging in your own ignorant bias. The judiciary can't prosecute, nor can they tell the prosecutors who and when to prosecute. The DOJ dropped the case. That's it. It's over.
How you wish it were so.

Would Trumpletards like to know why Sullivan has explored the possibility of charging Flynn with perjury relative to his plea agreement?

On November 30, 2017, Mr. Flynn affirmed: “I have read every word of this [SOF], or have had it read to me. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11, after consulting with my attorneys, I agree and stipulate to this [SOF], and declare under penalty of perjury that it is true and correct.” SOF, ECF No. 4 at 6. Mr. Flynn’s attorney acknowledged the same. Id.
Because..........."I agree and stipulate to this [SOF], and declare under penalty of perjury that it is true and correct.”

Meaning that the claims he is making now indicate he lied under penalty of perjury when he confessed. Flynn needs to decide with lie to stick with.

Got it?
By all appearances you're engaging in your own ignorant bias. The judiciary can't prosecute, nor can they tell the prosecutors who and when to prosecute. The DOJ dropped the case. That's it. It's over.
How you wish it were so.

Would Trumpletards like to know why Sullivan has explored the possibility of charging Flynn with perjury relative to his plea agreement?

On November 30, 2017, Mr. Flynn affirmed: “I have read every word of this [SOF], or have had it read to me. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 11, after consulting with my attorneys, I agree and stipulate to this [SOF], and declare under penalty of perjury that it is true and correct.” SOF, ECF No. 4 at 6. Mr. Flynn’s attorney acknowledged the same. Id.
Because..........."I agree and stipulate to this [SOF], and declare under penalty of perjury that it is true and correct.”

Meaning that the claims he is making now indicate he lied under penalty of perjury when he confessed. Flynn needs to decide with lie to stick with.

Got it?

And when Sullivan drops the case, which he ultimately will because he has to, what are you going to say then, TDS King?
Derp....Nothing is dropped until he rules so. Hence the petition for him to do so.


Educate yourself. The case has been dropped. Sullivan can not change that. He is attempting to still punish Sullivan through a contempt of court order - or more if he can (which he can't). He can NOT force the DOJ to UN-DROP the case.


Educate yourself. The case has been dropped. Sullivan can not change that. He is attempting to still punish Sullivan through a contempt of court order - or more if he can (which he can't). He can NOT force the DOJ to UN-DROP the case.

They have petioned the judge to drop the charges, dope.
Sullivan is under no obligation to accept their rationale for doing so.
No, they dropped the charges.

They petitioned this hack to dismiss the case because there no longer is any case.
BULLSHIT - the focus of your last posts has been solely on the FBI and its case THAT HAS BEEN DROPPED
"Key to the Justice Department’s argument in its motion to dismiss is the fact that, after four months of investigation without finding any derogatory information, the FBI was prepared to close its case on Flynn. A draft internal FBI document dated Jan. 4, 2017, shows that the bureau had sketched out a memo closing the probe, though the document includes the usual caveat that if new information were identified, the FBI would consider reopening the investigation.

But before the case was actually closed, the FBI learned that Flynn had spoken to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in late December 2016. According to the Justice Department’s motion, the FBI had transcripts of the relevant calls, likely obtained through surveillance of Kislyak authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. By this time, Flynn had been named as Trump’s national security adviser.

In those calls, Flynn had asked Russia not to retaliate for sanctions imposed by the Obama administration as punishment for election interference. Flynn had also asked Russia to vote against a United Nations resolution regarding Israeli settlements. On their face, these calls potentially undermined the foreign policy of the United States. What’s more, on Jan. 15, 2017, Mike Pence, then the vice president-elect, made public statements that contradicted the transcripts of Flynn’s calls— a fact that, as documented in the Mueller report, “alarmed senior DOJ [Department of Justice] officials. And so, the FBI decided to keep the investigation open. FBI agents interviewed Flynn on Jan. 24, four days after Trump took office. During that interview, Flynn falsely denied his statements regarding sanctions and the U.N. vote. He later pleaded guilty to one count of false statements for telling these lies."
You keep posting this BS from Mcgown at lawfareblog. Are you telling me it’s her point that it was in the US interest for russia to escalate, and or fuck over Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East? Also, she’s citing the Logan act as justification which even Paige knew at the time wasn’t a valid avenue for investigation. A. The transition is a legally recognized governmental entity since 1968, which Flynn was a part of. B. No one has been charged with the Logan act, despite many arguable violations of it, since the law was passed in 1799. So all that blows apart her argument. She knows this. You know this. Yet you keep throwing it out there.
"No one has been charged with the Logan act, despite many arguable violations of it, since the law was passed in 1799. So all that blows apart her argument."


