McCain finally bailed on Trump!

McCain finally bailed on Trump!
Just heard on CNN, no link yet.

Good for you McCain!

Republicans protect themselves.
Democrats protect their party.

Yeah right....that's why so many of you Trump supporters are still willing to vote for this low-life.

See, I told you. There is a long list of GOPers bailing on the clown, and the flock of democratic sheep say there are still too many supporters for Trump...its classic.

Considering all the crap that has come out on Trump....yeah....there are "too many" Trump supporters. Just shows that we have a lot of ignorant people in this country that know little about government, politics and now decency.

Actually, the only reason they are now bailing out on Trump is not because the light finally went on in their empty heads...but because they finally realize that there is no way that Trump can now win and they're hoping for someone else to take his place.

This is the clown the Republican party chose....they are stuck with him and will go down with him. Happy days ahead.
I'd expect for Ryan and McConnell to be next in the bailing out on the Trumpster.......
All RINOS who put politics above principle.

The left, because they worship McCain's willingness to compromise HIS principles, think real Conservatives will respect what he says and does.

Most real conservatives despise McCain.

You must be one very blind person to not see the damage that Comrade Trump is inflicting on the Republican Party. You are NOT a Republican. You are a Trumpette. When he is gone after November, are you going back and support those "RINO" Republican again or are you going to follow him to Trumpland?
------------------------------------------------- feck the rino repubs JimH !!
McCain finally bailed on Trump!
Just heard on CNN, no link yet.

Good for you McCain!
you are getting to be about as pathetic as dean is matthew....but its fun watching you try to out do your mentor....

You're pathetic for supporting a man that cheats, screws everything in sight and has no honor. Keep on attacking me as it shows that you're NO conservative.

You're pathetic for supporting a man that cheats, screws everything in sight and has no honor.

We're back to talking about BIll again?

Yeah, that makes conservatives look like the hypocrites they are - "bigly".....Bill isn't even running for President, but Trump is and many Trumpkins are willing to give him a pass even on his braggadocios sexual attack talk.

Republicans hypocrites?

Bill did the same, and worse, and you rolled the red carpet out for him.

Hillary called Bills accusers 'bimbos', and you're rolling out the red carpet for her.

Republicans aren't the only hypocrites on this board.

Trump said he could shoot a man in public, and people would still vote for him?

Hillary could feed the mayor of whatever town she is in through a woodchipper, on the statehouse lawn, and not lose a single democrats vote.

Trump's words and apparent actions went beyond just sleaziness and sexism. He was speaking of criminal actions against women. There will be more stories like this coming out. Trump should be locked in a cell with Bill Cosby for a couple months.
I'd expect for Ryan and McConnell to be next in the bailing out on the Trumpster.......
All RINOS who put politics above principle.

The left, because they worship McCain's willingness to compromise HIS principles, think real Conservatives will respect what he says and does.

Most real conservatives despise McCain.

You must be one very blind person to not see the damage that Comrade Trump is inflicting on the Republican Party. You are NOT a Republican. You are a Trumpette. When he is gone after November, are you going back and support those "RINO" Republican again or are you going to follow him to Trumpland?
------------------------------------------------- feck the rino repubs JimH !!

Trump would be disappointed that your did not spell the word out.
you are getting to be about as pathetic as dean is matthew....but its fun watching you try to out do your mentor....

You're pathetic for supporting a man that cheats, screws everything in sight and has no honor. Keep on attacking me as it shows that you're NO conservative.

You're pathetic for supporting a man that cheats, screws everything in sight and has no honor.

We're back to talking about BIll again?

Yeah, that makes conservatives look like the hypocrites they are - "bigly".....Bill isn't even running for President, but Trump is and many Trumpkins are willing to give him a pass even on his braggadocios sexual attack talk.

Republicans hypocrites?

Bill did the same, and worse, and you rolled the red carpet out for him.

Hillary called Bills accusers 'bimbos', and you're rolling out the red carpet for her.

Republicans aren't the only hypocrites on this board.

Trump said he could shoot a man in public, and people would still vote for him?

Hillary could feed the mayor of whatever town she is in through a woodchipper, on the statehouse lawn, and not lose a single democrats vote.

Trump's words and apparent actions went beyond just sleaziness and sexism. He was speaking of criminal actions against women. There will be more stories like this coming out. Trump should be locked in a cell with Bill Cosby for a couple months.


Went thru this in the 90s, democrats were all :lalala:
I'd expect for Ryan and McConnell to be next in the bailing out on the Trumpster.......
All RINOS who put politics above principle.

