McConnell urged Barr to speak out on trump's false election fraud claim

The Swamp did not want Trump as President. He couldn't be bought and was looking after America's interest first. The Chinese hated him. He had to go.

The Democrats stole the election and the Swamp didn't do jackshit about it.

Trump lost because he blew the response to the virus. If he takes it just a little bit seriously and seems to emanate just a slice of compassion, he wins re-election easily.
He skates for three years on the economy and falling unemployment that his predecessor left him. It was easy to ignore his incompetence, his corruption, the fact that he
was just in over his head, easy to ignore because things were good. All the Russian and Ukraine issues were sideshows. Nothing was ever going to happen to Trump while his Republican
enablers protected him. But it gave the bleating sheep on both sides a distraction. Yes he should have been removed from office for obstruction of justice, but that's assuming a Republican
party that didn't have its balls in a vice....and Trump holding them. :)

Then comes the virus. Starting from January 22nd in Davos to the afternoon of March 13, 2020, Donald Trump did nothing...except golf, tweet, and hold pep rallies shadowing the Democratic
primaries. When he was finally forced to take it seriously, people were already dying by the hundreds, the economy was bleeding jobs, and states were forced to shut down in the face
of a impotent federal coordinated response that failed to move because agencies had been gutted and quite frankly, people closest to Trump...didn't give a damn.

And the rest is history. No conspiracy theory. No great fraud. No theft. In the end, just a man who never should have seen the bottom of the escalator at Trump Tower and will
be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever elected...and we've had some truly bad ones.

Had Trump listened to Dr. Fauci and followed his advice, the virus would never have gotten out of hand the way it did, Trump would’ve shut it down just the way Biden did when Biden followed Fauci’s advice, and Trump would’ve won reelection in a landslide.

Doug Ford is coming up for re-election in Ontario within the next year. A year ago Ford wouldn’t was an unpopular failure of a Premier who wouldn’t have been re-elected dog catcher in the Province. Today, he’s likely to be ready-elected because of the “good job” he did on corona virus.

All he did was follow the Liberal Party’s pandemic playbook and do whatever Trudeau and the feds told him to do.

Trump threw out Obama’s pandemic playbook, shut down the White House plandemic response office, and ignored Dr. Fauci’s advice.

Trump then proceeded to lie to the American people about the dangers of the virus represented and tried to use outbreaks in Blue States to help his re-election campaign.
Trumpers are the most gullible fucks in all of politics. These retards believed Pizzagate, and are still searching for that Kenyan birth certificate, right after they shoot down those space lasers.

The GOP is a total joke, they will believe any lie Trump tells them.

That's why they injected bleach... How dumb can you be?

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning"

That's why they injected bleach.


The link is in the post FuckBoi!! How come you’re here all day posting? Why don’t you have a job??

Shouldn’t a republican be working at this hour of the day?
The link didn't list a single person who "injected bleach", so sit down and STFU you KKKanadian asswipe.

Now that you’ve been caught lying you’re trying to move the goalposts. You said nobody ingested bleach but when given evidence of people did ingest disinfectants you say no names were listed.

Why aren’t you working? Why don’t you have a job. Please don’t work hours in your hair posting?
The Swamp did not want Trump as President. He couldn't be bought and was looking after America's interest first. The Chinese hated him. He had to go.

The Democrats stole the election and the Swamp didn't do jackshit about it.

Trump lost because he blew the response to the virus. If he takes it just a little bit seriously and seems to emanate just a slice of compassion, he wins re-election easily.
He skates for three years on the economy and falling unemployment that his predecessor left him. It was easy to ignore his incompetence, his corruption, the fact that he
was just in over his head, easy to ignore because things were good. All the Russian and Ukraine issues were sideshows. Nothing was ever going to happen to Trump while his Republican
enablers protected him. But it gave the bleating sheep on both sides a distraction. Yes he should have been removed from office for obstruction of justice, but that's assuming a Republican
party that didn't have its balls in a vice....and Trump holding them. :)

Then comes the virus. Starting from January 22nd in Davos to the afternoon of March 13, 2020, Donald Trump did nothing...except golf, tweet, and hold pep rallies shadowing the Democratic
primaries. When he was finally forced to take it seriously, people were already dying by the hundreds, the economy was bleeding jobs, and states were forced to shut down in the face
of a impotent federal coordinated response that failed to move because agencies had been gutted and quite frankly, people closest to Trump...didn't give a damn.

