Kahshoggi Killer Kills Biden's Hopes For More Oil

We were leading the world three years ago. Now, your buffoon goes begging a foreign country for more oil. If you weren't such a liberal hack, maybe people would take you seriously.

Three years ago we were still importing 7 million bpd from Canada, Mexico and Russia.
OPEC is always cheaper than US oil. We have the highest production costs in the world. You are ignorant about the strategic oil reserve auction.

Those high production costs are driven by excessive government regulation that Saudi's don't require.

The money also stays in the United States.

And, the Saudis said to go pound sand.

So what you have there is a point which while technically true is misleading and in the end, irrelevant
Even.thpugh they announced a 50% increase in output.

But they didn’t. They agreed to a minimal increase in production. Nothing substantial. Maybe 2%. Not 50%.

Saudi produces 11 to 12 million barrels of oil a day. They will increase that to 13 million barrels a day. That’s not a 50% increase.

It’s 50% more than the minuscule amount they planned to in the recent past. It will do nothing.
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I was a republican for 35 years until Bush invaded Iraq. I know a bit about the Saudis and the oil business..

You're lying about having been a Republican, you still can't name a single issue you agreed with them on that separated you from the Democrats, not one. You're just lying, badly ...
Those high production costs are driven by excessive government regulation that Saudi's don't require.

The money also stays in the United States.

And, the Saudis said to go pound sand.

So what you have there is a point which while technically true is misleading and in the end, irrelevant

Like many Republicans you assume. Saudi Arabia is very environmentally conscious and run the cleanest, most well integrated oil company in the world.

The Saudis would never say go pound sand. They have excellent manners and diplomatic skills. Regrettably you're stupid

Joe Biden went hat in hand to Saudi Arabia to beg for oil, even meeting with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman after he said he wouldn’t–and after Biden called the kingdom a “pariah” nation. When he came out of the meeting, it was clear Biden had nothing, but he tried to make it appear he had something.

'Saudi Prince Turki Al-Faisal — who had previously served as head of Saudi intelligence and an ambassador to the U.S. — told CNBC that Biden was a “much-diminished president” compared with when he was inaugurated in January 2021.

“As an example, on energy issues, he came in with a policy to stop completely fossil fuel usage not only in the United States, but worldwide,” Prince Turki said. Now, Biden has a need for fossil fuel, “not only because of the Ukraine war, but also because of U.S. policy itself that shut down pipelines and stopped issuing….discovery of oil on U.S. soil,” Turki said

The Saudi Prince MOCKED BIDEN for having a policy to end US use of fossil fuels only to come begging Saudi for Fossil Fuels.
I was a republican for 35 years until Bush invaded Iraq. I know a bit about the Saudis and the oil business..
People are always making this claim that…. I was a Republican or a Democrat until…. Those claims are generally bogus.
People are always making this claim that…. I was a Republican or a Democrat until…. Those claims are generally bogus.

I spent two months writing letters trying to stop the invasion. Iraq was crippled by two decades of war and sanctions.. the oil business hates a warzone... And I'd been to Iraq many times. It was going to be a colossal blunder. Every American in the middle east, every oilman, diplomat, historian and Arab knew it was pure stupidity.

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