Liberal silence = VIOLENCE, 7000 black on black murders every year, yet liberals are silent.

Conservatives are also silent so they are guilty of murder also, yes?

We have long been the silent majority, since the Vietnam War, when Leftists were protesting on every street corner. YOURS is the party of the Big Mouths who scream and rant to put America down, but when blacks commit murder or mayhem, you look down at your feet because you are the root cause of their pathologies. YOU excuse them for anything and everything. Then you promote abortion, which black women practice at five times the frequency of white women. YOU'RE the ones guilty of murder at both ends, black crimes on adults, and black crimes on unborn.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.
If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
Only the right wing has a problem with equality and equal protection of the laws. We could have solved simple poverty Yesterday, but for the social Horror allegedly incurred by right wingers of having even the Poor benefit under Capitalism without having to "work hard" for it.
The right wing did not set up the poverty/poverty service complex. The Progs did. All of the teachers, cops, firefighters, EMT's, emergency rooms, social welfare programs galore, human services, emergency rooms and hospitalization, government contractors, endless grants, endless lawsuits, and so much more. Cut the salaries and pensions of those people involved by 25% at least. Get tough with young women and pregnancies and those who get them pregnant. Then made new rules for schools and toughen the courses and have trade courses as part of the curriculum. Troublemakers are thrown out. Ph uk em. That means the rest will learn. We have done it your way for many many decades. And we still won't get rid of poverty. But it will be reduced. If you do not change it, it will never change. And you will riot until hell freezes over or the tyranny government drop bio weapons on the cities.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

'Conservatives' trying to convince Blacks that the republican party is where they belong and that the democrats are the real racists. Looks like the Blacks aren't falling for that b.s. at all. Good on them.
WTF do liberals have to do with black on black crime?

YOU ENCOURAGE mediocrity, telling black children endlessly, "Racism, racism, racism.
It doesn't matter how hard you try, RACISM."

Your hands are very bloody. Have been since the Revolutionary War. Then the KKK.
Then Jim Crow. Then Segregation. Then the 1964 Civil Rights Act Filibuster, the longest in US
history. Nothing changes.
Show me where I promote it, go ahead I am not going anywhere or consider yourself a liar..You are making zero sense and just throwing pejoratives which are meaningless...
If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
WTF do liberals have to do with black on black crime?
Liberals have controlled the cities that produce the majority of black on black crime for over half a century. They do nothing about the problems because they know they will get their votes no matter what. That is WTF Liberals have to do with black on black crime.
If you were elected how would you stop murder?
The problems took years to develop and will take years to undo. First I would stop the drug sales by going after the customers who buy the drugs. Immediate jail time, take away the customers. Offer the gangs immediate paying jobs if they turn in their guns and work on cleaning up their neighborhoods. Setup training centers where anyone can learn how to build or fix things, welding, plumbing, carpentry, masonry, etc. Fund food co-ops. There's lots more I would do, but that would be a start.
Drug war is a total failure and a waste of money. People have to live in harmony and that is not going to happen when people are killed for doing drugs because a minority says they are bad. This hard nose direction only sows discontent and the fact that you are guilty for life is another overbearing degree of unnecessary punishment.
If you didn't go to Commie Party functions and wave propaganda for "the leader", you were likely to be accused of treason and atrocities and dissappeared
That's Mafia. The national government finds out that city hall is out to get someone, and there's witness protection and relocation, just like the U.S. Under the one-child rule, some children are a little too precious and a little too loved, horribly molested and never allowed to move on to normal adulthood at the age of majority. There are triads and Chinese crime families in control of smaller municipalities, provinces, and other jurisdictions.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.

I see you played the race card. Here's a fact for you, Obamacare and Obama were so popular only 2 years after being elected Dems suffered the worst loss in nearly 100 years. Republicans took control of the House, then the Senate, then the White House that's how good Obama was. :eusa_hand:
No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.

Socialized medicine IS the kink.
The divisiveness was engineered by race-baiting Democrats. We didn't like his policies.
His race was immaterial. Please stop lying and creating more divisiveness. You Leftists have done enough of that already. Far too much in fact.

Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.
Ben Bernanke and the Fed ended the recession, Obama was too busy screwing up healthcare and inflaming anti Police hate to pay much attention to boring stuff like the economy. Obama was an anti-American and was dedicated to dividing the country, opening the borders and empowering Iran. It was his actions and policies that caused the widespread dislike for Obama, not his color.
No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.

Socialized medicine IS the kink.
The divisiveness was engineered by race-baiting Democrats. We didn't like his policies.
His race was immaterial. Please stop lying and creating more divisiveness. You Leftists have done enough of that already. Far too much in fact.

His race SHOULD have been immaterial, and it was not, the insensitive racial comments by your ilk appearing every day. You didn't like his policies of ending the recession, his successful health plan that Trump destroyed due to his jealousy? Nah, The so-called Republicans rejected all of Obama's proposals and that idiot from Kentucky said that he would do just that and he did. This charlatan in the White House is destroying our democracy. Pick a true Republican
and, as a Republican, I will vote for that person but don't present this crook as a true Republican. The party of Trump is Republican in name only.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.
Ben Bernanke and the Fed ended the recession, Obama was too busy screwing up healthcare and inflaming anti Police hate to pay much attention to boring stuff like the economy. Obama was an anti-American and was dedicated to dividing the country, opening the borders and empowering Iran. It was his actions and policies that caused the widespread dislike for Obama, not his color.
Really? The fairy god-mother is alive and well. Iran? Look at what we have with Iran now! The fool walked away from the agreement BEFORE going back to the table to negotiate. Now, the Iranians and other countries look at us as a country that doesn't honor its obligations and can't be trusted. Iran is attempting to produce nuclear weapons. Some negotiator your grifter is, yes? The agreement was a BEGINNING and something to build on in time. Now we have a big fat 0.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.
Ben Bernanke and the Fed ended the recession, Obama was too busy screwing up healthcare and inflaming anti Police hate to pay much attention to boring stuff like the economy. Obama was an anti-American and was dedicated to dividing the country, opening the borders and empowering Iran. It was his actions and policies that caused the widespread dislike for Obama, not his color.
All great leaders know what they don't know and bring in people who advise him/her about what they need to hear and not what they want to hear so that they can make an informed decision. Reagan is a prime example of that.
Trump has weak advisors who advise him on what he wants to hear, so that they don't get fired, and not what he needs to hear. He has said that he knows more than the experts and the result is a president who acts on his "gut" as he has said and has made a mess of everything he has touched. As an example, Trump has given the wealthy a super tax cut and slashed 100 environmental laws that were designed to protect us. The result is a windfall profit in the stock market for the wealthy and a huge increase in the national debt. All this will come a tumblin' down and leave us with another great recession. Trump only thinks about today and his pocket and not about the future.
His silly trade wars only hurt you and me since we pay the tariffs. He says the tariffs go into the treasury which simply exposes his ignorance. You elected a grifter and charlatan to office, son
If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
Conservatives are also silent so they are guilty of murder also, yes?
Conservatives are the ONLY people who talk about the Inner City Killing Fields. I've been posting about it since I joined this board 6 years ago.
Let's face it. There is little talk about inner-city killings on both sides of the aisle and neither side has a resolution.
You see conservatives doing the most talking and it is mostly criticism of the Dems, but nothing substantial.
DEMs control those cities and are now engaging in various Police defunding efforts. That is worse than ignoring the problem that is pouring gas on the fire. Police defunding will hurt the poorest Black people the worst, everyone knows that.
With malice aforethought.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.
Ben Bernanke and the Fed ended the recession, Obama was too busy screwing up healthcare and inflaming anti Police hate to pay much attention to boring stuff like the economy. Obama was an anti-American and was dedicated to dividing the country, opening the borders and empowering Iran. It was his actions and policies that caused the widespread dislike for Obama, not his color.
All great leaders know what they don't know and bring in people who advise him/her about what they need to hear and not what they want to hear so that they can make an informed decision. Reagan is a prime example of that.
Trump has weak advisors who advise him on what he wants to hear, so that they don't get fired, and not what he needs to hear. He has said that he knows more than the experts and the result is a president who acts on his "gut" as he has said and has made a mess of everything he has touched. As an example, Trump has given the wealthy a super tax cut and slashed 100 environmental laws that were designed to protect us. The result is a windfall profit in the stock market for the wealthy and a huge increase in the national debt. All this will come a tumblin' down and leave us with another great recession. Trump only thinks about today and his pocket and not about the future.
His silly trade wars only hurt you and me since we pay the tariffs. He says the tariffs go into the treasury which simply exposes his ignorance. You elected a grifter and charlatan to office, son
Alright, then. Who would you suggest we supplant President Trump with? How will that person's policies improve the situations we are currently faced with? Sign me: looking for the answer.
If they say nothing, they support the murders and it’s just as if they themselves murdered every one of these black people, including Dave Dorn.

