Majority of voters say Biden is trying to jail Trump before the election.

That was then...

Biden is a much bigger criminal than Trump ever was.
Garland is a criminal lowlife

Wray is a criminal lowlife

Biden is a CORRUPT criminal lowlife.
She's [Hillary] a fucking CRIMINAL.
A criminal is guilty long before s/he ever gets to court.

This is now...

No one is a criminal till they're convicted, shit for brains.

Nice double standard ya got there.
So Al Capone was a law abiding citizen until he was convicted of tax evasion?

John Gotti is a guy any decent person would love to see in their neighbourhood, up until the point he was sent to jail for murder and racketeering?

Jeffrey Dahmer was a good neighbour until AFTER he was convicted of murdering and caniballizing his victims.

If these people weren't criminals before they were arrested or convicted, why were they arrested in the first place?
Spoken like a true Stalinist.

"Show me the man, I'll show you the crime".

How about you? I'll bet we can find something you're guilty of.

So we can call you a criminal.
The Supreme Court handles matters that pertain to the Constitution you dumbass. Their ruling isn't about Trump specifically but any candidate the States would try to disqualify under the 13th Amendment. Trump's civil and criminal court cases are specifically about him and in each and every single one so far he's an adjudicated loser.
The legal process is slow. Trump may seem to be an “adjudicated“ loser today but the appeals process has not run its course.

It also seems the legal attacks on Trump are bacKfiring. They have helped make him more popular.
Why wouldn't they discuss these cases, given that some of the evidence they're using is the same, and they need to co-ordinate the timing of the trials?
Why would anyone need to coordinate with the White House if the White House isn't involved, Dumbass?

You just destroyed your earlier claim. What a clown.:auiqs.jpg:
How is it weaponizing the DoJ if Trump is convicted of any of the charges against him? That would mean he's guilty.
In the jurisdictions he is being tried the jury pool voted upwards of 90% for Tater. Wait for he appeals to real courts and you will see these kangaroo courts get bitchslapped like Colorado and the other states did by the SC when they threw Trump off the ballot for insurrection.
In the jurisdictions he is being tried the jury pool voted upwards of 90% for Tater. Wait for he appeals to real courts and you will see these kangaroo courts get bitchslapped like Colorado and the other states did by the SC when they threw Trump off the ballot for insurrection.

That wasn't the question. The question is if convicted of these charges, do you think that Joe Biden wants to stop President Trump from winning the election by putting him in jail?

How is putting convicted felons in jail, weaponizing the DoJ?
That wasn't the question. The question is if convicted of these charges, do you think that Joe Biden wants to stop President Trump from winning the election by putting him in jail?

How is putting convicted felons in jail, weaponizing the DoJ?
The bullshit charges are the weaponization, you blithering moron.
Things like this happens in a Banana Republic.

When we let the Democrat filth steal the election in 2020 and destroy our Constitutional Republic.
It once again stretches beyond its mental capacity.
Ok, I wasn't gonna ask because I know you can't come up with us these "extreme lengths" the DOJ has gone to to hide their bias that has hurt their cases.

Well, if ultra left Politico sez so.....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:


You never fail to crack me up, Dumbfuck.

When people on here bash the Examiner, you point out the Examiner didn't conduct the poll.

But here you are, bashing Politico for a poll they didn't conduct.


You never fail to crack me up, Dumbfuck.

When people on here bash the Examiner, you point out the Examiner didn't conduct the poll.

But here you are, bashing Politico for a poll they didn't conduct.

Maybe next time read your own link, Halfwit.

From your link:

according to a new Politico Magazine/Ipsos poll.




according to a new Politico Magazine/Ipsos poll.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Examiner didn't conduct the poll in their article.

Politico didn't conduct the poll in their article.

Dumbfuck moans about the poll in the Politico article but defends the poll in the Examiner article.

Once again, Dumbfuck, your double standards are on full display.


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