Kavanaugh hearings

People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

Of course. McConnell stole the Garland nominee from the Dems in 2016 by blocking the vote and they're pissed. Then the Repubs are trying to steal another nominee by rushing through the Kavanaugh nomination by withholding over 100,000 documents of his White House records. That's complete bullshit. The Repubs released 40,000 documents the night before the hearing, not allowing the Dems to fully review them. More bullshit.

It would seem the GOP can't continue without rigging the system. The Dems simply to want to fully vet the documents and the candidate, which are both really unpopular at the moment. This is typical 'party of no' modus operandi these days.

Of course the GOP is getting a ton of push back on this nominee, and rightly so. They are using their stature as a majority to try and rubber stamp this without vetting - this is right out of the Dem playbook. Jesus, congress critters are scum.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

Of course. McConnell stole the Garland nominee from the Dems in 2016 by blocking the vote and they're pissed. Then the Repubs are trying to steal another nominee by rushing through the Kavanaugh nomination by withholding over 100,000 documents of his White House records. That's complete bullshit. The Repubs released 40,000 documents the night before the hearing, not allowing the Dems to fully review them. More bullshit.

It would seem the GOP can't continue without rigging the system. The Dems simply to want to fully vet the documents and the candidate, which are both really unpopular at the moment. This is typical 'party of no' modus operandi these days.

Of course the GOP is getting a ton of push back on this nominee, and rightly so. They are using their stature as a majority to try and rubber stamp this without vetting - this is right out of the Dem playbook. Jesus, congress critters are scum.

I hope for your sake there was some sarcasm in there somewhere.
Arent they witholding a ton of paperwork relating to his previous work ? That should set off alarm bells.
Pics of his secretary behind him flashing the white power sign.

Yes, the Hispanic Jewess is a white nationalist. I think she was restraining herself from flashing a very different type of sign after hearing the juvenile democrats and their coordinated protest minions.
What you call desperation some call a warning. You have been warned!@
The left is deathly afraid of the rule of law. If they can't get judges like Kagan and Ginsburg who will ignore law and rule on party objectives they fail.
Ginsburg and Breyer are in their 80s, and will be leaving the SCOTUS soon. Only libs left will be Sotomayer and Kagan. They will quit while realizing they have no effectiveness. Court will be 100% conservative, within a few years.
Now he’s trying to amaze us with his knowledge and understanding of the Supreme Court and past cases.
He says all people are treated equal under the law.
That’s hilarious. Republicans don’t believe that. They haven’t believed that for decades. Not since they became the white party.

Wow, I'm glad that didn't happen. That would be bad.
and as Lindsey Graham state, when you lose elections, you don't get to pick.
That quote, of course, came directly from Barak Obama who was being an arrogant asshole after he won the Presidency and the Democrats took over control of Congress.

Nice move on Graham's part to shove it right back in the liberals' faces.
40 years of investigations against Hillary and you have nothing. Trump has never been scrutinized until now, so his crime organization has gotten away with their actions for decades. He’s going down.
Nothing my ass. Everybody know what she did. She just got Comey and the others to let her slide, that's all. Trump will be POTUS until 2024, and Pence after that. Get used to it.
1. Disruptors were sent in to yell and scream during yesterday's hearing. The idiots are doing it again today. Behavior so bad and shallow that Kavanaugh's 2 daughters had to be sent away from the event. Some people have asked why is Grassley allowing it ? Reason could be it's generating votes for Republicans. :biggrin:

2. Democrat senators whined all day about not having enough information about Kavanaugh, despite having almost 1/2 Million pages of it - more than was supplied for the the last 5 nominees combined.

3. Parkland shooting victim's father tried to shake hands with Kavanaugh. That's a secret service no-no. Media is playing it up as a "snub" to attempt to disparage Kavanaugh. Left still doesn't get it that these little ploys don't fool anybody, and backfire into more votes for Republicans.

4. North Carolina Republican senator Tillis showed a cell phone text he received from Obama about abortion and school shootings. I wonder if it sait to agree to kill unborn people, and folks in gun-free zones ? I'll guess it did.

5. Cory Booker put on a show with a campaign speech aimed at keeping his senate seat in the next election. Lots of other Democrat senators did the same (Bluementhal, Harris, Leahy)

Worthless bums. Democratic far-left losers in full meltdown mode over this nomination like a baby with his teething ring taken away. I bet Trump's laughing so hard at the spectacle he has a hard time getting his pants on! Won't the Left really sh----t this Fall when the mid-terms go far worse than they expect!
and as Lindsey Graham state, when you lose elections, you don't get to pick.
That quote, of course, came directly from Barak Obama who was being an arrogant asshole after he won the Presidency and the Democrats took over control of Congress.

Nice move on Graham's part to shove it right back in the liberals' faces.
I also liked his question to the demolosers about where they pick their judges from. Did they go to the pool of conservatives? nope he names who and where they were from. amazing statement I tell you, best in my lifetime.
Worthless bums. Democratic far-left losers in full meltdown mode over this nomination like a baby with his teething ring taken away. I bet Trump's laughing so hard at the spectacle he has a hard time getting his pants on! Won't the Left really sh----t this Fall when the mid-terms go far worse than they expect!
We all know Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed. He'll be next SCOTUS judge. 100% conservative SCOTUS by 2022. :biggrin:

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