Mike Huckabee: Another Hater Who Wants To Be POTUS

Why does his stance against gay marriage make him a hater?

Can't a person disagree with gay marriage and not be labeled a hater?

What argument can anyone make against gay marriage that doesn't involve hate in some form?

There is no rational argument against gay marriage, so any argument against it must necessarily be irrational. So if hate is not the irrational sentiment/emotion driving the argument, what is?

Thats not fair.
I disagreew with the argument and believe that gays have the same right to marry as I do.
But I do not see it as hate. The argument is form a religious standpoiint....marriage is a religious rite to many.
I respect their stance...I just dont agree with it.

I said hate in some form. And religion inspires hate all the time past and present.
Mike Huckabee may not be everyone's cup of tea, but he is hardly a hater.

He is a person with deep religious convictions, and seems to be a genuinely decent guy. I am not inclined to vote for him, btw.

Are you implying that deep religious convictions are incompatible with being a hater?

I think it has nothing to do with hate.
Many conservatives AND liberals are very passionate about their stances on things. Do you refer to them as haters?
Oh, and what Huckabee thread is complete without:



Don't encourage him, would be my advice to you giving advice to someone like me.

I'm guessing you don't post a 'childish' post on every fucking one of that skooker guy's pic posts?

How should we interpret that?
Gay rights. What use is an America where only some Americans are free to live in dignity and peace? I'm not going to take my family's well-being at the expense of my neighbor's and you shouldn't be willing to either.


So you want "special rights" for gays.... not equal rights.... Oh OK :eusa_eh:

Where is it "special rights"?
To me, the "hate crime" thing is a special right and zi was against it.
But Gay Marriage? How is that a special right?

It’s a “special right” b/c I as a “man” cant marry another “man” either…. If Bob is able to marry another man…. Then he will have a “special right” that I as a hetero cant do.

Suppose for convenients sake I wanted to marry a buddy so I could help them out financially or I wanted him to be able to have access to all my $$$ and inheritance or whatever else….. I cant do it. Why….? Because I am not a “gay” man….!

How do they prove you are gay? They cant….
Mike Huckabee may not be everyone's cup of tea, but he is hardly a hater.

He is a person with deep religious convictions, and seems to be a genuinely decent guy. I am not inclined to vote for him, btw.

Are you implying that deep religious convictions are incompatible with being a hater?

I think it has nothing to do with hate.
Many conservatives AND liberals are very passionate about their stances on things. Do you refer to them as haters?

I find that a gratuitous, baseless, irrational, unjustifiable desire to deny someone a perfectly legitimate right or privilege to be an expression of hostility, and a desire to do harm.

I'm willing to include that under the banner of 'hate in some form'.
Oh, and what Huckabee thread is complete without:



Don't encourage him, would be my advice to you giving advice to someone like me.

I'm guessing you don't post a 'childish' post on every fucking one of that skooker guy's pic posts?

How should we interpret that?

I never post pics...but if I did....call me childish.
I am sure many of my posts came across as childish to some...and I was told so...
But whatever....I made my comment and I realize you are not one that I should do it to...so I will delete and not do it again.

So you want "special rights" for gays.... not equal rights.... Oh OK :eusa_eh:

Where is it "special rights"?
To me, the "hate crime" thing is a special right and zi was against it.
But Gay Marriage? How is that a special right?

It’s a “special right” b/c I as a “man” cant marry another “man” either…. If Bob is able to marry another man…. Then he will have a “special right” that I as a hetero cant do.

Suppose for convenients sake I wanted to marry a buddy so I could help them out financially or I wanted him to be able to have access to all my $$$ and inheritance or whatever else….. I cant do it. Why….? Because I am not a “gay” man….!

How do they prove you are gay? They cant….

No actually you will have that right, to marry your buddy. There is NO sexuality test on hetero marriage NOW, btw.

Don't encourage him, would be my advice to you giving advice to someone like me.

I'm guessing you don't post a 'childish' post on every fucking one of that skooker guy's pic posts?

How should we interpret that?

I never post pics...but if I did....call me childish.
I am sure many of my posts came across as childish to some...and I was told so...
But whatever....I made my comment and I realize you are not one that I should do it to...so I will delete and not do it again.


Now you're an appeaser

Don't encourage him, would be my advice to you giving advice to someone like me.

I'm guessing you don't post a 'childish' post on every fucking one of that skooker guy's pic posts?

