Kavanaugh hearings

People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
The outbursts happen because people are sick and tired of this crap. The blue wave will take the House. You have an incredibly favorable Senate map this time, but even that’s at risk for you. No broken electoral college or Russian sabotage to help you this time.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Are they doing it again today? The D.C. jail is going to run out of room.....
Demonstrators break rhe boring hearing an add some entertainment. All bullcrap anyhow. How many folks actually watch a hearing on television?

Well just think, if it were not for meaningless mind numbingly boring hearings, what would they do with themselves all day?
Doubtful any of them are harvesting fall crops.

They don't know how. Besides, that is manual labor, something they are unfamiliar with. They would be dead in 1/2 a day.
So would the harvesters without the massive subsidies they need to survive; since their work is unneeded.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Trump doesn’t deserve that seat. It was Obama’s to fill. Mitch stole that seat
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Are they doing it again today? The D.C. jail is going to run out of room.....
Don't worry, liberals will let them go.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Trump doesn’t deserve that seat. It was Obama’s to fill. Mitch stole that seat
Are you a fucking idiot?

Gorsuch filled that seat a year ago.

This is Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee.
Day 1 Of Trump Presidency: Chuck Schumer:
'Democrats are 100% committed to obstruction against anything the GOP / President does'.

So, why is it a surprise to anyone that Schumer - who has already praised Kavanaugh - is the orchestrator and puppet master behind the choreographed interruptions, protests, personal attacks, theatrical BS monologues...the embarrassing, un-civil, pathetic display going on now.

After Trump beat Hillary something snapped in Liberals' souls...in their minds. The 'Charade' was dropped. Democrats stopped giving a rat's ass about presenting the image of being tolerant, honest, 'servants of the people'....what you now see is what they have always been and what they are. They are no longer trying to hide it.

I doubt anyone's surprised. More like just saying, "That's right, Chucky Boy. We see what you're doing, and you're fooling no one."
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

People are sick and tired of the crap pulled by Republicans and Trump. Republicans refused to hold hearings on Obama's Supreme Court nominee when Scalia died. Now they can't be bothered as they want to rush through it.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

People are sick and tired of the crap pulled by Republicans and Trump. Republicans refused to hold hearings on Obama's Supreme Court nominee when Scalia died. Now they can't be bothered as they want to rush through it.
The Republicans made a gamble by keeping the seat open during the election and they won the election.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

The cops should just tell everyone in the gallery if they cause a disruption they will tased and arrested. Then if need be, light their ass up.


With that in mind, it would be appropriate for Congress to enact a statute providing that any personal civil suits against presidents, like certain members of the military, be deferred while the President is in office. The result the Supreme Court reached in Clinton v. Jones27—that presidents are not constitutionally entitled to deferral of civil suits—may well have been entirely correct; that is beyond the scope of this inquiry. But the Court in Jones stated that Congress is free to provide a temporary deferral of civil suits while the President is in office.28 Congress may be wise to do so, just as it has done for certain members of the military.29 Deferral would allow the President to focus on the vital duties he was elected to perform. Congress should consider doing the same, moreover, with respect to criminal investigations and prosecutions of the President.30 In particular, Congress might consider a law exempting a President—while in office—from criminal prosecution and investigation, including from questioning by criminal prosecutors or defense counsel. Criminal investigations targeted at or revolving around a President are inevitably politicized by both their supporters and critics. As I have written before, “no Attorney General or special counsel will have the necessary credibility to avoid the inevitable charges that he is politically motivated—whether in favor of the President or against him, depending on the individual leading the investigation and its results.”31 The indictment and trial of a sitting President, moreover, would cripple the federal government, rendering it unable to function with credibility in either the international or domestic arenas. Such an outcome would ill serve the public interest, especially in times of financial or national security crisis. Even the lesser burdens of a criminal investigation— including preparing for questioning by criminal investigators— are time-consuming and distracting. Like civil suits, criminal investigations take the President’s focus away from his or her responsibilities to the people. And a President who is concerned about an ongoing criminal investigation is almost inevitably going to do a worse job as President.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
The outbursts happen because people are sick and tired of this crap. The blue wave will take the House. You have an incredibly favorable Senate map this time, but even that’s at risk for you. No broken electoral college or Russian sabotage to help you this time.

Why is it that Putin could save the world for the GOP when Trump ran but not now?

Either he has such power or he does not.

Which is it?
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
The outbursts happen because people are sick and tired of this crap. The blue wave will take the House. You have an incredibly favorable Senate map this time, but even that’s at risk for you. No broken electoral college or Russian sabotage to help you this time.

Why is it that Putin could save the world for the GOP when Trump ran but not now?

Either he has such power or he does not.

Which is it?
He is exposed now. Republicans have been forced to at least act like they support efforts to stop the sabotage (well, all but Trump).
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
The outbursts happen because people are sick and tired of this crap. The blue wave will take the House. You have an incredibly favorable Senate map this time, but even that’s at risk for you. No broken electoral college or Russian sabotage to help you this time.

Why is it that Putin could save the world for the GOP when Trump ran but not now?

Either he has such power or he does not.

Which is it?
He is exposed now. Republicans have been forced to at least act like they support efforts to stop the sabotage (well, all but Trump).
sorry I have to put you on ignore with that signature. I want to puke when I look at it. sorry.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Sure dude...that'll be why.


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