Liberal silence = VIOLENCE, 7000 black on black murders every year, yet liberals are silent.

If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
Only the right wing has a problem with equality and equal protection of the laws. We could have solved simple poverty Yesterday, but for the social Horror allegedly incurred by right wingers of having even the Poor benefit under Capitalism without having to "work hard" for it.
Even when you work hard you don't win and according to conservatives it's yer own damn fault. These people would condemn Jesus Christ himself for not having a job and bumming off people.
“These people” mean hard working people?
Conservatives, are they hard working people or just hard hearted?

Conservatives are good, honest, hardworking people who have left the Republican party because of the Trump cultists.
Conservatives are alarmed at the dishonesty of Trump and his economic policies:

Here he is below promising to help fix the student debt problem. Lie.

National Debt Increased by $3 Trillion During Donald Trump's Three Years as President
Very disingenuous. Why, exactly, has the national debt increased the last three years? I'm guessing it's all Trump's fault.
It is his fault since there is more money going out than coming in. His enormous spending on the military is overkill.
The wealthy have put the windfall in their pockets instead of the economy. "Trickle-down" does not mean sharing
the wealth as Trump would have us believe. It isn't logical that the super-wealthy would spend on the working class
unless they can profit. So yes, your "guess" is on the money.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.
Ben Bernanke and the Fed ended the recession, Obama was too busy screwing up healthcare and inflaming anti Police hate to pay much attention to boring stuff like the economy. Obama was an anti-American and was dedicated to dividing the country, opening the borders and empowering Iran. It was his actions and policies that caused the widespread dislike for Obama, not his color.
All great leaders know what they don't know and bring in people who advise him/her about what they need to hear and not what they want to hear so that they can make an informed decision. Reagan is a prime example of that.
Trump has weak advisors who advise him on what he wants to hear, so that they don't get fired, and not what he needs to hear. He has said that he knows more than the experts and the result is a president who acts on his "gut" as he has said and has made a mess of everything he has touched. As an example, Trump has given the wealthy a super tax cut and slashed 100 environmental laws that were designed to protect us. The result is a windfall profit in the stock market for the wealthy and a huge increase in the national debt. All this will come a tumblin' down and leave us with another great recession. Trump only thinks about today and his pocket and not about the future.
His silly trade wars only hurt you and me since we pay the tariffs. He says the tariffs go into the treasury which simply exposes his ignorance. You elected a grifter and charlatan to office, son
Alright, then. Who would you suggest we supplant President Trump with? How will that person's policies improve the situations we are currently faced with? Sign me: looking for the answer.
Good question and anybody would do. He is destroying our democracy with his attacks on our institutions so that he can squirm around without consequences. He does not honor our system of 3 equal branches of government.
I think that we need to get back to the Reagan mold and not what we are heading toward---an autocracy where opponents are arrested and put in jail.
Everything you just accused Trump of, The Democrats have personified these last few years. Now they are aligning themselves with a fraudulent and dangerous anti-Police anti law and order movement. Good luck selling that to real Americans. You'll do good with radicals.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.
Ben Bernanke and the Fed ended the recession, Obama was too busy screwing up healthcare and inflaming anti Police hate to pay much attention to boring stuff like the economy. Obama was an anti-American and was dedicated to dividing the country, opening the borders and empowering Iran. It was his actions and policies that caused the widespread dislike for Obama, not his color.
All great leaders know what they don't know and bring in people who advise him/her about what they need to hear and not what they want to hear so that they can make an informed decision. Reagan is a prime example of that.
Trump has weak advisors who advise him on what he wants to hear, so that they don't get fired, and not what he needs to hear. He has said that he knows more than the experts and the result is a president who acts on his "gut" as he has said and has made a mess of everything he has touched. As an example, Trump has given the wealthy a super tax cut and slashed 100 environmental laws that were designed to protect us. The result is a windfall profit in the stock market for the wealthy and a huge increase in the national debt. All this will come a tumblin' down and leave us with another great recession. Trump only thinks about today and his pocket and not about the future.
His silly trade wars only hurt you and me since we pay the tariffs. He says the tariffs go into the treasury which simply exposes his ignorance. You elected a grifter and charlatan to office, son
Alright, then. Who would you suggest we supplant President Trump with? How will that person's policies improve the situations we are currently faced with? Sign me: looking for the answer.
Good question and anybody would do. He is destroying our democracy with his attacks on our institutions so that he can squirm around without consequences. He does not honor our system of 3 equal branches of government.
I think that we need to get back to the Reagan mold and not what we are heading toward---an autocracy where opponents are arrested and put in jail.
Everything you just accused Trump of, The Democrats have personified these last few years. Now they are aligning themselves with a fraudulent and dangerous anti-Police anti law and order movement. Good luck selling that to real Americans. You'll do good with radicals.
Everything I have accused Trump of is on him and not Democrats. That statement by you is simply silly and typical of the Trump supporters. Dems have never leaned toward an autocratic government. Rather, they may not be autocratic enough. Dems do not disrespect our institutions or 3 equal branches of government among other things. I am opposed to any anti-police law and order movement and was a Republican until Trump, a charlatan, highjacked my Republican party and turned it into a farce.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.
