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Mass incarceration. Sessions says- Lock em up, throw away the key.

"he surrounds himself with Nazis but I still support him"

quite flawed logic you have there friend.

I've said many times before that i supported Trump for just a couple issues. My two most important issues are Immigration and the Supreme Court. Those two issues will decide our nation's future. And on those issues, the alternative to Trump was unacceptable for me. Clinton would have been an absolute disaster. Her Immigration policy was gonna emulate Merkel's policies in Germany. And obviously her Supreme Court Justices were gonna be extremist Left/Globalists. So i had to go with Trump.

All the other issues don't matter much to me. It's all about Immigration and the Supreme Court. The Courts run the show now. They'll decide our nation's future. And on those issues, Trump an I are on the same page. But i am disappointed he's allowed so many Neocons so much influence on him. They could sink him. They're very destructive folks. They do have a nasty Nazi streak in em. Sessions is a prime example of that. Hopefully Trump won't let them sink him. But i guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
So you hate Mexicans soooooo much you would admittedly hand our white house over to Nazis. Wow.
What did the Mexicans ever do to you?

I don't hate anyone. I love my country. It is time to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country, but they'll have to do it the organized legal way. The chaos needs to end. Clinton was gonna double-down on our Immigration Nightmare. That was my alternative. Trump was the only choice. It is what it is.
You understand illegals don't just do it for fun, right? That they don't like being "illegal," don't like constantly looking over their shoulder, don't like stressing about the breaking up of their family on a daily basis.
They do it to chase the american dream, just like our ancestors, and they do it illegally because our naturalization process is so broken it can take decades.

The US allows one million foreigners a year to enter this country legally. We have that limit so they can assimilate and not try to change our culture. If you have to wait, too bad. We can't let everybody in nor do we want to. Our immigration system is just fine.
You keep thinking it's just fine, and scratching your head at the number of illegals.

What is constitutional about the war on drugs and kicking peoples door down?

The feds have been losing the war on drugs for 50 years. Their strategy has always been to incarcerate any and all offenders. Having totally lost this war, they want to double down and incarnate even more people. It is kind of like McNamara's strategy to win the war in Vietnam. The obvious solution is to decriminalize most drugs, which would knock the legs out from under the drug cartels, and provide free methadone, and other treatments for addicts. But this means that the moralists in D.C. will have to admit that they lost the war.

The truth of the matter a very small percentage (single digits) are in prison for just using drugs without an additional more serious offense or selling dope. Don't challenge me on that either, because I'll post the Politifact statistics if you try.

Drug related offenses, including theft and burglary to support a habit, make up the majority of all incarcerated Americans. if Drugs were decriminalized, most of those people would not be in prison.

So if they could buy drugs legally, that would stop them from theft and burglary? How would they get the money to buy legal drugs?

People do not form gangs and murder each other for money to buy a bottle of vodka. Think about it.

So the answer is to give into the criminals and let Americans kill themselves on drugs?

Do you think there are no illegal pot sales in Colorado or Washington? Do you think the mob quit running numbers because of lotteries, or quit taking bets because of casinos? That's ridiculous. The criminal element simply makes their product more attractive than the governments.
No it didn't, but I'm sure for many those laws do stop people. 50,000 Americans died from opioid overdoses last year in this country. Taking those laws away would probably escalate that to 200,000 a year or maybe more. I just don't see the advantage in that.
Focusing on the supply side instead of the consumer side would help. I'm afraid too many people with their wealth tied up in the drug trade pull a lot of weight into where our investigations head. It is as bad as the days of the Mob, only international.
At least around here, and probably everywhere, suppliers would be dead in the water without the mom and pop dealers who peddle their poison. Most of those mom and pop dealers around here are addicted. Treating the addiction and preventing young people from choosing that risky behavior in the first place has been ignored and defunded over and over where I live and the addiction rate and overdose rate is soaring. It's got to be a multi-sided approach, but just continuing to throw more folks in jail, then release them with $50 in their pocket and a bus ticket to "home" where everything is as fucked up as ever is NOT the answer.

I disagree with you there, but I do agree we need to stop the flow of drugs in the first place. We should also change the law where a pusher could be held for murder charges if one of their customers dies while using the drugs they sold, maybe even a death penalty crime. That may give some pause to selling drugs on the street.

What you are experiencing at home is what's being experienced all across the country. Drug overdoses and deaths seem to have no boundaries and it's growing every year. As for throwing people in jail for drugs, only a very small percentage of inmates are in prison just for drug usage alone. We are throwing drug pushers in jail.
I disagree with you there,
only a very small percentage of inmates are in prison just for drug usage alone. We are throwing drug pushers in jail.
I realize they aren't in jail for drug use, unless they've violated probation with a dirty test, which is actually fairly common. Did you miss the point that most addicts are dealers, and they are dealing to support their habit? At least where I live; it's a pretty poor area, so maybe it's different where folks have a lot more $$$.