Liberal silence = VIOLENCE.
Only the right wing has a problem with equality and equal protection of the laws. We could have solved simple poverty Yesterday, but for the social Horror allegedly incurred by right wingers of having even the Poor benefit under Capitalism without having to "work hard" for it.
Even when you work hard you don't win and according to conservatives it's yer own damn fault. These people would condemn Jesus Christ himself for not having a job and bumming off people.
“These people” mean hard working people?
Conservatives, are they hard working people or just hard hearted?

Conservatives are good, honest, hardworking people who have left the Republican party because of the Trump cultists.
Conservatives are alarmed at the dishonesty of Trump and his economic policies:

Here he is below promising to help fix the student debt problem. Lie.

National Debt Increased by $3 Trillion During Donald Trump's Three Years as President
Very disingenuous. Why, exactly, has the national debt increased the last three years? I'm guessing it's all Trump's fault.
Actually, conservatives are out and about without facemasks or social distancing, and the virus has erupted again as was predicted. They are minding their own business, just not at home because Trump has encouraged the states to let them out of the house and do business as usual.
The party of Trump is the party of divisiveness, as the white supremacist movement gains momentum and our people have turned on each other as never before in modern times. He is a threat to our democracy as you will find out if he is reelected.

Divisiveness almost doubled under the eight miserable years of Obama, who said:
"They bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."
"You can ride in the bus with us but you'll have to get in the back."

Any criticism of his incompetence was instantly met with the cry of "RACIST!"

Now you scream "MEAN ORANGE MAN", calling President Trump a man of color, ironically.
Why don't you move to Cuba since you hate America and liberty so much.

No, hotshot, I love my country. I simply don't like charlatans and grifters. Eight years of Obama resulted in the ending of the worst recession since the great depression and a health care system that works when all the kinks are removed. The divisiveness in the Obama administration came from people like you who didn't like a black person as president.
Ben Bernanke and the Fed ended the recession, Obama was too busy screwing up healthcare and inflaming anti Police hate to pay much attention to boring stuff like the economy. Obama was an anti-American and was dedicated to dividing the country, opening the borders and empowering Iran. It was his actions and policies that caused the widespread dislike for Obama, not his color.
All great leaders know what they don't know and bring in people who advise him/her about what they need to hear and not what they want to hear so that they can make an informed decision. Reagan is a prime example of that.
Trump has weak advisors who advise him on what he wants to hear, so that they don't get fired, and not what he needs to hear. He has said that he knows more than the experts and the result is a president who acts on his "gut" as he has said and has made a mess of everything he has touched. As an example, Trump has given the wealthy a super tax cut and slashed 100 environmental laws that were designed to protect us. The result is a windfall profit in the stock market for the wealthy and a huge increase in the national debt. All this will come a tumblin' down and leave us with another great recession. Trump only thinks about today and his pocket and not about the future.
His silly trade wars only hurt you and me since we pay the tariffs. He says the tariffs go into the treasury which simply exposes his ignorance. You elected a grifter and charlatan to office, son
Alright, then. Who would you suggest we supplant President Trump with? How will that person's policies improve the situations we are currently faced with? Sign me: looking for the answer.
Good question and anybody would do. He is destroying our democracy with his attacks on our institutions so that he can squirm around without consequences. He does not honor our system of 3 equal branches of government.
I think that we need to get back to the Reagan mold and not what we are heading toward---an autocracy where opponents are arrested and put in jail.

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