Latest school shooter was.....

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It's fully sourced and entirely credible. Trump rally shooter was not a tranny, or are you going to deny that too?

Lets see your list. Double dare you dummy.
The spoonfed MAGA braindead dupes think the kid was "tranny" because he had long hair.

But who's surprised considering these ignorant asswipes still think Dopetard won even after he accidently puked out that he lost.
Incorrect. A 14 year old can't legally own or purchase a firearm. You had to have known this or at least suspected your statement was false. So you are either willfully naive and intentionally deceptive.
You're wrong there is no age limit in Georgia to own a shotgun or rifle. There is for handguns.
No, we're 'scared' a transgender will kill our children when their inevitable mental break from reality gets murderous.
Then tell your MAGA heroes like the orange lardass & others like Cancuun Ted to pass gun legistlation preventing 14 yr olds & others from owning weapons of mass killing.

It's a long road considering their asses are owned by the gun lobby & the NRA.
Then tell your MAGA heroes like the orange lardass & others like Cancuun Ted to pass gun legistlation preventing 14 yr olds & others from owning weapons of mass killing.

It's a long road considering their asses are owned by the gun lobby & the NRA.
How many times do you need to be told? It's not the gun it's the homo/perp holding the gun that needs to be 'banned.' IOW stop supporting teen transgenders.
Nope..not ever.
Odd, that you see this as a Govt. failure--when we both know that if the Govt. had stepped in and grabbed the guns, institutionalized the teen and charged the Father--you would be among the first to scream Govt. over-reach..and ignore or down-play the successful intervention.
Why do you chose the most unconstitutional method of government action? I can guess, but do explain. Simple follow up such as checking to see if these people were in therapy, purchasing weapons, staying out of trouble and building an actual case that would create probable cause that would allow for the very actions you seek within the Constitutional framework.

Then again we can hardly expect the FBI to do such things, there might still be a misdemeanor trespasser from years that hasn't properly persecuted yet.
Derailing it with childish insults towards each other will do nothing but get warnings sent to some and the thread locked. Time for you all to go play in another thread.
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