2 people have been charged.
Whatever, not convicted. They weren’t apart of the translation team, again a legally recognized governmental entity for half a century at this point. So how tf does the Logan act apply in this case? Lisa page knew she couldn’t use the Logan act at this time as well. It’s silly I’m having to make these points. Once again, the SCO decided to drop this case. Can we stop pretending like Barr is in his secret lair stroking a cat, laughing maniacally while giving an evil monologue to a captured agent 007, about his evil plan to drop charges on Flynn.
"Whatever?" There is a difference. As far as your claim that the Logan Act can't touch a transition team ... link?
Derp....Nothing is dropped until he rules so. Hence the petition for him to do so.


Educate yourself. The case has been dropped. Sullivan can not change that. He is attempting to still punish Sullivan through a contempt of court order - or more if he can (which he can't). He can NOT force the DOJ to UN-DROP the case.

So what? Flynn is still a convicted felon. That's out of the hands of the DoJ.

Since sentencing has no taken place, the DOJ has the power to drop the case. It most definitely is NOT out of their hands.

Serious question: in light of the many examples of investigatory and prosecutorial misconduct by the FBI and DOJ in the Flynn case, clearly his rights to due process were repeatedly violated. Criminal cases have been thrown out of court time and again across this country . More over, no judge has the right to assume the prosecution of a defendant, nor ask for 3rd party briefs in a criminal case. The Far Left Lawfare website can offer their opinions, but the truth is that Sullivan is usurping executive powers that the Constituion does not allow him to do. What was done to Flynn was a travesty of justice that never should ave happened and should be dropped, as AG Barr has done.

If the DoJ had the power to drop this case, they would have done so. It's because they have no such power that all they could do was file a motion with the court to drop the case.

The case has already been adjudicated. Flynn is already a convicted felon for his crime. It's out of the DoJ's hands. And being co-equal branches of government, there's nothing the DoJ can do to compel the court to rule in their favor.
BULLSHIT - the focus of your last posts has been solely on the FBI and its case THAT HAS BEEN DROPPED
"Key to the Justice Department’s argument in its motion to dismiss is the fact that, after four months of investigation without finding any derogatory information, the FBI was prepared to close its case on Flynn. A draft internal FBI document dated Jan. 4, 2017, shows that the bureau had sketched out a memo closing the probe, though the document includes the usual caveat that if new information were identified, the FBI would consider reopening the investigation.

But before the case was actually closed, the FBI learned that Flynn had spoken to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in late December 2016. According to the Justice Department’s motion, the FBI had transcripts of the relevant calls, likely obtained through surveillance of Kislyak authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. By this time, Flynn had been named as Trump’s national security adviser.

In those calls, Flynn had asked Russia not to retaliate for sanctions imposed by the Obama administration as punishment for election interference. Flynn had also asked Russia to vote against a United Nations resolution regarding Israeli settlements. On their face, these calls potentially undermined the foreign policy of the United States. What’s more, on Jan. 15, 2017, Mike Pence, then the vice president-elect, made public statements that contradicted the transcripts of Flynn’s calls— a fact that, as documented in the Mueller report, “alarmed senior DOJ [Department of Justice] officials. And so, the FBI decided to keep the investigation open. FBI agents interviewed Flynn on Jan. 24, four days after Trump took office. During that interview, Flynn falsely denied his statements regarding sanctions and the U.N. vote. He later pleaded guilty to one count of false statements for telling these lies."
You keep posting this BS from Mcgown at lawfareblog. Are you telling me it’s her point that it was in the US interest for russia to escalate, and or fuck over Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East? Also, she’s citing the Logan act as justification which even Paige knew at the time wasn’t a valid avenue for investigation. A. The transition is a legally recognized governmental entity since 1968, which Flynn was a part of. B. No one has been charged with the Logan act, despite many arguable violations of it, since the law was passed in 1799. So all that blows apart her argument. She knows this. You know this. Yet you keep throwing it out there.
"No one has been charged with the Logan act, despite many arguable violations of it, since the law was passed in 1799. So all that blows apart her argument."


2 people have been charged.
2 people in over 200 years. ZERO convictions.