Ben Bernanke and the Fed ended the recession, Obama was too busy screwing up healthcare and inflaming anti Police hate to pay much attention to boring stuff like the economy. Obama was an anti-American and was dedicated to dividing the country, opening the borders and empowering Iran. It was his actions and policies that caused the widespread dislike for Obama, not his color.
All great leaders know what they don't know and bring in people who advise him/her about what they need to hear and not what they want to hear so that they can make an informed decision. Reagan is a prime example of that.
Trump has weak advisors who advise him on what he wants to hear, so that they don't get fired, and not what he needs to hear. He has said that he knows more than the experts and the result is a president who acts on his "gut" as he has said and has made a mess of everything he has touched. As an example, Trump has given the wealthy a super tax cut and slashed 100 environmental laws that were designed to protect us. The result is a windfall profit in the stock market for the wealthy and a huge increase in the national debt. All this will come a tumblin' down and leave us with another great recession. Trump only thinks about today and his pocket and not about the future.
His silly trade wars only hurt you and me since we pay the tariffs. He says the tariffs go into the treasury which simply exposes his ignorance. You elected a grifter and charlatan to office, son
Alright, then. Who would you suggest we supplant President Trump with? How will that person's policies improve the situations we are currently faced with? Sign me: looking for the answer.
Good question and anybody would do. He is destroying our democracy with his attacks on our institutions so that he can squirm around without consequences. He does not honor our system of 3 equal branches of government.
I think that we need to get back to the Reagan mold and not what we are heading toward---an autocracy where opponents are arrested and put in jail.
Everything you just accused Trump of, The Democrats have personified these last few years. Now they are aligning themselves with a fraudulent and dangerous anti-Police anti law and order movement. Good luck selling that to real Americans. You'll do good with radicals.
Everything I have accused Trump of is on him and not Democrats. That statement by you is simply silly and typical of the Trump supporters. Dems have never leaned toward an autocratic government. Rather, they may not be autocratic enough. Dems do not disrespect our institutions or 3 equal branches of government among other things. I am opposed to any anti-police law and order movement and was a Republican until Trump, a charlatan, highjacked my Republican party and turned it into a farce.
Really? I guess you don't remember how Obama destroyed the Judicial branch of government with corruption beginning with his attack dog AG Holder, and hijacking of the CIA and the FBI for his own illicit purposes.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.
Ben Bernanke and the Fed ended the recession, Obama was too busy screwing up healthcare and inflaming anti Police hate to pay much attention to boring stuff like the economy. Obama was an anti-American and was dedicated to dividing the country, opening the borders and empowering Iran. It was his actions and policies that caused the widespread dislike for Obama, not his color.
All great leaders know what they don't know and bring in people who advise him/her about what they need to hear and not what they want to hear so that they can make an informed decision. Reagan is a prime example of that.
Trump has weak advisors who advise him on what he wants to hear, so that they don't get fired, and not what he needs to hear. He has said that he knows more than the experts and the result is a president who acts on his "gut" as he has said and has made a mess of everything he has touched. As an example, Trump has given the wealthy a super tax cut and slashed 100 environmental laws that were designed to protect us. The result is a windfall profit in the stock market for the wealthy and a huge increase in the national debt. All this will come a tumblin' down and leave us with another great recession. Trump only thinks about today and his pocket and not about the future.
His silly trade wars only hurt you and me since we pay the tariffs. He says the tariffs go into the treasury which simply exposes his ignorance. You elected a grifter and charlatan to office, son
Alright, then. Who would you suggest we supplant President Trump with? How will that person's policies improve the situations we are currently faced with? Sign me: looking for the answer.
Good question and anybody would do. He is destroying our democracy with his attacks on our institutions so that he can squirm around without consequences. He does not honor our system of 3 equal branches of government.
I think that we need to get back to the Reagan mold and not what we are heading toward---an autocracy where opponents are arrested and put in jail.
Everything you just accused Trump of, The Democrats have personified these last few years. Now they are aligning themselves with a fraudulent and dangerous anti-Police anti law and order movement. Good luck selling that to real Americans. You'll do good with radicals.
Everything I have accused Trump of is on him and not Democrats. That statement by you is simply silly and typical of the Trump supporters. Dems have never leaned toward an autocratic government. Rather, they may not be autocratic enough. Dems do not disrespect our institutions or 3 equal branches of government among other things. I am opposed to any anti-police law and order movement and was a Republican until Trump, a charlatan, highjacked my Republican party and turned it into a farce.
Really? I guess you don't remember how Obama destroyed the Judicial branch of government with corruption beginning with his attack dog AG Holder, and hijacking of the CIA and the FBI for his own illicit purposes.
How did he attack them? With words? His own illicit purposes? Did he start an investigation of individual justices with the purpose of making arrests and jail time? No. With Trump there is always the threat of arrests or loss of job if the
individual does not swear allegiance to Trump as he uses personal attacks in the process. Huge difference.
OP, that's the "systemic racism" business, they can throw everything into the pile of excuses and misdirection.

