Maybe I'm beginning to understand this Trump thing

< I really think your points can all be completely dismissed.

Trump is a REACTION to The LEFT's Declared War on Democracy, their declared WAR on "THE PEACEFUL TRANSITION OF POWER" and their DECLARED WAR on National Sovereignty & Individual Liberties.

It is THE PRESS, and THE DEMOCRAT PARTY who said "FUCK IT" we don't give a shit about America and we want to BLOW IT UP....if that's what it takes to FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE AMERICA in to a Marxist, Collectivist, Liberal Dystopia.

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It's that kind of deflection away from the primary point - his judgement, behavior and temperament - that convinces me I'm pretty close on this.

You are still trying to tie those three together. They don't have to be.
Sure, they don't have to be. We can lower standards all we want. But by my personal standards, they are.

Two separate things. You are now talking about standards, I'm talking about practicality. You claim that his tweets and his actions, effect his judgement and you imply that they harm the country. Yet you cannot explain how.

Your personal standards are just personal and really affect nothing outside of your feelings.
Sure. But if there are Republicans and foreign countries who don't trust or respect him due to his behaviors (and I have no doubt there are), that can affect how they deal with him. That's not a stretch.

And frankly, the "damage" aspect of this isn't something I've thought a lot about. I've been more interested in the behaviors of those who act is if his behavior shouldn't bother anyone. As with most partisan issues, I often can't tell what I'm supposed to take seriously, and when people say that his behavior is just fine, I do have to wonder.

Will his behavior hurt the country? I dunno, I'm horrible at predicting that stuff. But the behaviors of Trump and his followers are pretty interesting to me.

Well it's been six months or longer that they have known about Trump yet, the GOP only couldn't get healthcare done and I'm sure you would agree that Rand Paul and Ted Cruz aren't standing in the way simply because they don't like his tweets. It may not be a stretch, but we haven't seen it happen yet.

I find the behaviors of the left far more interesting.
Please answer my question. Is Hillary Clinton in any way to blame for Trump's behavior? Yes or no?

A "supreme fascist". Oy. I didn't/don't like her, by the way, but I felt obligated to vote against Trump.

My case against Trump is easy: The words he has spoken and tweeted. Not what the media or anyone else said about him, but his own words.

I can't be clearer than that.

Now, please answer my question.

Well, it's Hillary's minions who are pressing the Russia narrative and doing her bidding, likely because they want the spotlight off of a possible probe into her corruption, so no, Hillary is not blame-less even in this.

What words exactly don't you like? What words have you so traumatized?
Wow, so Trump isn't responsible for his own words.


And when I'm traumatized by the words of a man who speaks at a fourth grade level, I'll let you know.

So Trump isn't responsible for his own words. Now I know why you guys are so upset at my thread.

You asked me if Hillary was in any way to blame. I gave you an answer and you comeback with nothing on that; like you gave up on your own train of argument when you saw that your trap didn't work. And then you just went with old reliable, that we are claiming Trump is not responsible for his actions. Your pity party is a raging, bro.
Okay, bro, I'm still not sure what your answer was, but that rocks, bro.

Again, I realize you don't like my little thread. But this is now several pages of pretty much nothing. Do you guys have anything to add, or are we just stuck on "pity party" and Hillary?

I've asked you time and time again to give specific examples of what you think the president has done that has you so triggered. If you weren't in pity party mode, you might have answered.
I'm not triggered, you guys just can't let this go. You've tossed out personal insults and name-calling (so far "fascist bitch" is my personal favorite, I may steal it for the next time I'm out with my beer buddies) and you've been whining and complaining for page after page.

Here, I know you already know these, but I'll provide 10 examples of Trump statements that were embarrassing, childish, absurd, ignorant and beneath the dignity of presidential politics and the Presidency, and I already know they won't be good enough for you, because that's how the game is played on both sides. But just for my own amusement:

1. He talked about the size of his DICK during a nationally-televised presidential debate
2. "He's not a war hero because he was captured"
3. "Blood coming out of her whatever"
4. "Well, I really watch the shows", describing his foreign policy advisors
5. "I never attacked him on his looks, and believe me, there's a lot of subject matter there" (about Rand Paul)
6. "I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me"
7. "I know where she went, it's disgusting, it's too disgusting" (Hillary debate bathroom break)
8. "I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters"
9. "If you see somebody ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you?"
10. "I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things"
11. "Kasich is just a guy who is a stubborn guy who eats like a slob"
12. "His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald being, you know, shot"
13. "You mean Pocahontas?"
14. "You can tell them go fuck themselves"
15. "You're a sleaze" (reporter)
16. "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism" (right after jihadist slaughter)
17. "She's the devil" (Hillary)
18. "He is the founder of ISIS, okay?" (Obama)
19. "This so-called judge"
20. "Any negative polls are fake news"
21. "Obama is without question the worst ever President"
22. "My IQ is one of the highest, and you all know it"
23. Non-stop fourth grade name calling aimed at dozens of people
24. The Mika "bleeding" tweet
25. "I know words, I have the best words" (one of my favorites)

Well, that's more than ten, and obviously I could continue, but my fingers are getting tired, and I know I'm wasting my time anyway. Nothing unusual there for you, all very dignified, very impressive, drain the swamp.

At least you can't complain about my not answering your questions.
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After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.
Tell me this - who doesn't think D.C. needs to be gutted? Insider elites and their cheerleaders. In better day tar and feathers would be in use.
Well, it's Hillary's minions who are pressing the Russia narrative and doing her bidding, likely because they want the spotlight off of a possible probe into her corruption, so no, Hillary is not blame-less even in this.

What words exactly don't you like? What words have you so traumatized?
Wow, so Trump isn't responsible for his own words.


And when I'm traumatized by the words of a man who speaks at a fourth grade level, I'll let you know.

So Trump isn't responsible for his own words. Now I know why you guys are so upset at my thread.

You asked me if Hillary was in any way to blame. I gave you an answer and you comeback with nothing on that; like you gave up on your own train of argument when you saw that your trap didn't work. And then you just went with old reliable, that we are claiming Trump is not responsible for his actions. Your pity party is a raging, bro.
Okay, bro, I'm still not sure what your answer was, but that rocks, bro.

Again, I realize you don't like my little thread. But this is now several pages of pretty much nothing. Do you guys have anything to add, or are we just stuck on "pity party" and Hillary?

I've asked you time and time again to give specific examples of what you think the president has done that has you so triggered. If you weren't in pity party mode, you might have answered.
I'm not triggered, you guys just can't let this go. You've tossed out personal insults and name-calling (so far "fascist bitch" is my personal favorite) and you've been whining and complaining for page after page.

Here, I'll provide 10 examples of Trump statements that were embarrassing, childish, absurd, ignorant and beneath the dignity of presidential politics and the Presidency, and I already know they won't be good enough for you, because that's how the game is played on both sides. But just for my own amusement:

1. He talked about the size of his DICK during a nationally-televised presidential debate
2. "He's not a war hero because he was captured"
3. "Blood coming out of her whatever"
4. "Well, I really watch the shows", describing his foreign policy advisors
5. "I never attacked him on his looks, and believe me, there's a lot of subject matter there" (about Rand Paul)
6. "I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me"
7. "I know where she went, it's disgusting, it's too disgusting" (Hillary debate bathroom break)
8. "I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters"
9. "If you see somebody ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you?"
10. "I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things"
11. "Kasich is just a guy who is a stubborn guy who eats like a slob"
12. "His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald being, you know, shot"
13. "You mean Pocahontas?"
14. "You can tell them go fuck themselves"
15. "You're a sleaze" (reporter)
16. "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism" (right after jihadist slaughter)
17. "She's the devil" (Hillary)
18. "He is the founder of ISIS, okay?" (Obama)
19. "This so-called judge"
20. "Any negative polls are fake news"
21. "Obama is without question the worst ever President"
22. "My IQ is one of the highest, and you all know it"
23. Non-stop fourth grade name calling aimed at dozens of people
24. The Mika "bleeding" tweet

Well, obviously I could continue, but my fingers are getting tired, and I know I'm wasting my time. Nothing unusual there for you, all very dignified.