Jailed probation violation is much different than a Prison sentence, correct?

I admit. I don't know what to do about most if it. Once a user gets a good high a few times, all problems gone for 12 hours......why do they ever want to go back to running a weed-wacker 10 hours in the hot sun for $50 take home. Then get on a bus smelling like a dirty animal to go to a home they can't afford?

I don't have answers. We pay government massive salaries, short work years, gold pensions to figure it out for society.

My personal opinion is some sort if lockup between a Jail and home arrest with boot camp style, if you fail that......jail time. But I don't know.

People say they can't go to Military. How about washing tanks, peeling potatoes, painting? They don't get weapons? I would prefer to drop planeloads of them into ISIS lands with weapons drop behind. Say good luck to you all. Push ours across into Mexico. See how they like it down there.....

A friend of mine had two sons in prison for several years. They both are out now and back on the drugs.

These opioids are an addiction that doesn't leave for some people. For them, there is no rehabilitation that actually works.
simply having a criminal record in today's economy, ensures they will have plenty of time on their hands and not much money to do it with.
I've said many times before that i supported Trump for just a couple issues. My two most important issues are Immigration and the Supreme Court. Those two issues will decide our nation's future. And on those issues, the alternative to Trump was unacceptable for me. Clinton would have been an absolute disaster. Her Immigration policy was gonna emulate Merkel's policies in Germany. And obviously her Supreme Court Justices were gonna be extremist Left/Globalists. So i had to go with Trump.

All the other issues don't matter much to me. It's all about Immigration and the Supreme Court. The Courts run the show now. They'll decide our nation's future. And on those issues, Trump an I are on the same page. But i am disappointed he's allowed so many Neocons so much influence on him. They could sink him. They're very destructive folks. They do have a nasty Nazi streak in em. Sessions is a prime example of that. Hopefully Trump won't let them sink him. But i guess we'll see. Stay tuned.
So you hate Mexicans soooooo much you would admittedly hand our white house over to Nazis. Wow.
What did the Mexicans ever do to you?

I don't hate anyone. I love my country. It is time to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country, but they'll have to do it the organized legal way. The chaos needs to end. Clinton was gonna double-down on our Immigration Nightmare. That was my alternative. Trump was the only choice. It is what it is.
You understand illegals don't just do it for fun, right? That they don't like being "illegal," don't like constantly looking over their shoulder, don't like stressing about the breaking up of their family on a daily basis.
They do it to chase the american dream, just like our ancestors, and they do it illegally because our naturalization process is so broken it can take decades.

The US allows one million foreigners a year to enter this country legally. We have that limit so they can assimilate and not try to change our culture. If you have to wait, too bad. We can't let everybody in nor do we want to. Our immigration system is just fine.
You keep thinking it's just fine, and scratching your head at the number of illegals.


Who's scratching their head? The problem in our country is there is no deterrent to people coming here illegally. We allow their children to go to our schools, take jobs, buy houses and cars. Liberal states allow them to get drivers licenses, banks give them credit cards.............

It's not our immigration system, it's our lax policies of allowing them to stay. That's the problem. If we created a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison, at least 90% would go back to their country the next day.
Just ship all of the dope peddlers to Mexico. That is where all the drugs come from anyway. Then start shipping all of the rapists, pedophiles, gangbangers and truant welfare types. Eventually Vicente Fox will be BEGGING for the wall! He WILL pay for it sooner or later.
"The move is a reversal of ex-President Barack Obama's policy to reduce jail time for low-level drug crimes.

It means we are going to meet our responsibility to enforce the law with judgment and fairness," Mr Sessions said on Friday. "It is simply the right and moral thing to do."

Mr Sessions' predecessor, Eric Holder, had instructed prosecutors in 2013 to avoid pursuing the maximum punishment for criminals in cases such as minor drug offences, which would have triggered mandatory minimum sentencing.

The 2013 policy also encouraged prosecutors to omit details about drug quantities in cases of non-violent offenders with no previous charges or ties to gangs or cartels to avoid harsher punishments.
Mandatory minimum sentences laws, which were passed in the 1980s and 1990s as part of the US "war on drugs", prevent judges from applying discretion when sentencing certain drug offences and are instead determined by the quantity of drugs involved in the crime.
Mr Obama had sought to ease mandatory minimum sentences to reduce jail time for low-level drug crimes and help relieve overcrowded prisons in the US as part of criminal justice reform."

