Just a thought.


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
Trump people seem to love that Trump is willing to push around our allies and fight for what he believes is best for us, but if we end up alienating these countries it will be very bad for us. Pissing off these countries really isn't good business. Tact and diplomacy have their place too, and Trump seems to fail desperately when it comes to that.
Yeah because you don't want to p'o' the bully who takes your lunch money, because wearing the tutu like he asks always is diplomatic and works best, especially when you wearing the tutu gets in the school paper so all the other bullies see how well your diplomacy can work with them too.
*said sarcastically*
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Trump people seem to love that Trump is willing to push around our allies and fight for what he believes is best for us, but if we end up alienating these countries it will be very bad for us. Pissing off these countries really isn't good business. Tact and diplomacy have their place too, and Trump seems to fail desperately when it comes to that.

Alienating these countries by cutting back on the bribe money....with friends like that who needs enemies.
Well all I can say is we have had many years of tact and diplomacy, especially eight years just recently. Where have we gotten? We are still paying a large portion of resources spent on NATO. China still steals our intellectual property. We still pay higher tariffs on almost everything compared to what we sell. Other countries don't want to stop the Iran nuclear deal, not because it was so good, but they don't want to lose the oil. Germany wants to purchase their energy from Russia yet wants our protection from them.
Perhaps we do need to take off the kid gloves. Kindness obviously has only worked to make things worse or at the very least keep it the same.
It was once said that you need to speak softly but carry a big stick. Our big stick maybe to cut off some of the free spending.
Trump people seem to love that Trump is willing to push around our allies and fight for what he believes is best for us, but if we end up alienating these countries it will be very bad for us. Pissing off these countries really isn't good business. Tact and diplomacy have their place too, and Trump seems to fail desperately when it comes to that.
So they should push us around? We’re paying the bills and doing all the work. Here’s a thought. If these are your friends and they treat you like your enemies maybe you need better friends.
What does "pissing off" mean to the left? Does it mean forcing allies to pay their fair share for military protection or making the the playing field even so that the U.S. gets a break in international trade or does it just mean that ignorant lefties really aren't sure if they like living in the greatest Country in the world if it's led by a republican. Get some freaking balls lefties, you are starting to look like the sissie pervert on the school bus who keeps picking on the bully until he gets a black eye
Well all I can say is we have had many years of tact and diplomacy, especially eight years just recently. Where have we gotten? We are still paying a large portion of resources spent on NATO. China still steals our intellectual property. We still pay higher tariffs on almost everything compared to what we sell. Other countries don't want to stop the Iran nuclear deal, not because it was so good, but they don't want to lose the oil. Germany wants to purchase their energy from Russia yet wants our protection from them.
Perhaps we do need to take off the kid gloves. Kindness obviously has only worked to make things worse or at the very least keep it the same.
It was once said that you need to speak softly but carry a big stick. Our big stick maybe to cut off some of the free spending.
We have been the biggest beneficiaries of all that diplomacy.
Trump people seem to love that Trump is willing to push around our allies and fight for what he believes is best for us, but if we end up alienating these countries it will be very bad for us. Pissing off these countries really isn't good business. Tact and diplomacy have their place too, and Trump seems to fail desperately when it comes to that.
So they should push us around? We’re paying the bills and doing all the work. Here’s a thought. If these are your friends and they treat you like your enemies maybe you need better friends.
How many of those countries have troops in conflicts for us? Afghanistan? Iraq?
Trump people seem to love that Trump is willing to push around our allies and fight for what he believes is best for us, but if we end up alienating these countries it will be very bad for us. Pissing off these countries really isn't good business. Tact and diplomacy have their place too, and Trump seems to fail desperately when it comes to that.
So they should push us around? We’re paying the bills and doing all the work. Here’s a thought. If these are your friends and they treat you like your enemies maybe you need better friends.
How many of those countries have troops in conflicts for us? Afghanistan? Iraq?
Doing what? All of them other than England and a couple others only send support troops that can cook or clean but can never be help in a battle. We can hire maids, hell hundreds run across our border. They could easily take over the jobs of the French, Italians and Japs.
Trump people seem to love that Trump is willing to push around our allies and fight for what he believes is best for us, but if we end up alienating these countries it will be very bad for us. Pissing off these countries really isn't good business. Tact and diplomacy have their place too, and Trump seems to fail desperately when it comes to that.
Tact and Diplomacy OBVIOUSLY hasn't worked...they walked all over Obama,Bush,Clinton,Bush,Reagan on and on and on...Trump TRIED those tactics it didn't work so he's doing it this way.
Trump people seem to love that Trump is willing to push around our allies and fight for what he believes is best for us, but if we end up alienating these countries it will be very bad for us. Pissing off these countries really isn't good business. Tact and diplomacy have their place too, and Trump seems to fail desperately when it comes to that.