How should we interpret that?

I never post pics...but if I did....call me childish.
I am sure many of my posts came across as childish to some...and I was told so...
But whatever....I made my comment and I realize you are not one that I should do it to...so I will delete and not do it again.

I don't care what you do or don't do. I'm here for the fun of it.

So you want "special rights" for gays.... not equal rights.... Oh OK :eusa_eh:

Where is it "special rights"?
To me, the "hate crime" thing is a special right and zi was against it.
But Gay Marriage? How is that a special right?

It’s a “special right” b/c I as a “man” cant marry another “man” either…. If Bob is able to marry another man…. Then he will have a “special right” that I as a hetero cant do.

Suppose for convenients sake I wanted to marry a buddy so I could help them out financially or I wanted him to be able to have access to all my $$$ and inheritance or whatever else….. I cant do it. Why….? Because I am not a “gay” man….!

How do they prove you are gay? They cant….

You have the right to marry another man. You opt not to.
I have the right to hang glide. I opt not to.
It is not a special right.....and a right does not mean you would ever wnat to exercise it. Some rights you will and other rights you wont.
I disagree with your explanation.
Don't encourage him, would be my advice to you giving advice to someone like me.

I'm guessing you don't post a 'childish' post on every fucking one of that skooker guy's pic posts?

How should we interpret that?

I never post pics...but if I did....call me childish.
I am sure many of my posts came across as childish to some...and I was told so...
But whatever....I made my comment and I realize you are not one that I should do it to...so I will delete and not do it again.

I don't care what you do or don't do. I'm here for the fun of it.

Fair enough....just may have overstepped my boundaries a bit and I recognized it.
Where is it "special rights"?
To me, the "hate crime" thing is a special right and zi was against it.
But Gay Marriage? How is that a special right?

It’s a “special right” b/c I as a “man” cant marry another “man” either…. If Bob is able to marry another man…. Then he will have a “special right” that I as a hetero cant do.

Suppose for convenients sake I wanted to marry a buddy so I could help them out financially or I wanted him to be able to have access to all my $$$ and inheritance or whatever else….. I cant do it. Why….? Because I am not a “gay” man….!

How do they prove you are gay? They cant….

No actually you will have that right, to marry your buddy. There is NO sexuality test on hetero marriage NOW, btw.

Oh really????

Then whats all the fuss....? Why dont they just wear disguises?

Oh yeah.... b/c they do make sure you aer'nt of the same sex.

They dont do a crotch test.... that the TSA's job, but they do check to see that you are who you say you are.
I never post pics...but if I did....call me childish.
I am sure many of my posts came across as childish to some...and I was told so...
But whatever....I made my comment and I realize you are not one that I should do it to...so I will delete and not do it again.

I don't care what you do or don't do. I'm here for the fun of it.

Fair enough....just may have overstepped my boundaries a bit and I recognized it.

I have to say.... you are very nice :cool:

Well if Huckabee is playing to the Iowa crowd this early in the game that should be a good indicator he's going to get in it,

VERY bad news for Palin, AND, if Palin runs anyway, very bad news for the religious right and the far right in general.

Palin and Huckabee splitting that so-called values voters wing of the GOP is a big boost for Romney.
Romney? I like him. Thought it was pretty damn funny watching my leftist friends denouncing his Mormonism.
Madeline. you're an idiot with your stupid bullshit. Huckabee is a great guy who was a very good Governer. Oooh boogie man, he's a Christian who believes that homosexuality is a sin. If and when you see him advocating punishing gays in ANY way get back to me, until then stop trying to take away his first Amendment rights. You don't like him, fine don't fucking vote for him. That doesn't make him a hater. In fact I would say that not getting YOUR vote is a good thing.

Fucking lunatic. Also, I find it tres amusing that you hate as much as you and whine that others hate.
Huckabee will face competition from Palin in the Iowa primary. He's gotta win there to get the nomination, I think.
Why does his stance against gay marriage make him a hater?

Can't a person disagree with gay marriage and not be labeled a hater?


This is America; every American has the same rights -- or should.

Mike Huckabee may not be everyone's cup of tea, but he is hardly a hater.

He is a person with deep religious convictions, and seems to be a genuinely decent guy. I am not inclined to vote for him, btw.

Hater = don't accept a wide open body of "rights" for everyone to do anything.

Hater = someone who wants the government to prevent your neighbor from doing what you do, because you hate your neighbor.

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