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Many of our "churches" are Asleep=They are little more than a Social club.


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2013
The Holy Spirit operating in true believers has made it known to many that Jesus is coming soon. There never before in history has been huge numbers of Holy Spirit inspired teachings, songs, books, and movies informing us about the soon return of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is not leading all these dedicated teachers, writers, readers and believers astray. God's purpose for this message is to get out the good news to all those with ears to hear that Jesus is about to return for His Church.

Certainly there are major segments in Christianity (even in the evangelical churches) that have been downplaying the soon return of Jesus. We see this trend in the post modern "seeker friendly" and Emergent Church Movement with their watered down gospel and Laodicean attitude. We also see it among the dominionists who believe the Church must fix everything on earth before Jesus can even return. The mocking coming from "Christians" toward those who teach on the Lord's second coming and those that teach that there is a blessed hope of escape (rapture) from God's judgment was also predicted to occur just prior to the coming of Jesus.

In these last days puffed up windbags have come along within Christendom that downplay the Gospel of salvation and Bible prophecy and instead teach contrary to God's word that Bible prophecy about the Lord's soon return is just a distraction. Fulfillment of Bible prophecy obviously does not fit their agenda of making a socialist utopia on the earth before Jesus even returns. Never mind that the Bible teaches just the opposite. That Jesus will come for those offering the gospel of salvation and patiently watching and waiting for His return. The scriptures clearly say that Jesus will come for the Church suddenly like a thief. Of those left behind on earth no flesh would have survived the troubles on earth if Jesus did not come back to save a remnant of Israel.

The pseudo Christian message of humanistic works, social justice philosophies and/or dominionist agenda has replaced the gospel of salvation but it is nowhere found in the Bible. A social agenda gospel has replaced the revealed prophetic truth written in the scriptures about the last days. We should not be surprised because the New Testament writers told us that this would happen in the last days. The scriptures clearly say that there would be those that would not endure sound doctrine and that people with itching ears would follow after them.

The Christianity many have is nothing more than a religious culture. They downplay that Jesus is coming soon because they spiritualize Bible prophecy so they know nothing about it. They are in love with the things of the world and any coming of Jesus just does not fit within their humanist agenda.
The true Church will know the general time of the coming of Jesus

It is written in scripture that true believers will know the general time of His return. "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that this day should overtake you as a thief"(1Th 5:4).

Some evangelical Christians who downplay the possibility that the Holy Spirit is behind the awareness in some Christians that Jesus is coming soon, say that they know they are saved by the witness of His Spirit, or that God told them to take this job, or move here, or to go to this church or do this ministry. Why is it then so hard for them to accept that God would also tell His own people that He is about to fulfill the prophecies of His second advent? Especially since He made it clear that He would do just that to those that are faithful watching.

It is also important to note that the majority of Christians who claim a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and who are doing works led by His Spirit are also the ones who loudly proclaim His imminent return. While on the other hand, the majority of those who are Christians by tradition, and who think that the Christian life is fulfilled through Sunday ritual, rote observances, mega church entertainment services, mystical feelings or through the humanistic efforts of man are the same ones who are downplaying His return.

Jesus made it clear in scripture that there would be those that would not be watching and waiting and that they would not know the time of His coming. Jesus said He would come as a thief to these people and then weeping and gnashing of teeth will be heard from those He left behind.

So which group today do you think the Spirit of God is really speaking through? The ones who are aware of Bible prophecy and the world conditions and the increasing rebellion against God by mankind, or the ones who are asleep and/or think that the humanistic efforts of man will bring a paradise on earth before Jesus can even come?

Signs of the time

The astute in the evangelical church are expecting Jesus to come back soon. The dead church will not accept any knowledge that we are near the end times. Their unbelief is displayed in their paganistic and humanistic worldly lifestyle

The Holy Spirit led awakening of the true Church to the soon return of Jesus is a very strong indicator that that is this generation that will see the promise of the coming of Jesus fulfilled.
Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Romans 11:4 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.
The Holy Spirit operating in true believers has made it known to many that Jesus is coming soon. There never before in history has been huge numbers of Holy Spirit inspired teachings, songs, books, and movies informing us about the soon return of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is not leading all these dedicated teachers, writers, readers and believers astray. God's purpose for this message is to get out the good news to all those with ears to hear that Jesus is about to return for His Church.