At least you can't complain about my not answering your questions.

Okay, before I respond to all of these on an individualistic level, it should be noted that in most of these cases media malfeasance was a precipitating factor. And it's good that DT put some genuine humor and truth telling into it. And let's not act like the gloves weren't off. These detractors talked way more shit than he did. But what's funny is that his statements stick in the lexicon, because he's the ultimate champion in all of this.

1. Little Marco made a joke about the size of Don's hands and thus the size of his genitalia. Trump responded with the bravado of a champion.
2. Frank Luntz was doing what the media does and trying to give McCain a pass on his political agenda based upon a military career. It was totally inappropriate, and Trump put some perspective on it. Like many vets have said, "the real heros are the ones that never made it back." Trump threw an unpolitically correct bomb; but what he said was fine and it only served to expose the media when they reacted with their faux indignation. This is the same media that demonized these vets returning from Vietnam mind you. And, this offended his phony detractors and not the vets who overwhelmingly voted for him. But you know, liberals want to be perpetually offended.
3. Meghyn Kelly was doing her gotcha journalism and being a real bitch. Trump's comment was perfectly ambiguous but otherwise forthright enough to make a point in visually remarkable way. Sure, this one is a bit too frat house for some people's taste; but let's not pretend we haven't entered the 21st century. People see this sh** online every day.
4. I thought that this statement was a imprudent. However, in theory, our media should be telling us the truth. So, if you have a problem with that, then you have a serious problem with the media. Also, I think this comment may be taken out of context. The clip I just review has any follow-up being cut off. In any event, it comes down to values when it comes down to military values; and I'll take Trump's values of let's not pay for the world's fuck-ups over Hillary's let's capitulate and I'll sell uranium to the Russians and leave a vacuum for ISIS judgment. I mean, you have a proven fucking loser and you're worried about a statement? Giving me a fucking break, dude.
5. I'm a fan of Rand; but he was at one percent in the polls and taking snipes at Donald; and he took a tongue n cheek shot. BTW, the elites had taken literally hundreds of shots at Trump before he even announced for president. Also, Trump said he never attacked Rand when Rand was the one who brought the subject up himself.
6. Right now, there's a case Donald did know more than the generals about ISIS. Because they've been rapidly diminishing since he took office. Now, did he really? Probably not. So, it was stupid to say. But Trump is getting fucking results. See, here's a pattern with you. You get offended at words more than actual actions and results. If we would've gotten Obama II aka Hillary, we'd get a president saying they were all but eradicated as she sits on her hands and even has policies and immigration policies that aid them. Fuck that, and I'm glad idiots like you didn't get your way.
7. You really want to talk about where Hillary went? Well, Trump was right to cast Hillary in a bad light if she wasn't going to play by the rules. And she did repeatedly break debate forum rules. She is disgusting, inside and out. Trump couldn't have came up with a better way to present her.
8. Before Trump said that, the narrative had been out there in the media for a couple days. He just took it and ran with it. Obviously, it was a joke and nothing to be offended about. Though, you especially shouldn't be offended given that you were supporting a felon that literally did get people killed. Again, faux outrage and words are more important that actions in your world as it's applied to conservatives. You are a winger, dude. You can try lying about that all day; but it's as plain as the nose on my face.
9. Good. These rioters need to be beaten-down. You had these violent jackasses hired by Hillary coming to every one of his rallies. And then her lap dog media was trying to spin it that Trump and his supporters were the villains.
10. I don't have a problem with what Trump said, nor should you.
11. Kasich does eat like a slob; check the video. He should've learned etiquette. Apparently, nobody taught him.
12. This is a statement of fact. I guess facts bother you.
13. Maybe, your heroes should stop making false claims because they can't rise above the unfair laws that they enact and support. Trump was right to make an example of her. The media, her colleagues, and her constituents weren't going to do it.
14. Just about everyone in the beltway can GFT. I'm not bothered.
15. Yea, the reporter was a sleaze, weaving false narratives. These assholes need to understand their are consequences to their actions.
16. There's like a jihadi death killing almost literally daily, dude. Enough with this bull shit that there needs to be a moratorium on dialogue. If we did that, we'd never get anything done or the truth promoted. As it is, he's the guy calling it like it is, whereas your candidate wanted to call terrorism extremism. And the lapdog media went with it when Obama was in office. Ironically, they're back to calling it terrorism with Trump in office. Oh, that's not ironic, never mind. This is the same media that shamelessly did daily fatality counts when Bush was in office. That stopped when Obama came in. So, yea; Trump's not an idiot. He's seeing all this. He knows exactly their game going in. And we all knew it. And it is time for fuck this, take no pisoners, you're damn right I like my war heroes not to be captured and more specifically not to be John I crashed three 20 million dollar jets because I'm and incompetent boob McCain.
17. I couldn't agree more. Hillary is the devil. Her evil acts are much longer than the list you gave me. She did pay for play as secretary of state and you still support her because "she has temperament to be president." :lmao: Your faux morals are off the charts, dude.
18. Obama didn't as much found ISIS as much as he facilitated them. He even named them after Darrel Issa in an attempt to villainize the guy who could lead to his impeachment. I don't mind if Trump wasn't necessarily literally on the mark, because he is right in essence. Obama was a disgrace to the office.
19. There are a lot of "so-called-judges" who are perverting justice. Or are we supposed to reverence him because of his position? If you believe that, then go ahead and pay Trump some respect. Oh, it only works that way when it's your guy though; got it.
20. Well, Trump was winning in so many places that they pretended he wasn't. The polls are being rigged. The system even paid off or blackmailed Gallup to get out of the game of presidential polling so that their real polls wouldn't starkly contrast with the made-up polls. How shameful is that?
21. Yea, FDR is actually the worst president. Obama is the worst "president," maybe.
22. Trump's savvy if not smart. I'll take that. And I'll take a guy who isn't a snake in the grass like these phony career politicians. The problem is endemic; but instead of being worried about fixing it, you go and support the biggest snake of them all, Hillary. People like you are the enablers of the shittiness.
23. It is what it is. Like I say, I can understand wanting a higher dialogue. However, you just pretend that it goes both ways. You don't think that Obama wasn't being disrespectful when he mocked him on a late night show, saying, "well at least I'll be a president." Boy, did that blow up in his face like the ISIS suicide bombers he's enabled!
24. The tweet was good. It showed how superficial and tacky the media members are / can be.
Wow, so Trump isn't responsible for his own words.


And when I'm traumatized by the words of a man who speaks at a fourth grade level, I'll let you know.

So Trump isn't responsible for his own words. Now I know why you guys are so upset at my thread.

You asked me if Hillary was in any way to blame. I gave you an answer and you comeback with nothing on that; like you gave up on your own train of argument when you saw that your trap didn't work. And then you just went with old reliable, that we are claiming Trump is not responsible for his actions. Your pity party is a raging, bro.
Okay, bro, I'm still not sure what your answer was, but that rocks, bro.

Again, I realize you don't like my little thread. But this is now several pages of pretty much nothing. Do you guys have anything to add, or are we just stuck on "pity party" and Hillary?