The left, because they worship McCain's willingness to compromise HIS principles, think real Conservatives will respect what he says and does.

Most real conservatives despise McCain.

You must be one very blind person to not see the damage that Comrade Trump is inflicting on the Republican Party. You are NOT a Republican. You are a Trumpette. When he is gone after November, are you going back and support those "RINO" Republican again or are you going to follow him to Trumpland?
------------------------------------------------- feck the rino repubs JimH !!

I think the entire Republican party is
McCain finally bailed on Trump!
Just heard on CNN, no link yet.

Good for you McCain!

Republicans protect themselves.
Democrats protect their party.

Yeah right....that's why so many of you Trump supporters are still willing to vote for this low-life.

See, I told you. There is a long list of GOPers bailing on the clown, and the flock of democratic sheep say there are still too many supporters for Trump...its classic.

Considering all the crap that has come out on Trump....yeah....there are "too many" Trump supporters. Just shows that we have a lot of ignorant people in this country that know little about government, politics and now decency.

Actually, the only reason they are now bailing out on Trump is not because the light finally went on in their empty heads...but because they finally realize that there is no way that Trump can now win and they're hoping for someone else to take his place.

This is the clown the Republican party chose....they are stuck with him and will go down with him. Happy days ahead.

You're right, Republican Party has a lot of clowns, and the Democratic Party are nothing but mindless sheep who never question a thing the party says, what there canidates do. They just follow orders, vote for the canidate the party bigs pick, and attack the republicans.
McCain finally bailed on Trump!
Just heard on CNN, no link yet.

Good for you McCain!

Republicans protect themselves.
Democrats protect their party.

Yeah right....that's why so many of you Trump supporters are still willing to vote for this low-life.

See, I told you. There is a long list of GOPers bailing on the clown, and the flock of democratic sheep say there are still too many supporters for Trump...its classic.

Considering all the crap that has come out on Trump....yeah....there are "too many" Trump supporters. Just shows that we have a lot of ignorant people in this country that know little about government, politics and now decency.

Actually, the only reason they are now bailing out on Trump is not because the light finally went on in their empty heads...but because they finally realize that there is no way that Trump can now win and they're hoping for someone else to take his place.

This is the clown the Republican party chose....they are stuck with him and will go down with him. Happy days ahead.

You're right, Republican Party has a lot of clowns, and the Democratic Party are nothing but mindless sheep who never question a thing the party says, what there canidates do. They just follow orders, vote for the canidate the party bigs pick, and attack the republicans.

If that is what you think, I'm sure no one is going to change your mind....but in case you didn't know....the candidate is picked by the voters, and Hillary didn't just walk away with it....Bernie gave her a run for her money. And, you also are in denial about Dems attacking works both ways. Not willing to admit that makes you a bi-partisan hack.
Republicans protect themselves.
Democrats protect their party.

Yeah right....that's why so many of you Trump supporters are still willing to vote for this low-life.

See, I told you. There is a long list of GOPers bailing on the clown, and the flock of democratic sheep say there are still too many supporters for Trump...its classic.

Considering all the crap that has come out on Trump....yeah....there are "too many" Trump supporters. Just shows that we have a lot of ignorant people in this country that know little about government, politics and now decency.

Actually, the only reason they are now bailing out on Trump is not because the light finally went on in their empty heads...but because they finally realize that there is no way that Trump can now win and they're hoping for someone else to take his place.

This is the clown the Republican party chose....they are stuck with him and will go down with him. Happy days ahead.

You're right, Republican Party has a lot of clowns, and the Democratic Party are nothing but mindless sheep who never question a thing the party says, what there canidates do. They just follow orders, vote for the canidate the party bigs pick, and attack the republicans.

If that is what you think, I'm sure no one is going to change your mind....but in case you didn't know....the candidate is picked by the voters, and Hillary didn't just walk away with it....Bernie gave her a run for her money. And, you also are in denial about Dems attacking works both ways. Not willing to admit that makes you a bi-partisan hack.

the candidate is picked by the voters, and Hillary didn't just walk away with it....

it was handed to her (by Debbie Wasserman Shitz)

Just like every thing else in her life
Yeah right....that's why so many of you Trump supporters are still willing to vote for this low-life.

See, I told you. There is a long list of GOPers bailing on the clown, and the flock of democratic sheep say there are still too many supporters for Trump...its classic.

Considering all the crap that has come out on Trump....yeah....there are "too many" Trump supporters. Just shows that we have a lot of ignorant people in this country that know little about government, politics and now decency.

