McCain finally bailed on Trump!

I'd expect for Ryan and McConnell to be next in the bailing out on the Trumpster.......
All RINOS who put politics above principle.

The left, because they worship McCain's willingness to compromise HIS principles, think real Conservatives will respect what he says and does.

Most real conservatives despise McCain.

You must be one very blind person to not see the damage that Comrade Trump is inflicting on the Republican Party. You are NOT a Republican. You are a Trumpette. When he is gone after November, are you going back and support those "RINO" Republican again or are you going to follow him to Trumpland?
RINO, who cares? Good riddance. Better off without him. Trump's going to win anyway, Hillary is awful, why isn't anyone paying attention to Hillary? Why? Why? Waaaaaaaaaa.

Hilarious how anyone who doesn't support the facscist POS Trump is a "RINO."

Conservatard logic.
There's no actual logic to it, it's tribal thinking, the same shit that has the middle east aflame with stupid sectarian war.
McCain finally bailed on Trump!
Just heard on CNN, no link yet.

Good for you McCain!

I think that he and the others are only bailing out because they see the writing on the wall....Trump is going to lose and they're looking for a chance to get someone else on the ticket that may have a better chance against Hillary.

Trump says he will never drop out....they are stuck with him, they deserve to go down with him.
McCain finally bailed on Trump!
Just heard on CNN, no link yet.

Good for you McCain!

I think that he and the others are only bailing out because they see the writing on the wall....Trump is going to lose and they're looking for a chance to get someone else on the ticket that may have a better chance against Hillary.

Trump says he will never drop out....they are stuck with him, they deserve to go down with him.
Much too late for any kind of switch.
RINO, who cares? Good riddance. Better off without him. Trump's going to win anyway, Hillary is awful, why isn't anyone paying attention to Hillary? Why? Why? Waaaaaaaaaa.

You are seriously delusional. This last little gaffe just put the last nail on Donald's coffin.

Another little audio came out where Trump allows Stern to call Trump's daughter Ivanka a "piece of ass"....Trump has no morals, should never be President, regardless of what you and other supporters think.

You should be ashamed to even consider voting for him.

Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk -
I'd expect for Ryan and McConnell to be next in the bailing out on the Trumpster.......

Ryan doesn't know what to do....he uninvited Trump to some event in Wisconsin, but that's the best he can do? He hasn't shown much of a spine, so why would he now?
McCain's out:

Steven Shepard on Twitter

Inbox, from Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.): "Cindy and I will not vote for Donald Trump. ... and we will not vote for Hillary Clinton."

ok-----that works-----who said JOHN talks for his wife?

I expect he and his wife agreed on their position. Too bad Comrade Trump was intent on cheating on his THIRD wife a few days after the ceremony. WHAT A SLUG!

Just when the slug did the sluggy thing in reference to his
remarriage-----seems to have not been established----in fact,
ASSUMING that he actually did that which the alpha ape
slug boasted
McCain finally bailed on Trump!
Just heard on CNN, no link yet.

Good for you McCain!
you are getting to be about as pathetic as dean is matthew....but its fun watching you try to out do your mentor....

You're pathetic for supporting a man that cheats, screws everything in sight and has no honor. Keep on attacking me as it shows that you're NO conservative.

You're pathetic for supporting a man that cheats, screws everything in sight and has no honor.

We're back to talking about BIll again?

Yeah, that makes conservatives look like the hypocrites they are - "bigly".....Bill isn't even running for President, but Trump is and many Trumpkins are willing to give him a pass even on his braggadocios sexual attack talk.
RINO, who cares? Good riddance. Better off without him. Trump's going to win anyway, Hillary is awful, why isn't anyone paying attention to Hillary? Why? Why? Waaaaaaaaaa.

You are seriously delusional. This last little gaffe just put the last nail on Donald's coffin.

Another little audio came out where Trump allows Stern to call Trump's daughter Ivanka a "piece of ass"....Trump has no morals, should never be President, regardless of what you and other supporters think.

You should be ashamed to even consider voting for him.

Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk -
If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, this board seriously needs a sarcasm tag, you just cannot be sarcastic enough about Trump supporters to make it obvious.
RINO, who cares? Good riddance. Better off without him. Trump's going to win anyway, Hillary is awful, why isn't anyone paying attention to Hillary? Why? Why? Waaaaaaaaaa.

You are seriously delusional. This last little gaffe just put the last nail on Donald's coffin.

Another little audio came out where Trump allows Stern to call Trump's daughter Ivanka a "piece of ass"....Trump has no morals, should never be President, regardless of what you and other supporters think.

You should be ashamed to even consider voting for him.

Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk -
If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, this board seriously needs a sarcasm tag, you just cannot be sarcastic enough about Trump supporters to make it obvious.

You need to look up the word "sarcasm".....I don't try to disguise sarcasm when I use it and neither do I disguise the truth.
If the GOP ripped the nomination away from Donald, his rabid supporters would begin a revolution within the GOP like nothing anyone has ever seen. The party may never come back together.
McCain finally bailed on Trump!
Just heard on CNN, no link yet.

Good for you McCain!
you are getting to be about as pathetic as dean is matthew....but its fun watching you try to out do your mentor....

You're pathetic for supporting a man that cheats, screws everything in sight and has no honor. Keep on attacking me as it shows that you're NO conservative.

You're pathetic for supporting a man that cheats, screws everything in sight and has no honor.

We're back to talking about BIll again?

Yeah, that makes conservatives look like the hypocrites they are - "bigly".....Bill isn't even running for President, but Trump is and many Trumpkins are willing to give him a pass even on his braggadocios sexual attack talk.

Republicans hypocrites?

Bill did the same, and worse, and you rolled the red carpet out for him.

Hillary called Bills accusers 'bimbos', and you're rolling out the red carpet for her.

Republicans aren't the only hypocrites on this board.

Trump said he could shoot a man in public, and people would still vote for him?

Hillary could feed the mayor of whatever town she is in through a woodchipper, on the statehouse lawn, and not lose a single democrats vote.
McCain finally bailed on Trump!
Just heard on CNN, no link yet.

Good for you McCain!

Republicans protect themselves.
Democrats protect their party.

Yeah right....that's why so many of you Trump supporters are still willing to vote for this low-life.

See, I told you. There is a long list of GOPers bailing on the clown, and the flock of democratic sheep say there are still too many supporters for Trump...its classic.
McCain finally bailed on Trump!
Just heard on CNN, no link yet.

Good for you McCain!

Republicans protect themselves.
Democrats protect their party.

...........and it is party, before country.

Oh hells bells man, it party before anything!

Q-What do you get when you cross a robot with a sheep?

A- A democrat

Kellyannne Conway in no way, shape or form is a Democrat.
I don't give a shit what illegal loving McCain does, or Romney they both lost to Obama of all people Christ almighty.

So did Trump. He's more popular than Trump and he made Trump his bitch on at least two occasions.

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