Just about ready to say President Pence?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.

Pence to me is a white haired Ted Cruz... I am sure the guy is a closet something by the way he is so careful..
He is a dangerous man... I think Pence is behind behind many of the picks of Trumps cabinet , don't you think?
What part of "the people voted for Trump/Pence" do you not comprehend? He is in the WH because the people voted for him. Period.
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Are democrat lies giving you a headache yet.

Comey got canned just as he was going to as for more resources for the Russia proble. Errr, Lie.

Rosenstein threatened to resign over Trump's pressure. Errr. Lie.

Now, the FBI #2 lied through HIS teeth in financial disclosures failing to show ties to clinton.
FBI No. 2 did not disclose wife's ties to Clinton ally, records show

Are you Tipsy or something? :biggrin:

Senator: Comey Asked DOJ for More Resources for Russia Probe Before Firing
Fox News Insider - ‎May 10, 2017‎
Former FBI Director James Comey asked the Justice Department for more resources for his Russia investigation just days before his firing, a Senate Democrat said this afternoon. The Justice Department has denied the New York Times report about Comey .
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.

As I recall, you were taunting every non Hildebeast poster before the election that they would be disappearing and returning with new IDs and saying that they needed to learn to say "President Hillary Clinton" and that didn't work out too well for you. How was the heapin' helpin' of crow? Did you choke it down with some "w(h)ine"?

In my opinion, this is all theater and Trump has learned that he really doesn't run anything and that the "shadow gubermint" that controls this bankrupted corporate entity USA.INC and has since 1933 and maybe as early as 1913. The human chattel known as 14th amendment USA citizens scurry to and fro fretting over political leaders that are bought and paid for by the creditors that control it.....but please, Gnat.......carry on with the angst. It's very amusing to me.

Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.
I can't stand Pence. He would make a terrible president, but I would be THRILLED if Trump was removed from office
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.

I am willing to bet you and those like you will regret if Pence as President. It is better to suffer the four years of Trump than suffer two years of Pence.

I know you will disagree but I wrote when Bush was President that the left would regret it if they impeached Bush and had Cheney as President, so believe me I would rather have Trump over Pence!
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.

I see your post is factually deficient as usual, Comey didn't resign, he was fired.

The problem is that the entire national media would immediately say that those awful meanie Democrats had to help heal the nation by instantly doing whatever President Pence wanted.

Needless to say, they'd make no demands for compromise from Republicans, no demands that the Republicans apologize for all backing such unprecedented corruption. The corruption would be swept under the rug, even though most of those involved would still be in office.
What part of "the people voted for Trump/Pence" do you not comprehend? He is in the WH because the people voted for him. Period.
Fucking bullshit, the orange clown received 3 million less votes than did Clinton.

Reality and conservatives dont' work together! They'll just make shit up as they're not critical thinkers.
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.
Well maybe...

But remember that Pence was head of the transition team and he is vulnerable for all the stuff post-election that went on. So Pence's neck could easily be on the chopping block too. In that case, it would go to the President pro tempore of the Senate who is Orrin Hatch.

Think about the maneuvering of Jason Chaffetz lately and what his motivation for a "plum" from a fellow LDS brother from Utah might be! Some of these clever lads are playing their long game as the Orange One's "House of Cards" is starting to crumble. Stranger things have happened, so I hold that as a possibility with an even chance with the expulsion of both the Orange Clown and Hoosier Whore.
Are democrat lies giving you a headache yet.

Comey got canned just as he was going to as for more resources for the Russia proble. Errr, Lie.

Rosenstein threatened to resign over Trump's pressure. Errr. Lie.

Now, the FBI #2 lied through HIS teeth in financial disclosures failing to show ties to clinton.
FBI No. 2 did not disclose wife's ties to Clinton ally, records show
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.
I can't stand Pence. He would make a terrible president, but I would be THRILLED if Trump was removed from office

Pence is a Jesuit just like the Pope that all you leftards are so enthralled with....but Trump isn't going anywhere....not that I care one way or the other. He was conversing with that disgusting sack of shit and pedophile Henry Kissinger to discuss Syria and that ain't good news for anyone. New boss, same as the old boss. Nothing ever changes, nothing ever improves because it's not meant to improve. Your beloved "gubermint" is nothing but a bankrupted corporate entity that answers to it's creditors and that is a fact.
beep...gurkle..ding....Must impeach Trump....Must impeach Trump...neep...wubuwubu....Must impeach Trump...bwip..gurkle...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pretty good MMike !! [chuckle]
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.

/---- Liberals wet dream #467
What part of "the people voted for Trump/Pence" do you not comprehend? He is in the WH because the people voted for him. Period.
Fucking bullshit, the orange clown received 3 million less votes than did Clinton.

And she lost the vote that matter... You know that Electorla College... oh and she beat Trump in California by 4.7 million votes and only was able to beat Trump by 3 million nation and that is why she lost the Electoral College...
Of course, the Trump ass kisser will disagree, but the "drip-drip-drip" of facts, and Trump's flip-flops or downright lying, is ample evidence that this orange clown is unfit to sit in the oval office.

Reports of "rumblings" among republicans in private quarters are mounting and soon the choice will have to be made by these same republicans as to whether they're willing to go down with the Trump ship, or save their own hides in 2018.

Pence was recently contradicted by Trump that it was he (Trump) and not the DOJ that called for Comey's resignation. Ex-RNC Chairman, Michael Steele, recently opined that Trump would not finish his first term.

As bad a s Pence may be as president, with all his religiosity within a secular nation, he would at least appear to the rest of the planet as sane.

I am willing to bet you and those like you will regret if Pence as President. It is better to suffer the four years of Trump than suffer two years of Pence.

I know you will disagree but I wrote when Bush was President that the left would regret it if they impeached Bush and had Cheney as President, so believe me I would rather have Trump over Pence!

I agree Bruce...Cheney was a crooked man.. but I wonder if he wasn't running the show anyway.

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