Actually, the only reason they are now bailing out on Trump is not because the light finally went on in their empty heads...but because they finally realize that there is no way that Trump can now win and they're hoping for someone else to take his place.

This is the clown the Republican party chose....they are stuck with him and will go down with him. Happy days ahead.

You're right, Republican Party has a lot of clowns, and the Democratic Party are nothing but mindless sheep who never question a thing the party says, what there canidates do. They just follow orders, vote for the canidate the party bigs pick, and attack the republicans.

If that is what you think, I'm sure no one is going to change your mind....but in case you didn't know....the candidate is picked by the voters, and Hillary didn't just walk away with it....Bernie gave her a run for her money. And, you also are in denial about Dems attacking works both ways. Not willing to admit that makes you a bi-partisan hack.

the candidate is picked by the voters, and Hillary didn't just walk away with it....

it was handed to her (by Debbie Wasserman Shitz)
Yeah right....that's why you posted some proof. The things that were said about Bernie in the hacked e-mails never did materialize, so unless you can provide some proof you are just blowing smoke. I suppose that is one way to make yourself feel better, but you know you are lying to yourself.

Just like every thing else in her life
I'm sorry, I think you are confusing her with Trumpf. Hillary didn't have her father hand her $14 million to go out and waste like Trump did....she had to earn her place. Now come out of that fog you are in and into reality, you are blabbering nonsense that I'm sure not even you believe.
See, I told you. There is a long list of GOPers bailing on the clown, and the flock of democratic sheep say there are still too many supporters for Trump...its classic.

Considering all the crap that has come out on Trump....yeah....there are "too many" Trump supporters. Just shows that we have a lot of ignorant people in this country that know little about government, politics and now decency.

Actually, the only reason they are now bailing out on Trump is not because the light finally went on in their empty heads...but because they finally realize that there is no way that Trump can now win and they're hoping for someone else to take his place.

This is the clown the Republican party chose....they are stuck with him and will go down with him. Happy days ahead.

You're right, Republican Party has a lot of clowns, and the Democratic Party are nothing but mindless sheep who never question a thing the party says, what there canidates do. They just follow orders, vote for the canidate the party bigs pick, and attack the republicans.

If that is what you think, I'm sure no one is going to change your mind....but in case you didn't know....the candidate is picked by the voters, and Hillary didn't just walk away with it....Bernie gave her a run for her money. And, you also are in denial about Dems attacking works both ways. Not willing to admit that makes you a bi-partisan hack.

the candidate is picked by the voters, and Hillary didn't just walk away with it....

it was handed to her (by Debbie Wasserman Shitz)
Yeah right....that's why you posted some proof. The things that were said about Bernie in the hacked e-mails never did materialize, so unless you can provide some proof you are just blowing smoke. I suppose that is one way to make yourself feel better, but you know you are lying to yourself.

Just like every thing else in her life
I'm sorry, I think you are confusing her with Trumpf. Hillary didn't have her father hand her $14 million to go out and waste like Trump did....she had to earn her place. Now come out of that fog you are in and into reality, you are blabbering nonsense that I'm sure not even you believe.

are you seriously that naïve?

Why do you think DWS and 2 others were fired from their positions in the DNC?

HIllary worked?


Most of her 'experience' is from 10 years as First Lady of Arkansas, then 8 years as 8 years as First Lady of the US.

Then, in order for her to get a seat in Congress, she carpet bagged from a red state to a dark blue state, where her position as First Lady gave her a landside victory.

The she 'won' Secretary of State by dropping out of the 2008 in favor of Obama.

She must have picked up the right CrackerJacks box.

Don't bullshit me by saying she 'earned' it
Republicans protect themselves.
Democrats protect their party.

Yeah right....that's why so many of you Trump supporters are still willing to vote for this low-life.

See, I told you. There is a long list of GOPers bailing on the clown, and the flock of democratic sheep say there are still too many supporters for Trump...its classic.

Considering all the crap that has come out on Trump....yeah....there are "too many" Trump supporters. Just shows that we have a lot of ignorant people in this country that know little about government, politics and now decency.

Actually, the only reason they are now bailing out on Trump is not because the light finally went on in their empty heads...but because they finally realize that there is no way that Trump can now win and they're hoping for someone else to take his place.

This is the clown the Republican party chose....they are stuck with him and will go down with him. Happy days ahead.

You're right, Republican Party has a lot of clowns, and the Democratic Party are nothing but mindless sheep who never question a thing the party says, what there canidates do. They just follow orders, vote for the canidate the party bigs pick, and attack the republicans.

