Kavanaugh hearings

Now he’s trying to amaze us with his knowledge and understanding of the Supreme Court and passed cases.
He says all people are treated equal under the law.
That’s hilarious. Republicans don’t believe that. They haven’t believed that for decades. Not since they became the white party.
when was that exactly? the dems created the kkk and they still own it. so explain that one to me?

you can't be that stupid can you?
You have to ask?
Now he’s trying to amaze us with his knowledge and understanding of the Supreme Court and passed cases.
He says all people are treated equal under the law.
That’s hilarious. Republicans don’t believe that. They haven’t believed that for decades. Not since they became the white party.
when was that exactly? the dems created the kkk and they still own it. so explain that one to me?

you can't be that stupid can you?
You have to ask?
I assumed he was interested in a history lesson, so I gave him one.
Arent they witholding a ton of paperwork relating to his previous work ? That should set off alarm bells.
Since when do Congreescritters read documents...eespecially on that scale? They don't even read the bills they "write". Vote...vote now.
they start in a few hours.

a justice must keep an open mind when deciding a case. Kavanaugh's an originalist. he's an originalist.

It seems like our Leftist Friends really don't have the urgency to get this voted on.

President Trump needs to get this position filled by the beginning of next month, so this vote will happen.

Rather hypocritical for Leftards, particularly as they were insisting on a prompt hearing for Extremist Merrick Garland. Why shouldn't Kavanaugh get the prompt Senate Confirmation Vote that the Dems were absolutely insistent on with Garland? Hugely hypocritical.

BTW, this is the Bork Seat- Kennedy sat in the seat on the Court that the Left stole away from Robert Bork. What would Bork Do? This is, indeed pay back.
Using the Pelosi Doctrine shouldn't he be autoconfirmed so we can see how he will rule
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Watching Feinstein's first session. Kavanaugh should simply ask her to clarify a point.

"Senator, please define for me what is an assault weapon, and how does it differ from a non-assault weapon."
LOL rich don't need help We do great come what may Repubs need to think of those who are trying to catch up who need a little boost But that will never happen

Fine, give half your wealth to the poor lead by example.

The Moon Bats don't want the poor to get their money. They want the poor to get your money.
sort of, they want to control how much money the poor get and they want it to be your money.

As long as they keep the welfare queens and Illegals on the Democrat payroll (paid for by taxpayers) then they are happy.
The worst part of this whole travesty is, democrats would be doing this to any republican elected president.
Arent they witholding a ton of paperwork relating to his previous work ? That should set off alarm bells.
Pics of his secretary behind him flashing the white power sign.
I saw that. Was it really that or just a lucky camera angle ?
Oh, here we go. You can hear it now. It’s the outrage engine revving up. The woman’s name is Zina Gelman Bash. She’s also pictured with Kavanaugh in the featured photo above. She’s wearing the black dress. She’s supposedly throwing an A-Okay sign, which seen as a white power sign among whacko lefty circles. Just so we’re clear. That’s fake news. The anti-Defamation League said the sign is not one that espouses or promotes white power. Also, she’s a White House lawyer, her mother is Mexican-American, and her grandparents barely escaped the Nazi death camps. This is what happens when you’re liberal, stupid, and go off half-cocked on social media. You end up getting smashed in the face with the rake you just stepped on.

No, That Woman Behind Kavanaugh Was Not Doing A White Power Hand Signal And She's Not A Racist
It doesn't matter democrats are going to say the white supremacist was showing white power signals forever more. Next demand her arrest and an investigation.
The worst part of this whole travesty is, democrats would be doing this to any republican elected president.
just look at the historical records, Bork, Clarence Thomas. Now I dare someone to pick a SCOTUS that the republicans gave a hard time to. go!!!!!
The Moon Bats have to pay people to protest. Think it is Soros money?

The worst part of this whole travesty is, democrats would be doing this to any republican elected president.
this was fking outstanding.

Quote from Graham to the dems in the room, " where do you all get your picks from?"

and, "you can't lose elections and get your choice of SCOTUS?"
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Arent they witholding a ton of paperwork relating to his previous work ? That should set off alarm bells.

Oh, gosh. Really? Really? The guy has written hundreds of judicial opinions, all of which are on record. Anyone can get them on the Internet.

Not to mention the fact that every Senator who is pretending - badly - to care about those documents announced the instant after he was appointed that they were going to oppose him. So what do they need the documents for? Are they going to become MORE opposed to him than they already announced that they were? Do they expect to change their minds and decide they like him? Do they suddenly feel the need to have substantiation for attacking him, when they've never needed any more than "Racist, sexist, homophobe, we're really PASSIONATE about hating him, so that makes us right!"?
Leahy is a piece of shit.

44 years as a Senator. He doesn't know what the real world is like. He thinks he a Lord in the American House of Lords, or something.
Arent they witholding a ton of paperwork relating to his previous work ? That should set off alarm bells.

Oh, gosh. Really? Really? The guy has written hundreds of judicial opinions, all of which are on record. Anyone can get them on the Internet.

Not to mention the fact that every Senator who is pretending - badly - to care about those documents announced the instant after he was appointed that they were going to oppose him. So what do they need the documents for? Are they going to become MORE opposed to him than they already announced that they were? Do they expect to change their minds and decide they like him? Do they suddenly feel the need to have substantiation for attacking him, when they've never needed any more than "Racist, sexist, homophobe, we're really PASSIONATE about hating him, so that makes us right!"?
listen to Lindsey Graham. he was fking perfect in his statement.
Arent they witholding a ton of paperwork relating to his previous work ? That should set off alarm bells.

Oh, gosh. Really? Really? The guy has written hundreds of judicial opinions, all of which are on record. Anyone can get them on the Internet.

Not to mention the fact that every Senator who is pretending - badly - to care about those documents announced the instant after he was appointed that they were going to oppose him. So what do they need the documents for? Are they going to become MORE opposed to him than they already announced that they were? Do they expect to change their minds and decide they like him? Do they suddenly feel the need to have substantiation for attacking him, when they've never needed any more than "Racist, sexist, homophobe, we're really PASSIONATE about hating him, so that makes us right!"?
The documents they are looking for are from the Bush presidency. It's not about Kavanaugh. It's about Bush. You understand that democrats intend to impeach Clarence Thomas if they get a majority. They intend to go after Bush too.


Obviously they lose lose all sense of dignity and self-respect. Check out the picture of some of the protesters who were doing all that autistic shrieking in the gallery this morning...

James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) | Twitter

Those Moon Bat idiots don't even know that "The Handmaid's Tale" is fiction. The Moon Bats live in a world of fantasy.

Ahhh ok. That's what they're supposed to be dressed up as. I thought they were supposed to be witches on the way to the dunking pond or Inquisitioners.

These Moon bats are so confused about everything that it is conceivable they have no idea of what the costume is all about.

Seriously, do leftists not know that there are other books in the world besides "Handmaid's Tale" and "Harry Potter"? Do they not shop Amazon?

I would suggest that if they like fiction to read Animal Farm.[/QUOTE]

In all honesty, I doubt most of them have read "Handmaid" and "Potter". Pretty sure they just watched the TV show or movie, respectively.
I have never seen Democrats so scared in my life. They have nothing left.

Heh, I don't care if they take the house, they've lost the war for generations to come. Republicans, or more rather Trump, have succeeded in cementing their legacy.

I normally don't revel in other people's fear and suffering, but this is pure poetic justice. This hearing was poetic justice.

Free them and weep!


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