Louisiana's Ten Commandments Law Signals a Broader Christian Agenda

Guaranfuckingtee you, that this OP, would never say one fucking word if it were Islamists demanding Sharia courts in their community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
America is not a Christian Nation founded by EuroAmericans, Indigenous Peoples and Africans for Christians who gained independence to be from GovenrmentReligious pressure. The King is the "pope" of the Church of England.
Are you saying the US doesn't have executions?

And the numbers killed in Pakistan for Blasphemy are probably much lower than one of the big city's murder rates in the US. You hear about every one in Pakistan, once in a while, in the US you only hear about the mass killings these days.
Surely you are not finding a moral comparison between a serial killer in America to the religiously caused deaths in islam. In islam the leading cause of death is islam. Pardon me, the deaths are JUSTIFIED by islam. The killings here, for all that minorities have brought carnage are still not justifiable.
Surely you are not finding a moral comparison between a serial killer in America to the religiously caused deaths in islam. In islam the leading cause of death is islam. Pardon me, the deaths are JUSTIFIED by islam. The killings here, for all that minorities have brought carnage are still not justifiable.

Well, there are executions in the US, and there are executions in Pakistan.

There are murders in the US and there are murders in Pakistan.

Pakistan has people killing for blasphemy. In the US there are people killing others over abortions, over LGBT and the like

Remember the one in Colorado Springs back in 2016?

Last year in Montana someone fired shots at Planned Parenthood.

Someone was arrested last year in Illinois for attempted arson of an abortion clinic, he had the canisters in his car and rammed the place.

Also in Illinois someone got locked up for 10 years for setting an abortion clinic on fire.

"LGBT people nearly four times more likely than non-LGBT people to be victims of violent crime"

And your "In islam the leading cause of death is islam"

Anything to back this up with?
America is not a Christian Nation founded by EuroAmericans, Indigenous Peoples and Africans for Christians who gained independence to be from GovenrmentReligious pressure. The King is the "pope" of the Church of England.
I am certain when you look at corruption, stealing, ineptitude and stupidity there will be reasons for billions of dollars sent to New Orleans for its protection from the waters to flood it and not spent on it before Katrina. African Americans controlled the city for a quarter of a century. There will come a time when areas will not have government money to repair the mistakes. The resources will be dealt out in the importance needed for the population if we are not that corrupted at that time.

seems the wall are gonna be crowded
Guaranfuckingtee you, that this OP, would never say one fucking word if it were Islamists demanding Sharia courts in their community!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well then you are "Guaranfuckingteed wrong". ANY religious doctrines in public schools is to be stopped.

Now that does not include dietary needs or the like.
Sharia, as you will find in other religions here, is a form of contract in religious law.

It is allowed here if the contract does not violate the Constitution
Christianity believes in peace, love and tranquility. Being kind is expected. Still, Democrats are afraid and disgusted by Christianity. It just seems like Democrats are wasting far too much time fighting against good, or like Warren Zevon said, "What's so funny about peace love and understanding"? Back to the sanity of MAGA.
Christianity of the past 1600 years touts Christian Supremacism-----worldwide christianty ---to the same
degree that islam seeks WORLD WIDE ISLAM (for the past 1400 years and counting.----on the side we got the recently revived disease----WORLD WIDE --uhm---I will not call it communism----but IMPERIALIST RUSSIAN, CHINESE, KOREAN Marxism (as allied to the filth of world wide shia shariah.)
Why are people in such a tizzy over displaying the ten commandments in school? It isn't like public schools teach children to read or anything.

The Great Society was supposed to end any hunger. Instead, we are hooked on students getting two meals a day after spending countless trillions of dollars for over 60 years. Explain it.
sure corruption...the funds were granted for things like football stadiums

Christianity believes in peace, love and tranquility. Being kind is expected. Still, Democrats are afraid and disgusted by Christianity. It just seems like Democrats are wasting far too much time fighting against good, or like Warren Zevon said, "What's so funny about peace love and understanding"? Back to the sanity of MAGA.
I cannot count the number of Christians I know who are totally onboard with the ongoing genocide being conducted by Zionist Israeli State and its lapdog US Government. So much for peace, love and tranquility. It reminds me of Kristofferson's old song Jesus Was A Capricorn.

He believed in peace and love and never wore no shoes. Reckon they'd just nail him up if he came down again.

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