Kasich commits political suicide

The liberal wing nuts on the board like RW and Swallow sure make me want to rally around the guy .. not ...
See, this is what the GOP hasn't figured out yet.

The GOP keeps pandering to whackjobs like you, thinking they need your vote. But what they don't realize is that for every jackoff like you they kick to the curb, there are three sane people who will flock to the party.

whackjobs are not qualified to decipher who is or isnt a whackjob. ;)
Holy crap, so much for Kasich. I've been saying a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be the GOP's strongest, but that's history: Kasich lashes out: ‘What has happened to the conservative movement?’

I think this stuff makes him a Marxist/communist/socialist:

"I've about had it with these people," Kasich said at the rally in Westerville, Ohio. "We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard of anything so crazy as that? Telling our people in this country who are seniors, who are about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid and Medicare?"

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson has acknowledged that he would like to gut Medicare.

Kasich went on, saying, "We got one person saying we ought to have a 10 percent flat tax that will drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of dollars" and there's another challenger in the field "says we ought to take 10 or 11 people and pick them up — I don't know where we're going to go, their homes, their apartments — we're going to pick them up and scream at them to get out of our country. That's crazy. That is just crazy."

Donald Trump has expressed support for deporting immigrants living in the country illegally.

"We got people proposing healthcare reform that's going to leave, I believe, millions of people without adequate health insurance," Kasich says. "What has happened to our party? What has happened the conservative movement?"


I think it was stand up stuff and I applaud him for doing what he did. I have a lot more respect for him now. The good thing about The Donald, he's making everybody come clean.

But now that he questions or even thinks too hard about hard right policy....he's a communist.

The fringe right has a binary reasoning scheme. Either you accept ONLY what they believe. Or you're a communist.

So much for the big tent.
The libtard dictionary of synonyms: Fringe right = Traditional conservative platforms.

So 'traditional conservative platforms' exclude most republicans, all moderates and all liberals?
Please... listen to yourself and try not to sound too stupid.

TRADITIONALLY, the republican base is CONSERVATIVE... not moderate, and certainly not LIBERAL. Now the TRUE, TRADITIONAL, CONSERVATIVE BASE of the republican party is FED UP with this moderate horse crap, which basically means DEM LITE. They want the republican party to GET BACK to it's traditional CONSERVATIVE platforms, and that's what Trump, Carson and Cruz are doing, and that's why they're KILLING their "moderate" presidential competition.

What part about that are you missing? You been on a long vacation on another planet or something, or do you just enjoy regurgitating leftist BS?
The liberal wing nuts on the board like RW and Swallow sure make me want to rally around the guy .. not ...
See, this is what the GOP hasn't figured out yet.

The GOP keeps pandering to whackjobs like you, thinking they need your vote. But what they don't realize is that for every jackoff like you they kick to the curb, there are three sane people who will flock to the party.

So you claim you are a Republican, I say I'm not, and you use saying that I am a republican to insult me. You need to try to keep your story straight
Kasich is the only candidate who has actually been a key figure in creating a balanced federal budget.

Not just balanced, but one with surpluses out to the horizon.
Walker had that too, I believe.
G5000 referred to THE US BUDGET
Precisely. There is no other candidate who has that pedigree.

Hillary can claim, "Well, I was married to the guy who signed the balanced budget that Kasich helped write..."
We can go back and look at Kasich's proposals. His were much more to the right than Slick's, but compromise prevailed in the end and ....... the budget balanced.

1998 Effects of Kasich Budget Plan - 5-21/98

1994 THE 1994 CAMPAIGN: THE REPUBLICANS; It's the Economy Again, as Democrats Attack the 'Contract With America'
False, all smoke and mirrors...
THERE is no plan by Republicans or any Republican candidate, perception or otherwise to "abolish" Medicaid and/or Medicare and simply go with nothing at all

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Carson believes HSAs and catastrophic health insurance would "negate the need for Medicare or Medicaid".

ok then genius, it would be replaced by something, not simply abolished
It sure would be nice if the rubes would answer the question I have been asking for years: "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?"

The GOP has never laid a comprehensive health care reform package on the table. That's why no one goes along with their idiotic repeal.

Show everyone what would replace ObamaCare and maybe they'll start listening.
Holy crap, so much for Kasich. I've been saying a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be the GOP's strongest, but that's history: Kasich lashes out: ‘What has happened to the conservative movement?’