You don't go to church, do you?
The Holy Spirit operating in true believers has made it known to many that Jesus is coming soon. There never before in history has been huge numbers of Holy Spirit inspired teachings, songs, books, and movies informing us about the soon return of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is not leading all these dedicated teachers, writers, readers and believers astray. God's purpose for this message is to get out the good news to all those with ears to hear that Jesus is about to return for His Church.

You don't go to church, do you?

PTL. There are still some good BIBLE believing churches but you must do research and seek them out,well worth the time!!
BEWARE!! THE TYPICAL LAST DAYS CHURCH=14"To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says this: 15'I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. 16'So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.…Revelation 3:14-16
The Holy Spirit operating in true believers has made it known to many that Jesus is coming soon. There never before in history has been huge numbers of Holy Spirit inspired teachings, songs, books, and movies informing us about the soon return of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is not leading all these dedicated teachers, writers, readers and believers astray. God's purpose for this message is to get out the good news to all those with ears to hear that Jesus is about to return for His Church.

You don't go to church, do you?

PTL. There are still some good BIBLE believing churches but you must do research and seek them out,well worth the time!!

So you don't go to church?
Where two or more are gathered in Christs name, there the brethren are having church. The church is not a building. The Church is the Body of Christ that preaches the message of the Cross, that believes in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that preaches holiness, repentance, reading the bible, preaching the Word of God and soul winning. Which does bring me to a question for you, Chuck. If you have taken so much time to study and become a bible scholar as you claim to be ( yet I find little evidence of it ) then why do you not obey the bible and do what it says?

Why do you oppose the preachers of Righteousness and try to stop the Word of God from going forth on this message board? Do you not see yourself as an Alexander or Hymenaeus that Paul warned the church of? Repent, Chuck. Repent and call on the Lord Jesus Christ and perhaps He will have mercy upon your soul.

- Jeremiah
Brother Gismy, The Lord has been blessing me through your messages. I want to share with you from Ezekiel 3: 17 that it is a righteous thing to warn the sinner to turn from his wickedness and also to warn the righteous man who has turned from his righteousness that he must repent. I will post the scripture here for you as it confirms the scriptures you have been posting! God bless you, brother!
It is written:

Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel, therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them this warning from me.

When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die, and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thine hand.

Yet if thou warn the wicked and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul. - Ezekiel 3: 17, 18, 19

Notice that the Lord tells Ezekiel in verse 17...... therefore hear the word "AT MY MOUTH", and give them warning "FROM ME".... This is very important. It identifies that the warning comes at the mouth of God Almighty and that the warning was indeed "FROM HIM".... Amen.
It is written:

Again, when a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die, because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered, but his blood will I require at thine hand.

Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he does not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned, also thou has delivered thy soul. And the hand of the LORD was there upon me and said unto me, Arise, go forth into the plain and I wil talk there with thee.

- Ezekiel 3: 20-27
You don't go to church, do you?

PTL. There are still some good BIBLE believing churches but you must do research and seek them out,well worth the time!!

So you don't go to church?

OH!! YES!25not forsaking our own assembling together(church), !! 24and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, 25not forsaking our own assembling together(church), as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near. 26For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,… Hebrews 10:25================

◄ Philippians 1:15 ►
It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill.
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Amen! I have church every single day! It is wonderful to gather with the brethren and lift up the name of Jesus Christ!
Paul was so blessed to travel and visit the believers at their homes having fellowship ( church ) ! From place to place they gave God thanks! They had long prayer meetings - so long in fact one time a brother fell alseep and fell out the window! Paul prayed for him and the LORD raised him back up! I love an all night prayer meeting with worship, singing old Gospel Hymns and hearing the Word of God preached by inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I believe God for these type church meetings to be revived across the land in these last days!
This is a sermon on the exact topic of your OP!

Hand of Help Ministries

Flesh loves the do nothing gospel. It revels in the idea that with minimal effort one can ensure an eternity of paradise, and being flesh, it puts forth the least possible amount of exertion it can.

Many today are not intellectually curious. They do not ask ‘why’ anymore, simply content with the status quo, and with being told that they’re ok, they’re saved, they made it through, and they will stay there indefinitely if they continue to fund the lifestyle to which their chosen wolf in sheep’s clothing has become accustomed.

