Just another Hillary corrupt lie!

A democrat state senator daughter asking her the question? No, no setup there.

Yes, I cal YOU stupid.
Are children of state senators not allowed to ask questions? Whether Clinton asked her to join and ask, or her father, or she did it herself who the hell cares. It is a campaign, people ask questions and candidates talk about their ideas and how they are better than the competition. You are such a damn puppet. Wake up and think for yourself.
You not seeing the setup = no ability to think for yourself.
Me not caring if it is a set up or legit question means I don't squabble over the small stuff. You assuming it was a plant and following the conservative news headlines shows you are a puppet and you make something out of nothing. Did you even watch the town hall? Its a bunch of little kids asking Hillary and Chelsea questions.
well it does to others and so why is it you're in here commenting on someone else's expectations when you don't want to be trounced on yours? who the fk are you?
Im Slade. This is a discussion board so if you can't take adverse opinions then maybe you shouldn't be here. If you disagree with me then I welcome the feedback but your arguments have been pretty ridiculous.
don't flatter yourself, you're the one that jumped into the thread. Now someone tells you it's his expectations and you have a hissy fit. I think you best look in a mirror and reread your post.
What is amusing to me about this is that you all ignore a real issue... Trumps past statements and attitude towards certain women and the effects it has on women and young girls who have issues with body image and discrimination... That is a real issue, and this video highlights it... You think that your assumption that Clinton planted an actor to ask it has any relevance to the issue? Or that it displays anything damning or damaging towards Clinton?? What a joke... Get your head straight
You get yours straight. Hillary insulted many millions as deplorable and unredeemable so your righteous indignation is a joke.
Yes she was speaking to people who are racist, xenophobic, bigoted, and sexist... I'd agree that those type of people are deplorable. If you are a Trump supporter and you do not have those views then she wasn't talking about you. Is it really that hard to understand? It is the same thing as Trump calling Illegal Mexican immigrants Rapists and murders... he was talking about those that commit those crimes, not all Mexicans. Do you agree? Can't have it one way without the other

Yeahhh... you just lost all credibility.

Now go be racist in your own corner.

Hillary said half of them are deplorables, Trump said the criminals are criminals and some are good people... you have been programmed.
Do you not understand plain english? Here is her quote:

"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric."

Was she insulting you and thats whats got you in a Tizzy?
Sexist? So you are admitting Bill Clinton is a deplorable and you want him in the white house?
"Where did you get that from?" is your idea of a denial? :cuckoo:

He backed up the reasoning for his statements the next day and then went on a twitter rant calling her disgusting. Come out of your cave.
you said he called her a pig, he didn't as far as you know. he wasn't going down the rabbit hole on stage, it wasn't what his job was there. his job was to direct his answers about policies he was working on. Just like Pence ignored kaine and his rabbit hole attempts. didn't happen. doesn't make anything so, just means it was a rabbit hole.
Come on man wake up. Fine he didn't discuss it on stage. He got pissed and then brought up Bills stuff after the debate, then he called Fox and Friends the next morning and doubled down on his Miss Piggy statements, then he did his middle of the night twitter rant. Stop make excuses. He never denied it. He fucked up and his ego doesn't allow him to simply own it and move on.
did he say he called her miss piggy or not? made up shit, I love it. you fked up cause you have no evidence it happened.
I have a first hand account from the women he said it too and no denial from the man that said it. This isn't rocket science.
first hand account? from whom?
Jesus Christ... I'm just about done with you. A first hand account from the ex Miss Universe who said that Trump called her Miss Piggy and Miss Housekeeping.
What is amusing to me about this is that you all ignore a real issue... Trumps past statements and attitude towards certain women and the effects it has on women and young girls who have issues with body image and discrimination... That is a real issue, and this video highlights it... You think that your assumption that Clinton planted an actor to ask it has any relevance to the issue? Or that it displays anything damning or damaging towards Clinton?? What a joke... Get your head straight
You get yours straight. Hillary insulted many millions as deplorable and unredeemable so your righteous indignation is a joke.
Yes she was speaking to people who are racist, xenophobic, bigoted, and sexist... I'd agree that those type of people are deplorable. If you are a Trump supporter and you do not have those views then she wasn't talking about you. Is it really that hard to understand? It is the same thing as Trump calling Illegal Mexican immigrants Rapists and murders... he was talking about those that commit those crimes, not all Mexicans. Do you agree? Can't have it one way without the other

Yeahhh... you just lost all credibility.

Now go be racist in your own corner.

Hillary said half of them are deplorables, Trump said the criminals are criminals and some are good people... you have been programmed.
Do you not understand plain english? Here is her quote:

"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric."