Systematic racism IS REAL, and LEFTISTS are responsible for 99.9% of it. Just every time they suggest blacks require a crutch (e.g. reparations) they're saying blacks are different, substandard, and should be pitted. Nothing like keeping them in their place with welfare, promises and excuses.

Party of slavery has become the party of pussifed slavery & trickery doing the devil's work.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.
Ben Bernanke and the Fed ended the recession, Obama was too busy screwing up healthcare and inflaming anti Police hate to pay much attention to boring stuff like the economy. Obama was an anti-American and was dedicated to dividing the country, opening the borders and empowering Iran. It was his actions and policies that caused the widespread dislike for Obama, not his color.
All great leaders know what they don't know and bring in people who advise him/her about what they need to hear and not what they want to hear so that they can make an informed decision. Reagan is a prime example of that.
Trump has weak advisors who advise him on what he wants to hear, so that they don't get fired, and not what he needs to hear. He has said that he knows more than the experts and the result is a president who acts on his "gut" as he has said and has made a mess of everything he has touched. As an example, Trump has given the wealthy a super tax cut and slashed 100 environmental laws that were designed to protect us. The result is a windfall profit in the stock market for the wealthy and a huge increase in the national debt. All this will come a tumblin' down and leave us with another great recession. Trump only thinks about today and his pocket and not about the future.
His silly trade wars only hurt you and me since we pay the tariffs. He says the tariffs go into the treasury which simply exposes his ignorance. You elected a grifter and charlatan to office, son
Alright, then. Who would you suggest we supplant President Trump with? How will that person's policies improve the situations we are currently faced with? Sign me: looking for the answer.
Good question and anybody would do. He is destroying our democracy with his attacks on our institutions so that he can squirm around without consequences. He does not honor our system of 3 equal branches of government.
I think that we need to get back to the Reagan mold and not what we are heading toward---an autocracy where opponents are arrested and put in jail.
I certainly agree with your last statement about arrest and jail. Biden and his lot are most certainly pushing us in that direction. I am open to your suggestion as to who you would put forward as a replacement for Trump.
If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
Only the right wing has a problem with equality and equal protection of the laws. We could have solved simple poverty Yesterday, but for the social Horror allegedly incurred by right wingers of having even the Poor benefit under Capitalism without having to "work hard" for it.
Even when you work hard you don't win and according to conservatives it's yer own damn fault. These people would condemn Jesus Christ himself for not having a job and bumming off people.
“These people” mean hard working people?
Conservatives, are they hard working people or just hard hearted?