I've asked you time and time again to give specific examples of what you think the president has done that has you so triggered. If you weren't in pity party mode, you might have answered.
I'm not triggered, you guys just can't let this go. You've tossed out personal insults and name-calling (so far "fascist bitch" is my personal favorite) and you've been whining and complaining for page after page.

Here, I'll provide 10 examples of Trump statements that were embarrassing, childish, absurd, ignorant and beneath the dignity of presidential politics and the Presidency, and I already know they won't be good enough for you, because that's how the game is played on both sides. But just for my own amusement:

1. He talked about the size of his DICK during a nationally-televised presidential debate
2. "He's not a war hero because he was captured"
3. "Blood coming out of her whatever"
4. "Well, I really watch the shows", describing his foreign policy advisors
5. "I never attacked him on his looks, and believe me, there's a lot of subject matter there" (about Rand Paul)
6. "I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me"
7. "I know where she went, it's disgusting, it's too disgusting" (Hillary debate bathroom break)
8. "I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters"
9. "If you see somebody ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you?"
10. "I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things"
11. "Kasich is just a guy who is a stubborn guy who eats like a slob"
12. "His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald being, you know, shot"
13. "You mean Pocahontas?"
14. "You can tell them go fuck themselves"
15. "You're a sleaze" (reporter)
16. "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism" (right after jihadist slaughter)
17. "She's the devil" (Hillary)
18. "He is the founder of ISIS, okay?" (Obama)
19. "This so-called judge"
20. "Any negative polls are fake news"
21. "Obama is without question the worst ever President"
22. "My IQ is one of the highest, and you all know it"
23. Non-stop fourth grade name calling aimed at dozens of people
24. The Mika "bleeding" tweet

Well, obviously I could continue, but my fingers are getting tired, and I know I'm wasting my time. Nothing unusual there for you, all very dignified.

At least you can't complain about my not answering your questions.

Okay, before I respond to all of these on an individualistic level, it should be noted that in most of these cases media malfeasance was a precipitating factor. And it's good that DT put some genuine humor and truth telling into it. And let's not act like the gloves weren't off. These detractors talked way more shit than he did. But what's funny is that his statements stick in the lexicon, because he's the ultimate champion in all of this.

1. Little Marco made a joke about the size of Don's hands and thus the size of his genitalia. Trump responded with the bravado of a champion.
2. Frank Luntz was doing what the media does and trying to give McCain a pass on his political agenda based upon a military career. It was totally inappropriate, and Trump put some perspective on it. Like many vets have said, "the real heros are the ones that never made it back." Trump threw an unpolitically correct bomb; but what he said was fine and it only served to expose the media when they reacted with their faux indignation. This is the same media that demonized these vets returning from Vietnam mind you. And, this offended his phony detractors and not the vets who overwhelmingly voted for him. But you know, liberals want to be perpetually offended.
3. Meghyn Kelly was doing her gotcha journalism and being a real bitch. Trump's comment was perfectly ambiguous but otherwise forthright enough to make a point in visually remarkable way. Sure, this one is a bit too frat house for some people's taste; but let's not pretend we haven't entered the 21st century. People see this sh** online every day.
4. I thought that this statement was a imprudent. However, in theory, our media should be telling us the truth. So, if you have a problem with that, then you have a serious problem with the media. Also, I think this comment may be taken out of context. The clip I just review has any follow-up being cut off. In any event, it comes down to values when it comes down to military values; and I'll take Trump's values of let's not pay for the world's fuck-ups over Hillary's let's capitulate and I'll sell uranium to the Russians and leave a vacuum for ISIS judgment. I mean, you have a proven fucking loser and you're worried about a statement? Giving me a fucking break, dude.
5. I'm a fan of Rand; but he was at one percent in the polls and taking snipes at Donald; and he took a tongue n cheek shot. BTW, the elites had taken literally hundreds of shots at Trump before he even announced for president. Also, Trump said he never attacked Rand when Rand was the one who brought the subject up himself.
6. Right now, there's a case Donald did know more than the generals about ISIS. Because they've been rapidly diminishing since he took office. Now, did he really? Probably not. So, it was stupid to say. But Trump is getting fucking results. See, here's a pattern with you. You get offended at words more than actual actions and results. If we would've gotten Obama II aka Hillary, we'd get a president saying they were all but eradicated as she sits on her hands and even has policies and immigration policies that aid them. Fuck that, and I'm glad idiots like you didn't get your way.
7. You really want to talk about where Hillary went? Well, Trump was right to cast Hillary in a bad light if she wasn't going to play by the rules. And she did repeatedly break debate forum rules. She is disgusting, inside and out. Trump couldn't have came up with a better way to present her.
8. Before Trump said that, the narrative had been out there in the media for a couple days. He just took it and ran with it. Obviously, it was a joke and nothing to be offended about. Though, you especially shouldn't be offended given that you were supporting a felon that literally did get people killed. Again, faux outrage and words are more important that actions in your world as it's applied to conservatives. You are a winger, dude. You can try lying about that all day; but it's as plain as the nose on my face.
9. Good. These rioters need to be beaten-down. You had these violent jackasses hired by Hillary coming to every one of his rallies. And then her lap dog media was trying to spin it that Trump and his supporters were the villains.
10. I don't have a problem with what Trump said, nor should you.
11. Kasich does eat like a slob; check the video. He should've learned etiquette. Apparently, nobody taught him.
12. This is a statement of fact. I guess facts bother you.
13. Maybe, your heroes should stop making false claims because they can't rise above the unfair laws that they enact and support. Trump was right to make an example of her. The media, her colleagues, and her constituents weren't going to do it.
14. Just about everyone in the beltway can GFT. I'm not bothered.
15. Yea, the reporter was a sleaze, weaving false narratives. These assholes need to understand their are consequences to their actions.
16. There's like a jihadi death killing almost literally daily, dude. Enough with this bull shit that there needs to be a moratorium on dialogue. If we did that, we'd never get anything done or the truth promoted. As it is, he's the guy calling it like it is, whereas your candidate wanted to call terrorism extremism. And the lapdog media went with it when Obama was in office. Ironically, they're back to calling it terrorism with Trump in office. Oh, that's not ironic, never mind. This is the same media that shamelessly did daily fatality counts when Bush was in office. That stopped when Obama came in. So, yea; Trump's not an idiot. He's seeing all this. He knows exactly their game going in. And we all knew it. And it is time for fuck this, take no pisoners, you're damn right I like my war heroes not to be captured and more specifically not to be John I crashed three 20 million dollar jets because I'm and incompetent boob McCain.
17. I couldn't agree more. Hillary is the devil. Her evil acts are much longer than the list you gave me. She did pay for play as secretary of state and you still support her because "she has temperament to be president." :lmao: Your faux morals are off the charts, dude.
18. Obama didn't as much found ISIS as much as he facilitated them. He even named them after Darrel Issa in an attempt to villainize the guy who could lead to his impeachment. I don't mind if Trump wasn't necessarily literally on the mark, because he is right in essence. Obama was a disgrace to the office.
19. There are a lot of "so-called-judges" who are perverting justice. Or are we supposed to reverence him because of his position? If you believe that, then go ahead and pay Trump some respect. Oh, it only works that way when it's your guy though; got it.
20. Well, Trump was winning in so many places that they pretended he wasn't. The polls are being rigged. The system even paid off or blackmailed Gallup to get out of the game of presidential polling so that their real polls wouldn't starkly contrast with the made-up polls. How shameful is that?
21. Yea, FDR is actually the worst president. Obama is the worst "president," maybe.
22. Trump's savvy if not smart. I'll take that. And I'll take a guy who isn't a snake in the grass like these phony career politicians. The problem is endemic; but instead of being worried about fixing it, you go and support the biggest snake of them all, Hillary. People like you are the enablers of the shittiness.
23. It is what it is. Like I say, I can understand wanting a higher dialogue. However, you just pretend that it goes both ways. You don't think that Obama wasn't being disrespectful when he mocked him on a late night show, saying, "well at least I'll be a president." Boy, did that blow up in his face like the ISIS suicide bombers he's enabled!
24. The tweet was good. It showed how superficial and tacky the media members are / can be.
So, for the most part, you're fine with it, with his behavior.

