Mark Levin quick take on fake T raid

That’s a long winded way of admitting that you have nothing to actually offer. And denigrating Mark Levin isn’t posting on topic, either.
Normal people don't coddle liars, and defend traitors, but republicans do.
Your remain a worthless enema nozzle.
Is that the container, Trump's orange kool-aide is shipped in?
The Trump and Secret Service “grab the wheel” stony is absolutely worthless fantasy and has been debunked, by the way.
Debunked by whom?
Every RWNJ but Ornato.
The person who made the claim, NOT Hutchinson.
As well as off topic.
A levin paragraph, is "off topic"?
Did you forget the topic?
Normal people don't coddle liars, and defend traitors, but republicans do.
What the hell would a total asshole such as you know about “normal” people? You’re the fuckstick accusing Trump of lying and the completely dishonest jackoff accusing him of being a “traitor.” Disputing your ridiculous and intentionally false claims is perfectly normal.
Is that the container, Trump's orange kool-aide is shipped in?
I wouldn’t know. Now get back down on Brandon and Ross the senile asshole racist’s salad some more.
Debunked by whom?
Every RWNJ but Ornato.
The person who made the claim, NOT Hutchinson.
Debunked by logic SS AGENT S and even some video evidence. You’re a very willingly gullible retard.
A levin paragraph, is "off topic"?
Did you forget the topic?
Try to get on topic. You don’t realize how stupid you are. Of course. You’re too stupid to.
What the hell would a total asshole such as you know about “normal” people? You’re the fuckstick accusing Trump of lying and the completely dishonest jackoff accusing him of being a “traitor.”
That's only because..................Trump IS a lying, traitor, along with his cult.
Disputing your ridiculous and intentionally false claims is perfectly normal.
For lying retards.
I wouldn’t know. Now get back down on Brandon and Ross the senile asshole racist’s salad some more.

Debunked by logic SS AGENT S and even some video evidence. You’re a very willingly gullible retard.
WOW, video evidence............from where, FOX?
WHO testified?
WHO said they would but didn't?
Try to get on topic. You don’t realize how stupid you are. Of course. You’re too stupid to.
Fucking moron.
What the hell would a total asshole such as you know about “normal” people? You’re the fuckstick accusing Trump of lying and the completely dishonest jackoff accusing him of being a “traitor.” Disputing your ridiculous and intentionally false claims is perfectly normal.

I wouldn’t know. Now get back down on Brandon and Ross the senile asshole racist’s salad some more.

Debunked by logic SS AGENT S and even some video evidence. You’re a very willingly gullible retard.

Try to get on topic. You don’t realize how stupid you are. Of course. You’re too stupid to.

That's only because..................Trump IS a lying, traitor, along with his cult.
False. You liars lie. No surprise.
For lying retards.
Disputing liars’ lies is not for liars, you retard.
WOW, video evidence............from where, FOX?
No. Not surprising that you don’t even know about by it.
WHO testified?
Who said testimony? Hell, who would expect contrary testimony from the one side clown show committee?
WHO said they would but didn't?
I know it wasn’t Pelousy. She made sure that she’d never be called.
Fucking moron.
I like it when you sign your posts. But we already know that you are a fucking moron. 😎
Levin is in contention, for the worst of the worst.
Levin had always been among the looniest, of the looney.
He chews up you libtards and spits out your imbecility with brilliant and justified disdain. I see it enormously irritates assholes like you, Smokin’ Crack. Good. 😎
False. You liars lie. No surprise.

Disputing liars’ lies is not for liars, you retard.

No. Not surprising that you don’t even know about by it.

Who said testimony? Hell, who would expect contrary testimony from the one side clown show committee?
Aww, your disappointed no one of his regime wouldn't lie, to defend their dear leader?
Why wont the others?
I know it wasn’t Pelousy. She made sure that she’d never be called.
Sure, moron.
Nancy also made sure, Jared and Ivanka Trump didn't testify...............
I like it when you sign your posts. But we already know that you are a fucking moron. 😎
Fucking moron.
He chews up you libtards and spits out your imbecility with brilliant and justified disdain. I see it enormously irritates assholes like you, Smokin’ Crack. Good. 😎
The only thing Looney Levin chews up is the truth and Levin doesn't spit out his daddy's "deposit", he chases it with orange kool-aid.
Aww, your disappointed no one of his regime wouldn't lie, to defend their dear leader?
Why wont the others?

Sure, moron.
Nancy also made sure, Jared and Ivanka Trump didn't testify...............

Fucking moron.
Unlike you and your hero, scumbag, Brandon, nobody needs to lie.

The rest of your post is dull witted bleating bullshit.

Thanks for signing it.
Unlike you and your hero, scumbag, Brandon, nobody needs to lie.

The rest of your post is dull witted bleating bullshit.

Thanks for signing it.

Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

That's a sentence, not a signature.

Dayum, you're dumber than dirt. You don't even know what a period is.

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