US law boss Sessions orders harsher criminal sentencing - BBC News

"The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population. But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners.

Americans are locked up for crimes — from writing bad checks to using drugs — that would rarely produce prison sentences in other countries. And in particular they are kept incarcerated far longer than prisoners in other nations.

Criminologists and legal scholars in other industrialized nations say they are mystified and appalled by the number and length of American prison sentences.

The United States has, for instance, 2.3 million criminals behind bars,
China, which is four times more populous than the United States, is a distant second, with 1.6 million people in prison

If you count only adults, one in 100 Americans is locked up
The only other major industrialized nation that even comes close is Russia, with 627 prisoners for every 100,000 people.
The others have much lower rates. England's rate is 151; Germany's is 88; and Japan's is 63.
The median among all nations is about 125, roughly a sixth of the American rate)

Criminologists and legal experts here and abroad point to a tangle of factors to explain America's extraordinary incarceration rate: higher levels of violent crime, harsher sentencing laws, a legacy of racial turmoil, a special fervor in combating illegal drugs, the American temperament, and the lack of a social safety net. Even democracy plays a role, as judges — many of whom are elected, another American anomaly — yield to populist demands for tough justice.
Whatever the reason, the gap between American justice and that of the rest of the world is enormous and growing.

The spike in American incarceration rates is quite recent. From 1925 to 1975, the rate remained stable, around 110 people in prison per 100,000 people. It shot up with the movement to get tough on crime in the late 1970s.

People who commit nonviolent crimes in the rest of the world are less likely to receive prison time and certainly less likely to receive long sentences. The United States is, for instance, the only advanced country that incarcerates people for minor property crimes like passing bad checks, Whitman wrote.

In 1980, there were about 40,000 people in American jails and prisons for drug crimes. These days, there are almost 500,000.
"The U.S. pursues the war on drugs with an ignorant fanaticism," said Stern of King's College.

Still, it is the length of sentences that truly distinguishes American prison policy.

Burglars in the United States serve an average of 16 months in prison, according to Mauer, compared with 5 months in Canada and 7 months in England."
U.S. prison population dwarfs that of other nations

Another far left failed religious narrative!

Then again they cheered when Obama released some of the most dangerous criminals back on the streets..
So you hate Mexicans soooooo much you would admittedly hand our white house over to Nazis. Wow.
What did the Mexicans ever do to you?

I don't hate anyone. I love my country. It is time to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country, but they'll have to do it the organized legal way. The chaos needs to end. Clinton was gonna double-down on our Immigration Nightmare. That was my alternative. Trump was the only choice. It is what it is.
You understand illegals don't just do it for fun, right? That they don't like being "illegal," don't like constantly looking over their shoulder, don't like stressing about the breaking up of their family on a daily basis.
They do it to chase the american dream, just like our ancestors, and they do it illegally because our naturalization process is so broken it can take decades.

The US allows one million foreigners a year to enter this country legally. We have that limit so they can assimilate and not try to change our culture. If you have to wait, too bad. We can't let everybody in nor do we want to. Our immigration system is just fine.
You keep thinking it's just fine, and scratching your head at the number of illegals.


Who's scratching their head? The problem in our country is there is no deterrent to people coming here illegally. We allow their children to go to our schools, take jobs, buy houses and cars. Liberal states allow them to get drivers licenses, banks give them credit cards.............

It's not our immigration system, it's our lax policies of allowing them to stay. That's the problem. If we created a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison, at least 90% would go back to their country the next day.
You're right... once upon a time there was a little model named Ivanka.
Ivanka came here on a visiting visa, which did not permit her to work.
She worked anyways, breaking our laws, and earning 30k in untaxed dollars.
She was not arrested, she was not deported, in fact- she made it to the white house.
thousands of little girls all over the world are looking at that shining example. Go to america break their laws, and you too can be first lady.
Only requirement is that you are white, if you are brown you'll just get deported.
I don't hate anyone. I love my country. It is time to end Illegal Immigration. I welcome folks to my country, but they'll have to do it the organized legal way. The chaos needs to end. Clinton was gonna double-down on our Immigration Nightmare. That was my alternative. Trump was the only choice. It is what it is.
You understand illegals don't just do it for fun, right? That they don't like being "illegal," don't like constantly looking over their shoulder, don't like stressing about the breaking up of their family on a daily basis.
They do it to chase the american dream, just like our ancestors, and they do it illegally because our naturalization process is so broken it can take decades.

The US allows one million foreigners a year to enter this country legally. We have that limit so they can assimilate and not try to change our culture. If you have to wait, too bad. We can't let everybody in nor do we want to. Our immigration system is just fine.
You keep thinking it's just fine, and scratching your head at the number of illegals.


