Kahshoggi Killer Kills Biden's Hopes For More Oil

The US has the highest production costs in the world. Trump was riding the coattails of increased production during the Obama years.

The government can't force oil companies to drill.
They don't have to. Oil companies love to drill. It is how oil companies make their living. And unencumbered, they'll drill day and night.
Trump brought us up out of the Obama years. He ran on drill baby drill because we weren't. Now the world has no oil unless it's Russia's and Arab oil and Biden is to blame. We need Trump back, companies drilling, cheap gas and food again...
I'm betting that ZERO Trumpers on this site even knew about this, because RW Media.
Makes ZERO difference. As in ZERO. Refineries refine, no matter who owns them. When Trump had oil flowing, refineries refined, no matter who owned them, and we Americans prospered.

We are as Biden's "Liberal World Order" calls us, Hemisphere 1 now and up for sale. Ask Bill Gates. Ask Denmark. Ask China. They are all buying our country. Not just our businesses, our land.
And as far as productivity is concerned though, it didn't make one bit of difference to the bacon Synth shoved in his mouth in 2014, that China bought the Virginia pig farm the year before. It still produced the same affordable bacon (until Biden took over, anyway), and no one noticed a difference even though they are eating China owned bacon now. It made ZERO difference to the bacon part of the equation.
Same with refineries. Most refineries are owned by the major gas companies. Not America. We operate them, and it is profitable for all of us. It was. Then Biden slammed the door.
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So where are we?

After 9-11, Bush pandered to the Saudi Royal Family and absolved them of any guilt
Obama came in and pandered to the Saudis
First official trip by Trump was to Saudi Arabia

Biden said he was different and would hold Saudi Arabia accountable. First gas hike, he rushes over there to beg for cheaper gas

Party doesn’t matter…..The Saudis have us by the balls and laugh at us
Someone explain world market to this retard.
No need. I get oil and gas checks every month with varying amounts depending on the world market. World market effects my bottom line. I know more about it than you do. You just don't like the truth, so you attack, which is ineffective compared to the truth.
Refineries refine if they are allowed. Biden is killing us, those who need oil in Europe, and making Russia very rich by chocking us off. Obama is pulling these strings, so we can expect it to go badly for us...
You have forgotten, haven't you?
WHO and China weren't giving the true lowdown
on this virus....in fact, most would call it lying.

The US can't prevent US citizens or permanent residents from returning to the US. Before the 40,00 came home after the travel ban 430,000 flew home from China.. in January, February and March. They flew in to NY and LA with no quarantine.
So where are we?

After 9-11, Bush pandered to the Saudi Royal Family and absolved them of any guilt
Obama came in and pandered to the Saudis
First official trip by Trump was to Saudi Arabia

Biden said he was different and would hold Saudi Arabia accountable. First gas hike, he rushes over there to beg for cheaper gas

Party doesn’t matter…..The Saudis have us by the balls and laugh at us

OBL hated the Saudis because they revoked his citizenship in 1994 and declared AQ a terrorist organization. They wanted the US to blame Saudi Arabia and attack them. Evidently you do too.
So Biden sold out our values for cheaper gas
Our values? When part of the people want guns and don't give a damn about the deaths of innocent kids in their school house? When corporate greed puts billions of dollars of profit and doesn't pay a penny into the Federal Income Tax? When Trump and the Republican Party put tax cuts before Civil Rights and the number of families *** are below the poverty line:

  • The official poverty rate in 2020 was 11.4 percent, up 1.0 percentage point from 10.5 percent in 2019. This is the first increase in poverty after five consecutive annual declines (Figure 8 and Table B-4).
  • In 2020, there were 37.2 million people in poverty, approximately 3.3 million more than in 2019 (Figure 8 and Table B-1).
  • Between 2019 and 2020, the poverty rate increased for non-Hispanic Whites and Hispanics. Among non-Hispanic Whites, 8.2 percent were in poverty in 2020, while Hispanics had a poverty rate of 17.0 percent. Among the major racial groups examined in this report, Blacks had the highest poverty rate (19.5 percent), but did not experience a significant change from 2019. The poverty rate for Asians (8.1 percent) in 2020 was not statistically different from 2019 (Figure 9 and Table B-1).
  • Poverty rates for people under the age of 18 increased from 14.4 percent in 2019 to 16.1 percent in 2020. Poverty rates also increased for people aged 18 to 64 from 9.4 percent in 2019 to 10.4 percent in 2020. The poverty rate for people aged 65 and older was 9.0 percent in 2020, not statistically different from 2019 (Figure 9 and Table B-1).
LINK: Income and Poverty in the United States: 2020
You're a stupid asshole. Would you like to see the costs of fuel - gas and diesel - continuing to rise, or to bring relief to the American People?

Being a partisan Republican you don't give a damn about the American People, you would do anything to have the Republican Party to control The Congress, and The White House to have another President as incompetent and self serving like trump again.
Commie spews whut?
The US can't prevent US citizens or permanent residents from returning to the US. Before the 40,00 came home after the travel ban 430,000 flew home from China.. in January, February and March. They flew in to NY and LA with no quarantine.
Meister's biases are the foundation of his comments.
You're a stupid asshole. Would you like to see the costs of fuel - gas and diesel - continuing to rise, or to bring relief to the American People?

Being a partisan Republican you don't give a damn about the American People, you would do anything to have the Republican Party to control The Congress, and The White House to have another President as incompetent and self serving like trump again.

We were leading the world three years ago. Now, your buffoon goes begging a foreign country for more oil. If you weren't such a liberal hack, maybe people would take you seriously.
So where are we?

After 9-11, Bush pandered to the Saudi Royal Family and absolved them of any guilt
Obama came in and pandered to the Saudis
First official trip by Trump was to Saudi Arabia

Biden said he was different and would hold Saudi Arabia accountable. First gas hike, he rushes over there to beg for cheaper gas

Party doesn’t matter…..The Saudis have us by the balls and laugh at us
Because Republicans are handing over the future of renewable energy to China.

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