And the rest is history. No conspiracy theory. No great fraud. No theft. In the end, just a man who never should have seen the bottom of the escalator at Trump Tower and will
be remembered by history as the worst President this country ever elected...and we've had some truly bad ones.

Had Trump listened to Dr. Fauci and followed his advice, the virus would never have gotten out of hand the way it did, Trump would’ve shut it down just the way Biden did when Biden followed Fauci’s advice, and Trump would’ve won reelection in a landslide.

Doug Ford is coming up for re-election in Ontario within the next year. A year ago Ford wouldn’t was an unpopular failure of a Premier who wouldn’t have been re-elected dog catcher in the Province. Today, he’s likely to be ready-elected because of the “good job” he did on corona virus.

All he did was follow the Liberal Party’s pandemic playbook and do whatever Trudeau and the feds told him to do.

Trump threw out Obama’s pandemic playbook, shut down the White House plandemic response office, and ignored Dr. Fauci’s advice.

Trump then proceeded to lie to the American people about the dangers of the virus represented and tried to use outbreaks in Blue States to help his re-election campaign.
Had Trump listened to Dr. Fauci and followed his advice, the virus would never have gotten out of hand the way it did,

Link us up to any advice Fraudci gave that Trump ignored. Be specific.

Watch this.................
Trumpers are the most gullible fucks in all of politics. These retards believed Pizzagate, and are still searching for that Kenyan birth certificate, right after they shoot down those space lasers.

The GOP is a total joke, they will believe any lie Trump tells them.

That's why they injected bleach... How dumb can you be?

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning"

That's why they injected bleach.


The link is in the post FuckBoi!! How come you’re here all day posting? Why don’t you have a job??

Shouldn’t a republican be working at this hour of the day?
The link didn't list a single person who "injected bleach", so sit down and STFU you KKKanadian asswipe.

Now that you’ve been caught lying you’re trying to move the goalposts. You said nobody ingested bleach but when given evidence of people did ingest disinfectants you say no names were listed.

Why aren’t you working? Why don’t you have a job. Please don’t work hours in your hair posting?
You really are stupid. He claimed people INJECTED BLEACH.

I asked for a link. His link doesn't list a single person who injected bleach.

Seriously, just STFU.
Trumpers are the most gullible fucks in all of politics. These retards believed Pizzagate, and are still searching for that Kenyan birth certificate, right after they shoot down those space lasers.

The GOP is a total joke, they will believe any lie Trump tells them.

That's why they injected bleach... How dumb can you be?

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning"

That's why they injected bleach.

Trumpers are the most gullible fucks in all of politics. These retards believed Pizzagate, and are still searching for that Kenyan birth certificate, right after they shoot down those space lasers.

The GOP is a total joke, they will believe any lie Trump tells them.

That's why they injected bleach... How dumb can you be?

"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning"

That's why they injected bleach.

That fail of a link was already provided by another lying sack of shit.

Nowhere in there does it say people injected bleach.

Please try again, Dumbass.
'Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive'

"Oh it's a sad day and a day to get drunk, when half the country believes things easily debunked".

Basically saying, you'll believe anything that alt-right media (or in this case looks like someone typing in his Mom's basement) puts out.
Psstt....he lost. :)

I do my own research and I know that the Arizona audit will prove that Trump won.
Arizona simply mirrors all the states that committed fraud.
How? Exactly? Why would it? Huh? All States trump lost, naturally. But only those. So I got that (very stupid) part. So how would it mirror them? And all the counties, too? Or just the ones Biden won?

So is The Don gonna go after Mitch now? Bullies will be Bullies....

Mitch and Barr are both full of shit and they know it. The election in 2020 was a giant, years long plot to ruin the United States and create a One World government. Everyone involved should be lined up and shot and fed to the hogs and gators. I'm not joking.

You're nuts. I'm not joking.

So is The Don gonna go after Mitch now? Bullies will be Bullies....

Mitch and Barr are both full of shit and they know it. The election in 2020 was a giant, years long plot to ruin the United States and create a One World government. Everyone involved should be lined up and shot and fed to the hogs and gators. I'm not joking.

You're nuts. I'm not joking.
I know but I take a pill for it.
In the words of Billy (the Bagman) Barr

"It was all bullshit"

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