Who's scratching their head? The problem in our country is there is no deterrent to people coming here illegally. We allow their children to go to our schools, take jobs, buy houses and cars. Liberal states allow them to get drivers licenses, banks give them credit cards.............

It's not our immigration system, it's our lax policies of allowing them to stay. That's the problem. If we created a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison, at least 90% would go back to their country the next day.
You're right... once upon a time there was a little model named Ivanka.
Ivanka came here on a visiting visa, which did not permit her to work.
She worked anyways, breaking our laws, and earning 30k in untaxed dollars.
She was not arrested, she was not deported, in fact- she made it to the white house.
thousands of little girls all over the world are looking at that shining example. Go to america break their laws, and you too can be first lady.
Only requirement is that you are white, if you are brown you'll just get deported.


Early life
Ivanka Marie Trump was born in Manhattan, New York City, and is the second child of Czech-American model Ivana Marie(née Zelníčková) and to the 45th President of the United States Donald John Trump.[5] Her father has German[6] and Scottish ancestry.[7] The name Ivanka is a diminutive form of Ivana.[8] Trump's parents divorced in 1991, when she was ten years old.[5] She has two brothers, Donald Jr. and Eric; a half sister, Tiffany; and a half brother, Barron.

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia
You understand illegals don't just do it for fun, right? That they don't like being "illegal," don't like constantly looking over their shoulder, don't like stressing about the breaking up of their family on a daily basis.
They do it to chase the american dream, just like our ancestors, and they do it illegally because our naturalization process is so broken it can take decades.

The US allows one million foreigners a year to enter this country legally. We have that limit so they can assimilate and not try to change our culture. If you have to wait, too bad. We can't let everybody in nor do we want to. Our immigration system is just fine.
You keep thinking it's just fine, and scratching your head at the number of illegals.


Who's scratching their head? The problem in our country is there is no deterrent to people coming here illegally. We allow their children to go to our schools, take jobs, buy houses and cars. Liberal states allow them to get drivers licenses, banks give them credit cards.............

It's not our immigration system, it's our lax policies of allowing them to stay. That's the problem. If we created a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison, at least 90% would go back to their country the next day.
You're right... once upon a time there was a little model named Ivanka.
Ivanka came here on a visiting visa, which did not permit her to work.
She worked anyways, breaking our laws, and earning 30k in untaxed dollars.
She was not arrested, she was not deported, in fact- she made it to the white house.
thousands of little girls all over the world are looking at that shining example. Go to america break their laws, and you too can be first lady.
Only requirement is that you are white, if you are brown you'll just get deported.


Early life
Ivanka Marie Trump was born in Manhattan, New York City, and is the second child of Czech-American model Ivana Marie(née Zelníčková) and to the 45th President of the United States Donald John Trump.[5] Her father has German[6] and Scottish ancestry.[7] The name Ivanka is a diminutive form of Ivana.[8] Trump's parents divorced in 1991, when she was ten years old.[5] She has two brothers, Donald Jr. and Eric; a half sister, Tiffany; and a half brother, Barron.

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia
bad at research?
"Melania Trump, the wife of the Republican nominee Donald Trump, was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States in 1996 before obtaining the necessary documents to legally work in the country, the Associated Press reported Friday."

AP: Melania Trump was an undocumented working model in '96
Locking up americans is just business now, stocks traded on Wall Street, a growth industry in a post industrial society where the jobs ain't "coming back". The system can turn $40-50K per year per hominid. Americans are THE most incarcerated and surveilled population on the planet.
The US allows one million foreigners a year to enter this country legally. We have that limit so they can assimilate and not try to change our culture. If you have to wait, too bad. We can't let everybody in nor do we want to. Our immigration system is just fine.
You keep thinking it's just fine, and scratching your head at the number of illegals.


Who's scratching their head? The problem in our country is there is no deterrent to people coming here illegally. We allow their children to go to our schools, take jobs, buy houses and cars. Liberal states allow them to get drivers licenses, banks give them credit cards.............

It's not our immigration system, it's our lax policies of allowing them to stay. That's the problem. If we created a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison, at least 90% would go back to their country the next day.
You're right... once upon a time there was a little model named Ivanka.
Ivanka came here on a visiting visa, which did not permit her to work.
She worked anyways, breaking our laws, and earning 30k in untaxed dollars.
She was not arrested, she was not deported, in fact- she made it to the white house.
thousands of little girls all over the world are looking at that shining example. Go to america break their laws, and you too can be first lady.
Only requirement is that you are white, if you are brown you'll just get deported.