I already knew that, of course.

Looks like we disagree.
You asked me if Hillary was in any way to blame. I gave you an answer and you comeback with nothing on that; like you gave up on your own train of argument when you saw that your trap didn't work. And then you just went with old reliable, that we are claiming Trump is not responsible for his actions. Your pity party is a raging, bro.
Okay, bro, I'm still not sure what your answer was, but that rocks, bro.

Again, I realize you don't like my little thread. But this is now several pages of pretty much nothing. Do you guys have anything to add, or are we just stuck on "pity party" and Hillary?

I've asked you time and time again to give specific examples of what you think the president has done that has you so triggered. If you weren't in pity party mode, you might have answered.
I'm not triggered, you guys just can't let this go. You've tossed out personal insults and name-calling (so far "fascist bitch" is my personal favorite) and you've been whining and complaining for page after page.

Here, I'll provide 10 examples of Trump statements that were embarrassing, childish, absurd, ignorant and beneath the dignity of presidential politics and the Presidency, and I already know they won't be good enough for you, because that's how the game is played on both sides. But just for my own amusement:

1. He talked about the size of his DICK during a nationally-televised presidential debate
2. "He's not a war hero because he was captured"
3. "Blood coming out of her whatever"
4. "Well, I really watch the shows", describing his foreign policy advisors
5. "I never attacked him on his looks, and believe me, there's a lot of subject matter there" (about Rand Paul)
6. "I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me"
7. "I know where she went, it's disgusting, it's too disgusting" (Hillary debate bathroom break)
8. "I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters"
9. "If you see somebody ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you?"
10. "I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things"
11. "Kasich is just a guy who is a stubborn guy who eats like a slob"
12. "His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald being, you know, shot"
13. "You mean Pocahontas?"
14. "You can tell them go fuck themselves"
15. "You're a sleaze" (reporter)
16. "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism" (right after jihadist slaughter)
17. "She's the devil" (Hillary)
18. "He is the founder of ISIS, okay?" (Obama)
19. "This so-called judge"
20. "Any negative polls are fake news"
21. "Obama is without question the worst ever President"
22. "My IQ is one of the highest, and you all know it"
23. Non-stop fourth grade name calling aimed at dozens of people
24. The Mika "bleeding" tweet

Well, obviously I could continue, but my fingers are getting tired, and I know I'm wasting my time. Nothing unusual there for you, all very dignified.

At least you can't complain about my not answering your questions.

Okay, before I respond to all of these on an individualistic level, it should be noted that in most of these cases media malfeasance was a precipitating factor. And it's good that DT put some genuine humor and truth telling into it. And let's not act like the gloves weren't off. These detractors talked way more shit than he did. But what's funny is that his statements stick in the lexicon, because he's the ultimate champion in all of this.

1. Little Marco made a joke about the size of Don's hands and thus the size of his genitalia. Trump responded with the bravado of a champion.
2. Frank Luntz was doing what the media does and trying to give McCain a pass on his political agenda based upon a military career. It was totally inappropriate, and Trump put some perspective on it. Like many vets have said, "the real heros are the ones that never made it back." Trump threw an unpolitically correct bomb; but what he said was fine and it only served to expose the media when they reacted with their faux indignation. This is the same media that demonized these vets returning from Vietnam mind you. And, this offended his phony detractors and not the vets who overwhelmingly voted for him. But you know, liberals want to be perpetually offended.
3. Meghyn Kelly was doing her gotcha journalism and being a real bitch. Trump's comment was perfectly ambiguous but otherwise forthright enough to make a point in visually remarkable way. Sure, this one is a bit too frat house for some people's taste; but let's not pretend we haven't entered the 21st century. People see this sh** online every day.
4. I thought that this statement was a imprudent. However, in theory, our media should be telling us the truth. So, if you have a problem with that, then you have a serious problem with the media. Also, I think this comment may be taken out of context. The clip I just review has any follow-up being cut off. In any event, it comes down to values when it comes down to military values; and I'll take Trump's values of let's not pay for the world's fuck-ups over Hillary's let's capitulate and I'll sell uranium to the Russians and leave a vacuum for ISIS judgment. I mean, you have a proven fucking loser and you're worried about a statement? Giving me a fucking break, dude.
5. I'm a fan of Rand; but he was at one percent in the polls and taking snipes at Donald; and he took a tongue n cheek shot. BTW, the elites had taken literally hundreds of shots at Trump before he even announced for president. Also, Trump said he never attacked Rand when Rand was the one who brought the subject up himself.
6. Right now, there's a case Donald did know more than the generals about ISIS. Because they've been rapidly diminishing since he took office. Now, did he really? Probably not. So, it was stupid to say. But Trump is getting fucking results. See, here's a pattern with you. You get offended at words more than actual actions and results. If we would've gotten Obama II aka Hillary, we'd get a president saying they were all but eradicated as she sits on her hands and even has policies and immigration policies that aid them. Fuck that, and I'm glad idiots like you didn't get your way.
7. You really want to talk about where Hillary went? Well, Trump was right to cast Hillary in a bad light if she wasn't going to play by the rules. And she did repeatedly break debate forum rules. She is disgusting, inside and out. Trump couldn't have came up with a better way to present her.
8. Before Trump said that, the narrative had been out there in the media for a couple days. He just took it and ran with it. Obviously, it was a joke and nothing to be offended about. Though, you especially shouldn't be offended given that you were supporting a felon that literally did get people killed. Again, faux outrage and words are more important that actions in your world as it's applied to conservatives. You are a winger, dude. You can try lying about that all day; but it's as plain as the nose on my face.
9. Good. These rioters need to be beaten-down. You had these violent jackasses hired by Hillary coming to every one of his rallies. And then her lap dog media was trying to spin it that Trump and his supporters were the villains.
10. I don't have a problem with what Trump said, nor should you.
11. Kasich does eat like a slob; check the video. He should've learned etiquette. Apparently, nobody taught him.
12. This is a statement of fact. I guess facts bother you.
13. Maybe, your heroes should stop making false claims because they can't rise above the unfair laws that they enact and support. Trump was right to make an example of her. The media, her colleagues, and her constituents weren't going to do it.
14. Just about everyone in the beltway can GFT. I'm not bothered.
15. Yea, the reporter was a sleaze, weaving false narratives. These assholes need to understand their are consequences to their actions.
16. There's like a jihadi death killing almost literally daily, dude. Enough with this bull shit that there needs to be a moratorium on dialogue. If we did that, we'd never get anything done or the truth promoted. As it is, he's the guy calling it like it is, whereas your candidate wanted to call terrorism extremism. And the lapdog media went with it when Obama was in office. Ironically, they're back to calling it terrorism with Trump in office. Oh, that's not ironic, never mind. This is the same media that shamelessly did daily fatality counts when Bush was in office. That stopped when Obama came in. So, yea; Trump's not an idiot. He's seeing all this. He knows exactly their game going in. And we all knew it. And it is time for fuck this, take no pisoners, you're damn right I like my war heroes not to be captured and more specifically not to be John I crashed three 20 million dollar jets because I'm and incompetent boob McCain.
17. I couldn't agree more. Hillary is the devil. Her evil acts are much longer than the list you gave me. She did pay for play as secretary of state and you still support her because "she has temperament to be president." :lmao: Your faux morals are off the charts, dude.
18. Obama didn't as much found ISIS as much as he facilitated them. He even named them after Darrel Issa in an attempt to villainize the guy who could lead to his impeachment. I don't mind if Trump wasn't necessarily literally on the mark, because he is right in essence. Obama was a disgrace to the office.
19. There are a lot of "so-called-judges" who are perverting justice. Or are we supposed to reverence him because of his position? If you believe that, then go ahead and pay Trump some respect. Oh, it only works that way when it's your guy though; got it.
20. Well, Trump was winning in so many places that they pretended he wasn't. The polls are being rigged. The system even paid off or blackmailed Gallup to get out of the game of presidential polling so that their real polls wouldn't starkly contrast with the made-up polls. How shameful is that?
21. Yea, FDR is actually the worst president. Obama is the worst "president," maybe.
22. Trump's savvy if not smart. I'll take that. And I'll take a guy who isn't a snake in the grass like these phony career politicians. The problem is endemic; but instead of being worried about fixing it, you go and support the biggest snake of them all, Hillary. People like you are the enablers of the shittiness.
23. It is what it is. Like I say, I can understand wanting a higher dialogue. However, you just pretend that it goes both ways. You don't think that Obama wasn't being disrespectful when he mocked him on a late night show, saying, "well at least I'll be a president." Boy, did that blow up in his face like the ISIS suicide bombers he's enabled!
24. The tweet was good. It showed how superficial and tacky the media members are / can be.
So, for the most part, you're fine with it, with his behavior.