As if that matters.
I was talking about the DOJ'S motion and your lies about it, dope. here's your outrage over others bickering about whether the FBI'S investigation was open or not. That's gone on for pages. We know you're just trying to silence me because you can't handle me.

Once AGAIN you are attempting to make the focus of the thread about something that has already happened - the DOJ has dropped the case. It's a dead issue. Sullivan and his anti-Trump thugs can not change that. What SULLIVAN is attempting to do, however, is to do whatever he can to continue to target and punish Flynn....to include ignore the Appellate Court's order and lawyer up.

Sullivan is proving it's not a dead issue. It matters not that the DoJ wants the case dismissed -- Flynn's already a convicted felon. All that remains is sentencing him. Hopefully, Sullivan commences with that rather than giving in to the DoJ's request.
Sullivan is lawyering up. The only thing he has proven is he doesn't follow the law.

Moron, he hired her to help him with his response to an appeals court which is due by Monday. Sullivan himself has not violated any law. :cuckoo:
BULLSHIT - the focus of your last posts has been solely on the FBI and its case THAT HAS BEEN DROPPED
"Key to the Justice Department’s argument in its motion to dismiss is the fact that, after four months of investigation without finding any derogatory information, the FBI was prepared to close its case on Flynn. A draft internal FBI document dated Jan. 4, 2017, shows that the bureau had sketched out a memo closing the probe, though the document includes the usual caveat that if new information were identified, the FBI would consider reopening the investigation.

But before the case was actually closed, the FBI learned that Flynn had spoken to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in late December 2016. According to the Justice Department’s motion, the FBI had transcripts of the relevant calls, likely obtained through surveillance of Kislyak authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. By this time, Flynn had been named as Trump’s national security adviser.

In those calls, Flynn had asked Russia not to retaliate for sanctions imposed by the Obama administration as punishment for election interference. Flynn had also asked Russia to vote against a United Nations resolution regarding Israeli settlements. On their face, these calls potentially undermined the foreign policy of the United States. What’s more, on Jan. 15, 2017, Mike Pence, then the vice president-elect, made public statements that contradicted the transcripts of Flynn’s calls— a fact that, as documented in the Mueller report, “alarmed senior DOJ [Department of Justice] officials. And so, the FBI decided to keep the investigation open. FBI agents interviewed Flynn on Jan. 24, four days after Trump took office. During that interview, Flynn falsely denied his statements regarding sanctions and the U.N. vote. He later pleaded guilty to one count of false statements for telling these lies."
You keep posting this BS from Mcgown at lawfareblog. Are you telling me it’s her point that it was in the US interest for russia to escalate, and or fuck over Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East? Also, she’s citing the Logan act as justification which even Paige knew at the time wasn’t a valid avenue for investigation. A. The transition is a legally recognized governmental entity since 1968, which Flynn was a part of. B. No one has been charged with the Logan act, despite many arguable violations of it, since the law was passed in 1799. So all that blows apart her argument. She knows this. You know this. Yet you keep throwing it out there.
"No one has been charged with the Logan act, despite many arguable violations of it, since the law was passed in 1799. So all that blows apart her argument."


2 people have been charged.

One person in 1802, the other in 1852, neither convicted. This is an antiquated bullshit law that no prosecutor would ever bring to court and no judge would ever allow. It's constitutionality is questionable at best, due to it's vagueness. Which is why no one has ever been convicted under that law.
And .... it's still a law on the books and still Constitutional and can still be used to charge anyone who violates it.
By all appearances my guess is Sullivan is going to unload on Powell, Flynn, and the DoJ. If justice is to be served Flynn will get the maximum amount of time allowable, Powell will get a reprimand from the ABA for willful misconduct, and Barr will be excoriated (clearly he should be impeached or fired) for disgracing the DoJ.

