Liberal Media Racism:Spent Whole Day Pushing the Fact That Markle is Half Black

Two years. Divorce. Whore will take the $$$ and run. Already been divorced once. Liberal media having international orgasm over fact that she is NOT white.
Well, of course. You know...."they" are like that, aren't "they"? wink wink

Gotta love the way this knuckledragger appends "whore" to somebody he's never met, apparently based only on her race.

Somewhere out there in the world of brain defects, "mulatto" equals "whore" That's some weird shit.
No. She is a whore. You think she would marry ginger boy if he worked at the 7 fucking 11 ?

So because she didn't marry a guy who's below her socioeconomic status, she's a whore?

She's an actress. I highly doubt she would have married any guy that worked at 7-Eleven.

So is Catherine Middleton a whore too?
Half black indeed.

But heartbreaking to liberals that the other half isn't some sort of A-rab Muslim.
Heartbreaking? As Heartbreaking as this wedding was to the OP?

This whole wedding and event is too much for these white conservatives. Their tiny snowflake souls can't handle seeing a white prince marry a woman of color.

Their projecting their racism onto the media and liberals.
First it’s a POTUS and now British royalty actually bitching about being kept down by deliverance hillbillies.
“How people” say things about “racial divides?” You mean like the left wing media ALL DAY? Why did they grind race into the ceremony? Over, and over, and over. Thanks for making my point.
The more important question in my opinion, is why does this annoy and anger you so much? And how exactly does this threaten the life you claim you already have? This is coming across more as bitterness and resentment.
Fact:: here is a man whose father and mother were/are both of European background and happened to be of British royalty. He falls in love with an American woman whose background involves both European and African descent. They have a wedding ceremony that involves both his background and her's that comes out of the traditions of a thousand-year-old monarchy and aspects of American culture, a cultural marriage that might seem to be remarkable in historical term. Some less-learned people like Bush 92 freak out. Bush 92 did not attend the wedding and nothing required him to watch it.

There are two individual people involved and I hope that they are now in bed snoozing this exhausting day off, an exhausting day that had nothing to do with Bush 92's life.

Henry and Meghan are now safely married and on their way. This is the most important thing.
I’m happy for both boys and I swear did not know she was part black whatever until 24 hours ago. No one cares. Not important. Wasn’t until Obama fired it all back up. Getting back to pre that
No offense but a Black mother and White father does not result in a light skinned Mexican looking individual! Biology is reality folks. Where is the flat nose of the dominant gene carrier!
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The point is celebrating "royalty" is worse than celebrating slavery! It is an interesting spectacle though. How so many humans today generally want to be ruled over, no matter what inbred, disgusting creature it happens to be. Especially if it comforts self-hating Whites! I guess it is a form of sadomasochism. Very sad.

As far as that ho the douchebag married, who her parents are is like ascertaining whose Hussaine Obama's parents were. We really do not know at this juncture! The female they claim is the mother had a flat nose and dark skin. Maybe the ho had a nose job though and skin lightening - like Nia88 lightening Kamala in that avatar :p - and hair straightening treatments. Who knows.
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MSM spent an entire day reminding us that Markle is a mulatto. That’s all liberals care about. Race. Politics of race.
The making of Meghan Markle: A 'confident mixed-race woman' marries into the Royal family

Google; "The Kalergi Plan"

"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. [...]

Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation."
Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi - Wikipedia
The OP has come in for some harsh criticism from commie idiots on this thread. Its a shame that ,like myself, a man who fights racism where he finds it can be so traduced.

As the OP says, we should not be celebrating the marriage of a "gold digging mulatto whore" . I am sure that the spirit of MLK is looking down and smiling.
MSM spent an entire day reminding us that Markle is a mulatto. That’s all liberals care about. Race. Politics of race.
The making of Meghan Markle: A 'confident mixed-race woman' marries into the Royal family

Yeah, this is what was shocking to me.

So the first time I saw who this guy was marrying, I thought..... nice girl.

Race was never a thing to me.

Then after this, I'm reading 100 stories about her race. Could I tell she wasn't 100% white? Yeah. Did that matter? Never.

I want to know what kind of person she is? What are her morals? What does she stand for? Is she a good person? Does she work hard?

I remember the same thing with Sarah Palin. "You just like her because she's hot!".... no.... that was never a thing. What are her values? What does she stand for?

But the BBC, which I listen to constantly, came out with a documentary on Markle. Not once did it talk about her merits. It was all about race, and what race meant, and what race did for her.

Race didn't do jack for her, or anyone else. A bad person, is a bad person no matter the race. A good person, is a good person no matter the race.

But the media didn't once talk about her merits. Just her race.

This is the difference between the right-wing and the left-wing. This is why the right, has always been more in line with the statements of MLK, then the left-wingers who run around celebrating him.

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." -MLK

You don't see that in the media, anywhere.
The Regressive Left is consumed by race, because they believe it represents political victory for them.

That's why you never see them putting any effort whatsoever into healing race relations. Everything is attack & accuse & incite.