That's my problem with the situation. I have no problem with Trump trying to get us to pay less and other countries pay more. And I get that people are tired of diplomacy. But Trump swung the pendelum clear over to full retard mode.

Never go full retard.
Trump people seem to love that Trump is willing to push around our allies and fight for what he believes is best for us, but if we end up alienating these countries it will be very bad for us. Pissing off these countries really isn't good business. Tact and diplomacy have their place too, and Trump seems to fail desperately when it comes to that.
So they should push us around? We’re paying the bills and doing all the work. Here’s a thought. If these are your friends and they treat you like your enemies maybe you need better friends.

We are the ones with global military aspirations. A lot of these countries wouldn't care if we left. Of course we pay more into it.
Trump people seem to love that Trump is willing to push around our allies and fight for what he believes is best for us, but if we end up alienating these countries it will be very bad for us. Pissing off these countries really isn't good business. Tact and diplomacy have their place too, and Trump seems to fail desperately when it comes to that.

The U.S. has been "pushing around our allies" since the end of World War II, that's nothing new, normally we would just refer to it as "diplomatic pressure" which is carried out at negotiating tables in smoked filled back rooms. What's different about Trump is that he engages in childish public name calling and hyperbole which while completely unnecessary is his style and I doubt it's going to change.

I wouldn't worry too much about it "alienating" anybody since national leaders generally have thick skins and allow stuff like this to go in one ear and out the other while focusing on what's really important, namely the negotiations going on in the back room. Of course that doesn't mean that Trumps antics do anything to endear the United States to the citizens of allied countries..... fuck 'em though, I don't really care about what some foreign blowhard leader says about the U.S. so I don't see why they care about what our blowhard leader says about their country.
Well all I can say is we have had many years of tact and diplomacy, especially eight years just recently. Where have we gotten? We are still paying a large portion of resources spent on NATO. China still steals our intellectual property. We still pay higher tariffs on almost everything compared to what we sell. Other countries don't want to stop the Iran nuclear deal, not because it was so good, but they don't want to lose the oil. Germany wants to purchase their energy from Russia yet wants our protection from them.
Perhaps we do need to take off the kid gloves. Kindness obviously has only worked to make things worse or at the very least keep it the same.
It was once said that you need to speak softly but carry a big stick. Our big stick maybe to cut off some of the free spending.
We have been the biggest beneficiaries of all that diplomacy.
Do you consider trade imbalance to be beneficial? Do you consider China feeling free to steal intellectual property beneficial? Let us hear what you consider to be beneficial. I have noticed that the U.S. has always been one of the first on the spot during natural and man made disasters. How many have been in the U.S. during a disaster? How many countries are supplementing us? How many times have counties helped us to rebuild?
Trump people seem to love that Trump is willing to push around our allies and fight for what he believes is best for us, but if we end up alienating these countries it will be very bad for us. Pissing off these countries really isn't good business. Tact and diplomacy have their place too, and Trump seems to fail desperately when it comes to that.
I can only guess, but I'd think they're very hopeful Trump won't be around after 2020 and are treading water accordingly.
Well all I can say is we have had many years of tact and diplomacy, especially eight years just recently. Where have we gotten? We are still paying a large portion of resources spent on NATO. China still steals our intellectual property. We still pay higher tariffs on almost everything compared to what we sell. Other countries don't want to stop the Iran nuclear deal, not because it was so good, but they don't want to lose the oil. Germany wants to purchase their energy from Russia yet wants our protection from them.
Perhaps we do need to take off the kid gloves. Kindness obviously has only worked to make things worse or at the very least keep it the same.
It was once said that you need to speak softly but carry a big stick. Our big stick maybe to cut off some of the free spending.
We have been the biggest beneficiaries of all that diplomacy.
Do you consider trade imbalance to be beneficial? Do you consider China feeling free to steal intellectual property beneficial? Let us hear what you consider to be beneficial. I have noticed that the U.S. has always been one of the first on the spot during natural and man made disasters. How many have been in the U.S. during a disaster? How many countries are supplementing us? How many times have counties helped us to rebuild?