By all appearances you're engaging in your own ignorant bias. The judiciary can't prosecute, nor can they tell the prosecutors who and when to prosecute. The DOJ dropped the case. That's it. It's over. The judge is in no legal position to say otherwise. It doesn't matter if he thinks Flynn is guilty. That is the reason why he is being ordered by the Appeals Court to explain his lack of action.
The judge does not have to vacate Flynn's guilty plea. It's within his power to first determine if the prosecution acted in good-faith in dropping the charges. Which is why he leaned on Gleeson to submit an amicus brief on that very matter.
One person in 1802, the other in 1852, neither convicted. This is an antiquated bullshit law that no prosecutor would ever bring to court and no judge would ever allow. It's constitutionality is questionable at best, due to it's vagueness. Which is why no one has ever been convicted under that law.
Who gives a shit? He wasn't charged with violating the Logan Act though I suspect he knew he had broken it when he lied to the FBI. He was charged with, and admitted to, lying to cover up the subject of his conversation with Kislyak.
For the 50th fucking time, the presidential transition team is a legal governmental entity since 1968. Flynn was incapable of violating the Logan act since he named incoming NSA. The dirtier brass of the FBI had to try to use the Logan act to justify why they were still “investigating” Flynn after they determined he was not a Russian asset. You cannot be investigated indefinitely.
BULLSHIT - the focus of your last posts has been solely on the FBI and its case THAT HAS BEEN DROPPED
"Key to the Justice Department’s argument in its motion to dismiss is the fact that, after four months of investigation without finding any derogatory information, the FBI was prepared to close its case on Flynn. A draft internal FBI document dated Jan. 4, 2017, shows that the bureau had sketched out a memo closing the probe, though the document includes the usual caveat that if new information were identified, the FBI would consider reopening the investigation.

But before the case was actually closed, the FBI learned that Flynn had spoken to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in late December 2016. According to the Justice Department’s motion, the FBI had transcripts of the relevant calls, likely obtained through surveillance of Kislyak authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. By this time, Flynn had been named as Trump’s national security adviser.

In those calls, Flynn had asked Russia not to retaliate for sanctions imposed by the Obama administration as punishment for election interference. Flynn had also asked Russia to vote against a United Nations resolution regarding Israeli settlements. On their face, these calls potentially undermined the foreign policy of the United States. What’s more, on Jan. 15, 2017, Mike Pence, then the vice president-elect, made public statements that contradicted the transcripts of Flynn’s calls— a fact that, as documented in the Mueller report, “alarmed senior DOJ [Department of Justice] officials. And so, the FBI decided to keep the investigation open. FBI agents interviewed Flynn on Jan. 24, four days after Trump took office. During that interview, Flynn falsely denied his statements regarding sanctions and the U.N. vote. He later pleaded guilty to one count of false statements for telling these lies."
You keep posting this BS from Mcgown at lawfareblog. Are you telling me it’s her point that it was in the US interest for russia to escalate, and or fuck over Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East? Also, she’s citing the Logan act as justification which even Paige knew at the time wasn’t a valid avenue for investigation. A. The transition is a legally recognized governmental entity since 1968, which Flynn was a part of. B. No one has been charged with the Logan act, despite many arguable violations of it, since the law was passed in 1799. So all that blows apart her argument. She knows this. You know this. Yet you keep throwing it out there.
"No one has been charged with the Logan act, despite many arguable violations of it, since the law was passed in 1799. So all that blows apart her argument."


2 people have been charged.

One person in 1802, the other in 1852, neither convicted. This is an antiquated bullshit law that no prosecutor would ever bring to court and no judge would ever allow. It's constitutionality is questionable at best, due to it's vagueness. Which is why no one has ever been convicted under that law.
And .... it's still a law on the books and still Constitutional and can still be used to charge anyone who violates it.
Jesus Christ, the rest of the left has given up on the Logan act BS. They are now trying to retroactively say he could’ve been blackmailed by the Russians for lying. I know the lefts arguments better than you fucks.

Explain how he violated the Logan act. He’s a member of the transition team, a legal governmental entity. So he absolutely was a representative of the US. What policy did he contradict? Did we want escalation with Russia. Did we want to fuck over Israel. Have fun explaining that.
One person in 1802, the other in 1852, neither convicted. This is an antiquated bullshit law that no prosecutor would ever bring to court and no judge would ever allow. It's constitutionality is questionable at best, due to it's vagueness. Which is why no one has ever been convicted under that law.
Who gives a shit? He wasn't charged with violating the Logan Act though I suspect he knew he had broken it when he lied to the FBI. He was charged with, and admitted to, lying to cover up the subject of his conversation with Kislyak.
For the 50th fucking time, the presidential transition team is a legal governmental entity since 1968. Flynn was incapable of violating the Logan act since he named incoming NSA.
Post a link to that....
Comey's smug sanctimony is disgusting. J Edgar Hoover will be put on Mt Rushmore compared to Comey
"If the FISA Bill is passed tonight on the House floor, I will quickly VETO it. Our Country has just suffered through the greatest political crime in its history. The massive abuse of FISA was a big part of it! " - Trump just now
I was talking about the DOJ'S motion and your lies about it, dope. here's your outrage over others bickering about whether the FBI'S investigation was open or not. That's gone on for pages. We know you're just trying to silence me because you can't handle me.

