Military Officials Say Trump Approved Raid Without Sufficient Prep

Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report

so why didn't these military folks prep him correctly then?
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


Well you might be in luck. Democrats will probably take over the Senate & House in 2018 and then they can do 8 investigations into this.
who's going to vote for them?
Did you have a point to share?
I wonder if we will see a pattern of blaming the previous president when anything goes wrong.
Just think how much a disaster it would have been had Trump not been involved.....
Tell that to the dead SEAL's family.
So, do you that Trump or Obama for being alive?
Did I hear that Obama ordered Trump to ban Muslims from a bunch of countries recently?

I knew it. He's a double secret White/Christian agent man.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


Don’t Believe Claims that Trump ‘Botched’ the Yemen Raid

Of course the media will do everything it can to make President Trump look bad. And LeftistsProgs will believe it without question.

Indeed, a more in-depth New York Times report shows that the operation was actually planned during the Obama administration but held over to Trump because the need for a dark night to minimize enemy visibility: President Barack Obama’s national security aides had reviewed the plans for a risky attack on a small, heavily guarded brick home of a senior Qaeda collaborator in a mountainous village in a remote part of central Yemen. But Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended.

Read more at: Don't Believe Claims that Trump 'Botched' the Yemen Raid, by David French, National Review

Don't Blame Trump for the Failed Raid in Yemen @ Don't Politicize the Failed Yemen Raid

America cannot punish its elected officials for allowing its military, diplomatic corps, and intelligence services to take risks necessary to pursue its interests.

The author of this story was, from 2015 to 2016, was the U.S. deputy assistant secretary of defense for Middle East policy. This clearly makes him more than qualified to discuss the pros and cons of the mission. He also made no bones about his dislike for President Trump.

I know and in many cases was trained by many of the men and women who made the decision to carry out the raid in Yemen. I spent a short period of my life leading U.S. Army Rangers and thus have some experience planning and executing time sensitive special operations in both Iraq and Afghanistan—often for the men and women who still command in our military. (Steve Townsend, who I mentioned earlier and who very likely did not play a role in the Yemen raid, was my very first commander in the Army.) As a result of that experience, though, I know how good the men and women are who work at the tactical and operational levels of our military, our foreign service, and our intelligence services.

Americans have to allow those men and women to be aggressive, to take risks, and to, on occasion, fall short. And we cannot immediately blame the president if and when they do.
Opinions are like assholes...

This is just Fake News being presenting as 'Fact.' These people have no idea what happened.
All this blather is silly, the mission was signed off on and as far as anyone knows the intelligence wasn't updated. The mission was also compromised, reports say that mission commanders intercepted radio communications saying that they knew we were coming. I would like to know who okayed the move into a hot LZ where certain deadly gunfire was waiting? That sure as hell wasn't Obama and it cost a Navy Seal his life and killed unknown amount of civilians and nine dead children.
The dems think that the WH should call the shots over the military like Weiker saying we didn't need tanks in Somalia and ended up with "Blackhawk Down". The WH gives a red or green light, period, the rest is on the military planners. I hate the backseat drivers critiquing the military. The question is should we keep using drones and no intel or risk casualties by putting boots on the ground. IMHO just use drones, there is no intel.
The dems think that the WH should call the shots over the military like Weiker saying we didn't need tanks in Somalia and ended up with "Blackhawk Down". The WH gives a red or green light, period, the rest is on the military planners. I hate the backseat drivers critiquing the military. The question is should we keep using drones and no intel or risk casualties by putting boots on the ground. IMHO just use drones, there is no intel.

Excuse me, But wasn't it Donald Trump who said he knew more than the Generals on ISIS?
Oh wait! Yes it was
Let's see the con gens beat Isis. We're waiting
The plan is due the end of the month.....
But, but pathological liar Tramp said he had a SECRET "foolproof" and "absolute" plan to defeat ISIS "quickly and effectively and having total victory.” Why hold such magical plan back for a whole month????

How do you know he did?
He said it thats how! Remember he knows more than the generals and Obama wasn't killing them fast enough remember? I'm expecting more kills per day and for terrorism to be solved.

Don't tell me the truth was Obama was doing all anyone could!
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report

^ Fake News

Uninformed sources tell me....
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


"He's "being blamed by some military officials?" Which ones. Oh yeah, that's right, they are "anonymous sources."

Fake news.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report

The president's responsibility is to approve a raid, however, it's the military's responsibility to ensure proper planning and readiness. Any failure lands with the actual planners of a raid and a measure of luck.
Over 3000 Americans killed on 9/11, and with a Republican in the White House, the congressional Republicans remained silent concerning any investigation to place responsibility.

4 killed in Benghazi with a Democrat in the White House, and again, with a congressional majority, the House Republicans spent months and millions of dollars investigating where to place blame.

Trump refuses to pay any attention to the intelligence community, or seek advice from military experts, goes ahead and orders a raid that kills one SEAL and one 8-year-old American citizen.

Military officials report the raid was approved without the necessary preparation. Will the House Republicans investigate, hell no. They do NOT investigate fellow Republicans regardless of the level of disaster they cause.
This is another piece of evidence, in a long list, that proves what unconscionable a**holes conservatives truly are.

Military officials say Trump approved raid without sufficient prep: report


"He's "being blamed by some military officials?" Which ones. Oh yeah, that's right, they are "anonymous sources."

Fake news.
LOL, who needs anonymous sources when you got a dead Navy Seal, 9 children and 20 civilians and a $72 million dollar helicopter blown to bits.
It was planned in December. Fake news.
To which Pres.Obama stated that the mission should not be undertaken because the window for moonless nights had passed...

"It wasn't something the President approved and said good to go," said a former Obama administration official. The plan was discussed at several levels, but never fully approved -- because such situations are remarkably fluid based on daily intelligence and conditions on the ground.
Ned Price, former Special Assistant to Obama and the National Security Council responded to Spicer's briefing by arguing his timeline of events was wrong.
"The specific operation in question was never presented to or considered by the Obama Admin for approval," he tweeted

So Pres. Obama passed on the plan after considering it's merits, trump just decided he needed a military photo op over dinner.

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