Was she insulting you and thats whats got you in a Tizzy?
Sexist? So you are admitting Bill Clinton is a deplorable and you want him in the white house?
Not at all... I think the things that Bill has been accused of are very deplorable and if he did them then I hate the thought of him in the White House... Of course it is Hillary and not Bill that is running. We have two horrible choices this cycle, no denying that. Scary thing is that Trump is even worse that Clinton which is hard to do.
you said he called her a pig, he didn't as far as you know. he wasn't going down the rabbit hole on stage, it wasn't what his job was there. his job was to direct his answers about policies he was working on. Just like Pence ignored kaine and his rabbit hole attempts. didn't happen. doesn't make anything so, just means it was a rabbit hole.
Come on man wake up. Fine he didn't discuss it on stage. He got pissed and then brought up Bills stuff after the debate, then he called Fox and Friends the next morning and doubled down on his Miss Piggy statements, then he did his middle of the night twitter rant. Stop make excuses. He never denied it. He fucked up and his ego doesn't allow him to simply own it and move on.
did he say he called her miss piggy or not? made up shit, I love it. you fked up cause you have no evidence it happened.
I have a first hand account from the women he said it too and no denial from the man that said it. This isn't rocket science.
first hand account? from whom?
Jesus Christ... I'm just about done with you. A first hand account from the ex Miss Universe who said that Trump called her Miss Piggy and Miss Housekeeping.
so dude, they have first hand accounts from paula jones does that make her right then? jesus christ.
Come on man wake up. Fine he didn't discuss it on stage. He got pissed and then brought up Bills stuff after the debate, then he called Fox and Friends the next morning and doubled down on his Miss Piggy statements, then he did his middle of the night twitter rant. Stop make excuses. He never denied it. He fucked up and his ego doesn't allow him to simply own it and move on.
did he say he called her miss piggy or not? made up shit, I love it. you fked up cause you have no evidence it happened.
I have a first hand account from the women he said it too and no denial from the man that said it. This isn't rocket science.
first hand account? from whom?
Jesus Christ... I'm just about done with you. A first hand account from the ex Miss Universe who said that Trump called her Miss Piggy and Miss Housekeeping.
so dude, they have first hand accounts from paula jones does that make her right then? jesus christ.
Theres the pivot again... are you unable to stick to the subject?
Here is the difference. Miss U makes a claim, Trump doesn't deny it and responds by justifying why he said it and even adding to the insults. Paula makes a claim and Bill denies her claim. I don't know what happened in that case but if he did what she said then he is disgusting and deplorable. If not then perhaps he is just a hounddog. I don't know
You get yours straight. Hillary insulted many millions as deplorable and unredeemable so your righteous indignation is a joke.
Yes she was speaking to people who are racist, xenophobic, bigoted, and sexist... I'd agree that those type of people are deplorable. If you are a Trump supporter and you do not have those views then she wasn't talking about you. Is it really that hard to understand? It is the same thing as Trump calling Illegal Mexican immigrants Rapists and murders... he was talking about those that commit those crimes, not all Mexicans. Do you agree? Can't have it one way without the other

Yeahhh... you just lost all credibility.

Now go be racist in your own corner.

Hillary said half of them are deplorables, Trump said the criminals are criminals and some are good people... you have been programmed.
Do you not understand plain english? Here is her quote:

"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric."

Was she insulting you and thats whats got you in a Tizzy?
Sexist? So you are admitting Bill Clinton is a deplorable and you want him in the white house?
Not at all... I think the things that Bill has been accused of are very deplorable and if he did them then I hate the thought of him in the White House... Of course it is Hillary and not Bill that is running. We have two horrible choices this cycle, no denying that. Scary thing is that Trump is even worse that Clinton which is hard to do.
No I think Trump really loves our country and will do what he can to try to make all Americans succeed. Hillary well if she can't benefit from it, it won't get done.
Yes she was speaking to people who are racist, xenophobic, bigoted, and sexist... I'd agree that those type of people are deplorable. If you are a Trump supporter and you do not have those views then she wasn't talking about you. Is it really that hard to understand? It is the same thing as Trump calling Illegal Mexican immigrants Rapists and murders... he was talking about those that commit those crimes, not all Mexicans. Do you agree? Can't have it one way without the other

Yeahhh... you just lost all credibility.

Now go be racist in your own corner.

Hillary said half of them are deplorables, Trump said the criminals are criminals and some are good people... you have been programmed.
Do you not understand plain english? Here is her quote:

"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric."

Was she insulting you and thats whats got you in a Tizzy?
Sexist? So you are admitting Bill Clinton is a deplorable and you want him in the white house?
Not at all... I think the things that Bill has been accused of are very deplorable and if he did them then I hate the thought of him in the White House... Of course it is Hillary and not Bill that is running. We have two horrible choices this cycle, no denying that. Scary thing is that Trump is even worse that Clinton which is hard to do.
No I think Trump really loves our country and will do what he can to try to make all Americans succeed. Hillary well if she can't benefit from it, it won't get done.
That's fine and I'm sure Hillary supports believe the exact opposite, that Trump is in it for himself and Hillary is and has been all about public service for her entire life. The arguement is mostly partisan and subjective on both sides
Yeahhh... you just lost all credibility.

Now go be racist in your own corner.

Hillary said half of them are deplorables, Trump said the criminals are criminals and some are good people... you have been programmed.
Do you not understand plain english? Here is her quote:

"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric."