I already knew that, of course.

Looks like we disagree.

Reality in a nuteshell: You'll take a corrupt piece of shit who puts on a good face over a guy who gets results and "offends" you.
Okay, bro, I'm still not sure what your answer was, but that rocks, bro.

Again, I realize you don't like my little thread. But this is now several pages of pretty much nothing. Do you guys have anything to add, or are we just stuck on "pity party" and Hillary?

I've asked you time and time again to give specific examples of what you think the president has done that has you so triggered. If you weren't in pity party mode, you might have answered.
I'm not triggered, you guys just can't let this go. You've tossed out personal insults and name-calling (so far "fascist bitch" is my personal favorite) and you've been whining and complaining for page after page.

Here, I'll provide 10 examples of Trump statements that were embarrassing, childish, absurd, ignorant and beneath the dignity of presidential politics and the Presidency, and I already know they won't be good enough for you, because that's how the game is played on both sides. But just for my own amusement:

1. He talked about the size of his DICK during a nationally-televised presidential debate
2. "He's not a war hero because he was captured"
3. "Blood coming out of her whatever"
4. "Well, I really watch the shows", describing his foreign policy advisors
5. "I never attacked him on his looks, and believe me, there's a lot of subject matter there" (about Rand Paul)
6. "I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me"
7. "I know where she went, it's disgusting, it's too disgusting" (Hillary debate bathroom break)
8. "I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters"
9. "If you see somebody ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you?"
10. "I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things"
11. "Kasich is just a guy who is a stubborn guy who eats like a slob"
12. "His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald being, you know, shot"
13. "You mean Pocahontas?"
14. "You can tell them go fuck themselves"
15. "You're a sleaze" (reporter)
16. "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism" (right after jihadist slaughter)
17. "She's the devil" (Hillary)
18. "He is the founder of ISIS, okay?" (Obama)
19. "This so-called judge"
20. "Any negative polls are fake news"
21. "Obama is without question the worst ever President"
22. "My IQ is one of the highest, and you all know it"
23. Non-stop fourth grade name calling aimed at dozens of people
24. The Mika "bleeding" tweet

Well, obviously I could continue, but my fingers are getting tired, and I know I'm wasting my time. Nothing unusual there for you, all very dignified.

At least you can't complain about my not answering your questions.

Okay, before I respond to all of these on an individualistic level, it should be noted that in most of these cases media malfeasance was a precipitating factor. And it's good that DT put some genuine humor and truth telling into it. And let's not act like the gloves weren't off. These detractors talked way more shit than he did. But what's funny is that his statements stick in the lexicon, because he's the ultimate champion in all of this.

1. Little Marco made a joke about the size of Don's hands and thus the size of his genitalia. Trump responded with the bravado of a champion.
2. Frank Luntz was doing what the media does and trying to give McCain a pass on his political agenda based upon a military career. It was totally inappropriate, and Trump put some perspective on it. Like many vets have said, "the real heros are the ones that never made it back." Trump threw an unpolitically correct bomb; but what he said was fine and it only served to expose the media when they reacted with their faux indignation. This is the same media that demonized these vets returning from Vietnam mind you. And, this offended his phony detractors and not the vets who overwhelmingly voted for him. But you know, liberals want to be perpetually offended.
3. Meghyn Kelly was doing her gotcha journalism and being a real bitch. Trump's comment was perfectly ambiguous but otherwise forthright enough to make a point in visually remarkable way. Sure, this one is a bit too frat house for some people's taste; but let's not pretend we haven't entered the 21st century. People see this sh** online every day.
4. I thought that this statement was a imprudent. However, in theory, our media should be telling us the truth. So, if you have a problem with that, then you have a serious problem with the media. Also, I think this comment may be taken out of context. The clip I just review has any follow-up being cut off. In any event, it comes down to values when it comes down to military values; and I'll take Trump's values of let's not pay for the world's fuck-ups over Hillary's let's capitulate and I'll sell uranium to the Russians and leave a vacuum for ISIS judgment. I mean, you have a proven fucking loser and you're worried about a statement? Giving me a fucking break, dude.
5. I'm a fan of Rand; but he was at one percent in the polls and taking snipes at Donald; and he took a tongue n cheek shot. BTW, the elites had taken literally hundreds of shots at Trump before he even announced for president. Also, Trump said he never attacked Rand when Rand was the one who brought the subject up himself.
6. Right now, there's a case Donald did know more than the generals about ISIS. Because they've been rapidly diminishing since he took office. Now, did he really? Probably not. So, it was stupid to say. But Trump is getting fucking results. See, here's a pattern with you. You get offended at words more than actual actions and results. If we would've gotten Obama II aka Hillary, we'd get a president saying they were all but eradicated as she sits on her hands and even has policies and immigration policies that aid them. Fuck that, and I'm glad idiots like you didn't get your way.
7. You really want to talk about where Hillary went? Well, Trump was right to cast Hillary in a bad light if she wasn't going to play by the rules. And she did repeatedly break debate forum rules. She is disgusting, inside and out. Trump couldn't have came up with a better way to present her.
8. Before Trump said that, the narrative had been out there in the media for a couple days. He just took it and ran with it. Obviously, it was a joke and nothing to be offended about. Though, you especially shouldn't be offended given that you were supporting a felon that literally did get people killed. Again, faux outrage and words are more important that actions in your world as it's applied to conservatives. You are a winger, dude. You can try lying about that all day; but it's as plain as the nose on my face.
9. Good. These rioters need to be beaten-down. You had these violent jackasses hired by Hillary coming to every one of his rallies. And then her lap dog media was trying to spin it that Trump and his supporters were the villains.
10. I don't have a problem with what Trump said, nor should you.
11. Kasich does eat like a slob; check the video. He should've learned etiquette. Apparently, nobody taught him.
12. This is a statement of fact. I guess facts bother you.
13. Maybe, your heroes should stop making false claims because they can't rise above the unfair laws that they enact and support. Trump was right to make an example of her. The media, her colleagues, and her constituents weren't going to do it.
14. Just about everyone in the beltway can GFT. I'm not bothered.
15. Yea, the reporter was a sleaze, weaving false narratives. These assholes need to understand their are consequences to their actions.
16. There's like a jihadi death killing almost literally daily, dude. Enough with this bull shit that there needs to be a moratorium on dialogue. If we did that, we'd never get anything done or the truth promoted. As it is, he's the guy calling it like it is, whereas your candidate wanted to call terrorism extremism. And the lapdog media went with it when Obama was in office. Ironically, they're back to calling it terrorism with Trump in office. Oh, that's not ironic, never mind. This is the same media that shamelessly did daily fatality counts when Bush was in office. That stopped when Obama came in. So, yea; Trump's not an idiot. He's seeing all this. He knows exactly their game going in. And we all knew it. And it is time for fuck this, take no pisoners, you're damn right I like my war heroes not to be captured and more specifically not to be John I crashed three 20 million dollar jets because I'm and incompetent boob McCain.
17. I couldn't agree more. Hillary is the devil. Her evil acts are much longer than the list you gave me. She did pay for play as secretary of state and you still support her because "she has temperament to be president." :lmao: Your faux morals are off the charts, dude.
18. Obama didn't as much found ISIS as much as he facilitated them. He even named them after Darrel Issa in an attempt to villainize the guy who could lead to his impeachment. I don't mind if Trump wasn't necessarily literally on the mark, because he is right in essence. Obama was a disgrace to the office.
19. There are a lot of "so-called-judges" who are perverting justice. Or are we supposed to reverence him because of his position? If you believe that, then go ahead and pay Trump some respect. Oh, it only works that way when it's your guy though; got it.
20. Well, Trump was winning in so many places that they pretended he wasn't. The polls are being rigged. The system even paid off or blackmailed Gallup to get out of the game of presidential polling so that their real polls wouldn't starkly contrast with the made-up polls. How shameful is that?
21. Yea, FDR is actually the worst president. Obama is the worst "president," maybe.
22. Trump's savvy if not smart. I'll take that. And I'll take a guy who isn't a snake in the grass like these phony career politicians. The problem is endemic; but instead of being worried about fixing it, you go and support the biggest snake of them all, Hillary. People like you are the enablers of the shittiness.
23. It is what it is. Like I say, I can understand wanting a higher dialogue. However, you just pretend that it goes both ways. You don't think that Obama wasn't being disrespectful when he mocked him on a late night show, saying, "well at least I'll be a president." Boy, did that blow up in his face like the ISIS suicide bombers he's enabled!
24. The tweet was good. It showed how superficial and tacky the media members are / can be.
So, for the most part, you're fine with it, with his behavior.