Early life
Ivanka Marie Trump was born in Manhattan, New York City, and is the second child of Czech-American model Ivana Marie(née Zelníčková) and to the 45th President of the United States Donald John Trump.[5] Her father has German[6] and Scottish ancestry.[7] The name Ivanka is a diminutive form of Ivana.[8] Trump's parents divorced in 1991, when she was ten years old.[5] She has two brothers, Donald Jr. and Eric; a half sister, Tiffany; and a half brother, Barron.

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia
bad at research?
"Melania Trump, the wife of the Republican nominee Donald Trump, was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States in 1996 before obtaining the necessary documents to legally work in the country, the Associated Press reported Friday."

AP: Melania Trump was an undocumented working model in '96
Naw, not Melanomia, tell me it's fake news, please.
The US allows one million foreigners a year to enter this country legally. We have that limit so they can assimilate and not try to change our culture. If you have to wait, too bad. We can't let everybody in nor do we want to. Our immigration system is just fine.
You keep thinking it's just fine, and scratching your head at the number of illegals.


Who's scratching their head? The problem in our country is there is no deterrent to people coming here illegally. We allow their children to go to our schools, take jobs, buy houses and cars. Liberal states allow them to get drivers licenses, banks give them credit cards.............

It's not our immigration system, it's our lax policies of allowing them to stay. That's the problem. If we created a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison, at least 90% would go back to their country the next day.
You're right... once upon a time there was a little model named Ivanka.
Ivanka came here on a visiting visa, which did not permit her to work.
She worked anyways, breaking our laws, and earning 30k in untaxed dollars.
She was not arrested, she was not deported, in fact- she made it to the white house.
thousands of little girls all over the world are looking at that shining example. Go to america break their laws, and you too can be first lady.
Only requirement is that you are white, if you are brown you'll just get deported.


Early life
Ivanka Marie Trump was born in Manhattan, New York City, and is the second child of Czech-American model Ivana Marie(née Zelníčková) and to the 45th President of the United States Donald John Trump.[5] Her father has German[6] and Scottish ancestry.[7] The name Ivanka is a diminutive form of Ivana.[8] Trump's parents divorced in 1991, when she was ten years old.[5] She has two brothers, Donald Jr. and Eric; a half sister, Tiffany; and a half brother, Barron.

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia
bad at research?
"Melania Trump, the wife of the Republican nominee Donald Trump, was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States in 1996 before obtaining the necessary documents to legally work in the country, the Associated Press reported Friday."

AP: Melania Trump was an undocumented working model in '96

Bad at research? You're the one that said Ivanka--not me.

I read the article you posted from leftist AP, and here are some of the things that jumped out at me:

Melania Trump arrived in the U.S. from Slovenia on Aug. 27, 1996, on a B1/B2 visitor visa and earned $20,056 for 10 modeling jobs before she obtained her H-1B work visa on Oct. 18, 1996, according to AP.

So even if true, we are talking less than two months here while her other Visa was in the process. Another thing:

Politico ended up issuing a correction on its story because it turned out the photos were taken in 1997, not 1995. But, in refuting that report, Wildes provided the dates of Melania Trump's arrival and when she obtained her work visa. AP then focused its investigation on the weeks between those two dates.
The feds have been losing the war on drugs for 50 years. Their strategy has always been to incarcerate any and all offenders. Having totally lost this war, they want to double down and incarnate even more people. It is kind of like McNamara's strategy to win the war in Vietnam. The obvious solution is to decriminalize most drugs, which would knock the legs out from under the drug cartels, and provide free methadone, and other treatments for addicts. But this means that the moralists in D.C. will have to admit that they lost the war.

The truth of the matter a very small percentage (single digits) are in prison for just using drugs without an additional more serious offense or selling dope. Don't challenge me on that either, because I'll post the Politifact statistics if you try.

Drug related offenses, including theft and burglary to support a habit, make up the majority of all incarcerated Americans. if Drugs were decriminalized, most of those people would not be in prison.


So if they could buy drugs legally, that would stop them from theft and burglary? How would they get the money to buy legal drugs?

People do not form gangs and murder each other for money to buy a bottle of vodka. Think about it.

So the answer is to give into the criminals and let Americans kill themselves on drugs?

Do you think there are no illegal pot sales in Colorado or Washington? Do you think the mob quit running numbers because of lotteries, or quit taking bets because of casinos? That's ridiculous. The criminal element simply makes their product more attractive than the governments.

