Kim Davis Is Winning

If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.
Beastiality is still disgusting.
^ He's one of yours, cons.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.
Beastiality is still disgusting.
Of course it is....I wish RWrs would leave the poor animals alone.
Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.
The issue has nothing to do with 'the left,' just as it has nothing to do with 'religious freedom.'
Yes it has EVERYTHING to do with religious freedom.

It has nothing to do with religious freedom because in this case religious freedom doesn't apply.
Yes it does. Her religious rights are being trampled on but I am not going to waste my breathe or time typing to explain it to someone who already has his mind made up.
Ah, such persecution. When was she prevented from praying? When was she prevented from practicing any part of her faith? When was she prevented from "preaching"?
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.
Beastiality is still disgusting.
^ He's one of yours, cons.
Pft! Not even close. I am a Racial Socialist I am closely related to a few members as far as ideology here but ain't none of them republicans. I don't vote republican either.
Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.

She went to jail. Nothing has changed. How is she winning?

Quote: "This is not a total victory for Davis—the order comes with pretty specific requirements for the clerk and her employees. For one thing, people have to be able to get a marriage licenses from the Rowan County Clerk’s Office: “Davisshall not interfere in any way, directly or indirectly, with the efforts of her deputy clerks to issue marriage licenses to all legally eligible couples,”"

So..... she's done NOTHING other than take her money for turning a blind eye to something she CLAIMS is against her religion. Wow, winnaaaahhhh.

"Lawyers representing the Clerk’s Office have to file a status report every two weeks for the foreseeable future, ensuring that five of the six deputy clerks of Rowan County are complying with the law."

So, not only that, but she has lawyers breathing down her neck.

"Davis’s lawyers, however, have said she’s not satisfied with this arrangement; she claims that any marriage license that carries either her name or the name of her office would be a burden on her religious exercise. So, unless marriage licenses start carrying the name of another office, like the county executive, Davis will still have objections."

So, marriage licenses are being issued, she's not happy, she went to jail. The only "win" she's got is that she's become a minor celebrity for ignorant, bigoted people. Wow......

If you say so.

Keep proving to everyone how nasty you are and you justify their beliefs.

This issue is going to boil to the surface all over the country.....and the right just may not go quietly into that goodnight.
Birther thinks that the Right will get up off their couches and do "something".....but Birther won't tell us what.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.
Beastiality is still disgusting.
Of course it is....I wish RWrs would leave the poor animals alone.
He was referring to black people as beasts.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.
Beastiality is still disgusting.
^ He's one of yours, cons.
Pft! Not even close. I am a Racial Socialist I am closely related to a few members as far as ideology here but ain't none of them republicans. I don't vote republican either.
I'm sure the GOP thanks you sincerely.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.
Beastiality is still disgusting.
Of course it is....I wish RWrs would leave the poor animals alone.
He was referring to black people as beasts.
Yeah...but I didn't have to acknowledge his racist stupidity.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.
Beastiality is still disgusting.
Of course it is....I wish RWrs would leave the poor animals alone.
He was referring to black people as beasts.
Correcto! :) Damn usually people are too dumb to comprehend what I am talking about! Congrats to you.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.
Beastiality is still disgusting.
Of course it is....I wish RWrs would leave the poor animals alone.
He was referring to black people as beasts.
Yeah...but I didn't have to acknowledge his racist stupidity.
I figured you might have known that, but wanted to clarify for the thread.

Some readers and lurkers might not be aware the OP is KKK.
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.
Beastiality is still disgusting.
Of course it is....I wish RWrs would leave the poor animals alone.
He was referring to black people as beasts.
Correcto! :) Damn usually people are too dumb to comprehend what I am talking about! Congrats to you. want the cows all to yourself?
If the internet were around after Loving v Virginia, man oh man - what a gold mine of exact same quotes we would find.

1000X more - as only 20% of the country thought interracial marriage was acceptable then. And many used the same "abomination" and religious arguments.

It wasn't until nearly 25 years after L v V, mixed-race marriages started seeing majority support.

We are seeing this play out just like it did then, only the majority support is behind it, but the butt-hurt connies will simply not accept the system of our government in our duly appointed Supreme Court.
Beastiality is still disgusting.
Of course it is....I wish RWrs would leave the poor animals alone.
He was referring to black people as beasts.
Yeah...but I didn't have to acknowledge his racist stupidity.
I figured you might have known that, but wanted to clarify for the thread.