Was she insulting you and thats whats got you in a Tizzy?
Sexist? So you are admitting Bill Clinton is a deplorable and you want him in the white house?
Not at all... I think the things that Bill has been accused of are very deplorable and if he did them then I hate the thought of him in the White House... Of course it is Hillary and not Bill that is running. We have two horrible choices this cycle, no denying that. Scary thing is that Trump is even worse that Clinton which is hard to do.
No I think Trump really loves our country and will do what he can to try to make all Americans succeed. Hillary well if she can't benefit from it, it won't get done.
That's fine and I'm sure Hillary supports believe the exact opposite, that Trump is in it for himself and Hillary is and has been all about public service for her entire life. The arguement is mostly partisan and subjective on both sides

Then why does the country always lose while she wins?


Not that she has any clue of what's going on anyway. She is completely in the tank for big banks and media... her nefarious support groups.
Do you not understand plain english? Here is her quote:

"You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic – you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people, now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric."

Was she insulting you and thats whats got you in a Tizzy?
Sexist? So you are admitting Bill Clinton is a deplorable and you want him in the white house?
Not at all... I think the things that Bill has been accused of are very deplorable and if he did them then I hate the thought of him in the White House... Of course it is Hillary and not Bill that is running. We have two horrible choices this cycle, no denying that. Scary thing is that Trump is even worse that Clinton which is hard to do.
No I think Trump really loves our country and will do what he can to try to make all Americans succeed. Hillary well if she can't benefit from it, it won't get done.
That's fine and I'm sure Hillary supports believe the exact opposite, that Trump is in it for himself and Hillary is and has been all about public service for her entire life. The arguement is mostly partisan and subjective on both sides

Then why does the country always lose and she wins?
The country always losing is a Trump line... I guess if he says it enough the puppets will believe him. Our country is still the greatest in the world, not the third world cesspool that Trump paints. It definitely has its problems that need fixing but has also made tremendous progress through the years and we are fortunate enough to be arguing on our personal computers or smartphones over political BS that we watch on our flatscreen TV's in the comfort of our own homes rather than spending our days searching for a meal or safe place to sleep while fearing for our lives like many in this world do every day.
Sexist? So you are admitting Bill Clinton is a deplorable and you want him in the white house?
Not at all... I think the things that Bill has been accused of are very deplorable and if he did them then I hate the thought of him in the White House... Of course it is Hillary and not Bill that is running. We have two horrible choices this cycle, no denying that. Scary thing is that Trump is even worse that Clinton which is hard to do.
No I think Trump really loves our country and will do what he can to try to make all Americans succeed. Hillary well if she can't benefit from it, it won't get done.
That's fine and I'm sure Hillary supports believe the exact opposite, that Trump is in it for himself and Hillary is and has been all about public service for her entire life. The arguement is mostly partisan and subjective on both sides

Then why does the country always lose and she wins?
The country always losing is a Trump line... I guess if he says it enough the puppets will believe him. Our country is still the greatest in the world, not the third world cesspool that Trump paints. It definitely has its problems that need fixing but has also made tremendous progress through the years and we are fortunate enough to be arguing on our personal computers or smartphones over political BS that we watch on our flatscreen TV's in the comfort of our own homes rather than spending our days searching for a meal or safe place to sleep while fearing for our lives like many in this world do every day.

It may be a Trump line that the country is losing....

But it's also the truth.
Not at all... I think the things that Bill has been accused of are very deplorable and if he did them then I hate the thought of him in the White House... Of course it is Hillary and not Bill that is running. We have two horrible choices this cycle, no denying that. Scary thing is that Trump is even worse that Clinton which is hard to do.
No I think Trump really loves our country and will do what he can to try to make all Americans succeed. Hillary well if she can't benefit from it, it won't get done.
That's fine and I'm sure Hillary supports believe the exact opposite, that Trump is in it for himself and Hillary is and has been all about public service for her entire life. The arguement is mostly partisan and subjective on both sides

Then why does the country always lose and she wins?
The country always losing is a Trump line... I guess if he says it enough the puppets will believe him. Our country is still the greatest in the world, not the third world cesspool that Trump paints. It definitely has its problems that need fixing but has also made tremendous progress through the years and we are fortunate enough to be arguing on our personal computers or smartphones over political BS that we watch on our flatscreen TV's in the comfort of our own homes rather than spending our days searching for a meal or safe place to sleep while fearing for our lives like many in this world do every day.

It may be a Trump line that the country is losing....

But it's also the truth.
The country is not playing a game with a score. We are wining many battles and losing many as well. Cherry pick whatever you want to fit your narrative but the are two sides to the coin.
First of all, there is not even one girl under the age of 19 in the entire country that bothered to even listen to anything Donald Trump has to say, much less be the least bit moved by it.

You're wrong. My 14 year old daughter pays very close attention and is disturbed at the prospect of a Trump Presidency. Her "anchor baby" friends in the predominantly Hispanic school she attends are also "moved" by the things Trump says.

Schools all over the country are already being effected by his candidacy...they've seen an increase in bullying.

The Trump Effect: The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on Our Nation's Schools
Triple Redundancy Alert:

hiLIARY, Corrupt, and LIES!

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