Well, now that you mention it, I don't give a rat's ass about the problems of drug addicts. I only care what drug addiction does to our society. Consequently, if someone kills themself by drug abuse, it is not my problem. And, as for Colorado, my lady friend's daughter lives in Colorado Springs and used to break the law every week buying pot. Now, she simply grows her own, and it is legal. I suspect that her dealer is no longer in business.
You keep thinking it's just fine, and scratching your head at the number of illegals.


Who's scratching their head? The problem in our country is there is no deterrent to people coming here illegally. We allow their children to go to our schools, take jobs, buy houses and cars. Liberal states allow them to get drivers licenses, banks give them credit cards.............

It's not our immigration system, it's our lax policies of allowing them to stay. That's the problem. If we created a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison, at least 90% would go back to their country the next day.
You're right... once upon a time there was a little model named Ivanka.
Ivanka came here on a visiting visa, which did not permit her to work.
She worked anyways, breaking our laws, and earning 30k in untaxed dollars.
She was not arrested, she was not deported, in fact- she made it to the white house.
thousands of little girls all over the world are looking at that shining example. Go to america break their laws, and you too can be first lady.
Only requirement is that you are white, if you are brown you'll just get deported.


Early life
Ivanka Marie Trump was born in Manhattan, New York City, and is the second child of Czech-American model Ivana Marie(née Zelníčková) and to the 45th President of the United States Donald John Trump.[5] Her father has German[6] and Scottish ancestry.[7] The name Ivanka is a diminutive form of Ivana.[8] Trump's parents divorced in 1991, when she was ten years old.[5] She has two brothers, Donald Jr. and Eric; a half sister, Tiffany; and a half brother, Barron.

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia
bad at research?
"Melania Trump, the wife of the Republican nominee Donald Trump, was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States in 1996 before obtaining the necessary documents to legally work in the country, the Associated Press reported Friday."

AP: Melania Trump was an undocumented working model in '96

Bad at research? You're the one that said Ivanka--not me.

I read the article you posted from leftist AP, and here are some of the things that jumped out at me:

Melania Trump arrived in the U.S. from Slovenia on Aug. 27, 1996, on a B1/B2 visitor visa and earned $20,056 for 10 modeling jobs before she obtained her H-1B work visa on Oct. 18, 1996, according to AP.

So even if true, we are talking less than two months here while her other Visa was in the process. Another thing:

Politico ended up issuing a correction on its story because it turned out the photos were taken in 1997, not 1995. But, in refuting that report, Wildes provided the dates of Melania Trump's arrival and when she obtained her work visa. AP then focused its investigation on the weeks between those two dates.
so because it was only a couple months it doesn't matter? that's more money than most illegals make in 2 years picking fruit.
Who's scratching their head? The problem in our country is there is no deterrent to people coming here illegally. We allow their children to go to our schools, take jobs, buy houses and cars. Liberal states allow them to get drivers licenses, banks give them credit cards.............

It's not our immigration system, it's our lax policies of allowing them to stay. That's the problem. If we created a law that anybody caught here illegally faces a minimum five years in prison, at least 90% would go back to their country the next day.
You're right... once upon a time there was a little model named Ivanka.
Ivanka came here on a visiting visa, which did not permit her to work.
She worked anyways, breaking our laws, and earning 30k in untaxed dollars.
She was not arrested, she was not deported, in fact- she made it to the white house.
thousands of little girls all over the world are looking at that shining example. Go to america break their laws, and you too can be first lady.
Only requirement is that you are white, if you are brown you'll just get deported.


Early life
Ivanka Marie Trump was born in Manhattan, New York City, and is the second child of Czech-American model Ivana Marie(née Zelníčková) and to the 45th President of the United States Donald John Trump.[5] Her father has German[6] and Scottish ancestry.[7] The name Ivanka is a diminutive form of Ivana.[8] Trump's parents divorced in 1991, when she was ten years old.[5] She has two brothers, Donald Jr. and Eric; a half sister, Tiffany; and a half brother, Barron.

Ivanka Trump - Wikipedia
bad at research?
"Melania Trump, the wife of the Republican nominee Donald Trump, was paid for 10 modeling jobs in the United States in 1996 before obtaining the necessary documents to legally work in the country, the Associated Press reported Friday."

AP: Melania Trump was an undocumented working model in '96

Bad at research? You're the one that said Ivanka--not me.

I read the article you posted from leftist AP, and here are some of the things that jumped out at me:

Melania Trump arrived in the U.S. from Slovenia on Aug. 27, 1996, on a B1/B2 visitor visa and earned $20,056 for 10 modeling jobs before she obtained her H-1B work visa on Oct. 18, 1996, according to AP.