I think this stuff makes him a Marxist/communist/socialist:

"I've about had it with these people," Kasich said at the rally in Westerville, Ohio. "We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard of anything so crazy as that? Telling our people in this country who are seniors, who are about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid and Medicare?"

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson has acknowledged that he would like to gut Medicare.

Kasich went on, saying, "We got one person saying we ought to have a 10 percent flat tax that will drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of dollars" and there's another challenger in the field "says we ought to take 10 or 11 people and pick them up — I don't know where we're going to go, their homes, their apartments — we're going to pick them up and scream at them to get out of our country. That's crazy. That is just crazy."

Donald Trump has expressed support for deporting immigrants living in the country illegally.

"We got people proposing healthcare reform that's going to leave, I believe, millions of people without adequate health insurance," Kasich says. "What has happened to our party? What has happened the conservative movement?"


I think it was stand up stuff and I applaud him for doing what he did. I have a lot more respect for him now. The good thing about The Donald, he's making everybody come clean.

But now that he questions or even thinks too hard about hard right policy....he's a communist.

The fringe right has a binary reasoning scheme. Either you accept ONLY what they believe. Or you're a communist.

So much for the big tent.
The libtard dictionary of synonyms: Fringe right = Traditional conservative platforms.

So 'traditional conservative platforms' exclude most republicans, all moderates and all liberals?
Please... listen to yourself and try not to sound too stupid.

TRADITIONALLY, the republican base is CONSERVATIVE... not moderate, and certainly not LIBERAL. Now the TRUE, TRADITIONAL, CONSERVATIVE BASE of the republican party is FED UP with this moderate horse crap, which basically means DEM LITE. They want the republican party to GET BACK to it's traditional CONSERVATIVE platforms, and that's what Trump, Carson and Cruz are doing, and that's why they're KILLING their "moderate" presidential competition.

What part about that are you missing? You been on a long vacation on another planet or something, or do you just enjoy regurgitating leftist BS?

Sounds like a typical whiny Communist/Progressive. What's happened to the 'Conservative Movement' is that frauds like Bush, Boehner, McCain, McConnell, and Kasich were allowed to hijack it. Is there any real difference between them and Barack Hussein Obama?

Wow. So now most republicans are 'communist/progressives'.

How fringe right do you have to be to perceive McCain as a communist? I mean, you're serious.

If your perspective is indicative of the GOP in general, you're fucked. As you're so far to the right that you can't even see the rest of us.

I'm where the Republican Party should have been for years.

You're where the republican party has NEVER been in this century. Where almost all Americans aren't. You're far right of even most republicans. And have nothing to do with moderates, liberals, or most independents.

And worse, you're intent on excluding any but the 'pure'. Exclusion and 'purity' aren't a recipe for a governing coallition. But for an inept fringe caucus.

I said all along that its leaders were not Conservatives. They're all Big Government/Open-Borders morons.

How are they any different than Barack Hussein Obama? Where are the big policy differences? Bush/Obama? Same policies. It's time for Republicans to wake up and clean house.

You genuinely can't see any difference between say, John Boehner and Barack Obama in terms of policy?

Wow. That tells us far more about you than it does about them.
THERE is no plan by Republicans or any Republican candidate, perception or otherwise to "abolish" Medicaid and/or Medicare and simply go with nothing at all

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Carson believes HSAs and catastrophic health insurance would "negate the need for Medicare or Medicaid".
He may be a brilliant surgeon, but he apparently staffs out billing.
Sounds like a typical whiny Communist/Progressive. What's happened to the 'Conservative Movement' is that frauds like Bush, Boehner, McCain, McConnell, and Kasich were allowed to hijack it. Is there any real difference between them and Barack Hussein Obama?

Wow. So now most republicans are 'communist/progressives'.

How fringe right do you have to be to perceive McCain as a communist? I mean, you're serious.

If your perspective is indicative of the GOP in general, you're fucked. As you're so far to the right that you can't even see the rest of us.
He's a progressive coward...
I like him to an extent, but he's a RINO..... haven't we had enough of the RINO's?
When you add the Rino's to the Democrats, that is about 70% of the electorate. Why does the minority that call themselves conservative think they should govern when most Americans reject them?