Contrary to popular belief we are not saved and sanctified just for the sake of being saved and sanctified. We are saved and sanctified for obedience. God calls us, and cleanses us with the full and justified expectation of having an obedient servant which He can use in the manner He sees fit.

We are elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in sanctification of the Spirit for obedience and the sprinkling of the blood of Christ.

Why would God be justified in His expectation for obedience one might ask? Granted, those who would ask such a question have likely been feasting on a steady diet of self-esteem smoothies, and self-empowerment shakes courtesy of one fool or another, but if we looked in the mirror of the Word and saw our true nature as it once was, and what God has made of us through the sprinkling of the blood of Christ, we would evermore understand why God is justified in His expectation of obedience.

The butterfly was once a caterpillar, the new regenerate man, was once an old degenerate one. In understanding what God did for us through Christ on Calvary, we will never shy away from obedience, or consider our obedience a hard task.

Not only were we elect to the foreknowledge of God the Father, we were likewise sanctified of the Spirit. God sanctified us by His Holy Spirit. This is a profound truth that few are willing to delve into anymore because it’s just easier to tell people to raise their hand and repeat a prayer.

It is the Spirit that transforms us from sinner to saint; it is the Spirit that works the work of regeneration in us once we have been sprinkled by the blood of Christ. It is not a denomination or belonging to a certain church group, it isn’t even being water baptized that transforms us, it is the Holy Spirit in us doing the work the Father has commanded Him to do.

Although marginalized of late, the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is indispensable, and we neglect and deny Him to our detriment. To hear some preachers speak of the Holy Spirit one would consider His role minimal at best. They speak of the Spirit and the work of the Spirit in the past tense more often than not, attempting to convince the household of faith that the work the Holy Spirit was to have done is already completed, and now we no longer have need of His services because we have denominations and theological degrees.

I don’t know about you but hearing what some denominations have been up to of late, seeing how they are actively subverting the Gospel and denying the Word of God, I’m somewhat leery if not altogether opposed to the idea of being associated with any of them.

How long before we ourselves are corrupted if we now cast our lot in with those who deny the Christ? How long before we ourselves are become reprobate if by our silence and continued belonging we are tacitly acquiescing to what these men have done?

We must get beyond the pigeonholes we’ve created for ourselves in our chosen denominations, and see the glorious Gospel for all that it is, believing it rather than the words of men, and holding it up as the final authority for the doctrines we choose to embrace.

We were sanctified for obedience. We were not sanctified to question God, we were not sanctified to revise the Word, and we were not sanctified to make the faith more palatable for the godless and the heathen. We were sanctified for obedience, so all that is incumbent upon us to do is to obey.

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.
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Where two or more are gathered in Christs name, there the brethren are having church. The church is not a building. The Church is the Body of Christ that preaches the message of the Cross, that believes in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that preaches holiness, repentance, reading the bible, preaching the Word of God and soul winning. Which does bring me to a question for you, Chuck. If you have taken so much time to study and become a bible scholar as you claim to be ( yet I find little evidence of it ) then why do you not obey the bible and do what it says?

Why do you oppose the preachers of Righteousness and try to stop the Word of God from going forth on this message board? Do you not see yourself as an Alexander or Hymenaeus that Paul warned the church of? Repent, Chuck. Repent and call on the Lord Jesus Christ and perhaps He will have mercy upon your soul.

- Jeremiah

Home churches are often an area of non-accountability:

one final caution concerns the issue of accountability. For Protestant churches, the Bible alone is the guide in matters of faith and practice. However, few people have the time to gain the skills and knowledge to accurately handle the word of God (2 Timothy 3:14-16). In classical education theology was taught last - for it builds on many other disciplines that cannot be learned from the Bible alone. Therefore, some degree of higher education was usually sought before one became a teacher of the word (James 3:1). The popular view today, however, is that the Holy Spirit teaches believers directly through the Bible. This idea might lead people to believe that whatever the group teaches is from God and is therefore safe from error. But the Bible does not teach that this is the case, and it is clear that most believers disagree on at least some issues, and most simply end up "interpreting" the Bible according to their churches' teaching anyway.

The answer to the interpretation issue requires another article, but the problem it creates becomes more ominous when dealing with home churches. The New Testament is full of warnings against heresies coming from within the church. Since it was written in the first century, these would actually be warnings regarding house churches. While this problem is certainly not limited to house churches, there is clearly no guarantee of protection from false teaching simply because the church changes its meeting format. Further, because home churches function as independent small groups, they need have no accountability to anyone but themselves. This makes it much more difficult to judge their teachings (in fact, the Jehovah's Witnesses cult began in exactly this manner). In contrast, larger congregations benefit from a plurality of elders, spiritually mature men (Titus 1:5-9) who are overseers of the flock, protecting them from false doctrine.