The sad thing for this country is, they're going to get what they want.

Actually the OP cited "Liberals" --- a citation I immediately challenged him to back up, at which point he wimped out. :gay:

I understand you salivate at any chance to trot out this "Regressive Left" but you have to wait for your cue. So far all we have here is an OP wanting to blame his own abject racism on "liburrul media", which he can't do. Nobody brought up a "left", regressive or otherwise.
I'll do as I please, and by all means, you're free to keep playing your weird, subject-avoiding semantic games.

And thanks for your rapt attention.
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MSM spent an entire day reminding us that Markle is a mulatto. That’s all liberals care about. Race. Politics of race.
The making of Meghan Markle: A 'confident mixed-race woman' marries into the Royal family

Yeah, this is what was shocking to me.

So the first time I saw who this guy was marrying, I thought..... nice girl.

Race was never a thing to me.

Then after this, I'm reading 100 stories about her race. Could I tell she wasn't 100% white? Yeah. Did that matter? Never.

I want to know what kind of person she is? What are her morals? What does she stand for? Is she a good person? Does she work hard?

I remember the same thing with Sarah Palin. "You just like her because she's hot!".... no.... that was never a thing. What are her values? What does she stand for?

But the BBC, which I listen to constantly, came out with a documentary on Markle. Not once did it talk about her merits. It was all about race, and what race meant, and what race did for her.

Race didn't do jack for her, or anyone else. A bad person, is a bad person no matter the race. A good person, is a good person no matter the race.

But the media didn't once talk about her merits. Just her race.

This is the difference between the right-wing and the left-wing. This is why the right, has always been more in line with the statements of MLK, then the left-wingers who run around celebrating him.

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." -MLK

You don't see that in the media, anywhere.
The Regressive Left is consumed by race, because they believe it represents political victory for them.

That's why you never see them putting any effort whatsoever into healing race relations. Everything is attack & accuse & incite.

The sad thing for this country is, they're going to get what they want.

The more you type, the dumber you get.
The more I type, the deeper into the heads of you Regressives I get.

I make points, you folks try to change the subject by getting nasty & personal about me. Thank you.

And, as I just told another one, thanks for your rapt attention.
MSM spent an entire day reminding us that Markle is a mulatto. That’s all liberals care about. Race. Politics of race.
The making of Meghan Markle: A 'confident mixed-race woman' marries into the Royal family

Bush92, why don't you just go somewhere and decide to get a life?
I have a life. Liberals and their media keep interfering through their ignorance and thinly veiled racism.
So....yes. Your wonderful life was just totally messed up today...was totally interfered with today....with the Royal wedding. That's tragic.
It’s just a waste of time. If she was not mulatto the media would not have made such a big deal. Who gives a shit who ginger prince is marrying? Does he even have a real job? Nope. Platform for liberals to push race.

Yes, he had a real job. He was a military helicopter pilot and served in Afghanistan.
He wrote along out of harms way. They do not allow the Royal Family to serve in combat in our modern era. It’s bullshit. So he spent a few months in Afghanistan for troop morale. Now what does he do? Nothing.
MSM spent an entire day reminding us that Markle is a mulatto. That’s all liberals care about. Race. Politics of race.
The making of Meghan Markle: A 'confident mixed-race woman' marries into the Royal family

Yeah, this is what was shocking to me.

So the first time I saw who this guy was marrying, I thought..... nice girl.

Race was never a thing to me.

Then after this, I'm reading 100 stories about her race. Could I tell she wasn't 100% white? Yeah. Did that matter? Never.

I want to know what kind of person she is? What are her morals? What does she stand for? Is she a good person? Does she work hard?

I remember the same thing with Sarah Palin. "You just like her because she's hot!".... no.... that was never a thing. What are her values? What does she stand for?

But the BBC, which I listen to constantly, came out with a documentary on Markle. Not once did it talk about her merits. It was all about race, and what race meant, and what race did for her.

Race didn't do jack for her, or anyone else. A bad person, is a bad person no matter the race. A good person, is a good person no matter the race.

But the media didn't once talk about her merits. Just her race.

This is the difference between the right-wing and the left-wing. This is why the right, has always been more in line with the statements of MLK, then the left-wingers who run around celebrating him.

"I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." -MLK

You don't see that in the media, anywhere.
The Regressive Left is consumed by race, because they believe it represents political victory for them.

That's why you never see them putting any effort whatsoever into healing race relations. Everything is attack & accuse & incite.

The sad thing for this country is, they're going to get what they want.

The more you type, the dumber you get.
The more I type, the deeper into the heads of you Regressives I get.

I make points, you folks try to change the subject by getting nasty & personal about me. Thank you.

And, as I just told another one, thanks for your rapt attention.


Do you realize you're taking part in a thread where the author of the OP calls a woman whom he's never met, never will meet, and will never meet anyone who has ever met her a "whore"....

And you accuse the opposition of being the ones who "attack", "accuse", and "Incite"?

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