If they get elected, they get to govern... the notion that the majority of people n this country are centrists, or worse, leftists, well, I don't see it. Trump and Carson are saying things that a lot of conservatives are saying, and it is resonating.... big time.
But you didn't get elected, and I'm basing that on all the bitching about RINO'S
Neither Trump nor Carson will be elected President.

Wow.. crystal ball's working overtime I see.

Sorry, there's a helluva lot more excitement over Trump and Carson then your seventy year old washed up has been and that nutbag Sanders. Look at Bush, he's a RINO, actually, probably a leftist... and he's failing miserably. The GOP swept you guys in the last two elections. Wll it happen next year? I dunno, but rule it out is absurd... Obama's been an unmitigated disaster, as has been these RINO's.
Excitement over Trump and Carson? By a minority of Republicans responding to polls. And you mistake amusement for excitement.
Holy crap, so much for Kasich. I've been saying a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be the GOP's strongest, but that's history: Kasich lashes out: ‘What has happened to the conservative movement?’

I think this stuff makes him a Marxist/communist/socialist:

"I've about had it with these people," Kasich said at the rally in Westerville, Ohio. "We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard of anything so crazy as that? Telling our people in this country who are seniors, who are about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid and Medicare?"

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson has acknowledged that he would like to gut Medicare.

Kasich went on, saying, "We got one person saying we ought to have a 10 percent flat tax that will drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of dollars" and there's another challenger in the field "says we ought to take 10 or 11 people and pick them up — I don't know where we're going to go, their homes, their apartments — we're going to pick them up and scream at them to get out of our country. That's crazy. That is just crazy."

Donald Trump has expressed support for deporting immigrants living in the country illegally.

"We got people proposing healthcare reform that's going to leave, I believe, millions of people without adequate health insurance," Kasich says. "What has happened to our party? What has happened the conservative movement?"

Then this morning on the news they had footage where he was touting the stance against sending illegals home to Mexico.

Yeah. He ain't making any friends with conservatives.

I thought the same thing.
He is a conservative. He is simply a rational one; the kind who is practical and pragmatic.
Illegal immigration is why Donald Trump is so popular. Taking the opposing side is not going to appeal to an already angry GOP base.
Who cares what the angry base think? They have never elected a president and never will.
Sounds like a typical whiny Communist/Progressive. What's happened to the 'Conservative Movement' is that frauds like Bush, Boehner, McCain, McConnell, and Kasich were allowed to hijack it. Is there any real difference between them and Barack Hussein Obama?

Wow. So now most republicans are 'communist/progressives'.

How fringe right do you have to be to perceive McCain as a communist? I mean, you're serious.

If your perspective is indicative of the GOP in general, you're fucked. As you're so far to the right that you can't even see the rest of us.

I'm where the Republican Party should have been for years.

You're where the republican party has NEVER been in this century. Where almost all Americans aren't. You're far right of even most republicans. And have nothing to do with moderates, liberals, or most independents.

And worse, you're intent on excluding any but the 'pure'. Exclusion and 'purity' aren't a recipe for a governing coallition. But for an inept fringe caucus.

I said all along that its leaders were not Conservatives. They're all Big Government/Open-Borders morons.

How are they any different than Barack Hussein Obama? Where are the big policy differences? Bush/Obama? Same policies. It's time for Republicans to wake up and clean house.

You genuinely can't see any difference between say, John Boehner and Barack Obama in terms of policy?

Wow. That tells us far more about you than it does about them.

What are the big differences in Boehner/Obama policies? Obama has gotten his entire agenda passed on Boehner and McConnell's watch. Where was the opposition?
I like him to an extent, but he's a RINO..... haven't we had enough of the RINO's?
When you add the Rino's to the Democrats, that is about 70% of the electorate. Why does the minority that call themselves conservative think they should govern when most Americans reject them?

If they get elected, they get to govern... the notion that the majority of people n this country are centrists, or worse, leftists, well, I don't see it. Trump and Carson are saying things that a lot of conservatives are saying, and it is resonating.... big time.
You don't see it cause you don't want to see it. Trump and Carson are jokes only some folks are too stupid to realize it.
I don't think it's a matter of "caring" for those who believe three trillion in govt receipts is "enough." Rather, it's a reality that it is not enough given the govt a supermajority of Americans want. Do you wish to deal with the reality or dream of returning to the days before FDR and LBJ?