Conservatives are good, honest, hardworking people who have left the Republican party because of the Trump cultists.
Conservatives are alarmed at the dishonesty of Trump and his economic policies:

Here he is below promising to help fix the student debt problem. Lie.

National Debt Increased by $3 Trillion During Donald Trump's Three Years as President
Very disingenuous. Why, exactly, has the national debt increased the last three years? I'm guessing it's all Trump's fault.
It is his fault since there is more money going out than coming in. His enormous spending on the military is overkill.
The wealthy have put the windfall in their pockets instead of the economy. "Trickle-down" does not mean sharing
the wealth as Trump would have us believe. It isn't logical that the super-wealthy would spend on the working class
unless they can profit. So yes, your "guess" is on the money.
Again, you choose to ignore the myriad causes for government spending, as well as the fact that this president is not any different than others in the recent past when it comes to massive, budget busting deficits. I understand that some minds are incapable of grasping the (overwhelming) complexity of such issues and often resort to a simplistic [name here] is at fault. Currently, President Trump is the simple answer to many problems faced by us these days. Besides, Congress controls the money, not the President.
Did you receive your $1200 from the federal government.
Jason Whitlock agrees with the brilliant and handsome OP! He stole my line.

7000 black on black murders every year, yet liberals are silent.
Wow. An increase of nearly three times in only a few years. Amazing. Someone's been busy, even while the overall homicide rate has been dropping as I understand it...

To be sure, homicides in which the offender and victim were of the same race have vastly outnumbered interracial homicides for the past ten years. FBI data show that while 500 black-on-white killings and 229 white-on-black killings were reported in 2015, 2,574 homicides were committed by whites against other whites, and 2,380 by blacks against blacks.​
7000 black on black murders every year, yet liberals are silent.
Wow. An increase of nearly three times in only a few years. Amazing. Someone's been busy, even while the overall homicide rate has been dropping as I understand it...

To be sure, homicides in which the offender and victim were of the same race have vastly outnumbered interracial homicides for the past ten years. FBI data show that while 500 black-on-white killings and 229 white-on-black killings were reported in 2015, 2,574 homicides were committed by whites against other whites, and 2,380 by blacks against blacks.​
Not only are liberals silent, but conservatives are also silent, yes? Everybody is essentially silent. Your point?
If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
Conservatives are also silent so they are guilty of murder also, yes?
Conservatives are the ONLY people who talk about the Inner City Killing Fields. I've been posting about it since I joined this board 6 years ago.
If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
Conservatives are also silent so they are guilty of murder also, yes?
Conservatives are the ONLY people who talk about the Inner City Killing Fields. I've been posting about it since I joined this board 6 years ago.
Nope. Liberals talk about that matter as much as conservatives. Trump people are very good at criticizing but have no solutions that are realistic to deal with the drugs, booze, gangs, unemployment, and fatherless families. Neither do the Democrats.
If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
Conservatives are also silent so they are guilty of murder also, yes?
Is that your conclusion you ignorant white liberal racist? All of the cities are run by democrats and a republican has not been within 100 miles of any office in most of those cities in over 50 years. I guess you don't listen to OANN or other conservative truthful sources or else you would know they all say it at least 10 times a day every day you miserable fucking moron.

Thank you for proving our point you pathetic douchebag and thank you for the person that liked your pointless shit.

Is there even one decent fucking stupid ass white liberal that isn't a scrotum full of bullshit like you?
If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
Conservatives are also silent so they are guilty of murder also, yes?
Is that your conclusion you ignorant white liberal racist? All of the cities are run by democrats and a republican has not been within 100 miles of any office in most of those cities in over 50 years. I guess you don't listen to OANN or other conservative truthful sources or else you would know they all say it at least 10 times a day every day you miserable fucking moron.

Thank you for proving our point you pathetic douchebag and thank you for the person that liked your pointless shit.