They send us troops for our unnecessary wars.
Well all I can say is we have had many years of tact and diplomacy, especially eight years just recently. Where have we gotten? We are still paying a large portion of resources spent on NATO. China still steals our intellectual property. We still pay higher tariffs on almost everything compared to what we sell. Other countries don't want to stop the Iran nuclear deal, not because it was so good, but they don't want to lose the oil. Germany wants to purchase their energy from Russia yet wants our protection from them.
Perhaps we do need to take off the kid gloves. Kindness obviously has only worked to make things worse or at the very least keep it the same.
It was once said that you need to speak softly but carry a big stick. Our big stick maybe to cut off some of the free spending.
We have been the biggest beneficiaries of all that diplomacy.
Do you consider trade imbalance to be beneficial? Do you consider China feeling free to steal intellectual property beneficial? Let us hear what you consider to be beneficial. I have noticed that the U.S. has always been one of the first on the spot during natural and man made disasters. How many have been in the U.S. during a disaster? How many countries are supplementing us? How many times have counties helped us to rebuild?

They send us troops for our unnecessary wars.

We are the empire. We're the biggest, richest, most powerful and it is our desire to have our cock laying out across the entire planet. It's actually retarded to think we shouldn't be paying more than others.
Trump people seem to love that Trump is willing to push around our allies and fight for what he believes is best for us, but if we end up alienating these countries it will be very bad for us. Pissing off these countries really isn't good business. Tact and diplomacy have their place too, and Trump seems to fail desperately when it comes to that.
/——-/ They need to pay their fair share and stop pissing on America’s shoes.
Well all I can say is we have had many years of tact and diplomacy, especially eight years just recently. Where have we gotten? We are still paying a large portion of resources spent on NATO. China still steals our intellectual property. We still pay higher tariffs on almost everything compared to what we sell. Other countries don't want to stop the Iran nuclear deal, not because it was so good, but they don't want to lose the oil. Germany wants to purchase their energy from Russia yet wants our protection from them.
Perhaps we do need to take off the kid gloves. Kindness obviously has only worked to make things worse or at the very least keep it the same.
It was once said that you need to speak softly but carry a big stick. Our big stick maybe to cut off some of the free spending.
We have been the biggest beneficiaries of all that diplomacy.
Do you consider trade imbalance to be beneficial? Do you consider China feeling free to steal intellectual property beneficial? Let us hear what you consider to be beneficial. I have noticed that the U.S. has always been one of the first on the spot during natural and man made disasters. How many have been in the U.S. during a disaster? How many countries are supplementing us? How many times have counties helped us to rebuild?

They send us troops for our unnecessary wars.
Unnecessary by whose standards? How many actual fighting personnel?
Trump people seem to love that Trump is willing to push around our allies and fight for what he believes is best for us, but if we end up alienating these countries it will be very bad for us. Pissing off these countries really isn't good business. Tact and diplomacy have their place too, and Trump seems to fail desperately when it comes to that.
/——-/ They need to pay their fair share and stop pissing on America’s shoes.

They pay in personnel. They send troops to die in wars we start. That's MORE than their fair share.

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