Some readers and lurkers might not be aware the OP is KKK.
ROFLMAO..I am not in the Klan. The Klan is a christian group. I have never been in the Klan and never considered it. ROFL.
I'd agree with the OP and Atlantic issue if "winning" means states with legislatures with "fundamentalist" majorities will pass laws allowing some way for public officials to avoid "signing their names" to marriage licenses and perhaps other documents while still staying out of federal court with the license being issued some other way. This is pretty much what Roberts predicted in his dissent.
Beastiality is still disgusting.
Of course it is....I wish RWrs would leave the poor animals alone.
He was referring to black people as beasts.
Yeah...but I didn't have to acknowledge his racist stupidity.
I figured you might have known that, but wanted to clarify for the thread.

Some readers and lurkers might not be aware the OP is KKK.
ROFLMAO..I am not in the Klan. The Klan is a christian group. I have never been in the Klan and never considered it. ROFL.
JFC, event the Klan doesn't want you?! Dam, when the Klan won't take a white man .... bottom of the barrel, dude.
Kim Davis Just Whooped the Left—and That May Be Just the Beginning

Good article. Nice to see not everyone is kissing the butt fuckers asses....nice to read some FACTS and truth.
The issue has nothing to do with 'the left,' just as it has nothing to do with 'religious freedom.'
Yes it has EVERYTHING to do with religious freedom.

It has nothing to do with religious freedom because in this case religious freedom doesn't apply.
Yes it does. Her religious rights are being trampled on but I am not going to waste my breathe or time typing to explain it to someone who already has his mind made up.
Ah, such persecution. When was she prevented from praying? When was she prevented from practicing any part of her faith? When was she prevented from "preaching"?
She wasn't prevented, but the attempt was made to force her to engage in sacrilege and when she asked to be excused, she was jailed. That is the definition of persecution. Particularly when she was intentionally targeted in the first place. But you're an idiot, so facts mean nothing to you.
I'd agree with the OP and Atlantic issue if "winning" means states with legislatures with "fundamentalist" majorities will pass laws allowing some way for public officials to avoid "signing their names" to marriage licenses and perhaps other documents while still staying out of federal court with the license being issued some other way. This is pretty much what Roberts predicted in his dissent.
And it's all she asked for from the beginning. Reasonable accommodation.
Of course it is....I wish RWrs would leave the poor animals alone.
He was referring to black people as beasts.
Yeah...but I didn't have to acknowledge his racist stupidity.
I figured you might have known that, but wanted to clarify for the thread.

Some readers and lurkers might not be aware the OP is KKK.
ROFLMAO..I am not in the Klan. The Klan is a christian group. I have never been in the Klan and never considered it. ROFL.
JFC, event the Klan doesn't want you?! Dam, when the Klan won't take a white man .... bottom of the barrel, dude.
Oh I could join would just have to keep my religious beliefs to my self. Look up ANY Klan website and I will show you.
I believe in the ideals of Western Christian civilization and profess my belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

That's from the Knights Party the largest most organized Klan group. I won't profess belief in something I don't believe in. Fight with them? Absolutely. Join them? no. I am a member of another group.
He was referring to black people as beasts.
Yeah...but I didn't have to acknowledge his racist stupidity.
I figured you might have known that, but wanted to clarify for the thread.

Some readers and lurkers might not be aware the OP is KKK.
ROFLMAO..I am not in the Klan. The Klan is a christian group. I have never been in the Klan and never considered it. ROFL.
JFC, event the Klan doesn't want you?! Dam, when the Klan won't take a white man .... bottom of the barrel, dude.
Oh I could join would just have to keep my religious beliefs to my self. Look up ANY Klan website and I will show you.
I believe in the ideals of Western Christian civilization and profess my belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

That's from the Knights Party the largest most organized Klan group. I won't profess belief in something I don't believe in. Fight with them? Absolutely. Join them? no. I am a member of another group.

Keep in mind Westboro claims to be Christian....obviously that isn't true
Yeah...but I didn't have to acknowledge his racist stupidity.
I figured you might have known that, but wanted to clarify for the thread.

Some readers and lurkers might not be aware the OP is KKK.
ROFLMAO..I am not in the Klan. The Klan is a christian group. I have never been in the Klan and never considered it. ROFL.
JFC, event the Klan doesn't want you?! Dam, when the Klan won't take a white man .... bottom of the barrel, dude.
Oh I could join would just have to keep my religious beliefs to my self. Look up ANY Klan website and I will show you.
I believe in the ideals of Western Christian civilization and profess my belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of God.

That's from the Knights Party the largest most organized Klan group. I won't profess belief in something I don't believe in. Fight with them? Absolutely. Join them? no. I am a member of another group.

Keep in mind Westboro claims to be Christian....obviously that isn't true
As did Hitler, at first.

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