legalized rioting

I see, the Republicans got kicked in the nuts so hard they lost the senate, house and presidency in two years so it's the Democrats fault for destroying the two party system and for good measure "communism"
I see, the Republicans got kicked in the nuts so hard they lost the senate, house and presidency in two years so it's the Democrats fault for destroying the two party system and for good measure "communism"

The D's have already said they want to give millions of Illegals the vote, admit Leftard areas like DC and Puerto Rico as "states", and pack the Supreme Court with extremists. Its going to be sort of pointless for the GOP to spend money against those kinds of odds.
I see, the Republicans got kicked in the nuts so hard they lost the senate, house and presidency in two years so it's the Democrats fault for destroying the two party system and for good measure "communism"

The D's have already said they want to give millions of Illegals the vote, admit Leftard areas like DC and Puerto Rico as "states", and pack the Supreme Court with extremists. Its going to be sort of pointless for the GOP to spend money against those kinds of odds.

As many as possible
Don't forget Guam
Like sardines in summer
Just give in.
Its communism alert again.


Basement time!
I see, the Republicans got kicked in the nuts so hard they lost the senate, house and presidency in two years so it's the Democrats fault for destroying the two party system and for good measure "communism"

Yep, who knew cheating could be so lucrative.
I see, the Republicans got kicked in the nuts so hard they lost the senate, house and presidency in two years so it's the Democrats fault for destroying the two party system and for good measure "communism"

The D's have already said they want to give millions of Illegals the vote, admit Leftard areas like DC and Puerto Rico as "states", and pack the Supreme Court with extremists. Its going to be sort of pointless for the GOP to spend money against those kinds of odds.

Yes, It's difficult when the vast majority of voters oppose the crap your party has been doing. Perhaps you should consider policies that help more than just the rich and religious nuts.
Yep, who knew cheating could be so lucrative.

Let's see how many book deals the insurrectionists get.
Trumps fundraising from claiming fraud and getting his supporters to contribute, has got to be one of the largest transfers of wealth from the bottom 50% to a single 1%'er.

Last I saw it was over $350 million and climbing.

Yeah, pretty gross. But at the same time I'm happy to see these idiots part with their money so easily.
I see, the Republicans got kicked in the nuts so hard they lost the senate, house and presidency in two years so it's the Democrats fault for destroying the two party system and for good measure "communism"

The D's have already said they want to give millions of Illegals the vote, admit Leftard areas like DC and Puerto Rico as "states", and pack the Supreme Court with extremists. Its going to be sort of pointless for the GOP to spend money against those kinds of odds.

Yes, It's difficult when the vast majority of voters oppose the crap your party has been doing. Perhaps you should consider policies that help more than just the rich and religious nuts.

Actually, most current voters are conservative. The reason why the D's are interested in increasing Illegal Immigration is to import new voters that will support their bullshit.
Actually, most current voters are conservative. The reason why the D's are interested in increasing Illegal Immigration is to import new voters that will support their bullshit.
Go beat up your strawman somewhere else.

No one is "interested in increasing illegal immigration".

Stop fucking lying
I see, the Republicans got kicked in the nuts so hard they lost the senate, house and presidency in two years so it's the Democrats fault for destroying the two party system and for good measure "communism"

The D's have already said they want to give millions of Illegals the vote, admit Leftard areas like DC and Puerto Rico as "states", and pack the Supreme Court with extremists. Its going to be sort of pointless for the GOP to spend money against those kinds of odds.

Yes, It's difficult when the vast majority of voters oppose the crap your party has been doing. Perhaps you should consider policies that help more than just the rich and religious nuts.

Actually, most current voters are conservative. The reason why the D's are interested in increasing Illegal Immigration is to import new voters that will support their bullshit.

If most voters are conservative, then why did they all vote for Biden?
Actually, most current voters are conservative. The reason why the D's are interested in increasing Illegal Immigration is to import new voters that will support their bullshit.
Go beat up your strawman somewhere else.

No one is "interested in increasing illegal immigration".

Stop fucking lying

I guess you forgot B. Hussein O's legalization of the so-called "dreamers"? Long term illegals saluted because they cheated the taxpayers out of a free education.

Illegals who have been in America so long that they forgot Spanish- yet haven't bothered to learn English yet?
Ok, Democrats practically destroyed the 2 party system. Communism is a one party system. This is what we have come too.

Both republican and democratic parties are pretty bad and have been so, may be forever.
But communism is never a one party system.
The USSR was a one party system, but it was Stalinist, never remotely communist.
I see, the Republicans got kicked in the nuts so hard they lost the senate, house and presidency in two years so it's the Democrats fault for destroying the two party system and for good measure "communism"

The D's have already said they want to give millions of Illegals the vote, admit Leftard areas like DC and Puerto Rico as "states", and pack the Supreme Court with extremists. Its going to be sort of pointless for the GOP to spend money against those kinds of odds.

Yes, It's difficult when the vast majority of voters oppose the crap your party has been doing. Perhaps you should consider policies that help more than just the rich and religious nuts.

Actually, most current voters are conservative. The reason why the D's are interested in increasing Illegal Immigration is to import new voters that will support their bullshit.

"Most current voters are conservative" Mind finding some evidence of this?
I see, the Republicans got kicked in the nuts so hard they lost the senate, house and presidency in two years so it's the Democrats fault for destroying the two party system and for good measure "communism"

The D's have already said they want to give millions of Illegals the vote, admit Leftard areas like DC and Puerto Rico as "states", and pack the Supreme Court with extremists. Its going to be sort of pointless for the GOP to spend money against those kinds of odds.

Yes, It's difficult when the vast majority of voters oppose the crap your party has been doing. Perhaps you should consider policies that help more than just the rich and religious nuts.

Actually, most current voters are conservative. The reason why the D's are interested in increasing Illegal Immigration is to import new voters that will support their bullshit.

If most voters are conservative, then why did they all vote for Biden?

They didn't. The count was bogus.

I know that the Lame Stream Media didn't cover it, but read the evidence and learn something.
I see, the Republicans got kicked in the nuts so hard they lost the senate, house and presidency in two years so it's the Democrats fault for destroying the two party system and for good measure "communism"

You sure have a poor memory, it wasn't long ago when the democrats lost all three branches in 5 years time.

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