Clinton balanced the budget and it should have stayed balanced. Paying lots of interest is not good. We could have what people want and still be balanced.
Congress did, dumb a$$
So, then, it is Congress' fault that we have a large debt?
Progressives fault
But you said that in the 1990's when the budget was balanced it was because conservatives controlled congress. Why, when conservatives have controlled congress for five years are they also not responsible for the state of the budget?
It's all smoke and mirrors
Holy crap, so much for Kasich. I've been saying a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be the GOP's strongest, but that's history: Kasich lashes out: ‘What has happened to the conservative movement?’

I think this stuff makes him a Marxist/communist/socialist:

"I've about had it with these people," Kasich said at the rally in Westerville, Ohio. "We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard of anything so crazy as that? Telling our people in this country who are seniors, who are about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid and Medicare?"

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson has acknowledged that he would like to gut Medicare.

Kasich went on, saying, "We got one person saying we ought to have a 10 percent flat tax that will drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of dollars" and there's another challenger in the field "says we ought to take 10 or 11 people and pick them up — I don't know where we're going to go, their homes, their apartments — we're going to pick them up and scream at them to get out of our country. That's crazy. That is just crazy."

Donald Trump has expressed support for deporting immigrants living in the country illegally.

"We got people proposing healthcare reform that's going to leave, I believe, millions of people without adequate health insurance," Kasich says. "What has happened to our party? What has happened the conservative movement?"


I think it was stand up stuff and I applaud him for doing what he did. I have a lot more respect for him now. The good thing about The Donald, he's making everybody come clean.

But now that he questions or even thinks too hard about hard right policy....he's a communist.

The fringe right has a binary reasoning scheme. Either you accept ONLY what they believe. Or you're a communist.

So much for the big tent.
The libtard dictionary of synonyms: Fringe right = Traditional conservative platforms.

So 'traditional conservative platforms' exclude most republicans, all moderates and all liberals?
Please... listen to yourself and try not to sound too stupid.

TRADITIONALLY, the republican base is CONSERVATIVE... not moderate, and certainly not LIBERAL.

Oh, I get that. But your version of a 'traditional republican base' doesn't even include most conservatives now. Most republicans are centered around about a .55 to .60 on the DW nominate scale. At or near that is where folks like Boehner, McConnel, Ryan, McCain and the like fall. This is the baseline for 'communists' offered by your ilk.

YOUR idea of 'traditional republican base' is the 'freedom caucus'. In the .95 to .97 range....on a scale of 0 to 1.

Some of the most extreme right wing scores ever seen in the history of congress.

And this is your baseline for 'conservative'. Your baseline has nothing to do with 'tradition'. It is exclusively the most extreme right wing positions. With every president in our century, including both Bushes and Reagan....falling outside your definition of 'conservative'.

That's how extreme your positions have become.
Sounds like a typical whiny Communist/Progressive. What's happened to the 'Conservative Movement' is that frauds like Bush, Boehner, McCain, McConnell, and Kasich were allowed to hijack it. Is there any real difference between them and Barack Hussein Obama?

Wow. So now most republicans are 'communist/progressives'.

How fringe right do you have to be to perceive McCain as a communist? I mean, you're serious.

If your perspective is indicative of the GOP in general, you're fucked. As you're so far to the right that you can't even see the rest of us.
He's a progressive coward...

He's lashing out because it looks like more & more Republicans are finally figuring it out. They've been duped by Neocon frauds like Kasich. They used to insult and ridicule anyone who criticized Bush for being a Big Government/Open Borders moron. I know, because i was one they often insulted. But now they're waking up. Time to clean house.
Sounds like a typical whiny Communist/Progressive. What's happened to the 'Conservative Movement' is that frauds like Bush, Boehner, McCain, McConnell, and Kasich were allowed to hijack it. Is there any real difference between them and Barack Hussein Obama?

Wow. So now most republicans are 'communist/progressives'.

How fringe right do you have to be to perceive McCain as a communist? I mean, you're serious.

If your perspective is indicative of the GOP in general, you're fucked. As you're so far to the right that you can't even see the rest of us.

I'm where the Republican Party should have been for years.

You're where the republican party has NEVER been in this century. Where almost all Americans aren't. You're far right of even most republicans. And have nothing to do with moderates, liberals, or most independents.

And worse, you're intent on excluding any but the 'pure'. Exclusion and 'purity' aren't a recipe for a governing coallition. But for an inept fringe caucus.

I said all along that its leaders were not Conservatives. They're all Big Government/Open-Borders morons.