Is there even one decent fucking stupid ass white liberal that isn't a scrotum full of bullshit like you?
I know that it is difficult for you to overcome the highschool mentality that permeates your empty head. Unfortunately, you only have the ability to resort to sordid rhetoric to express your views. So do this: stick one finger up your ass and another finger in your nose. Then switch 'em out! By the way, you dumb fuck, I am a Republican. You and your uneducated, uninformed ilk are NOT Republicans. If you had half a brain you'd be dangerous.
Last edited:
If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
Conservatives are also silent so they are guilty of murder also, yes?
Is that your conclusion you ignorant white liberal racist? All of the cities are run by democrats and a republican has not been within 100 miles of any office in most of those cities in over 50 years. I guess you don't listen to OANN or other conservative truthful sources or else you would know they all say it at least 10 times a day every day you miserable fucking moron.

Thank you for proving our point you pathetic douchebag and thank you for the person that liked your pointless shit.

Is there even one decent fucking stupid ass white liberal that isn't a scrotum full of bullshit like you?
I know that it is difficult for you to overcome the highschool mentality that permeates your empty head. Unfortunately, you only have the ability to resort to sordid rhetoric to express your views. So do this: stick one finger up your ass and another finger in your nose. Then switch 'em out! By the way, you dumb fuck, I am a Republican. You and your uneducated, uninformed ilk are NOT Republicans. If you had half a brain you'd be dangerous.

Do you feel better?

I am wary of anyone who is a REPUBLICAN, one should have a core set of principles and stand by those principles. Parties shouldn’t dictate personal ideology.
I know that it is difficult for you to overcome the highschool (sic) mentality that permeates your empty head. Unfortunately, you only have the ability to resort to sordid rhetoric to express your views. So do this: stick one finger up your ass and another finger in your nose. Then switch 'em out! By the way, you dumb fuck, I am a Republican. You and your uneducated, uninformed ilk are NOT Republicans. If you had half a brain you'd be dangerous.

You sure fooled me, "highschool" (sic) kid. You have been carrying on like a flaming Leftist forever. I'm sick and tired of reading your sordid rhetoric to express your views. You are the newest addition to my Ignore LIst. "Go from the presence of a foolish man." - The Holy Bible

ciao brutto
If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
Conservatives are also silent so they are guilty of murder also, yes?
Is that your conclusion you ignorant white liberal racist? All of the cities are run by democrats and a republican has not been within 100 miles of any office in most of those cities in over 50 years. I guess you don't listen to OANN or other conservative truthful sources or else you would know they all say it at least 10 times a day every day you miserable fucking moron.

Thank you for proving our point you pathetic douchebag and thank you for the person that liked your pointless shit.

Is there even one decent fucking stupid ass white liberal that isn't a scrotum full of bullshit like you?
I know that it is difficult for you to overcome the highschool mentality that permeates your empty head. Unfortunately, you only have the ability to resort to sordid rhetoric to express your views. So do this: stick one finger up your ass and another finger in your nose. Then switch 'em out! By the way, you dumb fuck, I am a Republican. You and your uneducated, uninformed ilk are NOT Republicans. If you had half a brain you'd be dangerous.

Do you feel better?

I am wary of anyone who is a REPUBLICAN, one should have a core set of principles and stand by those principles. Parties shouldn’t dictate personal ideology.
Then you are not wary of me, because this so-called republican party does not dictate my ideology. If you read his rhetoric, you would better understand my response.
If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
Conservatives are also silent so they are guilty of murder also, yes?
Is that your conclusion you ignorant white liberal racist? All of the cities are run by democrats and a republican has not been within 100 miles of any office in most of those cities in over 50 years. I guess you don't listen to OANN or other conservative truthful sources or else you would know they all say it at least 10 times a day every day you miserable fucking moron.

Thank you for proving our point you pathetic douchebag and thank you for the person that liked your pointless shit.

Is there even one decent fucking stupid ass white liberal that isn't a scrotum full of bullshit like you?
I know that it is difficult for you to overcome the highschool mentality that permeates your empty head. Unfortunately, you only have the ability to resort to sordid rhetoric to express your views. So do this: stick one finger up your ass and another finger in your nose. Then switch 'em out! By the way, you dumb fuck, I am a Republican. You and your uneducated, uninformed ilk are NOT Republicans. If you had half a brain you'd be dangerous.

Do you feel better?

I am wary of anyone who is a REPUBLICAN, one should have a core set of principles and stand by those principles. Parties shouldn’t dictate personal ideology.
Then you are not wary of me, because this so-called republican party does not dictate my ideology. If you read his rhetoric, you would better understand my response.
Shut up

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