I already knew that, of course.

Looks like we disagree.

Reality in a nuteshell: You'll take a corrupt piece of shit who puts on a good face over a guy who gets results and "offends" you.
Whatever works for ya.
Mac1958I've always taken you for a serious albeit flawed poster. And frankly, compared to most liberal posters on here, that's been mildly refreshing I guess. But honestly, you're letting emotions just take away all objectivity. This thread seems to be more that you wanted to throw yourself a pity party than anything. It falls well below the standard you've set for yourself.
Again, there have been Trump supporters on this thread who have agreed with me. There are also Trump supporters who admit that the guy is often embarrassing. This thread is not a stretch.

When I've tried to explore the issue at hand, you've been passive aggressive and/or derisive towards me for giving analysis. Making unfounded accusations and then doubling down on them is contemptible. It's somewhat ironic given the nature of your thread. Any time I've stated what I think is in play for Trump's behavior, you've said that's not the point of the thread. I don't know what the point is if we're not allowed to delve into the forces at play. Apparently, if we bash Trump enough that would be well to the point you'd like. That would be fair to your mind. Defense is not an option. You're basically being a fascist bitch.
I'm a fascist now. Okay, we can run with that. I do like the "bitch" part, it's been a while since I was called that.

My point has been made and confirmed. Trump supporters, as many have specifically said, don't care about his behaviors. And Trump supporters, as many have specifically said, love the fact that his behaviors anger liberals. And there are multiple examples on this thread of Trump supporters being fine with "blowing shit up", metaphorically speaking.

Yet you're mad at me for putting all of that into one thread, and you're acting like I'm coming completely out of left field.

Just as I do with the Regressive Left, I'm using a group's own words. Some folks just don't like that mirror, I get that, but it's not my problem.

It's obvious you're a lot more susceptible to the wave of fake news rubbish and 'talking points' from the left than you think you are, with all this 'concern about his behavior' nonsense. You're buying it it all.
Mac1958I've always taken you for a serious albeit flawed poster. And frankly, compared to most liberal posters on here, that's been mildly refreshing I guess. But honestly, you're letting emotions just take away all objectivity. This thread seems to be more that you wanted to throw yourself a pity party than anything. It falls well below the standard you've set for yourself.
Again, there have been Trump supporters on this thread who have agreed with me. There are also Trump supporters who admit that the guy is often embarrassing. This thread is not a stretch.

When I've tried to explore the issue at hand, you've been passive aggressive and/or derisive towards me for giving analysis. Making unfounded accusations and then doubling down on them is contemptible. It's somewhat ironic given the nature of your thread. Any time I've stated what I think is in play for Trump's behavior, you've said that's not the point of the thread. I don't know what the point is if we're not allowed to delve into the forces at play. Apparently, if we bash Trump enough that would be well to the point you'd like. That would be fair to your mind. Defense is not an option. You're basically being a fascist bitch.
I'm a fascist now. Okay, we can run with that. I do like the "bitch" part, it's been a while since I was called that.

My point has been made and confirmed. Trump supporters, as many have specifically said, don't care about his behaviors. And Trump supporters, as many have specifically said, love the fact that his behaviors anger liberals. And there are multiple examples on this thread of Trump supporters being fine with "blowing shit up", metaphorically speaking.

Yet you're mad at me for putting all of that into one thread, and you're acting like I'm coming completely out of left field.

Just as I do with the Regressive Left, I'm using a group's own words. Some folks just don't like that mirror, I get that, but it's not my problem.

It's obvious you're a lot more susceptible to the wave of fake news rubbish and 'talking points' from the left than you think you are, with all this 'concern about his behavior' nonsense. You're buying it it all.
My opinions are based on words he has said, and tweets he has produced.

No one forced him, although I have been told here that Hillary is responsible, which I find delightfully goofy.

Deflecting to the media doesn't work.
Pay money, any money, to a terrorist regime to recover illegally held individuals is a ransom , no matterhow you try to slice it.

So did you feel that way when Ronnie Ray-gun paid the Iranians to get hostages out of Beruit?

Obama's comment was viewed as a declaration that the Trayvon shooting was strictly a racial crime. He said this before he knew that Martin was the attacker.

It was a racial crime. Zimmerman is a racist POS. Also a wife-beater and child molester, but digress.

An unknown man appearing to be trying to force his way into a house is all the justification they needed. Again, Obama gave it a racial component.

Except he wasn't unknown when he was arrested. They had established it was his house, and the cop arrested him because he didn't like being talked back to.

Silly Darkie. Rights are for White People! How dare Obama get all uppity and think a distinguished professor should be safe in his own home?

Typical Left-wing elitist charge. Dissing the working class as you have been is one of the reasons you have lost over a 1000 seats, including the 2016 Presidential Election, in the last 8 years.

Naw, dude, that was Russian cheating... But you know what, Demographics is not your friend. There aren't enough angry old white people to sustain your stupidity forever.

You're done after 2018. Deal with it.

So you have a plan to stop the Russians hacking 2018 ?