How are they any different than Barack Hussein Obama? Where are the big policy differences? Bush/Obama? Same policies. It's time for Republicans to wake up and clean house.

You genuinely can't see any difference between say, John Boehner and Barack Obama in terms of policy?

Wow. That tells us far more about you than it does about them.
Wrong, real conservatives will never even show up to polls to vote for Rinos...
Holy crap, so much for Kasich. I've been saying a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be the GOP's strongest, but that's history: Kasich lashes out: ‘What has happened to the conservative movement?’

I think this stuff makes him a Marxist/communist/socialist:

"I've about had it with these people," Kasich said at the rally in Westerville, Ohio. "We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard of anything so crazy as that? Telling our people in this country who are seniors, who are about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid and Medicare?"

Neurosurgeon Ben Carson has acknowledged that he would like to gut Medicare.

Kasich went on, saying, "We got one person saying we ought to have a 10 percent flat tax that will drive up the deficit in this country by trillions of dollars" and there's another challenger in the field "says we ought to take 10 or 11 people and pick them up — I don't know where we're going to go, their homes, their apartments — we're going to pick them up and scream at them to get out of our country. That's crazy. That is just crazy."

Donald Trump has expressed support for deporting immigrants living in the country illegally.

"We got people proposing healthcare reform that's going to leave, I believe, millions of people without adequate health insurance," Kasich says. "What has happened to our party? What has happened the conservative movement?"


I think it was stand up stuff and I applaud him for doing what he did. I have a lot more respect for him now. The good thing about The Donald, he's making everybody come clean.

But now that he questions or even thinks too hard about hard right policy....he's a communist.

The fringe right has a binary reasoning scheme. Either you accept ONLY what they believe. Or you're a communist.

So much for the big tent.
The libtard dictionary of synonyms: Fringe right = Traditional conservative platforms.

So 'traditional conservative platforms' exclude most republicans, all moderates and all liberals?
Please... listen to yourself and try not to sound too stupid.

TRADITIONALLY, the republican base is CONSERVATIVE... not moderate, and certainly not LIBERAL. Now the TRUE, TRADITIONAL, CONSERVATIVE BASE of the republican party is FED UP with this moderate horse crap, which basically means DEM LITE. They want the republican party to GET BACK to it's traditional CONSERVATIVE platforms, and that's what Trump, Carson and Cruz are doing, and that's why they're KILLING their "moderate" presidential competition.

What part about that are you missing? You been on a long vacation on another planet or something, or do you just enjoy regurgitating leftist BS?
"GET BACK to it's traditional CONSERVATIVE platforms" And in what years do you suppose the Republican party platform was more conservative than it is now? When Eisenhower ran? Nixon? Reagan or either Bush?
Sounds like a typical whiny Communist/Progressive. What's happened to the 'Conservative Movement' is that frauds like Bush, Boehner, McCain, McConnell, and Kasich were allowed to hijack it. Is there any real difference between them and Barack Hussein Obama?

Wow. So now most republicans are 'communist/progressives'.

How fringe right do you have to be to perceive McCain as a communist? I mean, you're serious.

If your perspective is indicative of the GOP in general, you're fucked. As you're so far to the right that you can't even see the rest of us.

I'm where the Republican Party should have been for years.

You're where the republican party has NEVER been in this century. Where almost all Americans aren't. You're far right of even most republicans. And have nothing to do with moderates, liberals, or most independents.

And worse, you're intent on excluding any but the 'pure'. Exclusion and 'purity' aren't a recipe for a governing coallition. But for an inept fringe caucus.

I said all along that its leaders were not Conservatives. They're all Big Government/Open-Borders morons.

How are they any different than Barack Hussein Obama? Where are the big policy differences? Bush/Obama? Same policies. It's time for Republicans to wake up and clean house.

You genuinely can't see any difference between say, John Boehner and Barack Obama in terms of policy?

Wow. That tells us far more about you than it does about them.

What are the big differences in Boehner/Obama policies? Obama has gotten his entire agenda passed on Boehner and McConnell's watch. Where was the opposition?
There isn't any, and they just passed obama's budget, huge spending increases and all. That's why Boner is out and McConnell is in big trouble, and why Trump is doing so well. Conservatives are sick of it and there's big changes coming.

But don't expect a leftard to accept the facts, since they don't fit into their BS line of hyperbole.

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