If that is what you think, I'm sure no one is going to change your mind....but in case you didn't know....the candidate is picked by the voters, and Hillary didn't just walk away with it....Bernie gave her a run for her money. And, you also are in denial about Dems attacking works both ways. Not willing to admit that makes you a bi-partisan hack.

Well at least im bipartisan. Better than being a mindless shill for the democrats.

So the canidate is picked by the voters, really? Why did the slut Debbie wassermann shultz resign as the DNC Chair? Have you ever read a newspaper? Here's a tidbit you clearly missed-

Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida was forced aside by the release of thousands of embarrassing emails among party officials that appeared to show coordinated efforts to help Clinton at the expense of her rivals in the Democratic primaries. That contradicted claims by the party and the Clinton campaign that the process was open and fair for her leading challenger, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
DNC chairwoman will resign in aftermath of committee email controversy

I assume if there are any intelligent Dems on this forum, they wish you'd shut the hell up.
Considering all the crap that has come out on Trump....yeah....there are "too many" Trump supporters. Just shows that we have a lot of ignorant people in this country that know little about government, politics and now decency.

Actually, the only reason they are now bailing out on Trump is not because the light finally went on in their empty heads...but because they finally realize that there is no way that Trump can now win and they're hoping for someone else to take his place.

This is the clown the Republican party chose....they are stuck with him and will go down with him. Happy days ahead.

You're right, Republican Party has a lot of clowns, and the Democratic Party are nothing but mindless sheep who never question a thing the party says, what there canidates do. They just follow orders, vote for the canidate the party bigs pick, and attack the republicans.

If that is what you think, I'm sure no one is going to change your mind....but in case you didn't know....the candidate is picked by the voters, and Hillary didn't just walk away with it....Bernie gave her a run for her money. And, you also are in denial about Dems attacking works both ways. Not willing to admit that makes you a bi-partisan hack.

the candidate is picked by the voters, and Hillary didn't just walk away with it....

it was handed to her (by Debbie Wasserman Shitz)
Yeah right....that's why you posted some proof. The things that were said about Bernie in the hacked e-mails never did materialize, so unless you can provide some proof you are just blowing smoke. I suppose that is one way to make yourself feel better, but you know you are lying to yourself.

Just like every thing else in her life
I'm sorry, I think you are confusing her with Trumpf. Hillary didn't have her father hand her $14 million to go out and waste like Trump did....she had to earn her place. Now come out of that fog you are in and into reality, you are blabbering nonsense that I'm sure not even you believe.

are you seriously that naïve?

Why do you think DWS and 2 others were fired from their positions in the DNC?

HIllary worked?


Most of her 'experience' is from 10 years as First Lady of Arkansas, then 8 years as 8 years as First Lady of the US.

Then, in order for her to get a seat in Congress, she carpet bagged from a red state to a dark blue state, where her position as First Lady gave her a landside victory.

The she 'won' Secretary of State by dropping out of the 2008 in favor of Obama.

She must have picked up the right CrackerJacks box.

Don't bullshit me by saying she 'earned' it

Ah Willhaftawaite, to answer your question- yes, she is absolutely that dumb, probably dumber. She makes Candycorn look like a Mensa member.
you are getting to be about as pathetic as dean is matthew....but its fun watching you try to out do your mentor....

You're pathetic for supporting a man that cheats, screws everything in sight and has no honor. Keep on attacking me as it shows that you're NO conservative.

You're pathetic for supporting a man that cheats, screws everything in sight and has no honor.

We're back to talking about BIll again?

Yeah, that makes conservatives look like the hypocrites they are - "bigly".....Bill isn't even running for President, but Trump is and many Trumpkins are willing to give him a pass even on his braggadocios sexual attack talk.

Republicans hypocrites?

Bill did the same, and worse, and you rolled the red carpet out for him.

Hillary called Bills accusers 'bimbos', and you're rolling out the red carpet for her.

Republicans aren't the only hypocrites on this board.

Trump said he could shoot a man in public, and people would still vote for him?

Hillary could feed the mayor of whatever town she is in through a woodchipper, on the statehouse lawn, and not lose a single democrats vote.

Trump's words and apparent actions went beyond just sleaziness and sexism. He was speaking of criminal actions against women. There will be more stories like this coming out. Trump should be locked in a cell with Bill Cosby for a couple months.

But Bill Clinton should be let back into the White House as the First I mean Husband. Classic.

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