Yeah. Come up to date on cyber-security, train users on proper individual security measures and password strength. It was a poor password and an individual's password security is the cause of the DNC "hack".
Wow, so Trump isn't responsible for his own words.


And when I'm traumatized by the words of a man who speaks at a fourth grade level, I'll let you know.

So Trump isn't responsible for his own words. Now I know why you guys are so upset at my thread.

You asked me if Hillary was in any way to blame. I gave you an answer and you comeback with nothing on that; like you gave up on your own train of argument when you saw that your trap didn't work. And then you just went with old reliable, that we are claiming Trump is not responsible for his actions. Your pity party is a raging, bro.
Okay, bro, I'm still not sure what your answer was, but that rocks, bro.

Again, I realize you don't like my little thread. But this is now several pages of pretty much nothing. Do you guys have anything to add, or are we just stuck on "pity party" and Hillary?

I've asked you time and time again to give specific examples of what you think the president has done that has you so triggered. If you weren't in pity party mode, you might have answered.
I'm not triggered, you guys just can't let this go. You've tossed out personal insults and name-calling (so far "fascist bitch" is my personal favorite) and you've been whining and complaining for page after page.

Here, I'll provide 10 examples of Trump statements that were embarrassing, childish, absurd, ignorant and beneath the dignity of presidential politics and the Presidency, and I already know they won't be good enough for you, because that's how the game is played on both sides. But just for my own amusement:

1. He talked about the size of his DICK during a nationally-televised presidential debate
2. "He's not a war hero because he was captured"
3. "Blood coming out of her whatever"
4. "Well, I really watch the shows", describing his foreign policy advisors
5. "I never attacked him on his looks, and believe me, there's a lot of subject matter there" (about Rand Paul)
6. "I know more about ISIS than the generals do, believe me"
7. "I know where she went, it's disgusting, it's too disgusting" (Hillary debate bathroom break)
8. "I could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose voters"
9. "If you see somebody ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you?"
10. "I have a very good brain and I've said a lot of things"
11. "Kasich is just a guy who is a stubborn guy who eats like a slob"
12. "His father was with Lee Harvey Oswald prior to Oswald being, you know, shot"
13. "You mean Pocahontas?"
14. "You can tell them go fuck themselves"
15. "You're a sleaze" (reporter)
16. "Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism" (right after jihadist slaughter)
17. "She's the devil" (Hillary)
18. "He is the founder of ISIS, okay?" (Obama)
19. "This so-called judge"
20. "Any negative polls are fake news"
21. "Obama is without question the worst ever President"
22. "My IQ is one of the highest, and you all know it"
23. Non-stop fourth grade name calling aimed at dozens of people
24. The Mika "bleeding" tweet

Well, obviously I could continue, but my fingers are getting tired, and I know I'm wasting my time. Nothing unusual there for you, all very dignified.

At least you can't complain about my not answering your questions.

Okay, before I respond to all of these on an individualistic level, it should be noted that in most of these cases media malfeasance was a precipitating factor. And it's good that DT put some genuine humor and truth telling into it. And let's not act like the gloves weren't off. These detractors talked way more shit than he did. But what's funny is that his statements stick in the lexicon, because he's the ultimate champion in all of this.

1. Little Marco made a joke about the size of Don's hands and thus the size of his genitalia. Trump responded with the bravado of a champion.
2. Frank Luntz was doing what the media does and trying to give McCain a pass on his political agenda based upon a military career. It was totally inappropriate, and Trump put some perspective on it. Like many vets have said, "the real heros are the ones that never made it back." Trump threw an unpolitically correct bomb; but what he said was fine and it only served to expose the media when they reacted with their faux indignation. This is the same media that demonized these vets returning from Vietnam mind you. And, this offended his phony detractors and not the vets who overwhelmingly voted for him. But you know, liberals want to be perpetually offended.
3. Meghyn Kelly was doing her gotcha journalism and being a real bitch. Trump's comment was perfectly ambiguous but otherwise forthright enough to make a point in visually remarkable way. Sure, this one is a bit too frat house for some people's taste; but let's not pretend we haven't entered the 21st century. People see this sh** online every day.
4. I thought that this statement was a imprudent. However, in theory, our media should be telling us the truth. So, if you have a problem with that, then you have a serious problem with the media. Also, I think this comment may be taken out of context. The clip I just review has any follow-up being cut off. In any event, it comes down to values when it comes down to military values; and I'll take Trump's values of let's not pay for the world's fuck-ups over Hillary's let's capitulate and I'll sell uranium to the Russians and leave a vacuum for ISIS judgment. I mean, you have a proven fucking loser and you're worried about a statement? Giving me a fucking break, dude.
5. I'm a fan of Rand; but he was at one percent in the polls and taking snipes at Donald; and he took a tongue n cheek shot. BTW, the elites had taken literally hundreds of shots at Trump before he even announced for president. Also, Trump said he never attacked Rand when Rand was the one who brought the subject up himself.
6. Right now, there's a case Donald did know more than the generals about ISIS. Because they've been rapidly diminishing since he took office. Now, did he really? Probably not. So, it was stupid to say. But Trump is getting fucking results. See, here's a pattern with you. You get offended at words more than actual actions and results. If we would've gotten Obama II aka Hillary, we'd get a president saying they were all but eradicated as she sits on her hands and even has policies and immigration policies that aid them. Fuck that, and I'm glad idiots like you didn't get your way.
7. You really want to talk about where Hillary went? Well, Trump was right to cast Hillary in a bad light if she wasn't going to play by the rules. And she did repeatedly break debate forum rules. She is disgusting, inside and out. Trump couldn't have came up with a better way to present her.
8. Before Trump said that, the narrative had been out there in the media for a couple days. He just took it and ran with it. Obviously, it was a joke and nothing to be offended about. Though, you especially shouldn't be offended given that you were supporting a felon that literally did get people killed. Again, faux outrage and words are more important that actions in your world as it's applied to conservatives. You are a winger, dude. You can try lying about that all day; but it's as plain as the nose on my face.
9. Good. These rioters need to be beaten-down. You had these violent jackasses hired by Hillary coming to every one of his rallies. And then her lap dog media was trying to spin it that Trump and his supporters were the villains.
10. I don't have a problem with what Trump said, nor should you.
11. Kasich does eat like a slob; check the video. He should've learned etiquette. Apparently, nobody taught him.
12. This is a statement of fact. I guess facts bother you.
13. Maybe, your heroes should stop making false claims because they can't rise above the unfair laws that they enact and support. Trump was right to make an example of her. The media, her colleagues, and her constituents weren't going to do it.
14. Just about everyone in the beltway can GFT. I'm not bothered.
15. Yea, the reporter was a sleaze, weaving false narratives. These assholes need to understand their are consequences to their actions.
16. There's like a jihadi death killing almost literally daily, dude. Enough with this bull shit that there needs to be a moratorium on dialogue. If we did that, we'd never get anything done or the truth promoted. As it is, he's the guy calling it like it is, whereas your candidate wanted to call terrorism extremism. And the lapdog media went with it when Obama was in office. Ironically, they're back to calling it terrorism with Trump in office. Oh, that's not ironic, never mind. This is the same media that shamelessly did daily fatality counts when Bush was in office. That stopped when Obama came in. So, yea; Trump's not an idiot. He's seeing all this. He knows exactly their game going in. And we all knew it. And it is time for fuck this, take no pisoners, you're damn right I like my war heroes not to be captured and more specifically not to be John I crashed three 20 million dollar jets because I'm and incompetent boob McCain.
17. I couldn't agree more. Hillary is the devil. Her evil acts are much longer than the list you gave me. She did pay for play as secretary of state and you still support her because "she has temperament to be president." :lmao: Your faux morals are off the charts, dude.
18. Obama didn't as much found ISIS as much as he facilitated them. He even named them after Darrel Issa in an attempt to villainize the guy who could lead to his impeachment. I don't mind if Trump wasn't necessarily literally on the mark, because he is right in essence. Obama was a disgrace to the office.
19. There are a lot of "so-called-judges" who are perverting justice. Or are we supposed to reverence him because of his position? If you believe that, then go ahead and pay Trump some respect. Oh, it only works that way when it's your guy though; got it.
20. Well, Trump was winning in so many places that they pretended he wasn't. The polls are being rigged. The system even paid off or blackmailed Gallup to get out of the game of presidential polling so that their real polls wouldn't starkly contrast with the made-up polls. How shameful is that?
21. Yea, FDR is actually the worst president. Obama is the worst "president," maybe.
22. Trump's savvy if not smart. I'll take that. And I'll take a guy who isn't a snake in the grass like these phony career politicians. The problem is endemic; but instead of being worried about fixing it, you go and support the biggest snake of them all, Hillary. People like you are the enablers of the shittiness.
23. It is what it is. Like I say, I can understand wanting a higher dialogue. However, you just pretend that it goes both ways. You don't think that Obama wasn't being disrespectful when he mocked him on a late night show, saying, "well at least I'll be a president." Boy, did that blow up in his face like the ISIS suicide bombers he's enabled!
24. The tweet was good. It showed how superficial and tacky the media members are / can be.
So, to your mind, regarding the root of the problem(s) allegedly dictating "behaviors" is deflecting. Whatever, dude. I can't even wrap my head around that.

