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Magic Bullet
What is a Magic Bullet that some medical term or a pubescent male term for penetration ???

Bullet Proof

“Magic Bullet” has multiple meanings. In medicine it describes a perfect cure with no side effects. It is also the name of a food processor. Finally, it is used to describe one of the bullets that struck both President Kennedy and Governor Connally (called the magic bullet because some assassination theorists believe that in order for this bullet to have hit Kennedy then Connally it would have had to change directions in midair after exiting Kennedy's body and before striking Connally).

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Magic Bullet
What is a Magic Bullet that some medical term or a pubescent male term for penetration ???

Bullet Proof

“Magic Bullet” has multiple meanings. In medicine it describes a perfect cure with no side effects. It is also the name of a food processor. Finally, it is used to describe one of the bullets that struck both President Kennedy and Governor Connally (called the magic bullet because some assassination theorists believe that in order for this bullet to have hit Kennedy then Connally it would have had to change directions in midair after exiting Kennedy's body and before striking Connally).

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