So even if true, we are talking less than two months here while her other Visa was in the process. Another thing:

Politico ended up issuing a correction on its story because it turned out the photos were taken in 1997, not 1995. But, in refuting that report, Wildes provided the dates of Melania Trump's arrival and when she obtained her work visa. AP then focused its investigation on the weeks between those two dates.
so because it was only a couple months it doesn't matter? that's more money than most illegals make in 2 years picking fruit.

$20,000 is more than most illegals make in two years? How do they even eat on 10K a year????
The truth of the matter a very small percentage (single digits) are in prison for just using drugs without an additional more serious offense or selling dope. Don't challenge me on that either, because I'll post the Politifact statistics if you try.

Drug related offenses, including theft and burglary to support a habit, make up the majority of all incarcerated Americans. if Drugs were decriminalized, most of those people would not be in prison.


So if they could buy drugs legally, that would stop them from theft and burglary? How would they get the money to buy legal drugs?

People do not form gangs and murder each other for money to buy a bottle of vodka. Think about it.

So the answer is to give into the criminals and let Americans kill themselves on drugs?

Do you think there are no illegal pot sales in Colorado or Washington? Do you think the mob quit running numbers because of lotteries, or quit taking bets because of casinos? That's ridiculous. The criminal element simply makes their product more attractive than the governments.

Well, now that you mention it, I don't give a rat's ass about the problems of drug addicts. I only care what drug addiction does to our society. Consequently, if someone kills themself by drug abuse, it is not my problem. And, as for Colorado, my lady friend's daughter lives in Colorado Springs and used to break the law every week buying pot. Now, she simply grows her own, and it is legal. I suspect that her dealer is no longer in business.

I'll have to look that up when I have time, but I remember reading how illegal pot sales increased in Colorado because they just undercut the highly taxed legal pot. In fact, some try to get medical pot because medical pot is not taxed from what I understand.

Correct, it is not your problem if somebody else's kid dies from drugs. But I think you'd have a different opinion if it actually (God forbid) happened to a member of your immediate family. Drugs hurt a lot more people than just the user.
Minor drug convictions trigger mandatory sentences in a subsequent felony. That concept seems to work with lefties during democrat administrations but somehow lefties are outraged during republican administrations. Maybe it boils down to fake legislation where the democrat majority pretends to be tough on crime and it gives the idiotic democrat base and the criminal conspiracy in the MSM something to rant about while the dirty little secret is that democrats never intended to enforce the law. You almost gotta laugh if it wasn't so tragic that a federal police force during the Clinton administration gassed and incinerated 80 men women and children because of a faulty to the point of craziness federal search warrant. Federal cops went on to other obscenely tragic enterprises during the Hussein administration when Obama's A.G. authorized the profoundly nutty "Operation Fast and Furious" that shipped over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels and lost track of them. The subsequent murder of a Border Patrol Officer with one of those weapons and allegations that hundreds of Mexican citizens were murdered by cartel thugs armed with Fast/Furious weapons should have triggered federal indictments but thanks to the criminal conspiracy in the MSM protecting Obama and democrats the issue was never pursued in the media and soon forgotten. The weapons are still out there.
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Drug related offenses, including theft and burglary to support a habit, make up the majority of all incarcerated Americans. if Drugs were decriminalized, most of those people would not be in prison.


So if they could buy drugs legally, that would stop them from theft and burglary? How would they get the money to buy legal drugs?

People do not form gangs and murder each other for money to buy a bottle of vodka. Think about it.

So the answer is to give into the criminals and let Americans kill themselves on drugs?

Do you think there are no illegal pot sales in Colorado or Washington? Do you think the mob quit running numbers because of lotteries, or quit taking bets because of casinos? That's ridiculous. The criminal element simply makes their product more attractive than the governments.

Well, now that you mention it, I don't give a rat's ass about the problems of drug addicts. I only care what drug addiction does to our society. Consequently, if someone kills themself by drug abuse, it is not my problem. And, as for Colorado, my lady friend's daughter lives in Colorado Springs and used to break the law every week buying pot. Now, she simply grows her own, and it is legal. I suspect that her dealer is no longer in business.

I'll have to look that up when I have time, but I remember reading how illegal pot sales increased in Colorado because they just undercut the highly taxed legal pot. In fact, some try to get medical pot because medical pot is not taxed from what I understand.

Correct, it is not your problem if somebody else's kid dies from drugs. But I think you'd have a different opinion if it actually (God forbid) happened to a member of your immediate family. Drugs hurt a lot more people than just the user.

As a matter of fact, I lost my father to suicide due to alcohol, before the age of 8, and the truth is that we were all glad that he wasn't coming back home again.
"The move is a reversal of ex-President Barack Obama's policy to reduce jail time for low-level drug crimes.