I guess I took it as hyperbole when you painted all Trump supporters with a broad brush of not caring and wanting to blow it all up. But you apparently think that it is some sort of absolute fact that I have to defend or otherwise explain and that if I don't adhere to your irrational value judgment, then I'm somehow derailing your thread.
The root of WHAT problem? Trump acting like a spoiled 12 year old who is starved for attention, and his supporters pretending not to see it?

Is Trump responsible for his words, or is he not?
not that we don't see it, we don't care.

it's still not hillary and still not illegal. just immature.
Well, that goes back to my OP.
except you now make the assumption that i *want* him to piss off the other side.

no, i'd rather they work together but the progressives went all WAH and refuse to even try. and before you do the "well look what they did to obama" remember you're the one asking others to stop deflecting.
The "I like it that he pisses off liberals" meme is pretty much all over this board. Everywhere.

Well, he hasn't pissed off any liberals, and in fact some have denounced the left wing vermin running the Democratic press machine and their insipid lying and bullying. That's more people who will either vote for Trump's re-election or stay home, as they aren't going to vote for the sociopath vermin Democrats run any more.
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.

You're definitely on to something. If you've spent any time (like I have) listening to conservative talk radio over the last 20+ years, you would have noticed an increasingly emotionally volatile set of arguments on pretty much any topic. Logic didn't matter. Reason didn't matter. It was pure unadulterated passion very often bordering on what was, in essence, unapologetic demagoguery. On the public stage, that emotionalism it culminated with Joe Wilson yelling, "You lie!" at President Obama's address to a joint session of Congress in Sept 2009. And what happened? The conservative rank and file loved it. Conservatives even turned on their own leaders when talk radio started to question the value of their leadership. Hell, Majority leader Eric Cantor actually was primaried by an unknown. Now, if Trump thinks the same thing can't happen to him, he's not as tuned in as he thinks he is. For example, Republicans' abysmal health care bill would decimate the very people who put Trump in office. That would be one hell of a wake up call for them especially with Trump shilling for the bill by praising it. Maybe that's why Trump is trying to keep his base ginned up all the time. But that kind of Trump card (pun intended) will grow old sooner or later, and Trump will not be able to get away with his incessant lying by claiming that X is wonderful (whatever X may happen to be) when all the evidence in everyone's personal experience leads them to believe the exact opposite. I liken it to a used car salesman or a bad doctor who both keep insisting that you got a good deal or that you're getting better even as you can tell that the opposite is true. Sooner or later, most people won't allow themselves to be assuaged by what seems to be empty self-serving rhetoric. As far as I'm concerned, the sooner the better.
The problem with your analogy is those radio stations bring opposition views in mostly. So now your story isn't correct. Nice try
Mac1958I've always taken you for a serious albeit flawed poster. And frankly, compared to most liberal posters on here, that's been mildly refreshing I guess. But honestly, you're letting emotions just take away all objectivity. This thread seems to be more that you wanted to throw yourself a pity party than anything. It falls well below the standard you've set for yourself.
Again, there have been Trump supporters on this thread who have agreed with me. There are also Trump supporters who admit that the guy is often embarrassing. This thread is not a stretch.

When I've tried to explore the issue at hand, you've been passive aggressive and/or derisive towards me for giving analysis. Making unfounded accusations and then doubling down on them is contemptible. It's somewhat ironic given the nature of your thread. Any time I've stated what I think is in play for Trump's behavior, you've said that's not the point of the thread. I don't know what the point is if we're not allowed to delve into the forces at play. Apparently, if we bash Trump enough that would be well to the point you'd like. That would be fair to your mind. Defense is not an option. You're basically being a fascist bitch.
I'm a fascist now. Okay, we can run with that. I do like the "bitch" part, it's been a while since I was called that.

My point has been made and confirmed. Trump supporters, as many have specifically said, don't care about his behaviors. And Trump supporters, as many have specifically said, love the fact that his behaviors anger liberals. And there are multiple examples on this thread of Trump supporters being fine with "blowing shit up", metaphorically speaking.

Yet you're mad at me for putting all of that into one thread, and you're acting like I'm coming completely out of left field.

Just as I do with the Regressive Left, I'm using a group's own words. Some folks just don't like that mirror, I get that, but it's not my problem.

It's obvious you're a lot more susceptible to the wave of fake news rubbish and 'talking points' from the left than you think you are, with all this 'concern about his behavior' nonsense. You're buying it it all.
My opinions are based on words he has said, and tweets he has produced.

No one forced him, although I have been told here that Hillary is responsible, which I find delightfully goofy.

Deflecting to the media doesn't work.

Dude, you post like a 4th grader (speaking of talking like 4th grader). I was okay with you not delving into the Hillary angle too much. But once you ridicule it without even battling the many salient points presented to you, that just makes you the one that looks "goofy" and frankly out of your league.

Still too deeply entrenched in your #PityParty
After a LOT of observation and asking a LOT of questions, I've settled on one specific theory as to why Trump's fans have watched and cheered as he has done what he has done to the office of President of the United States: This is one, final, loud, angry primal scream, an historic vent, based on years of pent-up and growing frustration, a guy screaming FUCK YOU to his enemies as he blows up a building with he and his enemies in it.

They've said it themselves: They really DO NOT CARE what he does while in office, because a higher priority for them is pissing off their enemies. How many times have you seen that said on this forum? They've said it over and over. They're gonna hurt their enemies, even if it means real destruction to everything else. Kind of an over-the-top, hopeless, radical chemotherapy treatment for a terminal cancer patient.

Trump's is the first "Fuck it, blow it up, I don't give a shit" presidency. They've been made angrier and angrier by people who have a vested professional interest in fanning the flames, and I also think they realize they let it all get away from them, and now it's just too late. So, fuck it. Blow it up. Then let it burn.

So Trump is their last, loud gasp, their final FUCK YOU, and they're gonna cheer as the building goes up in flames.
Yeah, but they're also screwing THEMSELVES in the process...BIG TIME!

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