Kasich: ‘I've Had It’ With Trump, Carson


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Now-----now Kasich has "had it" with his Republican rivals but-----but he supported the same crazy shit until fell behind 2 or 3 non-politicians.

Kasich sez:

- "Do you know how crazy this election is?"

- "Let me tell you something. I've about had it with these people.

Let me tell you why. We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard anything so crazy as that, telling our people in this country who are seniors or about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid or Medicare,"

- "We got one guy that says we ought to take 10 or 11 million people and pick them up, where the—I don't know where, we're going to go in their homes, their apartments. We're going to pick them up and we're going to take them to the border and scream at them to get out of our country," Kasich said in an obvious dig at frontrunner Donald Trump. "Well that's just crazy. That is just crazy."

- "We got one candidate that claimed, one candidate that actually said that the reason why we signed an agreement with Ford to bring jobs back from Mexico is because he's been yelling for the last week ok," Kasich said again referencing Trump to uproarious laughter. "That was like something out of a Back to the Future movie."

- Kasich's communications director Chris Schrimpf told The Daily Beast "Part of being President is speaking the truth to the American people. That's what Governor Kasich did today."

The above excerpts are from: Kasich: ‘I've Had It’ With Trump, Carson

Kasich has two chances of winning the nomination - slim and none. He thinks this is gonna help him? Think again, John.
"Kasich: ‘I've Had It’ With Trump, Carson"

Along with the American people.

His frustration is understandable: he, Bush, Rubio are of course wrong on most – if not all – the issues, but at least they have some understanding of the role of government and public policy, unlike the likes of Trump and Carson.
Now-----now Kasich has "had it" with his Republican rivals but-----but he supported the same crazy shit until fell behind 2 or 3 non-politicians.

Kasich sez:

- "Do you know how crazy this election is?"

- "Let me tell you something. I've about had it with these people.

Let me tell you why. We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard anything so crazy as that, telling our people in this country who are seniors or about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid or Medicare,"

- "We got one guy that says we ought to take 10 or 11 million people and pick them up, where the—I don't know where, we're going to go in their homes, their apartments. We're going to pick them up and we're going to take them to the border and scream at them to get out of our country," Kasich said in an obvious dig at frontrunner Donald Trump. "Well that's just crazy. That is just crazy."

- "We got one candidate that claimed, one candidate that actually said that the reason why we signed an agreement with Ford to bring jobs back from Mexico is because he's been yelling for the last week ok," Kasich said again referencing Trump to uproarious laughter. "That was like something out of a Back to the Future movie."

- Kasich's communications director Chris Schrimpf told The Daily Beast "Part of being President is speaking the truth to the American people. That's what Governor Kasich did today."

The above excerpts are from: Kasich: ‘I've Had It’ With Trump, Carson

Kasich? Is he still running?
Okay I just had a look at the polls and he is still running. He's at 2-5% in the polls I looked at. Don' t matter to me but at those numbers he might as well drop out. Too bad, I always thought he was the most rational, least quacky-wacky of the bunch. Course that's not saying much with the gaggle he's flapping along with.
Now-----now Kasich has "had it" with his Republican rivals but-----but he supported the same crazy shit until fell behind 2 or 3 non-politicians.

Kasich sez:

- "Do you know how crazy this election is?"

- "Let me tell you something. I've about had it with these people.

Let me tell you why. We got one candidate that says we ought to abolish Medicaid and Medicare. You ever heard anything so crazy as that, telling our people in this country who are seniors or about to be seniors that we're going to abolish Medicaid or Medicare,"

- "We got one guy that says we ought to take 10 or 11 million people and pick them up, where the—I don't know where, we're going to go in their homes, their apartments. We're going to pick them up and we're going to take them to the border and scream at them to get out of our country," Kasich said in an obvious dig at frontrunner Donald Trump. "Well that's just crazy. That is just crazy."

- "We got one candidate that claimed, one candidate that actually said that the reason why we signed an agreement with Ford to bring jobs back from Mexico is because he's been yelling for the last week ok," Kasich said again referencing Trump to uproarious laughter. "That was like something out of a Back to the Future movie."

- Kasich's communications director Chris Schrimpf told The Daily Beast "Part of being President is speaking the truth to the American people. That's what Governor Kasich did today."

The above excerpts are from: Kasich: ‘I've Had It’ With Trump, Carson



Pictured (left to right) Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Kasich, Dr. Ben Carson ;)

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