Kavanaugh hearings

Demonstrators break rhe boring hearing an add some entertainment. All bullcrap anyhow. How many folks actually watch a hearing on television?

Successful, educated people who realize the gravity of our national situation.

I don't "watch" actually. Nothing to see, but I have the audio going.
The Democrats coordinate this type of crap. They rent a mob of baboons to go hoot and holler to disrupt the proceedings.

Ever notice that it's ALWAYS Democrats that do this. You never see Republicans putting on these childish 'acting out' demonstrations of stupidity.

That's because Republicans have jobs and a sense of shame. Both preclude taking time out of the day to act like a jackass in public.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Are they doing it again today? The D.C. jail is going to run out of room.....

Meh. DC's a big city with a high crime rate; I think it probably has quite a bit of jail space. If not, I'm sure they can rig something up.

Arizona probably still has some of those tents left over from former Sheriff Arpaio's tent jail. We could loan 'em out.
The sad thing about the whole charade is that very few people watching are aware of the fundamental issue: Judge Kavanaugh promises (and is expected to) rule on cases according to the ACTUAL CONSTITUTION, and the relevant laws before him. This entirely non-controversial philosophy places scores of imaginary Leftist "rights" and precedents at risk, because they were made up out of thin air.

The shrieking fear of the loss of the "Constitutional right" to get an abortion is voiced by people who are either (a) ignorant of the law and how it works, (b) don't care about their truth or veracity, or (c) are simply evil. An overturn of RvW would merely send the issue back to the states, where probably 47 out of the 50 states (and certainly DC) will immediately make abortions available at neighborhood dope clinics, for free. And for the unfortunate woman in Utah who wants an abortion, Planned Parenthood will gladly fund an Uber to send her to California for a quick fix.

Damn that Trump. In spite of a daily fusillade of bombs thrown at him by the Left/Media, he just keeps doing his job and keeping promises. Infuriating, isn't it?
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Trump doesn’t deserve that seat. It was Obama’s to fill. Mitch stole that seat

People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Trump doesn’t deserve that seat. It was Obama’s to fill. Mitch stole that seat
Are you a fucking idiot?

Gorsuch filled that seat a year ago.

This is Trump’s second Supreme Court nominee.

Trump Derangement Syndrome apparently messes up the short-term memory. Kinda like senility does, I guess.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Sarsour is attempting a coup. She needs to be charged with it.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics

People are sick and tired of the crap pulled by Republicans and Trump. Republicans refused to hold hearings on Obama's Supreme Court nominee when Scalia died. Now they can't be bothered as they want to rush through it.

No, "people" aren't sick and tired of that. YOU are, and you are not "people".
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Trump doesn’t deserve that seat. It was Obama’s to fill. Mitch stole that seat

Crying won’t change the fact that Mitch is a piece of shit
Demonstrators break rhe boring hearing an add some entertainment. All bullcrap anyhow. How many folks actually watch a hearing on television?

Successful, educated people who realize the gravity of our national situation.

I don't "watch" actually. Nothing to see, but I have the audio going.

Afraid I don't have time to watch every second of it, most of which are pointless wastes of time even without the ignorant savages acting up. I have to be at work all day, so I keep up with a running news feed on the Internet. Unfortunately, too many sites are falling into the savages' trap and focusing on THEM as the news (as if I give a shit who they are or what asinine thing they shouted) instead of telling me what, if anything, of substance is happening.

Thank God for the Daily Wire.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Sarsour is attempting a coup. She needs to be charged with it.

Since when are Muslim women allowed to be brazen, loudmouthed hoydens, anyway? I thought that was against their religion.
People are sick and tired of this crap.. Let the man talk . We all know the democrats are going to vote NO no matter what. If Trump would have picked anyone the democrats would have voted no. It has nothing to do with Kavanaugh but politics
Trump doesn’t deserve that seat. It was Obama’s to fill. Mitch stole that seat

Crying won’t change the fact that Mitch is a piece of shit

I'm not crying, sweet cheeks. I'm sitting here laughing my ass off at your helpless, impotent sniveling. It doesn't matter that you wanted Obama to fill the seat. It doesn't matter that you don't want Trump to have it. It doesn't matter that you're screaming at the universe how unfair it is that you're not getting your way.

You lost. The seat is Trump's to fill. It's going to be filled by someone you hate, and you're going to have to know he's there every day for the rest of your life. And I'm going to know it galls your tiny, shriveled soul and love every minute of your misery.

Have a nice day. :D
1. Disruptors were sent in to yell and scream during yesterday's hearing. The idiots are doing it again today. Behavior so bad and shallow that Kavanaugh's 2 daughters had to be sent away from the event. Some people have asked why is Grassley allowing it ? Reason could be it's generating votes for Republicans. :biggrin:

2. Democrat senators whined all day about not having enough information about Kavanaugh, despite having almost 1/2 Million pages of it - more than was supplied for the the last 5 nominees combined.

3. Parkland shooting victim's father tried to shake hands with Kavanaugh. That's a secret service no-no. Media is playing it up as a "snub" to attempt to disparage Kavanaugh. Left still doesn't get it that these little ploys don't fool anybody, and backfire into more votes for Republicans.

4. North Carolina Republican senator Tillis showed a cell phone text he received from Obama about abortion and school shootings. I wonder if it said to agree to kill unborn people, and folks in gun-free zones ? I'll guess it did.

5. Cory Booker put on a show with a campaign speech aimed at keeping his senate seat in the next election. Lots of other Democrat senators did the same (Bluementhal, Harris, Leahy)
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The left is deathly afraid of the rule of law. If they can't get judges like Kagan and Ginsburg who will ignore law and rule on party objectives they fail.

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