It means we are going to meet our responsibility to enforce the law with judgment and fairness," Mr Sessions said on Friday. "It is simply the right and moral thing to do."

Mr Sessions' predecessor, Eric Holder, had instructed prosecutors in 2013 to avoid pursuing the maximum punishment for criminals in cases such as minor drug offences, which would have triggered mandatory minimum sentencing.

The 2013 policy also encouraged prosecutors to omit details about drug quantities in cases of non-violent offenders with no previous charges or ties to gangs or cartels to avoid harsher punishments.
Mandatory minimum sentences laws, which were passed in the 1980s and 1990s as part of the US "war on drugs", prevent judges from applying discretion when sentencing certain drug offences and are instead determined by the quantity of drugs involved in the crime.
Mr Obama had sought to ease mandatory minimum sentences to reduce jail time for low-level drug crimes and help relieve overcrowded prisons in the US as part of criminal justice reform."

US law boss Sessions orders harsher criminal sentencing - BBC News

"The United States has less than 5 percent of the world's population. But it has almost a quarter of the world's prisoners.

Americans are locked up for crimes — from writing bad checks to using drugs — that would rarely produce prison sentences in other countries. And in particular they are kept incarcerated far longer than prisoners in other nations.

Criminologists and legal scholars in other industrialized nations say they are mystified and appalled by the number and length of American prison sentences.

The United States has, for instance, 2.3 million criminals behind bars,
China, which is four times more populous than the United States, is a distant second, with 1.6 million people in prison

If you count only adults, one in 100 Americans is locked up
The only other major industrialized nation that even comes close is Russia, with 627 prisoners for every 100,000 people.
The others have much lower rates. England's rate is 151; Germany's is 88; and Japan's is 63.
The median among all nations is about 125, roughly a sixth of the American rate)

Criminologists and legal experts here and abroad point to a tangle of factors to explain America's extraordinary incarceration rate: higher levels of violent crime, harsher sentencing laws, a legacy of racial turmoil, a special fervor in combating illegal drugs, the American temperament, and the lack of a social safety net. Even democracy plays a role, as judges — many of whom are elected, another American anomaly — yield to populist demands for tough justice.
Whatever the reason, the gap between American justice and that of the rest of the world is enormous and growing.

The spike in American incarceration rates is quite recent. From 1925 to 1975, the rate remained stable, around 110 people in prison per 100,000 people. It shot up with the movement to get tough on crime in the late 1970s.

People who commit nonviolent crimes in the rest of the world are less likely to receive prison time and certainly less likely to receive long sentences. The United States is, for instance, the only advanced country that incarcerates people for minor property crimes like passing bad checks, Whitman wrote.

In 1980, there were about 40,000 people in American jails and prisons for drug crimes. These days, there are almost 500,000.
"The U.S. pursues the war on drugs with an ignorant fanaticism," said Stern of King's College.

Still, it is the length of sentences that truly distinguishes American prison policy.

Burglars in the United States serve an average of 16 months in prison, according to Mauer, compared with 5 months in Canada and 7 months in England."
U.S. prison population dwarfs that of other nations

What better way to make sure minorities can't vote than unequal enforcement of stupid and abusive drug laws.


So if they could buy drugs legally, that would stop them from theft and burglary? How would they get the money to buy legal drugs?

People do not form gangs and murder each other for money to buy a bottle of vodka. Think about it.

So the answer is to give into the criminals and let Americans kill themselves on drugs?

Do you think there are no illegal pot sales in Colorado or Washington? Do you think the mob quit running numbers because of lotteries, or quit taking bets because of casinos? That's ridiculous. The criminal element simply makes their product more attractive than the governments.

Well, now that you mention it, I don't give a rat's ass about the problems of drug addicts. I only care what drug addiction does to our society. Consequently, if someone kills themself by drug abuse, it is not my problem. And, as for Colorado, my lady friend's daughter lives in Colorado Springs and used to break the law every week buying pot. Now, she simply grows her own, and it is legal. I suspect that her dealer is no longer in business.

I'll have to look that up when I have time, but I remember reading how illegal pot sales increased in Colorado because they just undercut the highly taxed legal pot. In fact, some try to get medical pot because medical pot is not taxed from what I understand.

Correct, it is not your problem if somebody else's kid dies from drugs. But I think you'd have a different opinion if it actually (God forbid) happened to a member of your immediate family. Drugs hurt a lot more people than just the user.

As a matter of fact, I lost my father to suicide due to alcohol, before the age of 8, and the truth is that we were all glad that he wasn't coming back home again.

Okay, so how would you feel about going to your son or daughters funeral, or if you are older, one of your grandchildren's funeral because of drugs?

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