Once AGAIN you are attempting to make the focus of the thread about something that has already happened - the DOJ has dropped the case. It's a dead issue. Sullivan and his anti-Trump thugs can not change that. What SULLIVAN is attempting to do, however, is to do whatever he can to continue to target and punish Flynn....to include ignore the Appellate Court's order and lawyer up.

Sullivan is proving it's not a dead issue. It matters not that the DoJ wants the case dismissed -- Flynn's already a convicted felon. All that remains is sentencing him. Hopefully, Sullivan commences with that rather than giving in to the DoJ's request.
Poor desperate lying little yellow coward, the case is DROPPED. Sullivan has ZERO authority to charge Flynn with anything. The Apellate Court, Sullivan’s superiors, have ordered him to cut his bullshit, drop the case, and provide written explanations of his illegal actions. Funny how Sullivan thinks he needs to lawyer up due to his superiors slapping him down. Coerced plea deals aren’t legal, thus no perjury. You lose as always. You are bitch slapped and dismissed fuckwit.
BULLSHIT - the focus of your last posts has been solely on the FBI and its case THAT HAS BEEN DROPPED
"Key to the Justice Department’s argument in its motion to dismiss is the fact that, after four months of investigation without finding any derogatory information, the FBI was prepared to close its case on Flynn. A draft internal FBI document dated Jan. 4, 2017, shows that the bureau had sketched out a memo closing the probe, though the document includes the usual caveat that if new information were identified, the FBI would consider reopening the investigation.

But before the case was actually closed, the FBI learned that Flynn had spoken to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak in late December 2016. According to the Justice Department’s motion, the FBI had transcripts of the relevant calls, likely obtained through surveillance of Kislyak authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. By this time, Flynn had been named as Trump’s national security adviser.

In those calls, Flynn had asked Russia not to retaliate for sanctions imposed by the Obama administration as punishment for election interference. Flynn had also asked Russia to vote against a United Nations resolution regarding Israeli settlements. On their face, these calls potentially undermined the foreign policy of the United States. What’s more, on Jan. 15, 2017, Mike Pence, then the vice president-elect, made public statements that contradicted the transcripts of Flynn’s calls— a fact that, as documented in the Mueller report, “alarmed senior DOJ [Department of Justice] officials. And so, the FBI decided to keep the investigation open. FBI agents interviewed Flynn on Jan. 24, four days after Trump took office. During that interview, Flynn falsely denied his statements regarding sanctions and the U.N. vote. He later pleaded guilty to one count of false statements for telling these lies."
You keep posting this BS from Mcgown at lawfareblog. Are you telling me it’s her point that it was in the US interest for russia to escalate, and or fuck over Israel, our greatest ally in the Middle East? Also, she’s citing the Logan act as justification which even Paige knew at the time wasn’t a valid avenue for investigation. A. The transition is a legally recognized governmental entity since 1968, which Flynn was a part of. B. No one has been charged with the Logan act, despite many arguable violations of it, since the law was passed in 1799. So all that blows apart her argument. She knows this. You know this. Yet you keep throwing it out there.
"No one has been charged with the Logan act, despite many arguable violations of it, since the law was passed in 1799. So all that blows apart her argument."


2 people have been charged.
2 people in over 200 years. ZERO convictions.


As if that matters.
Only to people with at least a double digit IQ. That leaves you out.
I was talking about the DOJ'S motion and your lies about it, dope. here's your outrage over others bickering about whether the FBI'S investigation was open or not. That's gone on for pages. We know you're just trying to silence me because you can't handle me.

Once AGAIN you are attempting to make the focus of the thread about something that has already happened - the DOJ has dropped the case. It's a dead issue. Sullivan and his anti-Trump thugs can not change that. What SULLIVAN is attempting to do, however, is to do whatever he can to continue to target and punish Flynn....to include ignore the Appellate Court's order and lawyer up.

Sullivan is proving it's not a dead issue. It matters not that the DoJ wants the case dismissed -- Flynn's already a convicted felon. All that remains is sentencing him. Hopefully, Sullivan commences with that rather than giving in to the DoJ's request.
Sullivan is lawyering up. The only thing he has proven is he doesn't follow the law.

Moron, he hired her to help him with his response to an appeals court which is due by Monday. Sullivan himself has not violated any law. :cuckoo:
Ok, Sport.

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