Michael Obama would beat Trump?

Dude, the obligation to prove your latest batshit conspiracy is and always has been on you.

Not on anyone else to 'disprove'.

You did this with your Big Lie, basing your conspiracy on nothing. And now you do the same with a mother of two, making up more hapless batshit based on nothing.

You've got nothing.
Pictures please!
America has one chance to stop the bleeding, regain partial control and begin to right the ship. Polls don’t matter, the MSM has never told the truth about anything.

The 2020 vote was invalid yet went unpunished. Of course they will try again. There will be new methods this time, see AZ 2022. Voting may not matter? 2020 may have been the final nail in Americas coffin?

The phony board middlers can pound sand. They are just as responsible for the destruction of America as “creepy candy scum”. They talk and bloviate as they all rush 1000:1 to trash Trump and defend the Corpse. BlackGaterMac&cheesedicBeale (all of them) own the chaos.

There is no one riding in on a white horse to save the Country. President Trump is the only one still standing (albeit barely).

Vote in the last great hope or face ramped up chaos, poverty, crime, corruption, debt, queers, courts, persecutions on and on. Another Obiden is not the answer to save America.
America has one chance to stop the bleeding, regain partial control and begin to right the ship. Polls don’t matter, the MSM has never told the truth about anything.

The 2020 vote was invalid yet went unpunished. Of course they will try again. There will be new methods this time, see AZ 2022. Voting may not matter? 2020 may have been the final nail in Americas coffin?

If they're just going to 'steal the vote again', why bother voting?
Then let's see some pictures of a pregnant Michelle. One for each child. Make it snappy.

So you're admitting that you have no evidence of your latest batshit conspiracy. And yet demand I 'disprove' whatever you've made up.

Its your Big Lie all over again. Another conspiracy based on nothing.
She’s not running so we’ll never know

Only people in the universe that can kill a 28 yr old 220lb 6’ 4” black chef in 6’-8’ of pond water in the middle of the day. Yet, no one asks any questions? Another Seth Rich incident. Gunsshot locaters all failed at the same exact time, like Epstien cameras. Obidens bring total collapse.
Only people in the universe that can kill a 28 yr old 220lb 6’ 4” black chef in 6’-8’ of pond water in the middle of the day. Yet, no one asks any questions?

Why let the complete lack of any indication of foul play get in the way of your imagination?

It never has before.

And dude? Epstein died on Trump's watch. Not Obama or Biden's. You really have no idea what you're talking about, do you?
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I think the election will be close

If they keep Biden, I don't think so. Historically, Trump has overperformed in the midwest, getting more votes than his polls indicate. And he's leading. There's blowout potential here.

The dems are in sore need of a course correction.
Another conspiracy based on nothing. Just like your Big Lie.

The burden of proof for all of your conspiracy batshit has always been on you. And you've got nothing.
A lot of people think she is a transvestite. Plenty of pictures of her package. No add a pregnant picture to them. And do it now.
A lot of people think she is a transvestite. Plenty of pictures of her package. No add a pregnant picture to them.

If you can prove that a mother of two is a man, feel free. The burden of proof is always on you to factually prove your conspiracy.

But much like your Big Lie.....you don't deal in evidence. You deal in emotion. Which is why you could never prove Trump won in 2020. And why you demand your latest conspiracy be 'disproven' when you have never proven it.

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