In conclusion, there is nothing unbiblical about Christians gathering together regularly in houses, or large buildings, or any other appropriate venue. The Bible does not, in fact, give any guidelines as to the proper gathering size or location. What it does do is explain what is to take place at those meetings (Hebrews 10; Colossians 3). So long as biblical teachings (orthodoxy) and practices (orthopraxy) are undertaken by those in assembly, it really does not matter what meeting format one chooses.

Is a home church a true biblical church?

So no. Technically it could be argued that you are gathered together but it isn't a Church.
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Where two or more are gathered in Christs name, there the brethren are having church. The church is not a building. The Church is the Body of Christ that preaches the message of the Cross, that believes in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that preaches holiness, repentance, reading the bible, preaching the Word of God and soul winning. Which does bring me to a question for you, Chuck. If you have taken so much time to study and become a bible scholar as you claim to be ( yet I find little evidence of it ) then why do you not obey the bible and do what it says?

Why do you oppose the preachers of Righteousness and try to stop the Word of God from going forth on this message board? Do you not see yourself as an Alexander or Hymenaeus that Paul warned the church of? Repent, Chuck. Repent and call on the Lord Jesus Christ and perhaps He will have mercy upon your soul.

- Jeremiah

Home churches are often an area of non-accountability:

one final caution concerns the issue of accountability. For Protestant churches, the Bible alone is the guide in matters of faith and practice. However, few people have the time to gain the skills and knowledge to accurately handle the word of God (2 Timothy 3:14-16). In classical education theology was taught last - for it builds on many other disciplines that cannot be learned from the Bible alone. Therefore, some degree of higher education was usually sought before one became a teacher of the word (James 3:1). The popular view today, however, is that the Holy Spirit teaches believers directly through the Bible. This idea might lead people to believe that whatever the group teaches is from God and is therefore safe from error. But the Bible does not teach that this is the case, and it is clear that most believers disagree on at least some issues, and most simply end up "interpreting" the Bible according to their churches' teaching anyway.

The answer to the interpretation issue requires another article, but the problem it creates becomes more ominous when dealing with home churches. The New Testament is full of warnings against heresies coming from within the church. Since it was written in the first century, these would actually be warnings regarding house churches. While this problem is certainly not limited to house churches, there is clearly no guarantee of protection from false teaching simply because the church changes its meeting format. Further, because home churches function as independent small groups, they need have no accountability to anyone but themselves. This makes it much more difficult to judge their teachings (in fact, the Jehovah's Witnesses cult began in exactly this manner). In contrast, larger congregations benefit from a plurality of elders, spiritually mature men (Titus 1:5-9) who are overseers of the flock, protecting them from false doctrine.

In conclusion, there is nothing unbiblical about Christians gathering together regularly in houses, or large buildings, or any other appropriate venue. The Bible does not, in fact, give any guidelines as to the proper gathering size or location. What it does do is explain what is to take place at those meetings (Hebrews 10; Colossians 3). So long as biblical teachings (orthodoxy) and practices (orthopraxy) are undertaken by those in assembly, it really does not matter what meeting format one chooses.

Is a home church a true biblical church?

So no. Technically it could be argued that you are gathered together but it isn't a Church.

looking to cause trouble!!! chuckiee????
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Home churches were the early church. Legitimate bible scholars know this. By what authority to do dare to judge the Written Word of God as untrue, Chuck? You are blind to intepretation of Scripture because you are not born again. Jesus said, Ye must be born again in order to enter the kindgom of heaven. Repent of your sins and call on the Lord Jesus Christ and perhaps he will have mercy upon you. Today is the day of salvation.
Home churches were the early church. Legitimate bible scholars know this. By what authority to do dare to judge the Written Word of God as untrue, Chuck? You are blind to intepretation of Scripture because you are not born again. Jesus said, Ye must be born again in order to enter the kindgom of heaven. Repent of your sins and call on the Lord Jesus Christ and perhaps he will have mercy upon you. Today is the day of salvation.

It is a church when God recognizes it as a Church.

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