Kavanaugh hearings

Bolshevik-style behavior. Where is the Sergeant-at-Arms? Remove them, including the Democrat Senators behind it and engaging in it, from the chamber.

So, when the Republicans stopped Obama appointing a justice, that was also Bolshevik style behavior.

It's funny how quickly partisans forget shit that's inconvenient.

Is it difficult to understand the difference between using the Senate to check the President’s appointment and disrupting hearings that which you cannot legally stop?

There's supposed to be a separation of powers in the US.

Do I think there's a difference? Yes, I do.

However seeing how the system is biased towards Republicans, how Gerrymandering is a massive problem in the US, especially in Republican controlled areas, I'd say something serious has gone wrong and that people are fighting each other without the gloves on.

You want to pretend that blocking every Democratic appointment is somehow moral, fair, great, but Democrats doing whatever they can to stall until November isn't, then you're a partisan hack.

Considering what Democrats have shown themselves to be since Gore's defeat, yeah, I consider it moral.

I don't give a rat's ass about "fair".
If kavanaugh is confirmed......look for the left to begin a huge campaign on limiting Supreme Court Justice terms.

NOTHING in the Constitution means a damn thing to these heathens....UNLESS......it CLEARLY supports THEIR agendas.....and even then, only while it does. You cannot have Law & Order with Dims in the process.
That and common sense to fall on your shoulders......bad news for ya..........you'll be waitin

What's funny....it's what you morons do.....every time.
When you're defeated by the Law or the Constitution, your first knee jerk reaction is to change the Law or the Constitution.

Funny? You mean like the Left didn't raise a stink to eliminate the EC after Trumps victory?
Is this going to be another Demonrat Circus??.......in the same vein of McCain's funeral?

GOD I'm sick of these people on the Left! :mad-61:
A complete farce and waste of everyone's time. They could have at least made it funny and dressed all the republicans up like zombies and had them just slowly chant "coooonfiiiirmed".
He might be the most qualified judge on the USSC once confirmed...
Arent they witholding a ton of paperwork relating to his previous work ? That should set off alarm bells.
we're witnessing a document massacre. Trump’s decision to step in at the last moment and hide 100k pages of Judge Kavanaugh’s records from the American public is not only unprecedented in the history of SCOTUS nominations, it has all the makings of a cover up.
Trump has nothing to do with it.
The Senate is running it. Democrats were given a chance to view everything and they chose not to. Then they started complaining at the 11th hour about not seeing enough documents
They didn't see 90% What are they hiding???
what's funny is that the dems asked for so many documents that the request was more than the last five justices combined. hmmmm we weren't born yesterday. the day before maybe, but not yesterday. Chuckie knew the date of the hearing, it is up to him to ensure his team was prepared. you know what they say in life, you snooze you lose.

You all should stop taking naps.
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QUOTE="edward37, post: 20715381, member: 61249"]
This is an example of the Liberals being scumbags.

What did the AH republican partisan expect A party ??? Kids should never been there in the first place

Leftist only care about themselves.
And repubs only think about the rich ,,,,who they support[/QUOTE]
then why are more rich people demolosers? you've never explained that stupid fk! So your genius is that the repubs ensure the demolosers are rich? that's your story? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
LOL rich don't need help We do great come what may Repubs need to think of those who are trying to catch up who need a little boost But that will never happen

Fine, give half your wealth to the poor lead by example.

The Moon Bats don't want the poor to get their money. They want the poor to get your money.
sort of, they want to control how much money the poor get and they want it to be your money.
QUOTE="edward37, post: 20715381, member: 61249"]What did the AH republican partisan expect A party ??? Kids should never been there in the first place

Leftist only care about themselves.
And repubs only think about the rich ,,,,who they support

Why should you hate someone who is successful? That's nothing more than envy.
LOL rich don't need help We do great come what may Repubs need to think of those who are trying to catch up who need a little boost But that will never happen

But that's exactly what Trump's economic polices have done so far. Helping those who are trying to catch up who need a little boost.

Did you sleep through the tax cuts, the stock market boom, the record GDP numbers, the "help wanted" signs, the lowest black unemployment numbers and food stamp usage, and stuff?

Try to stay current. Quit watching CNN and MSNBC because they're doing nothing but lying to you.[/QUOTE]
What has trump actually done other than a taxcut,,,,that will come back to bite us in the butt?
Arent they witholding a ton of paperwork relating to his previous work ? That should set off alarm bells.
they all have access to his record on the court. all they have to do is question his rulings and see if he used the constitution or not. It's really quite a simple effort for a normal person. I get that the demolosers are far from normal, but damn, are they really that inept? Cause that's what you're saying.

Leftist only care about themselves.
And repubs only think about the rich ,,,,who they support

Why should you hate someone who is successful? That's nothing more than envy.
LOL rich don't need help We do great come what may Repubs need to think of those who are trying to catch up who need a little boost But that will never happen

But that's exactly what Trump's economic polices have done so far. Helping those who are trying to catch up who need a little boost.

Did you sleep through the tax cuts, the stock market boom, the record GDP numbers, the "help wanted" signs, the lowest black unemployment numbers and food stamp usage, and stuff?

Try to stay current. Quit watching CNN and MSNBC because they're doing nothing but lying to you.
What has trump actually done other than a taxcut,,,,that will come back to bite us in the butt?[/QUOTE]
lifted regulations that opened jobs that pay more than ten dollars an hour. that's what. And you can search under food stamp recipient counts to see he's been successful. If you truly were interested rather than coordinating a coup on the message board you'd know this.
Now he’s trying to amaze us with his knowledge and understanding of the Supreme Court and past cases.
He says all people are treated equal under the law.
That’s hilarious. Republicans don’t believe that. They haven’t believed that for decades. Not since they became the white party.
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Now he’s trying to amaze us with his knowledge and understanding of the Supreme Court and passed cases.
He says all people are treated equal under the law.
That’s hilarious. Republicans don’t believe that. They haven’t believed that for decades. Not since they became the white party.
when was that exactly? the dems created the kkk and they still own it. so explain that one to me?

you can't be that stupid can you?

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